Pet King

1708 Chapter 1707-changed to the human world

Zhang Zian’s heart was inexplicably full of self-confidence. Maybe it was because he knew that Zhuang Xiaodie was different from other elves. She did not live in his mobile phone, but in his body, or maybe deep in his brain, so he and she were in a symbiotic relationship to some extent, so she would not do anything to him, at least not let him die. At most, she would torture him in various ways …

Otherwise, if he died, she would disappear with him.

The voices of the elves in his previous dream made him feel quite uneasy, but now that he knew it was a dream, he was more or less at ease. After all, Zhuang Xiaodie was the absolute master of the dream. He would dream of whatever she wanted him to dream of.

It was actually quite scary to think about it this way. If she gave him some kind of psychological suggestion day after day in the dream, for example, suggesting that he really liked men, maybe after a period of time …

No, forget it.

He quickly expelled the distracting thoughts from his mind. If she found out about these thoughts, he would rather die than live.

Zhuang Xiaodie sat on a stone bench, which was very close to the cliff. Half of her long dress was dragged outside the cliff, and it was blown by the mountain wind. It looked very dangerous, but at the same time, it was full of immortal aura, making her feel otherworldly, as if she could go back with the wind at any time.

The strong wind did not mess up her exquisite hair bun.

If the ancient hunters and herb gatherers saw her sitting on the top of the mountain in such a graceful manner, they would definitely worship her as if she was a fairy who had descended to the mortal world.

Zhang Zian remembered very clearly that this stone bench was placed in the same position in modern times for tourists to rest, but there was a guardrail in front to prevent tourists from falling. The last time he returned to the ancient hidden Fog Mountain peak, the top of the mountain was empty and deserted.

So, this flaw was too obvious. Even if he didn’t notice the dream at the beginning, he would’ve noticed it immediately when he saw the stone bench.

Had her ability to create dreams dropped? Or was she being too casual?

She stared at him, her colorful eyes like a kaleidoscope. Deep purple, bright yellow, noble green, beautiful red, bright blue, warm orange, refreshing green … It was like a Whirlpool that was about to suck people in.

“The stone chair you’re sitting on doesn’t seem to belong to this era.”

He coughed and looked away, pointing at the stone chair.

She gave another “Oh” and asked without changing her expression,””Why?”


He felt that she was pretending to be stupid and asking the obvious.

The top of the hidden Fog Mountain was no different from the last time he came here. Wild grass grew, stones were scattered, and ancient trees were withered, but this stone chair stood out.

“Because it doesn’t belong to this era. The Misty Mountain of this era should still be a barren mountain … I say, are you looking down on my intelligence?” He said indignantly.

She looked at him for a while more and shook her head slowly.”No, you’re wrong.”

Zhang Zian was stunned. She didn’t seem to be joking. Sometimes she did make some bad jokes, but she wouldn’t usually joke about such a small matter.

What did I do wrong?

He muttered as he moved his feet, wanting to get closer to take a closer look at the bench. However, his ankle tilted as if he had stepped on a stone and almost twisted his foot.

He lowered his head and looked at his feet. He was stunned again, almost unable to believe his eyes.

In the grass was half a stone slab, which was the kind of antique square brick often used in squares or open spaces.

As they walked forward, more broken bricks and tiles appeared in the grass. At a glance, they could tell that they were all man-made.

That’s impossible, right?

Even if there were one or two flaws in the dream created by Zhuang Xiaodie, it would not be full of flaws like this …

He took a few more steps and suddenly found a stone platform shaped like the base of a pillar in the wild grass. The stone platform caved in, and the pillar that should have been standing in it was long gone.

Wait a minute …

He tried to recall the layout of the modern Misty Mountain in his mind.

With the stone chair and the ancient tree as a reference, he should be standing at the main entrance of the teahouse in hidden fog.

He remembered clearly that the tea house in hidden fog was an antiqued version with a wooden pillar at each of the four corners as its structural support.

The concave stone platform under his feet seemed to be the base of one of the wooden pillars.

He lowered his head, and walked in the other three directions for a distance. Sure enough, he found another three stone bases, which were similar to the previous one. They were all somewhat dilapidated, like historical sites.

Not long ago, he had just visited the teahouse in hidden fog that slaughtered customers like pigs. It had only been built for one or two years, but it looked like a new one!

No way …

He raised his head in a daze and subconsciously looked in a certain direction.

There, he subconsciously looked forward to seeing two things. It was either the bustling Binhai city or Binhai town, which was no different from a small fishing village.

However, what he saw shocked him.

That … That’s Binhai city?

That’s right, he could still tell from the outline and layout that it was indeed Binhai city. He was too familiar with Binhai city, but it was a very broken Binhai city. There were wild grass as tall as a person everywhere in the city, and giant trees that covered the sky. Wild animals that vaguely looked like deer or goats ran and jumped on the streets, and then they were suddenly pounced on by carnivorous beasts that suddenly jumped out of hiding, bit their necks, and dragged back to their hiding places …

In the main teaching building of Binhai University, the walls of the lower floors were covered with vines that were growing wildly. Almost all the glass had fallen off, revealing dark windows.

Further away, the ocean waves rose and fell, and there was not a single boat.

Most importantly, the entire Binhai city was dead. There was no sign of human activity.

There were no car horns, no train roars, and no plane landing.

Other than the mournful chirping of insects, there was a dead silence everywhere.

This …

It felt like he had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world and arrived at Binhai city after the nuclear war …

“Where … Where is this place?”

His knees went soft, and he knelt down in the grass, asking in a trembling voice.

“You should be able to recognize where we are, right?” She asked in return.

“But …”

Zhuang Xiaodie stood up and walked on the edge of the cliff as light as a swallow. If it was an ordinary person, this was obviously an extremely dangerous move, and they could be blown off the cliff at any time by a strong wind.

“Actually, you should be asking Yingluo what era it is.”

She opened her cherry lips and said leisurely.

Zhang Zian swallowed hard and asked in a hoarse voice like a parrot,””What era is this?”

She stopped and turned to him with a bright smile.

She stretched out her arms, her long sleeves fluttering, like a colorful butterfly that was about to take off after drying its wings.

“Welcome to Binhai city, a thousand years from now.”

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