Perfect World

Chapter 1504

Chapter 1504 - Past Overlord

The Fearless Lion recognized the ancient beast?

The group of cultivators all looked towards it, revealing startled expressions.

“Number Two Under Heaven, this is the evaluation given to it. It previously fought with the most powerful True Dragon, in the end suffering a defeat!” The Fearless Lion said.

It told everyone that this was a creature from the Nine Heavens Ten Earths. It was exceptionally powerful, only appearing a few times in the world. It previously challenged the True Dragon for the title of the strongest, aiming to seize the ‘true name’.

“What does that mean, seizing the so-called true name?” Someone asked this in confusion.

“Just what kind of creature is it exactly?” It was because many of the foreign experts didn’t even know what kind of creature it was. It actually dared to compete with the True Dragon for the title of strongest.

“It is also a True Dragon, but its evolutionary form is different. There was a dispute with another bloodline’s True Dragon, which resulted in a decisive battle. Unfortunately, it lost.” The Fearless Lion said.

This was a True Dragon? Everyone was stunned. They looked at each other in dismay, and then looked towards that ancient creature again.

Of course, no one dared to look at it for a long time, only giving it a hurried glance. Otherwise, this powerful creature would deliver a powerful retaliation, and there would be danger to their lives.

How could it be a dragon?

True Dragons had different forms?

“Many races can evolve into dragons, for example, pythons, Flood Dragons, and others, to the extent where even carps, if they can complete the final leap, can also evolve into dragons!” The Fearless Lion explained.

Dragons weren’t a single type of species, but instead a type of peak level life state. Many creatures could choose it as its final evolutionary state.

True Dragons were known as the number one race, but at first, what True Dragons really should look like, what biological form should be embodied, all of it had experienced a competition before!

The first True Dragon previously had two branches, the ancient beast before them was an unmatched expert from one of the branches!

It was clear that this branch failed, lost, not obtaining the dragons’ true name.

Everyone was shocked, listening seriously.

Shi Hao was even more stupefied. There was even this type of saying?

Then, he believed it, because in many places, even today, ancient crocodiles were viewed as dragons. It was clear that this was the result of the ancient generation True Dragon’s evolutionary process.

Right now, the Fearless Lion confirmed that this was an extremely ancient creature. Back then, after being defeated, it disappeared.

Meanwhile, this clan also vanished. They never expected that the ancient beast in Heavenly Beast Forest was actually this creature!

“Number Two Under Heaven, this isn’t just a saying. Back then, it competed for the number one clan position, but left in defeat, while the other branch of the True Dragon bloodline became the number one race under heaven!” The Fearless Lion said in summary.

In the end, because it disappeared too long ago, it didn’t even participate in Immortal Ancient’s final battle. One could see just how long ago this all happened.

How did it end up here?

This ‘True Dragon’ was definitely powerful, but why was its head impaled by a scarlet red spear? Could it be that this was caused by that ancient generation True Dragon it fought?

This was something not even the Fearless Lion knew.

“If me or you had our heads pierced through, our primordial spirit would definitely scatter, especially when this is an immortal war spear we are talking about. One can imagine just how powerful it is!”

Even without the golden lion saying any more, everyone deeply sensed that this creature was too powerful. Right now, it wasn’t alive, but in an imperishable state. If it truly revived, just how powerful would it be?

“There is one thing that I don’t understand. This place borders my world. Have the great ones of the past never come here before?” The Fearless Lion said.

The ‘my world’ he spoke of referred to the other side, and not Imperial Pass.

“Weak-willed clan, sure enough, you’ve long forgotten your background.” In the distance, Shi Hao ridiculed. He loathed this clan greatly. They betrayed the Nine Heavens, killing the clans they were previously close to, it really was hateful.

“Our side previously had a great one who came here, even taking action. However, this region is extremely strange!” There was actually an elder who knew a few things here.

Based on the secrets he knew, even the great one who came from the foreign side was injured, ultimately withdrawing.

“What?” Everyone was shocked.

“There will always be some things that are beyond expectations. Back then, when the great war ended, we won, but Shutuo, Anlan, and the other ancient ancestors’ injuries were extremely serious, paying an extremely great price, powerless to continue fighting in the short term. Otherwise, back then, after something unexpected happened in the Nine Heavens Ten Earths, why would we have to choose to withdraw, return from Imperial Pass? This is the main reason. Meanwhile, this region was overlooked back then, but shocking changes took place!”

According to what this elder said, a great battle definitely happened here as well. However, the most shocking battle was actually the one in Divine Medicine Mountain Range.


“Rumor has it that there is a foot tall daoist there, one made from Ecliptic Immortal Gold who fought a world shaking great battle with one of our unmatched great figures.” That elder said.

At the foot of the mountain, after Shi Hao heard this, he was stunned, completely dumbstruck. He recalled everything he saw in Divine Medicine Mountain Range’s underground cave.

Wasn’t there a golden daoist in that underground cave? It sat there, its back to an ancient cave, quiet and silent, suspected to have died in meditation endless years ago.

That doaist also had a war chariot, pulled by a foot long golden bull. Of course, it had also long broke apart.

Shi Hao didn’t expect to hear legends related to that daoist here!

“My side’s unmatched great one was seriously injured from that battle. Perhaps he came to this forest as well, but I don’t know if he fought before.” When the elder spoke up to here, he paused.

Then, he said with a sigh, “You all have to understand that this place is bordered by Ancient Burial Land, at that time, my side already sensed that there might be existences underground who are comparable to Great Ancestor Shutuo.”

This was precisely the reason why in the end, the matters in this region remained unsettled!

Heavenly Beast Forest, Divine Medicine Mountain Range, Ancient Burial Region, they were all close together, all of them having powerful individuals overseeing them. Meanwhile, after the foreign side’s great war with the Nine Heavens Ten Earths, they were all greatly wounded, unable to make any reckless decisions.

Later on when Shutuo and Anlan recovered, they found that they already couldn’t cross Desolate Border.

It was because Heaven Abyss was in their way, there was no way of stepping foot in here anymore.

“That golden daoist and this ancient beast, why are they in Desolate Border? There is definitely a reason for this!” Someone said in doubt, extremely confused.

Shi Hao began to climb the mountain, increasing the distance between them.

However, the foreign cultivators weren’t worried. They already came to this place, so where can he even run?

Of course, they were also extremely nervous. If this ancient beast showed any signs of reviving, everyone might explode on the spot, dying horrible deaths.

“There is a dark hand that has always opposed my side. Desolate Border here has ancient beasts and the golden daoist, it definitely has something to do with them!”

Shi Hao ascended the mountain, not purposely heading towards the ‘Number Two Under Heaven’ one, because he was worried that the symbols there were too strong. He believed that stele was used precisely to lock down this ancient beast, to seal it!

He directly headed towards a mountain on the other side, no hesitation at all, extremely decisive. It was because ever since he came to this place, he had a strange feeling, that place seeming extremely familiar.

After ascending that grand mountain, an expanse of auspicious brilliance rose, hazy and mysterious.

Shi Hao was shocked. It was this place after all!

The mountain was majestic. On top of the mountain peak was a pure and clean lake that was sucking at one’s primordial spirit, as if they were going to fall inside!

He had seen this lake before!

“Reincarnation Pool!” Shi Hao said to himself.

Two days ago, he had been chased by a Heavenly Mouse. Later on, that withered tree pierced through the Heavenly Mouse’s body, but in the end, it let it go again, because the Heavenly Mouse promised to enter reincarnation.

At the time, the Heavenly Mouse was brought away by a passage, the other end precisely a pool, the small lake before him.

Soon afterwards, Shi Hao saw a monument, on it two words: Reincarnation Pool!

“It’s actually this place?!” Shi Hao said to himself. He acted carefully, really scared that he might mysteriously enter reincarnation.

Yi?” Right at this time, at the foot of the mountain, the Fearless Lion released a cry of alarm, raising its head.

The multicolored light at the mountaintop attracted all of the foreign cultivators’ attention!

“There is a type of familiar feeling. I feel like there is a type of great opportunity for me here, I cannot let him obtain it!” The Fearless Lion said, preparing to ascend the mountain.

Be careful, this place is extremely dangerous!” An elder warned.

This entirely golden lion’s build was powerful. It stood in place, silently thought to itself, and then suddenly became awake, saying, “I understand. I sensed the ancient monk bloodline’s power, it shares destiny with me!” 

When the ancient monk bloodline was mentioned, the foreign people’s eyes revealed cold light, their moods complicated.

It was because the ancient monk bloodline really was extremely powerful. Back then, the other side, for the sake of killing the ancient monk bloodline’s Immortal Monk King, they paid an extremely great price, too many experts dying.

One of the undying kings, after that battle, entered seclusion for an entire world without appearing. There were some who suspected that he might have already died in a seated posture within that clan’s ancient land.

The Fearless Lion’s ancestor had previously been subdued by the monk king, converted to the ancient monk bloodline. This clan naturally shared tremendous karma with the ancient monk!

The golden lion moved, speed extremely fast, rushing towards that mountain peak.

Many of the foreign cultivators were moved. They also wanted to take a look, but they all endured it, because the ancient beast not too far away was too intimidating, no one willing to get close.

“Reincarnation Pool!” The Fearless Lion climbed up the mountain, seeing the small lake here. It shivered, feeling a bit of hesitation. There was no room to advance or retreat. It said to itself, “Is it really related to them?”

“Did you come here to throw your life away?” Shi Hao calmly asked.

“The Reincarnation Pool’s natural luck shares fate with me. If you do not back off, then I will send you on your way!” The golden lion looked at Shi Hao, revealing ice-cold killing intent.

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