Perfect World

Chapter 1484

Chapter 1484 - Burial Treasure

“What do you have to exchange for this?” The immortal medicine looked down on him, putting on a look of contempt. It didn’t feel like Shi Hao had anything worth bringing out.

“Long life medicine leaf, would they want it?” Shi Hao asked.

The old medicine immediately became nervous, saying, “You dare set you eyes on me? I’m going to stake it all against you!”

“Don’t think you are the only one with immortal medicine leaves, I also have them.” Shi Hao said calmly.

“You have some too?” The old medicine was stunned.

Shi Hao loosened his hand, sure enough, there was a leaf that was sparkling and replete with moisture, essence energy rising in spirals from it. It carried a strong fragrance that penetrated deeply into one’s mind.

“I… want to kill you!” If the old medicine had a face, right now it would definitely be black. That leaf was its own, just that it was previously obtained by Shi Hao.

It was precisely because of this leaf that Shi Hao was able to lock onto its aura imprint, chasing it all the way here.

“Dao brother, are there any artifacts that catch your eye?” Sanzang walked over.

“I am currently looking!” Shi Hao communicated with the long life medicine. Today’s experiences really were bizarre, he was actually associating with undead knights in the underground world.

“Do you feel like I have anything on me that can be used to exchange for these things?” Shi Hao asked the long life tree. He secretly explained the appearances of some things with his divine will.

“They are all magical artifacts, they can’t be compared to undead artifacts, the difference in strength too great.” The old medicine said.

This left Shi Hao greatly shocked. Just now, he showed it some of his weapons through his divine consciousness, yet in the end, this immortal medicine said this. The undead knights’ weapons were far greater than the magical artifacts of the creatures on the surface?

There were some things that Shi Hao wouldn’t show to avoid exposing himself, for example, the Everlasting Sword Core.

However, he really wanted to exchange for some things, so what could he bring out in exchange?

Soon afterwards, he was moved. He produced a small handful of sand that was sparkling, releasing auspicious brilliance. He was sure that he wouldn’t draw suspicion even if he exposed this.

This was All Life Earth!

When he was in Divine Medicine Mountain Range, even the female undead knight’s eyes previously shone, desiring this.

“This thing… give it to me!” If the immortal medicine had eyes, right now, they would definitely already be red.

The so-called All Life Earth, the female undead knight had said was one of Burial Earth’s greatest treasures. It came from burial region, normal people could forget about obtaining it, not even able to personally witness it!

“Can this thing be used in exchange?” Shi Hao asked.

“Of course it can, this is something that belongs to the Burial Kings!” The old medicine replied. If a plant like it took root in All Life Earth, it could quickly grow, the benefits were tremendous.

Shi Hao discovered with shock that this All Life Earth was even more precious than he had imagined, just a handful of it able to exchange for that lump of dried-up blood!

“We’ve struck it rich! Don’t think that this blood looks like it lacks spirituality, it has wondrous uses. This vendor has never seen the surface, so when it saw the earth that belongs to Burial Kings, he immediately lost his reasoning, willing to do anything to exchange with you!” The old medicine said.

In its opinion, this dark blood was much more precious than that handful of All Life Earth. It was a rare burial treasure!

In the eyes of the immortal medicine, even those Golden Undead Knights didn’t truly discover the value of the black blood. Shi Hao could be considered to have had a great lucky stroke.

Not too far out, when those undead knights saw Shi Hao bring out All Life Earth, a few of them revealed strange expressions. Those who were still a bit doubtful all became relieved.

How could outsiders have this type of thing? Only Burial Kings could possess it!

In their eyes, Shi Hao really was a Golden Undead Knight, someone who came from a Burial King family, his status and background terrifyingly high, comparable to Sanzang and Shenming.

Through their expressions, Shi Hao knew that the undead knights’ final suspicions were dispelled.

“This rock isn’t bad. If you are entering Burial Abyss, it will be useful.” The old medicine pointed at it and advised Shi Hao.

On the carpet, there was an ordinary rock that was covered by some junk, only a small part revealed. It was tan-colored, not looking all that special.

Only, there were many stripes on it. If one looked carefully, the surface seemed to have some malicious spirits’ faces, five of them in total.

“Where does its value lie?” Shi Hao really didn’t notice anything special about it.

That lump of blood at least had some history, suspected to have been scattered by an unmatched expert, but apart from some malicious spirit faces, what else did this rock have?

Shi Hao picked it up. He carefully examined it, not noticing anything special about it.

“Those who aren’t from the burial region wouldn’t understand. This is Burial Stone, it has strange powers, all undead knights are able to recognize it. A Burial Stone with five malicious spirit faces is not bad, but far from being a burial treasure.” The immortal medicine said.

“Then why do you still want me to exchange for it? Do you really think that I have that much All Life Earth on me?” Shi Hao was dissatisfied.

In reality, he really had quite a bit of All Life Earth on him, at the very least, losing a few handfuls of the sparkling granules wouldn’t make much of a difference.

“This is only a Five-Faced Burial Stone in the eyes of others, but it actually has nine faces. It can definitely be considered a burial treasure, absolutely priceless!” The immortal medicine warned.

Shi Hao became a bit dizzy. What malicious spirit-faced Burial Stone, he didn’t know what kind of use it had at all. This kind of thing was even classified by the number of faces?

He picked it up in his hands, turning it around in his hands, but just didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary with it.

“This thing can be considered a rare treasure?” He really was doubtful. Would the old medicine really be this kind, actually help him find treasures?

“I am scared that when you enter Burial Abyss, because you don’t have suitable burial artifacts, you’ll give yourself away. Right now, you immediately obtained two burial treasures, so it should be enough for all sides to feel some restraining fear.” The immortal medicine said.

Wu, Brother Huang, could you let me take a look at that piece of Burial Stone in your hands?” Right at this time, Shenming walked over, her large eyes moving about, fiery red long hair dancing in the air, charming and bewitching.

“Hurry, give the vendor some All Life Earth and take it. The long life medicine at the woman’s side is just like me, seeing through this!” The old medicine urged.

Shi Hao was moved. Sure enough, a purple long life medicine followed at Shenming’s side, purple energy rising in spirals. A daoist sat on it, accompanied by nine layers of halos, exceptional and divine.

Shi Hao smiled, giving the vendor a bit of All Life Earth, successfully exchanging for the object. Then, he handed it to Shenming to examine.

Shenming’s beautiful eyes narrowed, resplendent light restrained. In the end, she sighed, saying, “It seems like dao brother’s natural luck really isn’t bad, this is a legendary Nine-Faced Burial Stone! One actually appeared here, I really was careless, passing right by.”

She actually admitted missing out on a rare treasure just like that, leaving Shi Hao shocked. What the old medicine said was actually true.

“What? A piece of Nine-Faced Burial Stone appeared?” The others were also shocked, even those Golden Undead Knights moved. They all moved over to take a look.

Shi Hao had a smile on his face, looking extremely calm, but he was completely lost inside. He didn’t understand this stone at all. What kind of use did it have?

He began to think to himself. At worst, he would just feed it to the Divine Striking Stone!

“Let’s go, we should head to Burial Abyss.” Sanzang walked over.

“It is about time for us to leave.” Shenming nodded.

“Are there no other treasures here?” Shi Hao secretly asked the long life medicine.

“That rotten coffin board isn’t bad either.” The old medicine replied.

“Then… forget it.” Shi Hao said.

A group of people left, some of them staying behind, remaining in the open market, not planning to go at all. They only came here to exchange burial artifacts.

Sure enough, the so-called Burial Abyss really wasn’t far, perhaps it could be said to be extremely close.

It was less than five hundred li away. Comparatively speaking, for this level of cultivators, it could be considered extremely close.

There was a tunnel underneath this place that led straight there. Soon afterwards, they were already approaching it.

Even though they were underground, the world ahead was extremely spacious. Apart from a black abyss, primal chaos surged, surrounding the vast underground world, as if he had arrived at the limits of the world.

Up ahead was a large black abyss. It was extremely huge, after approaching this place, there was a suffocating pressure. He felt like his soul was about to leave his body and enter the black great abyss.

“It is about to start, be careful. The burial artifacts and other things that come out will all be extremely terrifying!” Sanzang reminded.

Everyone stopped, no longer approaching, instead watching carefully.

“What allows you to enter Burial Abyss?” Shi Hao secretly asked the long life tree. One had to understand that immortal medicines lacked fighting strength, so how did they enter such a terrifying great abyss?

Just based on feeling alone, he knew that this ancient land had a great past, the world below was definitely extremely terrifying. 

“The long life temporal cycle immortal medicines can produce. Forget it, even if I talk about it, you won’t be able to understand!” It was actually looking down on him.

Shi Hao really was speechless. He was looked down on by this medicine again and again today. He grinded his teeth, saying, “I really am considering whether I should steam you or roast you in the future!”

“You… dare set you eyes on me?” The old medicine shivered.

“Right, I think you should just let me hold onto that rotten wooden chest for now. You’ll have to head into Burial Abyss soon, so it won’t be good if its lost.” While speaking, Shi Hao extremely naturally and decisively took the rotten wooden chest from its hands.

The old medicine was extremely unwilling, really wanting to act out. However, it didn’t have to strength to resist. Moreover, right now, the two of them were cooperating, so if it acted out, it would definitely seem strange.

“This chest is something you won’t understand even if you hold onto! Only in my hands will it be useful!” It said in an unwilling manner.

“Then we’ll research it together when you return from Burial Abyss!” Shi Hao decisively refused. This chest was his greatest objective, he now finally obtained it.

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