Perfect World

Chapter 1424

Chapter 1424 - Haggling

“Stop making a disturbance, hurry and move out of the way! I’m still not done, the most important thing is about to escape!”

Shi Hao pushed an elder with disheveled hair to the side, not polite at all, leaving everyone stupefied.

However, right now, Shi Hao really was anxious, his expression serious. It was because he was targeting the light left over by the immortal killing guillotine, chasing after it.

When faced with this streak of light, he didn’t rashly touch it with his body, fearing that he might suffer a loss. After all, his head had previously been removed by that dark red blade.

For the sake of safety, he decisively used the lightning pool. They were both things that appeared in lightning tribulation, shouldn’t clash with each other. Moreover, he had tested it out before, the lightning pool was ridiculously sturdy.

“Brat, what kind of attitude is this?” That elder glared at him. However, he didn’t get angry. Even though he widened his eyes, the smile on his face was still quite amiable.


It had to be said that this streak of light was too fast, like lightning as it passed by, resembling a streak of rainbow, simply impossible to catch, not many things faster than it.

Wherever it passed, time seemed to have stopped, penetrating the everlasting!


An elder took action, helping force that streak of light over.

However, this streak of light seemed to possess a will of its own, actually knowing to change directions, escape, shoot in a different direction.

Yi, a bit interesting, don’t tell me this thing has a spirit, having its own will?” Another elder took action, because this streak of light flew towards him.

“This is an excellent thing, this also came from the lightning tribulation. If I am not mistaken, it should be left over from a corner of the Immortal Killing Stage’s guillotine.” Another person’s eyes flourished with radiance, extremely interested.

“This thing is most likely extremely heaven-defying, very likely even more precious than the lightning pool. Stop it, don’t let it run!” Someone said.

A group of elders took action together, chasing after it, not letting this streak of light escape.

Just now, Shi Hao was still complaining, believing that the group of elders were standing in his path. Now, he released a breath of relief. This group of people were too strong, with them surrounding it, this streak of light couldn’t escape.


Someone cried out in alarm. It was because this streak of light directly pierced through the void, wishing to escape through space. This was extremely shocking, once it escaped, it would be hard to catch up to it again.

“Come out!” An old woman with gray hair shouted. Her finger released a faint silver light, moreover quickly enlarging, slapping forward.

With a honglong sound, that area of the sky was slapped to pieces, continuously breaking apart. That mysterious light was forced out, unable to escape.

“This thing really is slippery. Collect for me!” Another elder released a lightning shout. He produced a golden skinned gourd that was glistening yellow. He pulled out the cork, about to collect it.

This gourd’s origins were extraordinary, accompanied with five-colored divine light, but of course, with golden light as the main color. A vortex appeared on the gourd’s mouth, simply able to suck in heaven and earth.

This was an extremely powerful precious artifact, the various fluctuations released by the light shocking. In the end, that light trying to escape through the sky was absorbed.

Haha, it was captured, suppressed.” The elder laughed.

However, as soon as he plugged up the gourd’s mouth, the yellow skinned gourd shook intensely. In the end, there was even a sharp and clear kacha sound that suddenly sounded. A streak of light directly appeared beneath the gourd.

“My treasure!” The elder cried out, face even becoming green.

The bottom of the gourd was blasted through. That streak of light shot out, the gourd unexpectedly unable to stop it, allowing it to escape.

“This thing really is sinister, let me give it a try.” The other elders all took action, bringing out artifacts one after another, attacking this streak of light.

In the end, something shocking happened. That streak of light was too sharp, blasting through an ancient shield, severing a divine spear, even more so breaking through a great net.

They couldn’t restrain it at all. The most frightening thing was that after it went crazy, it pierced through an elder’s palm, going straight through, leaving behind a bloody wound, extremely terrifying.

This thing was extremely vicious, no one able to stop it.

“This is too extraordinary, just what exactly is it? Is it really just a streak of light?” Now, everyone was watching this streak of light closely.


Suddenly, a large black hand moved through the sky, covering everything, giving many people in Imperial Pass a suffocating feeling, almost falling weak onto the ground.

“What?” Everyone cried out in alarm. This type of power was too terrifying, no one able to resist it. Many elders’ faces became pale.

“It came from the ancestral altar!” Someone said quietly, expression changing greatly, not daring to say too much.

The ancestral altar was a special place. Apart from consecrating the war deities who died in history, there were several unmatched hermits who cultivated in isolation. They were Imperial Pass’ protectors.

At this time, a large black hand reached out. One knew even without thinking too much that there was definitely an unmatched being secluded within who was disturbed, now taking action.

Even creatures of this level attached importance to this streak of light, one could see just how extraordinary it was.

Wu, there is only this bit of essence light, too small, not enough to divide up. It is still better if it is left for the youngster.” Right at this time, Great Elder Meng Tianzheng truly appeared.

“Seal!” He released a light shout. Moreover, a finger pointed out, magical force immediately overflowing, surging like scarlet magma.

The divine radiance was immediately restricted, unable to act viciously anymore. It had to be said that Great Elder’s divine might was unmatched, magical force boundless. Now that he took action, everything became simple.


Great Elder moved his hand, bringing the lightning pool over, using it to suppress this streak of light, collecting it inside. Only now could this matter be considered finished.

The large black hand hesitated for a bit, but in the end, it still silently withdrew, entering the void, disappearing into the ancestral altar.

Many people were shocked, but they didn’t dare talk too much about the ancestral altar.

After a short moment of silence, they began to speak up one after another.

“This shouldn’t be the essence of the Immortal Killing Stage, right?”

“That guillotine has killed gods, slaughtered immortals, so the mysterious light that leaked out from it is definitely extraordinary. This thing is a priceless treasure, should be something of the same level as the lightning pool!”

The elders were all moved, unable to calm down. They flocked over, all of them rushing over.

Of course, not many people could match Great Elder in status here, none of them daring to behave recklessly in front of him. They all rushed towards Shi Hao.

“Little brother, this lightning pool isn’t that small, how about you sell me a piece?” Someone spoke, interested in the lightning pool.

“Who said it was large, it is only less than a square foot in size!” Shi Hao was like a money gruber. He blinked his eyes, saying, “I really wish it was bigger!”

“I don’t think it is small, how about you exchange it with me? I’ll give you a piece of rare divine material, and you can even take your pick from Self Release Realm magical artifacts.” An old man said with all smiles.

This time, before Shi Hao expressed anything, the others couldn’t take this anymore, all of them criticizing that old man.

“Really, you old thing, you came from Imperial Pass’ immortal dao family -- Wei Family, you even dare to act so poverty-stricken!”

Wei Family, just like Tuogu Yulong;s family, was one of Imperial Pass’ three great long life families, having the Wei Family Four Phoenixes.

“There is no need to say too much, I am offering a piece of Darkness Immortal Gold!” An elder spoke, extremely imposing, directly stating a shocking offer.

Everyone was shocked, this place immediately becoming silent. What kind of thing was Immortal Gold? It could be used to refine immortal dao magical weapons, hard to find throughout the world!

How could normal people obtain such things? It was impossible to find.

“Of course, I only have a small piece, the size of a thumb. You all should understand that it is hard to gather enough to refine even one weapon, even if the entire Nine Heavens Ten Earths are scoured.” The elder said.

Everyone nodded, this was the truth.

However, after they recognized that this was someone from the Tuogu Family, everyone sighed inwardly. Only an immortal dao family could bring out a piece of Darkness Immortal Gold.

“I admit my wrongs, little brother, I am also willing to offer a piece of Immortal Gold, a piece that is a bit larger than his!” Wei Family’s elder apologized, still wishing to obtain the lightning pool.

It was because this type of thing was too mysterious, something that appeared from heavenly tribulation, rarely seen from past until now. Only a freak like Huang would do this type of thing, dare to seize it.

This was the first time they saw a lightning pool that seemed to be cut from a piece of rock. They all felt that it was extraordinary, as if made by heaven. It was definitely special, perhaps carrying a great dao truth.

If it was cut by someone, then it was even more mysterious, containing too many mysteries and information. That was why they all wanted to obtain it.

This was especially the case for long life families, wishing to research it to its end.

As for the streak of light that rushed out from the Immortal Killing Stage, they also wanted it badly, but they didn’t dare speak up, because they felt like Great Elder Meng Tianzheng might have already set his eyes on it.

“I am offering a supreme being magical artifact!” Another person offered.

The so-called supreme being magical artifact, were precious artifacts refined by people on the level of Meng Tianzheng and Immortal Wang, refined with meticulous care their entire lives, at most a single one created. This was their ‘life treasure’.

Otherwise, what is refined can only be considered a powerful magical artifact, not a supreme being artifact.

This level of artifact was incomparably powerful. Once it was operated with full force, it was equivalent to a supreme being appearing, terrifying beyond compare. There weren’t many of them in this world.

From a certain perspective, they wouldn’t be more common than immortal artifacts.

Moreover, as long as heaven and earth’s environment changes, then there is a chance of this thing evolving into an immortal weapon.

Without a doubt, their materials were all of heaven-defying level, for example, World Stone, Immortal Gold, and other things.

“Seniors, I really cannot exchange this thing.” Shi Hao shook his head. In reality, those treasures were extremely enticing, but there was no way he could give out the lightning pool.

He still wanted to research it himself. This thing’s origins were too extraordinary.

“I only wish to exchange for a small piece, do not need the entire lightning pool!” Someone lowered their demands, taking a step back.

In the distance, the youngsters were stupefied. Just how great was the natural luck Huang obtained? A group of elders were crazily giving offers, just the lightning pool’s value alone was already unimaginable, let alone the Lightning Tribulation Liquid and the streak of light.

Everyone couldn’t help but feel jealous. After making it through history’s most powerful Void Dao Realm level heavenly tribulation, the benefits Huang obtained were just too many!

“How about this, let my clan research it for half a year, and this piece of Immortal Gold is yours!” An elder took another step back.

Shi Hao really was troubled, but in the end, he still couldn’t agree. “How about this, everyone, I have one request. If you all are willing to help me, then I will hand this thing to everyone, give it to you all.”

When this sentence was spoken, everyone became stunned. This brat was even more slippery than a loach, just not willing to yield. How could he just joyfully hand it over now?

Forget about the elders, not even the youngsters really believed him.

“What do you need help with?” An elder asked.

“I am someone who really loves eating, a great indulgence, the most blissful thing of life, there is just no way of satiating it.” Shi Hao boasted shamelessly here.

Everyone became suspicious. What did this have to do with everyone’s help?

“Wang Family has nine dragons, among them, five of them are in Imperial Pass. Whoever can give me some dragon meat, I will give that person the lightning pool!” Shi Hao said extremely directly!

Everyone immediately became petrified.

“The five dragons seem to be extremely fierce, but with so many of us here, if we slaughter our way over together, then I refuse to believe that I can’t eat dragon meat. If everyone goes, then I will hand over this lightning pool.” Shi Hao said enticingly.

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