Passionate Devotion

Chapter 819

819 Who designed who? 13

Shanshan took a bite and suddenly said, ” “Mom, is this a case of” you’re too soft-spoken “?”

Her words were so shocking that even Mr. President, who was drinking from his teacup, choked. This little granddaughter of his was really a clown. She often made people burst into laughter. However, she had made things difficult for her daughter-in-law, and her face was almost unable to hold it in.

Tong Lu wanted to cry but had no tears. She buried her head deep into Leng Yejin’s chest and raised the picture book high to cover her face.

Was this little darling really not here to set her up?

“Can we take it back and choose? I’m a little sleepy.”

All Tong Lu wanted to do now was to run away. She yawned on purpose and kept winking at Leng Yejin.

Leng Yejin smiled and ignored her.

Tong Lu kept throwing flirtatious glances at him, begging him.

Leng Yejin smiled and patted her shoulder. “Mom, dad, we’ll go back first.”

mom! Shanshan jumped. I want to go home and sleep too.

“You’re not allowed to go,” Leng Yejin immediately said.

Little third wheel!

Shanshan pouted unhappily. She raised her head and confronted Leng Yejin. Unfortunately, the little boy did not dare to act too presumptuously in front of his parent, who had absolute authority over him. He stomped his little feet.”Dad is a Bandit! You’re snatching my mom away from me!”

Tong Lu could not care less about Shanshan’s disappointment. She put the design album into her bag, kissed Shanshan’s resentful little face, and left.

Although they had caught the maid who had put the sleeping pills in her mouth, the maid did not admit to it. Hence, Tong Lu felt uneasy. It was safer for Shanshan to stay in the presidential palace.

When they got home, Tong Lu took a bath in the bathroom. Leng Yejin stood on the balcony and called Secretary Yu. He asked him to check if Guo Ying was telling the truth.

Three days later, Secretary Yu sent the results of the investigation to Leng Yejin.

young master Jin, Guo Ying has indeed been in frequent contact with a man on the internet in the past year. This is the man’s information. He’s a senior physical trainer, but he’s escaped overseas. We don’t know his whereabouts for the time being. It’ll take some time to find his whereabouts. The Minister of Defense is also looking into his whereabouts. We found out that there were three large transactions in his account, but they were all cash deposits and not transfers. Obviously, someone gave him cash directly and told him to do the job, and now that he’s done, he took the money and left.”

If he gave him cash directly, it would be difficult to find the person through the account. The person who instructed him to do this was very clean.

“What about the woman who impersonated Guo Ying? any clues?”

“Temporarily not.”

“Continue searching.”

Secretary Yu nodded and hesitated. this is more difficult. It has only appeared twice. There are hundreds of women in a city who wear sunglasses and have similar figures. There is no way to rule them out.

Hence, the lead was cut off. However, Secretary Yu could only think of the people who were competing with Guo Fei for the position of the next Defense Minister.

Secretary Yu handed the newspaper over. this is today’s Morning Post. The Minister of Public Security has been sued by the Civil Rights Alliance for being involved in the prison abuse scandal. I heard that someone sent an anonymous letter to the Civil Rights Alliance. With such a scandal, it’s impossible for Guo Fei to be re-elected. His term of office is destined to end in a month.”

Secretary Yu thought for a while and said,”actually, it’s good after it’s over. In the future, we don’t have to worry about Guo Ying because of her father’s identity as the Minister of National Defense.” Shanshan doesn’t like Guo Ying, and she doesn’t like to be in contact with her. ”

Tong Lu mulled over the matter at home for a few days before she finally decided on the wedding dress designer she wanted to hire.

She had selected a total of three top-notch designers to be her exclusive bridal gown designers because Leng Yejin had said that at least three sets of bridal gowns and gowns had to be prepared on the day of the wedding. This would be convenient for different occasions in the morning, afternoon, and dinner.

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