Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 285

Chapter 285

The force behind the attack Arthur just received was strong yet unusually strange, the moment [Transcendence], he felt an irresistible pushing power that expelled him out of the silver wolf’s body .

The wolf’s body fell into the abyss while Arthur’s real body was flung off a couple hundred meters before he managed to stabilize himself .

Blood dripped from his new wounds, even with the help of the Dark-Star strengthening technique and his godly recovery, the injury didn’t seem to be healing at all . His Health Bar didn’t increase which only meant that this wound isn’t like any other .

"It’s a high-level curse coupled with Primordial Energy . "

The copy’s tone was grave as he explained to Arthur what’s happening to him . As he heard only silence from Arthur, the copy proceeded to explain in detail:

"The curse isn’t the problem, with the necessary potion along with a strong enough Demonic Lightning, it’s easily removable . The Primordial Energy, however, is a totally different matter . As the name suggests, it is an ancient kind of Energy only used by certain entities, usually old ones though . Those archaic elemental spirits or venerable races could wield it but even those are few and far between . Furthermore, this Primordial Energy is a level higher than Nether Energy so to suppress it or recover from a wound caused by it, you either need to go to a place where Primordial Energy is abundant OR ask a High Priest from the Holy Dominion to heal it . An adult water dragon should be able to do the job too but I really doubt he’ll help you, in fact, you have more chance of convincing a High Priest more than a dragon . *Sigh* anyways, try to not clash with it, it not only can teleport but it is capable of wielding Primordial Energy albeit being a weaker version since this beast is but a copy . "

Arthur clicked his tongue as he glared at the White Tiger, which just turned illusory as it rushed at him . Without any hesitation, he turned around and flew toward Curtis, he had a plan in mind but for it to work, he needed help from Curtis and Astrith .

As he got close to Curtis, he signaled the knight and the lightning wolf while he stood at the back .

Curtis didn’t glance at Arthur as he knew what to do, the blue wolf also joined the fray as he sent countless lightning bolts at the shadowy figure of the tiger, unfortunately, none of them hit its target for it was too fast .

Wielding his shield and one-handed sword, Curtis rode his white steed at it ran on the air with incredible speed, it even left a trail of golden light .

A bright golden radiance emitted from Curtis, it was like he was the sun, illuminating everything around him . The radiance was so intense to the point that even the White Tiger had to halt his charge and even back some distance, not wanting to get close to Curtis, who chasing it like a mad dog .

And like this, a cat and mouse chase began where Curtis desperately followed the White Tiger, which made efficient use of its speed to circle around the knight and try to find a blind spot to attack from .

It also paid a great deal of attention to Arthur but couldn’t attack it as Curtis would rush toward his ally the moment the Divine Beast showed signs of sneak-attacking, there was also Astrith, who was protecting the motionless Arthur .

The two kinds of flames burning each side of Arthur became much more intense, black flames with ominous fog around them stretched to the area behind him, transforming the whole environment into a jet darkness where no living beings could see inside of it, much similar to Dark Rizaki .

On the opposite side of this dark world was hell itself, the sky and abyss were engulfed into a mass of dark red flames that burned the wind itself thus creating a sight even in hell one wouldn’t be able to witness .

[Eternium] was activated to its full potential, it substantially raised his firepower and stats, without a doubt, it’s his best supporting and enhancement skill, too bad it’s cost is quite high so he can’t use it forever lest he’ll drop below the Spirit Realm in a few hours at best .

When he was ready and the world was split into two colors, Curtis acted at last followed right after by Astrith and Swain, who recovered a bit of strength .

One from each direction, Astrith spat three purple thunderbolts he prepared, Curtis slashed with his sword and raised his skill to the sky, sending a white blast that cut the clouds in half and descended like a tribulations, aiming straight at the White Tiger, which started vibrating its body and readied itself to avoid the combined attack of its foes .

Consecutive small red arcs were sent from Swain’s rotten hands as he made his way to the White Tiger, his attacks were faster than the other two so they managed to reach their target before the rest . Unfortunately, the Divine Beast easily fazed through the blood arcs in a way that none of them managed to hit it, next came the three purple thunderbolts, which fused together and became a five-meter-long snake that opened its mouth, ready to bite down at the ferocious looking beast .

As it just fazed through more than ten red arcs, the Tiger couldn’t keep doing that forever for it wasn’t possible, so it was forced to clash with the purple snake head-on, which is an unfavorable clash knowing that this type of purple thunder is extremely fatal to Divine beasts like itself .

Unlike any of Arthur or his allies’ expectations, the tiger neither teleported nor fazed through the snake, it didn’t even use its brute strength or sharp claws to defend . It actually astonished the four of them as orange flames appeared out of nowhere and washed down at the purple snake, which had insignificant in size compared to this humongous flame waves .

Not only did the flames belong to the Vermillion Bird, but their power was also a lever higher, the purple thunder snake couldn’t withstand the heat as it was burned after a few seconds, returning into nothingness shortly after .

Before any of the four could react to the sudden attack of the White Tiger, Astrith and Swain’s bodies were pulled toward each other with a gravitational power that they simply couldn’t resist to the unexpected timing and the intensity of this force .

In a split second, the two of them had already crashed into each other, however, this was but the beginning as the White Tiger opened its mouth and started spitting weird illusory flames coupled with a violent energy that shook space and disturbed the wind .

Fortunately, Swain was quick to react as he made use of his absorption ability to minimize the damage, nonetheless, the dragon breath was too strong and too much for the red-haired youth to completely absorb it whole .

The fusion between the book and the Death Golem was disrupted, resulting in the two of them to transform into two red lights that flew toward Arthur, hiding inside his consciousness .

Astrith was no better than Swain, he enveloped himself with a weird armor made of normal yellow lightning, this layer of defense lasted for quite a while but the wolf simply unlucky as the Dragon Breath lasted for twenty full seconds before Curtis, who retreated to a safe distance, managed to stop this absurd attack by throwing multiple white chains at the White Tiger .

The chains were even thicker than his white steed, each one wrapped around one of the White Tiger’s limbs, firmly trapping it in the air .

These chains were special, even with the fazing ability of the Divine Beast, passing through them isn’t doable as they weren’t made from Energy but something else entirely .

Although he was worried about Swain and Astrith’s states, Arthur had no time to think about why the tiger could use its comrades’ abilities nor how it did that .

With Curtis’ signal, Arthur’s aura increased drastically as a dark talisman appeared from his Dantian and floated above him . Countless black strings came out of the Talisman and attached themselves to Arthur, feeding him immense amounts of Energy, but even that is barely enough to unleash his next and final attack .

As looked at the White Tiger, Arthur retrieved Makaze from his storage and let out a long sigh as he noticed the cracks appearing all over the dark blade .

It was severely weakened from the previous fight, it needed to recover by devouring more blades and letting rest while it fully and properly digested them .

Alas, the time was tight and he needed his partner for this last attack, without him, it won’t be possible . Makaze had long since it wanted to fight, and it would never deny Arthur’s request, after all, he was its master as well as its partner .

As he gently caressed the blade, especially the edges which had thin cracks on them, Arthur thought to himself

’We either live together or die together, ain’t that right, partner?’

In response, the blade vibrated intensely to show its intentions . The final showdown was about to begin, Arthur gazed at the Divine Beast with somewhat calm eyes and a relaxed mind, his heartbeats became slower and the various sounds incoming from all directions disappeared, he only heard silence as he muttered with a low voice

"Fifth Wave, A Rainbow after the Rain, A Song after the Pain; Supernova!"

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