Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 283

Chapter 283

The Divine Beast didn’t sit there and watch them as they prepared themselves, it flew fearlessly toward them, only leaving its fading afterimage .

Arthur, Astrith, and Curtis dispersed to three directions while Swain raised both his hands and prepared himself to receive the next hit head-on .

Both of his hands became rotten with death fog emanating from them, the golden radiance he absorbed earlier started acting up .

With an invisible set up in front of him, the red-haired youth shot a golden blast from his hand .

The blast clashed with some sharp white spikes that came out of the tiger, to be more precise, they were its fur . The spikes were incinerated almost immediately, unfortunately, their number was just too much so by the time the golden blast was over, there were over a hundred of them flying at Swain, who stood there, unfazed of what’s coming .

Curtis, who backed away just a second ago, came charging again once the tiger made its appearance . It’ll be a bit troublesome to hit when it is moving so he waited for it to show itself for a brief second .

Although it was starting to fade away again, Curtis managed to grasp the perfect moment as his steed ran on the air while he majestically swept the yellow-spear, unleashing an armored dragon from its tip .

The armored dragon was small in size, however, its aura was crushing as bypassed the few white spikes flying in its way and clashed with the big tiger, hitting a small part of its Divine body .

On the side, Astrith had already spat several spheric lightning bolts that contained a meager amount of purple thunder inside of them . The spheres were faster than the armored dragon, the second the white tiger could be seen, Astrith was already done spitting them thus leaving the White Tiger no time to react as it was mainly focusing on the silver wolf, who is also Arthur .

It had suffered more than one time in Arthur’s hands so it paid all of its attention him despite feeling a bit of threat coming from Astrith and Curtis .

Like a shadow, Arthur flew around the area once the White Tiger disappeared for the first time, he used numerous skills to lower his presence . Space Magic was rather useful as he used the space-bending skill to enter a separate dimension thus making the White Tiger lose sight of him .

Unfortunately, this didn’t last long as the tiger’s eyes emitted a red luster that allowed it to grasp his position yet again . Seeing the tiger glaring at him and feeling a suffocating pressure and a thick murderous intent focus on him, Arthur waved his hand and created countless small void mouths around the tiger .

The final touch was a humongous Dark Cube that trapped the tiger with the armored dragon, the lightning spheres and his void mouths, which will surely do a considerable damage to it .

Arthur used more than 30% of his Mental Power and Nether Energy to create this dark cube, no matter how powerful it became, it wouldn’t shatter on the spot, not even its comrade, the turtle, could achieve such a feat .

A short silence followed all these occurrences, the dark cube stood motionless high in the air with no sound coming from within . No one could see what’s happening inside so they could only stare at it with expectation .

Curtis held the spear horizontally and started chanting with a very low voice, Astrith didn’t stay idly either, he opened his wide mouth and started channeling power . you could notice a very small purple thunderbolt materializing inside of his mouth, slowly but surely, it was expanding in size .

Arthur was fully prepared too, one after one, Heavenly Arrows started appearing above him . [Dark Rain] took a bit of time to fully activate but its damage is, without a doubt, devastating .

The only one standing there without doing anything was Swain, he seemed to be in a daze as he stared at the abyss down below .

Very soon, the dark cube started shaking heavily and this only got worse when the space around started shattering and repairing itself, the intensity of the shaking increased and very small cracks started appearing all over the enormous dark cube .

"Brace yourselves!"

Curtis shouted loudly the second the dark cube was completely destroyed, he tightly held the spear and stabbed forward, causing an illusory spear to cut down from above, directly flying to where the tiger is supposed to be .

A one meter long purple thunderbolt flew from Astrith’s mouth toward the same target as Curtis’ attack . The final one to act was Arthur, he unleashed [Dark Rain] yet again, sending a hundred Dark Heavenly Arrows to the location of the dark cube . No matter how fast the tiger is, it wouldn’t be able to remain unscathed after all of this .

Amidst the rubble and the raging wind was a large white shadow standing there arrogantly . Looking a bit closer, you could see that it suffered some damage but nothing too serious, in fact, you could not see any drop of blood on its beautiful white fur .

It started at the incoming attacks and deemed the purple thunderbolt to be the most threatening, with ferocious slash using its golden claws, it cut the thunderbolt into pieces .

Since it decided to get rid of thunderbolt, resisting or dodging the other two attacks won’t be a possibility, the time gap between each of these attack is even less than a split second .

The Heavenly Arrows rained down on the Divine Beast whereas the illusory spear attack hit its back, it surprisingly managed to penetrate its tough fur and cause some blood to gush out . The White Tiger released an angry roar but before it could get rid of the spear, the arrows covered it from head to toe, hitting every possible inch of its body to the point that its appearance could no longer be seen . Dark arrows with black flames were covering it, a bit like the chains were covering the Earth Spirit inside Arthur’s consciousness .

Although the White Tiger was hit by most of the arrows, no agonizing wail was heard, instead, strange white flames abruptly appeared out of thin air, they purified the Dark Heavenly Arrows and shattered them, piece by piece until they all vanished into nothingness .

When the Divine Beast could be seen again, it was different as its fur had a few red spots caused by the arrows, it wasn’t a deep wound like the one the spear inflicted but they were still better than nothing . The tiger looked haggard as the white flames burned above the wounds, accelerating its process of recovery .

The flames were able to help it heal but no matter how many flames burned around or above the bloody injury of the illusory spear, it just wouldn’t heal, this enraged the White Tiger, which turned its head and glared wildly at Curtis, finally considering him a threat equal to Arthur .

"It’s defense is even higher than the turtle . tsk tsk!"

Arthur clicked his tongue when he saw the tiger healing itself, even with all these Heavenly Arrows, it was still not enough to fatally injure it .

"No, its defense isn’t higher than the turtle, it is just vibrating its body with incredible speed thus rendering most of the incoming attacks pass through it or hit a certain spot of its body where its defenses are the highest . It’s very rare skill, I’ve only seen two people use it . "

The copy spoke with praise as he specated the fight, he wasn’t overly worried like earlier . With four against one, even if the tiger is this strong, there is still a high chance to succeed, with good coordination and perfect timing, anything is possible .

It was at this time that the silent Swain finally acted, his two red pupils were flashing with a bloody light while his aura increased drastically .

A red fog covered thousands of miles in a split second and suffocating killing intent could be felt by anyone within the fog .

With his two eyes fixated on the White Tiger, Swain said

"Thou art no divine, thou are a copy, by blood shall thee be purged, by death shall thee be punished!"

When the last word was said, a bloody arc more than three hundred meters in length locked in the White Tiger, which turned illusory as it retreated away, trying to get away from that arc .

Unfortunately, it underestimated the might and speed of this bloody arc, which caught up to it in a matter of seconds, it was like a guillotine descending from above, ready to cut its head .

The White Tiger was truly fearful this time, it stopped fleeing and faced the bloody arc, it became blurry as it was vibrating its whole body nonstop, trying to faze through the arc .

The copy scoffed when it saw this sight and commented:

"That ain’t gonna work, fazing is only possible against an attack with a size smaller than your own . To direct such an attack on only one point of your body will only make it more dangerous . "

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