Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

As he was lost in his thoughts, a familiar voice entered Arthur’s ears .

"Kid, you should have been more prepared, I have warned you about them . "

It was none other than Zodiak’s voice, which somehow was heard inside his mind, Arthur kind of expected this since the dark talisman never stopped throbbing intensely near his Dantian and the Dark Magic being something Zodiak created, it’s no wonder he would show up sooner or later .

’You just warned me, you didn’t specify what it was . ’

A sighing could be heard from the other party, it seemed that he didn’t have high hopes for Arthur to overcome whatever was coming .

"I can teleport you out of this world but this would expand my last bit of Energy, after that, you’re on your own . "

In response to that, Arthur shook his head in rejection and retorted

’There is no need, I can deal with it . Furthermore, if I run from it now than I’ll meet later and at that time, there will be no chance of running away, it’s better to get rid of it now than wait for later . ’

Arthur resolutely decided to face the danger, always being protected by Zodiak or teleporting away will lead to disasters or unfortunate separations just like what happened in the Underworld . It was due to his weakness that they ran away from the Lich King and the rest . If he was strong enough then they would have been able to lead a normal life without fearing those Gods, which is why Arthur was against the idea of running with his tail between his legs, he had confidence in his arsenal and was sure that escaping is a difficult yet doable thing .

Zodiak’s voice wasn’t heard again, he accepted Arthur’s decision and went back to his dormant state . The next voice to enter his ears was the Earth Spirit’s

"Demon, it seems that some powerful people are coming for you, why don’t you give me that Dimensional stone and I can help you deal with them . "

Unfortunately for the Knight, he was met with the same answer, leaving him distressed since Arthur’s death wouldn’t lead to his but would still gravely weaken him, which isn’t a favorable thing right now .

Only a few seconds after Swain left, four white beams of light came from the North bringing with them a suffocating pressure that even affected Arthur . In an instant, they were floating above him, all focusing their attention on him and the dark flames surrounding him .

They only needed one look to confirm that he is their target, however, one of the four, who was a woman in her thirties, looked South and said

"There’s someone who escaped, should I catch him?"

An old man wearing a pure white robe and holding a scepter shook his head and calmly said

"No need, this one is our target, the rest does not matter . "

The four strangers were all wearing white robes while each was holding a weapon . There were two women, one old man and a young man who appeared to be in his teenage years . They looked cautiously at Arthur, putting more focus on the Dark Magic being unleashed from him .

"Yes, it’s certain that he’s the target, I have never seen such intensity of Dark Magic . "

The young man assessed Arthur with a curious look, he even got close to get a better look but stopped when he saw the cold stare from the target .

Arthur knew that there is no point talking to them, they won’t answer his questions nor will they go back and pretend as if they saw nothing .

"Shall we start, then?"

Without hesitation, Arthur expanded half of his Mana and Mental Power to conjure the black cube, trapping him and the four of them inside it . He knew their Realms and apart from the old man who was at the Sovereign Realm, the rest were 9th Grade Gods . Normally, dealing with these three would be very difficult, and if you add a Sovereign at that, it would be impossible and the only way is to escape, however, such an option wasn’t available for Arthur .

The reason he conjured the cube is to not let them escape, he knew for sure that they are underestimating him a lot, especially after they inspected his body and found out he was only at the peak of the Divine Realm . The only one who didn’t drop his guard was the old man, who looked at Arthur with a calm and confident look as if everything was within his grasp .

Arthur’s figure leaped at the closest target, leaving a trail of black flames behind him caused by Makaze . He didn’t use [Faster Than Death] to not show all his trump cards, he wanted to use in surprise so he could deal fatal damage and at least kill one of them before they know of its existence .

The closest target happened to be the haughty young man, who was unaffected by the incoming enemy, he did some hand seals along with the two woman and these seals soon transformed into thick white pillars of light, landing on Arthur and sending him crashing heavily on the ground .

Arthur found it weird that the pillars of light passed through the Dark Barrier as if it didn’t exist, he got up and charged again, this time using [Golen Lone Sheath] at the three Gods simultaneously .

Three dark arcs flew at the trio, who were more than prepared and used the same kind of tactic, sending pillars of light to pulverize the dark arcs .

Arthur took this chance to appear next to the young man, who was startled for a split second yet he didn’t panic . He unsheathed his blade to meet the incoming Makaze . The clash caused black flames to scatter in all direction, including the young man, who showed signs of unease when he saw that happen .

The two women didn’t linger there and watched, with fast speed, they rushed at Arthur, each holding a white spear made of pure light . Each woman thrust from a direction, aiming to fill Arthur’s body with bloody holes .

Although he managed to push the young man several steps thanks to Makaze, which was way stronger than the youth’s saber, Arthur was forced to back off due to two women .

He sidestepped the first thrust and swept ferociously with Makaze, deflecting the remaining spear, then he leaped back to buy some distance between the trio and himself .

The three didn’t have the same confident look as before, especially the young man, who couldn’t believe that a mere Divine being was able to force him back a few steps with only a slash .

"I warned you several times not to underestimate Dark Magic users, you only look at the surface yet you don’t know how dangerous it actually is . "

The old man talked again, waking the three from their surprise and warning them to be cautious, he had his brows furrowed as he seemed to sense something was off in the last attack but couldn’t pinpoint what it was .

A Holy light surrounded each of the three, multiplying their aura and adding to their pressure . Arthur clenched Makaze with both hands and prepared himself for the next clash as from the looks of it, they were going to take this fight pretty seriously, unlike previously when they thought they were playing with a helpless chicken .

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