Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 990 - The Night That Never Ends

Chapter 990: The Night That Never Ends

This was indeed not the first time Big Buck had seen Meng Chao.

In fact, Meng Chao had been brought to the Blood Skull Arena by Big Buck and his companions.

At that time, the black-haired, black-eyed man, who was covered in wounds, had been hung roughly by a broken fishing net. He had been hung with two spears in front of a team of servants and slave laborers, swaying in the wind and rain, he looked like a deformed, ugly, but very rare monster.

Big Buck had once suspected that the black-haired, black-eyed monster was a hybrid of an advanced orc and another race.

The advanced orcs had a bold and unrestrained personality. When it came to sex, there weren’t many taboos.

As long as the other party wasn’t a damn holy light race and was strong enough.

The high-level orcs who advocated valor would dare to open fire on any alien race.

It didn’t matter even if the opponent was three to five times larger than him — or even better.

Ogres, twin-headed ogres, goblins, mountain giants, ice giants, and the strange-looking demons in the Eternal Night Abyss… all of them were within the range of the advanced orcs.

In the heroic epic of Picturesque Orchid Lake that had been passed down for thousands of years, there was even the story of a war chief thousands of years ago who went deep into the desert of death and impregnated a thousand-year-old lich in the ancient tomb empire.

Although the authenticity of this story was very suspicious…

It didn’t stop all the advanced orcs from talking about it. They were always eager to use the heroes from thousands of years ago as an example to conquer all the powerhouses on this road.

However, Big Buck never knew which race the high-level orcs and the half-blood of which race could have such a strange appearance like “black hair and black eyes.”

He and his companions had originally planned to offer this monster to Lord Casanova.

In order to fight for a higher position in the Blood Skull Arena and the Clan Army that was about to be formed.

Unexpectedly, before they returned to Black-corner City, this monster’s injuries had become more and more serious.

Its body was boiling and festering, and its heartbeat and breathing were extremely weak. It could die at any time.

At that time, Lord Casanova was busy recruiting more gladiators to form a battle group that belonged exclusively to the Blood Skull Arena and was personally commanded by him.

He was not very interested in this dying monster.

He only glanced at it a few times before waving his hand randomly, telling Big Buck and the others to throw the monster into the depths of the dungeon and wait for death.

Unexpectedly, this monster miraculously survived and even became the most trusted servant of the ice storm!

Big Buck had known about this long ago.

The ice storm had fought beautifully in the last two group battles, and the entire Black-corner City was talking about her extremely fierce methods.

This black-haired, black-eyed monster was so eye-catching, so Big Buck naturally knew that he had come back from the dead.

However, Big Buck did not feel that there was any enmity between him and this monster.

By the ancestral spirit, this monster was already extremely weak at that time. Even if it sneezed, it could still shock him to death.

Big Buck was still hoping to use him to win over Casanova’s good impression. How could he bear to touch him?

“Wuuu! Wuuu wuuu!”

Big Buck struggled hard. He really wanted to tell the black-haired, black-eyed monster, “You must be mistaken. There is no enmity between us. It was I who saved you and saved you to the Blood Skull Arena!”

However, he was severely strangled, and his throat was swollen like a rotten tomato. The more anxious he was, the more he could not utter any meaningful syllables.

Meng Chao, on the other hand, took his time. He used a small brush and dipped it into some dark red secret medicine that was as thick as honey but gave off a faint smell of grass. Then, he smeared it on Big Buck’s body, especially on his wounds.

Big Buck’s eyes widened.

As the secret medicine slowly seeped into his wounds, he felt his heartbeat and breathing quicken. His senses became especially sharp.

His hearing, vision, smell, and especially his sense of touch were all magnified ten times.

He could see the twinkling stars in the depths of the monster’s eyes that were as deep as the night sky.

He could also hear the sound of the monster calmly preparing all kinds of metal equipment. The blades and Sawteeth lightly collided, producing a “Ding Ding Ding Ding”sound.

He could also feel every broken bone on his elbows and ankles. He could feel the intense pain of scraping his fascia and stabbing his nerves.

Of course, the intense pain was magnified ten times.

The pain that he could barely endure, like scraping his bones with a steel brush, quickly seeped into the depths of his bones.

It was like ten thousand burning ants had burrowed into his blood vessels and bones, darting around inside his body.

More importantly, Big Buck found that the passage of time seemed to have slowed down.

He did not know how to describe this strange feeling.

Through the reflection of the bronze mirror, he saw the four oil lamps in the four corners of the secret chamber. The Flames suddenly became thick and heavy.

There were also a few cracks in the ceiling that were dripping water.

But now, the speed at which the water drops fall had come to a steady “drip… drip… drip… drip…”

“You… put… me… how…”

In the extreme pain and uneasiness of the irritation, Big Buck finally learned how to control the hematoma of the throat, issued a hoarse voice.

“I find you Turan healers to be a waste of good things.”

Meng Chao said casually while he carefully smeared every wound on Big Buck’s body, “What a marvelous existence the mandrake tree is. It can absorb the spirit energy and the crystal elements in the depths of the ground and condense them into fruits that are comparable to high-energy nutrition drugs on its own body. Its accompanying plants can also easily refine all kinds of gene drugs.

“However, your witch doctor only thought of refining the steel drugs, divinity drugs, recovery drugs, blood-activating drugs, and energy drugs on the street with the magical plants. It will only improve your speed, strength, and agility simply and crudely.

“However, it never occurred to him that the effective components of the drugs could be refined into even more marvelous composite drugs.

“In fact, your natural conditions are too excellent, and the secret drugs that you have refined are too effective. As long as you use high school-level experimental equipment, you can refine some very interesting things through the purification, analysis, crystallization, and extraction of at most seven or eight steps.

“For example, the secret drug that I just gave you for external application and internal consumption can not only magnify your pain by ten times, but also stimulate your nerves and interfere with your perception of the flow of time. It makes you feel that this is an extremely long night that will never end.

“In a sense, it is.”

Big Buck’s mouth was wide open.

He had gradually realized what kind of desperate trap he had fallen into.

He wanted to berate the despicable enemy like a towering Turan warrior.

But after opening his mouth for a long time, no sound came out from the depths of his bloody throat.

He had faced countless ferocious enemies before.

He had also stood tall under the suffocating pressure of the important figures of the blood hoof family.

However, the feeling that this black-haired, black-eyed monster gave him was completely different from any of his enemies and important figures.

The starlight hidden in the depths of his black eyes was like thousands of shooting stars that whistled through the sky, making him see the real apocalypse in his daze.

“Long story short, let’s get ready to begin.”

Meng Chao said, “Mr. Big Buck, I believe that you have realized that you are destined to not leave this place alive. As for how you will die, we have two choices.

“First, you can honestly tell me all the questions that I have raised. From the time you read the book for the first time to the scandals of the important figures of the blood hoof family, as long as your answer satisfies me, we can finish our work in a moment. Then, before you realize it, I will use the cleanest and most efficient method to send you to the Holy Mountain to meet the ancestral spirits of the blood hoof family, to drink wine, and to slaughter the enemies.

“Secondly, you can also be stubborn to the end and help me hone some… very special techniques.

“As you can see, a long time ago, I once mastered some exquisite techniques that were enough to make a skeleton confess his mother’s name. Unfortunately, some things happened, and I forgot most of the techniques. Now, my hands are very rusty.

“If you are willing to help me practice, then that’s not bad. This long night will not come to nothing.

“Now, tell me your choice. Mr. Big Buck, do you choose one or two?”

Big Buck stared at the monster with black hair and black eyes for a long time.

The pride of the Blood Hoof Clan that had been passed down for thousands of years finally made him muster up the courage to spit at the monster’s face.


Unfortunately, his strength was too small.

The saliva mixed with the blood went straight up and down, slowly, gently, and hopelessly hitting his own face.

“Understood, then let’s begin.”

Meng Chao said, “Do you know, Mr. Big Buck, in the beginning, our teaching materials wrote that when we carry out relevant work, we need to use metal brackets to open the target’s eye sockets as much as possible, so that the target can see the entire process without turning his eyes away. This way, the target’s heart will collapse faster.

“However, in practice, we realized that we didn’t need to do that at all. Compared to the bloody scene, the feeling of not knowing where the excruciating pain would come from after closing the eyes and not knowing where it would enter the body was the most terrifying.

“I really want to know how long the brave warriors of Turan, who take death as their honor and even think that the more miserable the death, the more glorious it will be, can keep their eyes wide open?”

Meng Chao began to work.

Big Buck was indeed a member of the Blood Hoof Clan, a tough and unyielding man.

He persisted for a full five minutes.

Five minutes later, he lost his incontinence.

Feeling the mess in his crotch, the unprecedented shame and excruciating pain caused Big Buck’s nerves to completely collapse.

For the first time in his life, he was like the most despicable rat man, wailing loudly.

Meng Chao waited quietly for him to finish crying.

“Can we continue?”

He asked the Minotaur warrior, “Our work has just begun. We still have an entire night.”


Deep inside Big Buck’s chest, a sharp air current burst through the bloody throat. He let out a hen-like scream, “Please, let me die. I’ll say anything. Anything!”

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