Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 964 - Master of Rhythm

Chapter 964: Master of Rhythm

The tens of thousands of audience members were also gnashing their teeth in hatred like Broken Tusk.

“Too useless, too shameless!”

They waved their fists, beat their chests, slapped their thighs heavily, and complained at the same time.

Well, it was not that they could not accept the servant soldiers running away.

After all, what could they expect from a bunch of lowly rat civilians?

However, even if the other rat soldiers wanted to escape, they would at least have to fight with real swords and spears first. If half of them fell, and the other half ran away, then it would be alright!

How could they not even dare to show their weapons when they first met? They would immediately scatter and run away with their heads held high?

Yet, this bunch of rabble even ran away so coquettishly.

They seemed to be in a panic and were in a complete disarray. They ran around the arena like headless flies.

It just so happened that the Ironhide Clan seemed to be a team of valiant domestic rat servants. After charging for a few times, they didn’t even get a single strand of hair from them.

One should know that the audience had already filled up their expectations. All of them had their eyes wide open, waiting to see this group of cowards and slugs get smashed into pieces by the Poison Stinger battle team’s pig charging forward, it was a wonderful scene with their internal organs flying out!

In the end, one side was running in a sorry state while the other was chasing ferociously. The scene seemed lively, but there wasn’t even a drop of blood—oh, and there were two human-shaped blood mists, which were the result of being accidentally injured by two totem warriors.

Such a strange scene really made the entire audience feel like there was something stuck in their throats, and they were extremely depressed.

If it wasn’t for the fact that Ice Storm’s individual performance was still as fierce as before, the collision between Mithril Ripper and the One Million Steam Hammer would have been gorgeous enough.

The audience simply wanted to flip the entire arena over.

Now, seeing Ice Storm’s sharp offensive… many die-hard supporters were puzzled. “From the looks of Frost Queen, it doesn’t seem like she’s going to give up on the match. Why did she choose a team… such a wretched, weird, and weak servant?”

Even more spectators who did not understand the situation were still clamoring loudly. However, this time, the booing was not only directed at Ice Storm’s battle team. It also included the seven to eight rounds of breathless charging, yet they still had no results, the Poison Stinger battle team, who had accidentally lost two warriors, also shouted.

“Come on, fellow members of the Ironhide Clan, haven’t you eaten your fill? Why Can’t you even catch these cowards who can’t even withstand a single blow?”

“Even the rat laborers in my clan are braver than you. Charge! Faster! Faster! You’ll break his bones!”

“Is this a battle between the Turan warriors or a dance of the Holy Light humans? Hurry up and decide the victor, b*stards!”

The loud boos even formed a resonance, causing the entire arena to tremble slightly.

This trembling caused Poison Stinger’s battle team to gradually become impatient and impatient.

The faster they charged, the greater the damage to their joints and tendons when braking and turning. Of course, the more fatigued they were.

On the Ice Storm battle team’s side, Leaf, Spider, and the other servants who had just trained for a few days were also unable to withstand the pressure.

A strong fighting spirit surged within their eyes, wanting to reveal their true strength and launch the fiercest counterattack.

Only Meng Chao remained calm. Not even an eyelash moved along with the arena.

Compared to the flames of the apocalypse that devoured Dragon City, the clamor of tens of thousands of advanced orcs was just a cool breeze on a summer afternoon.

And these so-called “opponents” in front of him, other than Ice Storm and Poison Stinger who were disguised as totem armors, the others were just chickens and dogs.

If he were to go all out, he would have a hundred ways to annihilate these pigs that were baring their fangs and brandishing their claws without using any weapons.

However, under the premise that he did not reveal his own strength, commanding a group of ‘Quasi-civilians’ who had just trained for five days to kill such a well-trained battle team unscathed was very challenging and interesting.

Leaning on a long spear, Meng Chao seemed to be staggering and at a loss.

However, he was actually controlling his seemingly loose and messy formation and controlling the rhythm of the field with his exquisite positioning.

At the same time, he narrowed his eyes and extended his sharp senses, which originated from Lu Siya, to the maximum. He scanned the breathing of every soldier on both sides, his heartbeat, the speed of his sweat secretion, the frequency of his muscles trembling, the subtle differences in his charging posture, and the fact that they were bombarding the arena brutally. Every crack that was created and every piece of broken stone that was sent flying.

All the sounds and pictures were transformed into a waterfall of information that flowed through his brain, which had been deeply developed by the ‘Tinder’.

As the brain cells that were soaked in spiritual energy were operating crazily, the information was instantly broken down and integrated into brand-new commands. By gathering the sound waves into a line and directly vibrating the eardrums… it was transmitted to Leaf, Spider, and every domestic soldier’s ears.

“Leaf, calm down. Don’t be disturbed by the outside world.

“Since these guys didn’t lend you a hand when you were at your most desperate, you don’t have to care about their cheers or noises. They are just a bunch of flies, insignificant flies

“Spider, pay attention to your physical fitness. Retreat seven arms to the left and back. Hide behind the ‘strong arm’ and rest. You can take three deep breaths

“Strong arm, pay attention to the red-haired monster in front of you on the right. He seems to be looking at the ‘blue toe’ on your left, but in fact, his killing intent is concentrated on you. Be careful that he pretends to sprint in a straight line, but suddenly spins and swings the meteor hammer at you—his meteor hammer has a part of the chain hidden in the handle of the hammer. The attack range can be extended!”

“Blue toe, use the corner of your eyes to observe the three enemies patrolling on your right. Your Formation has unknowingly become too dense. Immediately spread out in all directions to prevent the enemies from advancing from the side and locking down the escape route!”

Through this method, Meng Chao turned the battlefield into a chess game.

Other than him, everyone else, including the two clan warriors who were equipped with totem battle armors and possessed the strength of Heaven Realm, were all chess pieces.

Only he, the lone chess player, was playing chess with his own limits!

After more than ten rounds of charging, Ice Storm’s battle team was still unharmed.

In the eyes of the tens of thousands of stunned spectators, this scene that could be called a miracle, only Meng Chao knew that it was the inevitable result of repeated deduction and careful calculation. It was like one plus one equals two.

However, no matter how good Meng Chao was at calculation, it was impossible for him to calculate every unexpected piece of information on the battlefield in advance.

At this moment, Broken Tusk and the other five members of the Stinger squad, the toughest and strongest domestic rat soldiers, all stopped in their tracks at the same time. They looked at each other and nodded heavily. Then, their Adam’s apple rolled, it was as if they had taken something out of their cheeks and their tongues and swallowed it.

“Huff, huff, huff, huff, huff, huff!”

The five domestic rat soldiers led by Broken Tusk immediately widened their eyes. Their skin was red, and their veins were exposed. Their bones were cracking, and scorching air was spurting out of their nostrils.

Their speed had obviously increased.

They had also increased their agility, which did not exist in the first place.

They weighed at least five hundred kilograms, and when they reached their limit, the impact force of the Behemoth, which weighed thousands of kilograms, could brake, change directions, rotate, accelerate again, and explode in an instant within a few arms’ distance, it was a series of incredible movements.

Compared with the body, the joints and tendons of the legs, which were too thin and fragile, did not burst.

Regardless of whether their legs would be crippled after this battle.

At least for now, they had brought a lot of trouble to Leaf and the others, who were caught off guard.

Meng Chao heard a familiar voice turn into a scream

Some of his own people had already seen blood.

Leaf had also had one of his fangs broken twice in a row by the opposite side. He seemed to be the strongest and craziest guy, and was sent flying several times.

If not for Leaf’s extraordinary talent and his careful guidance, the rat youth would have been smashed into pieces long ago.

“Oh no, it’s a stimulant similar to the Deification Capsule. It can instantly increase combat strength, but it has serious side effects.”

Meng Chao secretly frowned.

He found that it was the same as the overly advanced military buildings, totem warframes, and mandrake trees.

The Tulan civilization had a rather advanced secret medicine that was completely different from the backward society.

Although many secret medicines contained all kinds of impurities, if one ignored the side effects and sequelae, the effects were often stronger than the gene medicines in Dragon City.

The unparalleled physique of the high-level orcs made it easy for them to ignore the side effects and sequelae, releasing all kinds of ancient secret medicines that originated from thousands of years ago with the most terrifying power.

“This is going to be a bit troublesome.”

They had only been together for five days. Meng Chao did not have any camaraderie with the rat militia of Ice Storm’s battle team.

However, he had already poured a lot of time, energy, and extremely scarce spiritual energy into these people.

He was still hoping that these people could win two more matches and help him win more resources back, as well as cover his plans!

He did not have the time to create a second battle team.

He could not lose any of these people.

I can only speed up the pace and end this battle as soon as possible

Meng Chao’s mind raced as he glanced at the two main generals who were currently engaged in a magnificent duel.

Ice Storm had yet to take down her opponent.

This was very normal.

Although his opponent was young and energetic, he was, after all, one of the top military aristocrats of the Blood Hoof clan. He had received the most rigorous professional warrior training since he was young and had gone through a barely-alive coming of age ceremony before he was qualified to be placed behind his name, he had to put on his clan’s name.

Without a perfect opportunity, his opponent would not easily unleash his trump card.

Moreover, the opponent’s totem armor seemed to be a little more advanced than Ice Storm’s Mithril Ripper.

The Mithril Ripper’s ability was to create frost.

The opponent’s One Million Steam Hammer could compress the steam and hit out like a burning hammer, causing the surrounding space to shake violently, shattering the icicles, frost, and ice walls created by the Mithril Ripper, into pieces.

In addition to the ‘steel skin’ that was unique to the iron-skinned race, the opponent’s skin was extremely tough.

Even though Ice Storm was attacking with her sharp claws that were flying up and down, tearing apart the opponent’s totem armor…

Before the bone-piercing coldness entered the opponent’s body, the cracks were repaired by the squirming of the liquid metal.

The opponent was still standing, and it was even more violent.

“I must lend a hand to Ice Storm!”

Meng Chao’s eyes shone.

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