Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 962 - One Million Steam Hammer!

Chapter 962: One Million Steam Hammer!

The Blood Skull Arena, which could accommodate 50,000 to 80,000 people, was completely filled.

When Ice Storm’s team entered the arena, all the spectators fell into a moment of shock and silence.

They had just heard rumors that the two teams that were about to fight had met in advance in the Hall of Glory and had a conflict.

To be honest, something like an early clash was never news in the arena.

It had happened before a battle even began, and the victor had already been decided.

However, one side had been beaten by the other side until they ran like rats, and this was the explosive news that everyone couldn’t believe.

Not to mention, the one running like rats was the team led by frost empress, Ice Storm.

The Turan people could be defeated or killed.

But how could they run away before they even entered the real battlefield?

All the audience members were furious, especially Ice Storm’s former supporters, they felt deeply defeated and betrayed.

They booed their trump cards in the past.

However, Meng Chao and the others held their heads high and strode onto the stage in an imposing manner, stunning the tens of thousands of audience members.

The fighting spirit that was released from their bodies that shot straight up into the clouds did not look like the cowardly rats that had just been chased into a chaotic mess?

The spectators looked at each other and used their gazes to ask, “Did something go wrong? How could Ice Storm’s team escape? Did they get mixed up with the other battle teams?”

However, when they carefully observed the appearance of Ice Storm’s battle team and saw the weakness of Meng Chao, the slender Leaf, the wrinkles of Spider, as well as the bruised and swollen faces of the other wild rat soldiers, they immediately realized that that was right. Looking at the entire Blood Skull Arena, no… it was the entire Black-corner City, no, it was the entire map of Orchid Lake. There was no other battle team that was as strange as this one!

“The news is not wrong. They were beaten to a pulp by someone just now, and they ran away with their buttocks!”

“It’s fine if they lost, but they didn’t even dare to fight. They were chased until they screamed, and they still have the face to swagger onto the arena?”

“Kill these cowards. They have tarnished the honor of the arena and the ancestral spirits!”

The audience, who had been silent for a short moment, suddenly burst into a tide ten times stronger than before.

Many of the audience couldn’t wait for the competition to end. They took out beast-catching ropes, pebbles, darts, and other things from their clothes and threw them toward the arena with crackling sounds.

If they were not from the Blood Hoof Clan and the Minotaur warriors who were responsible for maintaining order were not eyeing the arena, many of the audience members would have jumped onto the arena to teach the “rat people and the scum of the Turan people” a lesson!

Most of the audience members were in the back row of the audience seats. They were too far away to vent their anger directly with beast-catching ropes and pebbles. They could only shout the names of Ice Storm’s opponents at the top of their lungs.

“Kill them, Poison Stinger!”

“Kill these scum, Poison Stinger!”

“Come on, Poison Stinger! Bring out the boldness of the Ironhide Clan and kill these cowardly rats in one go!”

“Poison Stinger! Poison Stinger! Poison Stinger!”

Tens of thousands of shouting voices gathered into a storm and rushed into the brain of the young wild boar warrior. He had never seen such a grand battle before, and he felt like he was floating on the clouds and drifting in the air.

The wild boar warrior named Poison Stinger was a member of the Ironhide Clan with a pure bloodline. His parents were both 100% wild boar people.

The iron skin that originated from his father made his flesh, which was as tough as armor, shine with a faint metallic luster.

The characteristics of the female porcupine also made clusters of extremely sharp and hard steel needles grow on the surface of his iron skin. When he was furious, the steel needles stood up. Literally, his entire body was covered with weapons.

The young and impetuous him desired to command more warriors and servants in the Battle of Glory to win greater glory for his family.

Then, he needed to make his name known, and he needed a stepping stone that was tall enough…

Ice Storm was the perfect stepping stone that his mother had chosen for him with great difficulty through her connections.

“The opponent is very strong, and it’s not something you can easily defeat.”

Before the battle began, his mother had repeatedly reminded him, “Fortunately, this is a team battle, and you have the best servants of the Ironhide Clan, while the enemy’s servants are just a bunch of mobs who can’t withstand a single blow.

“Therefore, as long as you can withstand Ice Storm’s attack and let your servants kill all the enemy’s servants, the adjudicator will declare your victory, and you will have earned the reputation of ‘defeating the trump card!’”

This was the plan.

The point of “withstanding Ice Storm’s attack” was not a big problem for the legitimate members of the Ironhide Clan who had the ‘skin of steel’ and were good at defense.

However, the frenzied shouts of the tens of thousands of audience members had blinded Stinger’s mind.

He suddenly had the illusion that he could defeat Ice Storm in a fair and square manner.

“Actually, Ice Storm isn’t as powerful as the legends say, is it?”

The young wild boar warrior muttered to himself, “If she is really that powerful, why did she raise a protest to the adjudicator just now? She looked like she was afraid to fight with me?

“Also, her servants are too weak.

“Although she has only trained for a few days, she always handpicked them carefully. In the end, they turned out to be such a bunch of weaklings. It can be seen from this that Ice Storm doesn’t have good taste.

“That’s right. She has already lost three rounds in a row in the group battle. How strong can she be?

“I can defeat her without relying on the adjudicator!”

The cheers of the audience were like lava, flowing into Poison Stinger’s ears and then into his eyes, nostrils, and throat through his ear canal.

It made every pore on his body spurt out a stream of excitement.

This stream of heat blurred his vision, confused his hearing, and interfered with his thoughts, leaving only a picture in his mind—he stood proudly in the center of the arena, his feet stepping on Ice Storm that was covered in cuts and bruises and had passed out, he raised his arms high, enjoying the cheers of tens of thousands of spectators, and the real victory!

An old Minotaur warrior, riding a huge eagle with a bridle and saddle, hovered above the arena.

He blew a horn that looked like a scimitar and threw a spear at the center of the arena.

The spear accurately pierced the arena, and the cracks created by the countless gladiators’ strange power trembled as it pierced the arena.

On the tail of the spear, the flag of glory representing the Blood Hoof Clan shook open. Under the shocking momentum of the two sides, it fluttered in the wind.

Dong dong dong dong!

The hundreds of war drums around the arena rang again.

Stinger’s gaze passed over the Blood Hoof battle flag and stared at Ice Storm on the opposite side.

He discovered that Ice Storm did not follow the tradition of the clan’s warriors. After the servants fought a battle first, the battle between the main generals would not be carried out in a hurry.

Instead, the first thing she did was activate the totem armor that she was proud of, the mithril Ripper, and transform into a monster that was half human and half panther.

Such a posture did not make the young wild boar warrior feel any fear.

Instead, Poison Stinger felt that the opponent’s trump card was guilty.

Otherwise, why would he show his trump card the moment he appeared?

“What an outsider without a sense of honor.”

Poison Stinger grinned and his eyes were wide open. He punched his chest hard, lighting up the shining totem from his heart to his chest, from his chest to his limbs, all the way to his fingertips.

Balls of lead-gray liquid metal were secreted from his pores, quickly wrapping around every inch of his skin.

With the support of the liquid metal, the sharp spikes that stood like blades all over his body became even sharper.

From his arms to his back, a total of 24 slightly protruding holes shot out powerful air currents, making his arms seem to have become two powerful steam hammers. With a light collision, it caused a deafening boom to the audience.

This was the Ironhide Clan’s totem armor that had been passed down for thousands of years, and which they were proud of—the One Million Steam Hammer!

Although they didn’t know why their own totem was called such a weird name.

It didn’t stop Poison Stinger from being filled with fanatical confidence in his own totem.

The cheers of tens of thousands of spectators after seeing the appearance of the One Million Steam Hammer caused his fighting spirit to soar to the extreme.

“Charge! Warriors of the Ironhide Clan, crush this motley crowd in one fell swoop!”

Waving his arms that looked like iron hammers, the stinger roared, “If we win this battle, each of you will be rewarded with ten slave soldiers!”

Even the cannon fodder was divided into different levels.

Although the so-called “slave soldiers” were also cannon fodder, they could receive the training and the most basic equipment of their masters, and they could stay by their masters’ side and serve their masters’ daily lives. For the time being, they could be considered as “elite cannon fodder.”

If they performed well, they would have the opportunity to upgrade from servant soldiers to servants. Then, they could be considered as the trusted aides of their masters.

Below the servant soldiers, there were slave soldiers.

They were the purest cannon fodder. They did not need any training or equipment at all. They were simply being escorted by a supervising squad formed by servant soldiers. They charged at the enemy’s defensive line with their bare hands and used up the enemy’s arrows, swords, and strength.

Apart from that, there were many other uses for slave soldiers.

Especially for slave soldiers of different genders.

Of course, it didn’t matter if they were of the same sex.

The Turan people didn’t pay much attention to this.

Many times, the gentle moans of the strong sounded even more beautiful than the pleas of the opposite sex.

The promise of the Poison Stinger was even more effective than the secret medicine of the witch doctor.

The domestic rat soldiers, who had just been caught in the Hall of Glory for a long time and still hadn’t caught their opponents, had instead exhausted themselves to the point of gasping for breath. They had already accumulated a belly full of anger.

At this moment, they were even more excited than before.

When they thought of the ten slave soldiers and the ten rat subjects who were even lower than them, they felt that they could be driven and vented to their heart’s content.

The domestic rat soldiers did not care about the joints and tendons on their legs. They felt a slight stabbing pain from time to time.

They all followed behind the One Million Steam Hammer and expanded their muscles to the maximum. Like thirty hammers that were creaking, they smashed toward Meng Chao, who was covered in wounds, and the thin leaves on his hands and feet, the spiders with wrinkles all over their faces and the wild rat soldiers with bruises all over their faces smashed toward them!

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