Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 956 - Unexpected Challenger

Chapter 956: Unexpected Challenger

The Blood Skull Arena was a meat grinder that devoured flesh and reaped lives day and night.

Even in the darkest night without stars, the place was still brightly lit.

Dozens of large and small arenas staged a good show of flesh and blood flying everywhere at the same time.

It allowed tens of thousands of advanced orcs, who were excited and had their blood pumping, to vent their killing intent and gambling nature to their heart’s content.

If a certain audience member lost completely, or if they were not satisfied with the show, they would be able to come down personally and show off their skills…

Or if they won back everything with interest, or if they were even chosen by a military noble, they would be bestowed with a drop of glorious blood…

Or if they were chopped into pieces and smashed into meat paste, turning into the feces of totem beasts amidst countless jeers and jeers.

Similar things had happened countless times in the past thousand years.

As a result, the air inside and outside the arena was moist and sticky. It was as if blood could be squeezed out with just a slight twist.

When the bloody dawn tore apart the night, this never-ending meat grinder welcomed a new batch of fresh meat.

Ice Storm led her 30-man team through the maze-like underground passage and arrived at the square below the main arena, which was as spacious as a palace.

This was because this was the place where many gladiators and servants headed to glory or death.

In the jargon, it was also known as the Hall of Glory.

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and looked around the Hall of Glory, which was as big as three or five football fields.

He was once again surprised by the exquisite architectural skills of the Turan ancestors.

From the ace training camp where Ice Storm was…

To the Hall of Glory.

They walked for a full seventeen minutes and twenty-five seconds at the speed of the rapid march.

It meant that the Blood Skull Arena was a behemoth of enormous scale with well-arranged facilities and a very scientific layout.

By condensing spirit energy into his eardrums and cochlea, Meng Chao had also collected sounds from all directions.

After a rough scan, he found that other than the arena and the auditorium, there were at least dozens of training camps with complete facilities, as well as dozens of dormitories or cells that could accommodate thousands of people.

This proved his judgment once again.

The Blood Skull Arena was not as simple as a colosseum.

It was a military camp with multiple functions, such as training, screening, training, enlistment, assembly, and so on.

The Turan people from thousands of years ago must have had a highly developed civilization to be able to build such a huge and sophisticated military building.

However, after thousands of years of erosion, their descendants had become..

Meng Chao’s cold gaze swept across the Gladiators and servants who were warming up, resting, and picking out weapons in the Hall of Glory.

The two teams that were about to participate in the gladiator battle weren’t limited to Ice Storm and her opponents.

There were dozens of teams that were about to participate in the group battle. There were also hundreds of gladiators who wanted to prove their valor in a one-on-one battle.

Hundreds of gladiators and thousands of servants emitted a stench and killing intent that made the huge underground square appear stuffy and cramped.

The weak rat militia might feel suffocated as soon as they stepped into the square.

Especially when all the Gladiators and servants were glaring at the same team like sharp blades.

Compared with Ice Storm’s team, the other gladiators and servants all had one thing in common.

They were big, muscular, and muscular. Their muscles were so strong that they looked like they were going to tear their skin apart as they jumped out of the square.

Therefore, seeing Ice Storm pull out such a… unique style of team, all gladiators, regardless of her “ace” status, smiled from ear to ear and snickered. “Chi Chi.”

The other squads, though afraid to mock an ace gladiator directly… could not help but cast a malicious look at Meng Chao, Leaf, Spider, and the other seemingly unremarkable species.

Some of them even wagged their tails and used the tip of their tails to gently stroke their throats, indicating that they wouldn’t be able to live much longer.

There were even some who lamented that their luck was so bad that they couldn’t meet such a “perfect” opponent like Meng Chao?

Look at this black-haired, black-eyed fellow. He had to support others after walking a few steps, take a few deep breaths, and forcefully cough a few times. He looked even more delicate than blood.

If he really went to the arena, he probably wouldn’t even need to make a move. Just the audience’s roars and tsunamis would scare him to the point of peeing his pants, right?

The contemptuous gazes of these people made Meng Chao even more curious.

What exactly happened in the history of the Tulan civilization that caused such a large landslide or even a fault to appear in the entire civilization.

From being able to create super weapons such as ‘Totem Armor’, and using advanced biological technology and the mandala tree as a pillar, to build such a magnificent military building such as the ‘Arena’.

They had become a bunch of idiots with well-developed limbs and simple minds.

Did they only know how to use the size of their muscles to determine the strength of their opponents?

One had to know that when one’s cultivation broke through a certain realm, simply increasing the size of their muscles would have a very, very small effect on the increase in their combat strength.

On the contrary, it was the size of their bodies that was too big, which would drag down their speed and agility, as well as the extremely high energy consumption that had become a fatal problem.

To put it bluntly, when it came to a battlefield where bullets were flying everywhere, the chances of being sniped by the enemy or being hit by shrapnel were many times higher than others.

If they were bigger and more powerful, the dinosaurs would not be extinct at all, and the big stupid elephant would be the king of land warfare.

They did not even understand such a simple logic. The Tulan people were really getting worse as they lived. No wonder they could not win the war between worlds, and even dragged the people of Dragon City into it..

As Meng Chao pondered, he suddenly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

The temperature suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees, and a thin layer of frost condensed on his eyebrows. He couldn’t help but shiver.

He looked up and found that the ice storm was confronting a man with two super heavy mace, which was the very typical muscular mace that he had despised just now.

However, there were a total of 300 rat militia soldiers behind the other party. Their troops were strong and strong. It was obvious that they were much more magnanimous than Ice Storm.

Ice Storm could only glare angrily and gnash her teeth. However, she could not do anything to this barbarian elephant warrior who was showing off his might.

“He is the other trump card of the Blood Skull Arena, Brute Hammer. Lady Ice Storm lost to this guy in the last group battle.”

Behind Meng Chao, Leaf whispered the news that he had just heard, “However, I heard that this guy didn’t win with his strength. Instead, he gave his servants an extremely powerful secret medicine in advance so that the servants weren’t afraid of pain or death. That’s how he won against Lady Ice Storm and got the chance to command more servants.”

“Is that so?”

Meng Chao thought quickly and said, “Does our Lady Ice Storm not have a very powerful secret medicine?”


Leaf shook his head and said, “Brute Hammer is a native of Black-corner City. He comes from a very powerful family among the barbarian elephant people. Naturally, he has all kinds of ways to get more resources and secret medicines.

“Our Lady Ice Storm is an outsider without a foothold, and she doesn’t want to join the big families in Black-corner City through the Blood Bestowing Ceremony. Lord Casanova Bloodhoof, who has been supporting her all this time, is getting impatient. He can’t wait for her to lose the last team battle. Why would he help her get the special secret medicines?”

“I see. It seems that our Lady is not doing very well!”

Meng Chao smiled faintly, not taking it to heart.

At this moment, Brute Hammer and Ice Storm ended their confrontation.

Brute Hammer seemed to have said something as he laughed and led hundreds of servants away.

Ice Storm was so angry that she was trembling. She walked back with a livid face. With every step, a sharp ice flower would appear.

“What happened, Lady Ice Storm?”

Meng Chao saw Ice Storm’s furious expression and knew that the other party wasn’t just provoking her with words.

Sure enough, Ice Storm pulled him aside and said to him with a gloomy face, “There is indeed a problem—our opponent has been changed to a wild boar man from the Ironhide Clan. That guy isn’t a professional gladiator!”


Meng Chao did not understand. “So?”


Ice Storm raised his voice. “Why don’t you know anything!”

Meng Chao blinked innocently.

For him, who only wanted to cut melons and vegetables quickly and then sneak out to investigate, destroy, steal, kill, and set fire to.

Indeed, he did not quite understand the difference between these “melons” and “vegetables.”

Looking at his sometimes shrewd and sometimes confused appearance, ice storm couldn’t help but want to stretch out her claws from the meat cushion and scratch him.

She suppressed her anger and patiently explained to Meng Chao.

Three days ago, when she informed ice storm, the opponent she arranged for them was a professional gladiator.

It sounded very powerful, but in the entire Blood Skull Arena, which gladiator’s combat ability was stronger than the trump cards, Ice Storm and Brute Hammer?

Besides, most of the gladiators who participated in the 30-man team battle were losers in the 100-man team battle.

Everyone’s training and commanding ability were about the same. The servants were also selected from the red-eyed rats in the dungeon. They were almost the same in every aspect. Ice Storm was quite confident that she could win the battle by relying on her strong individual combat ability.

Unexpectedly, a challenger suddenly came in.

And he was a member of the strongest Ironhide Clan among the wild boar people.

The four pillars of the Blood Hoof Clan—Turan, wild boar people, barbarian elephant people, and centaurs.

The wild boar people among them did not have the Turan’s tyrannical impact force, nor did they have the barbarian elephant people’s iron wall-like build. They also did not have the rare long-range attack ability of centaurs among advanced orcs.

The reason why they were able to dominate Black-corner City was because they were hot-tempered!

The wild boar warriors who were in a frenzy dared to bare their upper bodies and charge at the golden lion man who was wearing totem armor.

And the Ironhide Clan was the most powerful existence among the wild boar men.

The Ironhide Clan was to the wild boar men what the Blood Hoof Clan was to the Turan.

They were the unrivaled number one family, and even the soul of the entire family.

Coming from such a large clan that had been passed down for a thousand years, even if they were just new members who had just gone through the coming of age ceremony and didn’t have much of a reputation, they were still much more difficult to deal with than a professional gladiator.

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