Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 950 - The Cooperation of the Tanks in the Era of Transcendence

Chapter 950: The Cooperation of the Tanks in the Era of Transcendence

Meng Chao found that such people often had one thing in common.

They were like Leaf. They had not yet lost their most basic emotions and had become pure killing weapons.

At the very least, they understood hatred.

They hated the warriors of the clan who had destroyed their homes.

It sounded a little unbelievable, but according to Meng Chao’s observation, not all the rat people hated the real culprit who had destroyed their homes and killed their loved ones.

After a long journey, going through the gates of hell, leaving their destroyed homes, starving for a few days and nights, and getting a little food from the old men, and.., believing in the so-called “The ancestral spirits are watching you and seizing the Supreme Glory,”.

Many red-eyed rat people forgot who the real murderer was who destroyed their lives and everything.

They no longer hated the murderer.

They only wanted to join the clan and become a new murderer.

This was not a mentality unique to the Tulan people.

It was the same for the people of Earth.

In the history of Earth, countless armies had used similar methods to destroy the homes of the civilians, seize their crops, kill their families, and force the civilians who had no other choice to follow them.

This was called ‘kidnapping’.

Many times, an army of 3,000 to 5,000 people would quickly expand into an army of hundreds of thousands of people after burning, killing, looting, and kidnapping the civilians along the way.

In such an army, humans were no longer humans, but beasts from head to toe.

All the victims forgot about their hatred and became new perpetrators. They only wanted to increase the pain they endured by another ten times before throwing themselves at new victims.

For the simplest purpose.

To live.

Even if they could live for one more second, they could do whatever they wanted.

Meng Chao didn’t want to spread the technology and martial arts of Dragon City to such an army.

Although it was very extravagant to talk about “Morality”and “Humanity”before the end of the world.

But even from the perspective of cold benefits, this kind of army, which was constantly wrapped up, inflated, and supported purely by the desire to kill, was also the most vulnerable army.

When things were going well, they would bared their fangs and brandished their claws, be aggressive, and sweep away the clouds. They would be insufferably arrogant and make enemies on all sides.

When the two sides were in a stalemate or showed signs of failure, they would immediately collapse and spiral into destruction.

This was proven by the history of Earth and the future of the other world.

And an army formed by a “Person”who had normal emotions and knew who to love and who to hate, even if it was not as ferocious and terrifying as the former on the surface, it was more resilient than a pure killing machine and could be unyielding, they could create even greater miracles.

This was what Meng Chao needed.

He needed the Turan civilization to have more emotions and humanity besides valor and madness so that they would become more tenacious. Only then would they be able to resist the attack of the land of eternal Holy Light and serve as Dragon City’s perfect line of defense.

Of course, this was not cheating Ice Storm because these rat people who had emotions and humanity were currently the most suitable servants for Ice Storm.

The female snow leopard warrior, on the other hand, was very doubtful.

Although she had accepted the fact that Spider was an experienced and sophisticated private hunter, she still could not figure out how to lead this group of people to defeat the enemy.

However, when she saw the wrinkles on Spider’s face and the crooked faces of the few bandits next to him, she racked her brains, but she still could not figure out how to lead this group of people to defeat the enemy.

“Can such a group of servants really unleash a powerful attack?”

“Of course not.” Ice storm frowned and said, “You suggest that I don’t even choose the strong man in the recruit training camp who is the second person to finish the Path of Glory and has the bloodline of the Barbarian Elephant Clan.

“How much offensive power can these people in front of me display?”

“Well, I’m afraid that their offensive power is not high. At least in five short days, I don’t have the ability to turn stone into gold. It’s impossible for me to make them all transform and improve by leaps and bounds like the gifted Leaf.”

Meng Chao said, “However, when they come to the arena, their mission is not to attack, but to ‘exist’. They just need to display their strengths and do their best to live until the last moment!”


This was a brand-new theory that the ace Gladiators had never heard before. Ice Storm widened her eyes and said, “They don’t need to attack, they just need to survive. Then, who is responsible for attacking?”

“Of course it’s you, Lady Ice Storm!” Meng Chao said matter-of-factly.

“Aren’t you the most powerful ace in the entire Blood Skull Arena? Isn’t your Mithril Ripper a divine weapon that has drunk the blood of countless gladiators? “With such a divine weapon, it’s ridiculous to leave it unused and ask these weak servants to move their thin arms and legs.”

Ice Storm frowned deeply. “So, I painstakingly selected thirty servants and fed you with a large amount of food and secret medicines to make you fat and strong so that you could watch the show and cheer for me while I kill everyone?”

“You’ve misunderstood me, Lady Ice Storm.”

Meng Chao smiled and pretended that he did not see the crystal-clear fur on the back of the female snow leopard warrior’s neck. She was so angry that they were exploding one by one. He calmly said, “Just because the servants are not the main attackers doesn’t mean that the servants don’t have to do anything.

“Just like a saber, the real blood is the blade. It doesn’t mean that the back, handle, and scabbard of the saber are all useless. It doesn’t mean that without these things, the blade can still display its strongest power alone!”

Ice storm was deep in thought.

“If a clan warrior equipped with totem armor has a combat ability of at least 100, a rat civilian servant soldier who hasn’t been through the real battlefield is at most a piece of trash with a combat ability of 5. Even if these pieces of trash swarmed up, what use would it be?”

Meng Chao struck while the iron was hot, “However, winning or losing is not the only thing that determines the outcome of a battle!

“As long as these pieces of trash can be placed in a suitable position and used to the best of their abilities, even if their combat ability is only 5, they will still be able to perform miracles.

“Simply put, the servant soldiers can help the commander compress the terrain on the battlefield and mold the space into a shape that is most suitable for the commander to use totem combat skills.

“The servant soldiers can also harass the enemy general and create a fleeting opportunity for their own general.

“When their general has just unleashed a powerful but also consumed an astonishing move and is in urgent need of a precious cooldown time, the well-trained servant soldiers can also charge forward without caring about their own safety and help their general gain a few seconds of breathing space.

“All in all, excellent servant soldiers can make their commander-in-chief fight more comfortably, more easily, and more efficiently. They can also allow their commander-in-chief to unleash the most powerful attack power and help their commander-in-chief to firmly control the rhythm of the battlefield.

“This is the true use of servant soldiers!”

Ice Storm was stunned when she heard this.

She was even deeply shocked by the powerful confidence revealed in Meng Chao’s words.

She had never thought that a mouse citizen could release such aggressive self-confidence, and even made her, the ace of the Bloody Skull Arena, subconsciously lower her head.

Meng Chao had reason to be confident.

Because what he said just now was the crystallization of wisdom condensed by the pioneers of Dragon City after half a century of fighting, thinking, summarizing, and constantly developing new ideas.

When some humans awakened their extraordinary power and became the unrivaled “Ultimate human-shaped weapon”extraordinary humans, the argument that “The future war will be the world of extraordinary humans, and the ordinary soldiers will eventually completely withdraw from the stage of history”became very popular.

However, people soon discovered that no matter how strong the extraordinary humans were, the ordinary soldiers could still find enough places to use them and continue to play a crucial role in the battlefield that would determine the survival of civilization in the next thousand years.

It was just like when tanks, airplanes, cannons, armed drones, and even nuclear weapons were developed one after another, there was a saying that “Light infantry has fallen behind and will inevitably be eliminated on the battlefield.”.

There were even many radical and stupid military experts who believed that they could completely conquer a country with only indiscriminate bombing and no need to send ground troops to fight street battles.

However, until the 22nd century before Dragon City’s transmigration, when the Third World War broke out, the ground troops, especially the light infantrymen, were still one of the most important components of any army equipped with the most advanced high-tech weapons.

That’s right, in front of the main battle tank equipped with reactive armor and intelligent cannons, the firepower output of the light infantrymen was infinitely close to zero.

However, through the exquisite coordination tactics of the tanks, the light infantrymen who had been the “Main output”for the past thousands of years could expand the field of vision of the main battle tank, protect the flanks of the main battle tank, and find and knock out the enemy’s anti-tank fighters, they could also control the drones and other means to maximize the offensive output of the main battle tank.

Superhumans were the main battle tanks of the new era.

And the ordinary infantrymen of the new era, as long as they could surround superhumans and find a suitable position in the tactical system, they would never go out of style!

Ice storm was somewhat convinced by Meng Chao.

However, the pride of being a clan warrior really prevented her from completely accepting the suggestion of a rat.

When she subconsciously lowered her head just now, it made her even angrier from embarrassment.

“I’ve never seen a clan’s warrior command a servant like this,” she said coldly.

“It’s precisely because of this that as long as you command the servant like this, he’ll definitely be able to catch them off guard and receive a miraculous effect, Lady Ice Storm.”

Meng Chao gradually understood Ice Storm’s temper and continued, “I’ve heard others explain your first three group battles, and I’ve discovered that there aren’t any problems with your own combat ability. It’s not an exaggeration to say that just by relying on your Mithril Ripper, you’re able to tear apart the enemy’s main general and the servant soldiers.

“However, every time, the adjudicator was disappointed because his servants were either wiped out or collapsed.

“Imagine if there were still thirty to fifty ‘reserves’of servants behind you during the second half of the battle, which adjudicator would be able to judge you as a loser under the gaze of tens of thousands of spectators

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