Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 924 - : Holy Light and Chaos

Chapter 924: Holy Light and Chaos

Fortunately, Meng Chao’s talent as a reaper did not disappear due to his injury.

This was because the delicate touch and precise control required by the Harvesting Skill were mainly carried out by the 1,024 branches.

No matter how high or low the intensity of his battle with “Lu Siya” had been, the fact was, all his main branches were sluggish, and they did not have even a single drop of spirit energy.

However, the branches were like capillaries. Some of them were more or less intact.

Using the techniques of the reaper, Meng Chao’s fingers vibrated at a high frequency in the depths of the sewage. Lines of complicated shorthand symbols were then quickly carved on the ground.

Mission one was complete.

‘I’ve found a suitable guide. I can try to make contact with the advanced orc experts who are desperate.’

“During the process of the guide modulation, it was confirmed once again that carbon-based intelligent creatures that could survive in the ecosphere of another world and develop a civilization had the same physiological structure and operation method of their vitality magnetic field. They could all follow the same set of laws to cultivate.

“Like the Earthlings, the advanced orcs also had spirit meridians, and they were even divided into ‘main meridians’ and ‘branches.’

“However, they seem to have more meridians than the Earthlings’ 108, while they had fewer branches than the Earthlings’ 1024.

“This means that compared with the Earthlings, the advanced orcs have more explosive power.

“However, they are far inferior in endurance, concentration, and precision.

“Perhaps, this is the reason why the advanced orcs did not develop extraordinary technology but continued to live in the clan era where the strong were respected.

“Speaking of which, the physical fitness of the high-level orcs is indeed amazing.

“Even among the ‘rat people’whose social status is the lowest and who are theoretically enslaved and ostracized by everyone, the youngsters who have not received formal training have the speed and strength comparable to the veteran soldiers of Dragon City.

“If they are warriors of the clan, with a little training, they can easily have the combat ability comparable to a one-star spiritual tattoo realm warrior.

“Together with the overwhelming number of beasts, it will be enough to destroy Dragon City.

“This is a force that can overturn dragon city or change the trend of the war between the two worlds in order to stop Dragon City from being destroyed.

“In addition, I found traces of cultivation inside the guide.

“His way of exerting strength is similar to the ‘Wave Force’ in many ways, but it is more ingenious and profound than the ‘wave force’.

“The three fundamental ways of exerting strength in Dragon City all originated from the mysterious runes that we found in the depths of Relic No. 1 and engraved on the wall of the cave.

“The guide said that his strength also came from the murals in the depths of a cave.

“Does this mean that the Earthlings and the high-level orcs have the same inheritance and that we are all products of the game between the mother and the Ancients after the ancient war?”

Meng Chao recorded today’s new discovery.

Nodding in satisfaction, he turned back and carefully searched for the dense information that he had carved a few days ago.

Because of his heavy injuries, the Blood Flower spores and the mysterious green tide had invaded his body.

His brain was often groggy, as if there were countless burning thorns growing inside, tearing the memories of his past life and present life into pieces.

Therefore, he had to record down all his thoughts, analyze them repeatedly, and remember them in his heart.

Only then could he remember who he was, what he was going to do next, and what his ultimate mission was.

“Stop the destruction of Dragon City.”

This was the first line of words he had carved when he had just woken up in the depths of the dungeon.

It was also the largest and deepest line of words.

Below was the specific method.

From thick to thin.

After repeated revisions and smears, he had pondered over it many times.

“Is it possible to prevent a war between worlds?”

This was the first method that Meng Chao thought of.

If there hadn’t been a war between worlds, Dragon City wouldn’t have been involved in the flames of war and naturally wouldn’t have been destroyed.

But on this question, he had already drawn a big cross by himself.

Below it, he carved a few lines of small words as his answer:

“A war between worlds is inevitable.

“The outbreak of any World War is the result of the accumulation of the world’s structural contradictions to the limit, from quantitative change to qualitative change. It does not depend on the will of any ruler or supreme champion.

“I haven’t thought about the situation of other otherworld civilizations yet.

“However, just by observing and recalling the situation of the Turan civilization during this period of time, I know that the war drums of the Otherworld War have been rung.

“The Turan, advanced orcs possess a very special ecological environment and social system.

“Their civilization is closely related to a plant called mandrake. It can even be said that it is completely controlled by the mandrake.

“The mandrake is a marvelous plant. Its roots can go hundreds of meters underground and absorb the spirit energy in the veins of crystals.

“The abundant spiritual energy was also utilized to grow plump and nutritious fruits.

“The taste of the Datura fruit was between avocado and durian, but the heat and spiritual energy contained in it were hundreds of times more abundant. It was comparable to the high-energy nutrient agents of dragon city and even contained a lot of minerals and trace elements.

“It can be said that the mandrake fruit alone is enough to satisfy the needs of the high-level orcs.

“The mandrake trees can grow in any environment. No matter how barren the surface is, their roots can go deep into the ground, absorb spiritual energy and heat, and grow large and sweet fruits continuously.

“This makes the Turan people have no problem of food shortage at all.

“In a medieval society where the strong were respected and there were no nightlife, school districts, or mobile games, there was no food shortage problem. The only consequence was an explosion in population.

“All the high-level orcs ate and lived desperately.

“The children born under the stimulation of the rich psionic energy contained in the mandrake fruit also developed faster than the people on Earth.

“Under normal circumstances, when they reach the age of twelve or thirteen, they possess a new round of reproductive ability.

“Such a special ecological environment allowed the high-level orcs to possess the strongest violent force of the Other World.

“But ‘success or failure, Mandrake. The mandrake tree seems to be full of treasures. A single crop can support an entire civilization, but it has a fatal flaw — it will bloom once every few years to decades, and its flowering period will also be years to decades.

“During the flowering period, the mandrake tree will no longer bear fruit, not even one.

“That is to say, relying on the mandrake fruit as the main source of food, and expanding the population to high-level orcs far beyond the capacity of the land, every few years, there will be a devastating famine.

“Whether ancient or modern, earth or the other world, there are only two ways to survive the famine.

“Either we expand outward and plunder more food.

“Or we compete internally to eliminate the redundant population.

“In practice, the Turan people like to work both ways. Through war, they plunder more food and resources, and eliminate the redundant population.

“It doesn’t matter whether we win or lose the war. As long as we can survive until the end of the flowering period, the next round of mandrake flowers will be enough.

“Therefore, the history of the Turan civilization has been divided into two distinct stages by the mandrake flowers.

“When the flowering period is over and the fruits are abundant, it will be the era of prosperity.

“During this period, the Turan people will recuperate and reproduce in large numbers until every inch of space in Picturesque Orchid Lake is crowded.

“When the flowering period is over and the famine is about to arrive, it will be the era of glory.

“The Turan people would launch a holy war to seize the supreme glory and consume the redundant population in the process.

“For thousands of years, the prosperous era and the glorious era appeared alternately, making reproduction and war the eternal theme of the Turan Civilization.”

However, the situation this time was particularly special.

Meng Chao did not know whether or not the transmigration of Dragon City had caused a mutation in the magnetic field of the planet near the monster mountain range.

Or was it really as Mother 1 had said, the ultimate carbon-based creature of the ancient war era, the mother, that had been bombarded by space-based orbital weapons and exploded into countless pieces.

Mother 2 that was hiding in the depths of Picturesque Orchid gradually woke up.

In short, almost at the same time as the transmigration of Dragon City, the Turan civilization ushered in the longest period of prosperity in history.

A full half a century of prosperity had caused the Turan civilization to explode with an unprecedented population.

The vast and boundless Turan Swamp could be smelled of high-level orcs everywhere and heard their wild roars.

Even the desolate mountains and valleys in the past had become overcrowded.

This meant that once the mandrake flowers bloomed and the grain harvest failed, the Turan civilization would usher in the largest scale famine in history.

It also meant that the Turan civilization had the ability to unleash the largest army in history and wage the largest war.

Picturesque Orchid Lake was destined to be the source of the great war between worlds.

Even if Meng Chao had a glib tongue and the ability to teleport and mind control, he would now teleport in front of the ruler of the Turan civilization and convince these warlike, fearless fellows to believe in “Love and peace.”.

As long as he doesn’t solve the hunger problem of billions of high orcs.

He won’t be able to stop the war.

“If a war between worlds is inevitable, can we make a completely different choice from our previous life and find a way to make the Dragon City civilization jump on the winner’s Chariot?”

This is the second method that Meng Chao thought of.

But in this method, also made a Big X.

Now, he had awakened a large number of memories from his previous life.

He roughly recalled the development process of the Great War between worlds in his previous life.

In his previous life, the ten thousand races between worlds were mainly divided into two camps, Holy Light and chaos.

The high-level beastmen, Abyss Demons, Ancient Tomb Lords, Gray Dwarves, and blood elves who lived on the outskirts of the main continent of the other world belonged to the chaos race.

They fought against the Holy Light alliance formed by the humans, elves, dwarves, and dragons from the other world who lived in the center of the main continent and occupied the most fertile land and the most powerful spiritual energy.

One could tell just by the name.

No matter how fierce the ‘Chaos’ camp’s offensive was at the beginning of the war and how many local victories they won, they would still be arrogant and insufferably arrogant.

In the end, they would inevitably be pushed back by the ‘Holy Light’ camp, which had sufficient resources and a deep foundation, and they would be slaughtered until nothing was left.

In the previous life, the Dragon City civilization, which was in a state of near-death, joined the ‘Chaos’ camp under the threat and enticement of the hungry and murderous advanced orcs.

From then on, they were dragged along by these pig teammates and embarked on the road of destruction.

So, in this life, as long as they changed their course and jumped from ‘Chaos’ to ‘Holy Light’, they would be able to survive and even enjoy the benefits of war?

It was not that simple.

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