Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 899 - Awakening, the Last of Her Free Will

Chapter 899: Awakening, the Last of Her Free Will

Meng Chao’s slash was too deep.

Even the monster mastermind’s spirit core was crumbling.

The “suturing operation” was not done precisely because it was in a hurry.

The two halves of its body were not aligned, and many of its joints were not aimed at the bone socket. They were just randomly pieced together in a state of interlocking canine teeth.

At that moment, it was no longer as majestic as when a god who had descended.

Instead, it resembled its own creations—those deformed and ugly stitching monsters.

However, the continuous flow of blood and green waves extinguished most of the golden flames.

It caused the wounds from its waist to its chest to heal quickly.

Only the center of its brows still spewed out a stubborn golden light.

Accompanied by the cracking sounds of bones splicing together, it appeared to have freed itself from the invisible shackles and gradually regained the ability to move.


Due to the random splicing, its legs were of different lengths. It strode forward, lost its balance, and fell to the ground.

It bent all its limbs 180 degrees and crawled toward Meng Chao and Lu Siya like a weird-looking reptile.

Every time his palms or feet stomped on the ground made of bones, a deafening roar would be heard.

Its anger had turned into a storm visible to the naked eye. It blew so hard that Meng Chao and Lu Siya could not open their eyes.

The two of them did not even turn their heads as they desperately ran toward the golden crevice in the cave wall.

However, the ground under their feet unknowingly extended into the distance, making the golden crevice that had been so close to them seem out of reach.

The bone cave was continuously expanding.

More terrifyingly, a large amount of blood traces and green waves had also drilled out from the depths of the thousands of bones that formed the rock wall. They rushed toward the golden crevice.

First, the stubborn flames were extinguished. Then, like a surgical suture, the crevice was tightly sewn up.

The monster mastermind was frantically repairing the crevice in the spirit world.

The light then disappeared inch by inch.

The illusion became airtight and indestructible again.


Meng Chao watched helplessly as the only way to escape was closed up again.

He wanted to flap his spirit wings and take Lu Siya up into the air.

However, his spirit energy had been burned up in the earth-shattering slash earlier. His skull and chest were empty, but his legs were as heavy as lead.

The ground was constantly squirming, and countless sharp bones were poking out. They were like gray thorns that wrapped around his and Lu Siya’s feet.

Every step they took, their feet would be torn apart by the skeleton thorns, and their flesh would be ripped open. Blood would drip down.

They had to use all their strength just to clench their teeth and move forward.

They had no strength left, yet they flew farther and farther into the increasingly dim light.

Behind them, the skeleton giant let out a low laugh again.

When Meng Chao looked back, he found that the skeleton giant had its back against the ground, its belly facing the sky. Its head was also rotating 180 degrees. It was staring at him with an extremely strange face.

Since its entire face was upside down, its eyes, which were like giant blood diamonds, were closer to the ground. As such, it could see Meng Chao more clearly.

Other than that, its head was twitching as if it was sniffing something.


It stared at Meng Chao for a while and suddenly said, “Your soul is different from the others. It seems to be hiding something that shouldn’t belong to a human. What is that?”

He extended his devilish palm, which blotted out the sky and covered the earth, toward Meng Chao.

His five fingers split apart and transformed into countless white and miserable vipers.

Upon careful observation, one would discover that these coiling “poisonous snakes” had all been formed from connected vertebrae from head to tail.

Countless “poisonous snakes” then swam toward Meng Chao.

Meng Chao’s heart fell into an endless ice cave.

The most terrifying thing had happened.

The monster mastermind had discovered his greatest secret.

Once the other party tore apart his will and devoured his soul, it would be possible to absorb his past life’s memories, and even the Kindling itself!

Meng Chao did not know how the monster mastermind would distort the Kindling.

He only knew that the monster mastermind would be more powerful and unstoppable than it was now.

Perhaps, with the help of Meng Chao’s memories from his previous life, it could really help Dragon City win the war between worlds?

Even so, it would certainly not be the human civilization that ruled Dragon City, the Other World, and even the starry sky at that time. It would be Monster Civilization 2.0!

‘Is it possible that I can’t change anything even if I live again, and I might even make the future worse?’

No, absolutely not.

Meng Chao would rather die than see such a future.

Staring at the thousands of venomous spinal snakes that were charging at him, he clenched his fists with the strength of crushing crystals.

The dancing vertebrae snakes were about to pierce through his soul when…

Something unexpected happened!

The vertebrae snake that was charging at the front was only one finger away from Meng Chao’s eyes.

However, between its sharp fangs and Meng Chao’s fragile eyeballs, an indestructible, transparent barrier had seemingly appeared.

No matter how hard it tried to pierce Meng Chao, it could not penetrate.

No, it was not just the verterbrae snake.

All the venomous snakes and even the skeleton giant could sense a weird, scorching, and surging power coming from its body!

“This is…”

Meng Chao and Lu Siya watched in bewilderment as the wound between the skeleton giant’s eyebrows expanded again.

The wound, which had been given by Meng Chao after he burned his soul, had already healed by 99%.

From his waist to his throat to the tip of his nose, the wound was stitched together by dense blood lines and green tide.

Only a small hole the size of a bean was left between his eyebrows.

The light spurting out of the hole was like a candle in the wind, extremely dim.

But now, the brightness and intensity of the light had suddenly increased by a hundred times.

The dying candle flame had once again turned into the most intense earth fire.


The giant skeleton’s entire head was ignited.

The golden wound on its forehead, which was about to heal, was torn apart again, splitting its head in half.

The golden fire turned into a dazzling torch again, illuminating the entire cave of bones and the last hope of Meng Chao and Lu Siya.

The earthen fire that was spurting out of the giant skeleton’s spiritual core pierced into the wall of the cave of bones like a sharp golden blade. It was the escape route that Meng Chao had just opened.

It temporarily blocked the closing of the crack.

It caused the crazy blood stripes and green tide to burn and disappear.

“What kind of power is this? It seems to be helping us… open the exit of the illusion?”

Meng Chao and Lu Siya looked at each other, not daring to believe their eyes.

This strange power came from the spiritual core of the monster’s main brain.

However, it did not seem to be the power of the monster’s main brain itself.

Not only did it help the two humans open the exit of the illusion.

It also burned the skull of the skeleton giant, causing the skeleton giant to let out a painful scream. It hugged its split head and rolled on the ground in pain.

The golden flames burned brighter and brighter.

In the depths of the flames, a mysterious power condensed into a vague entity. It was like a phoenix that had been reborn from the flames. It spread its glorious wings and expanded the path of escape for the two humans.

In the center of the flames, Wisps of Golden Tongues of fire interweaved, outlining a huge, faintly smiling face.

“This is…”

Lu Siya cried out, “Jin Qianxi?”

Meng Chao widened his eyes.

That’s right. The face formed by the strange fire that gushed out from the spiritual core of the main brain of the monster was like a heroic young girl. It was the memory image of him in the brain, Jin Qianxi, whom he had seen many times—the female human warrior who had fought against the monster mainframe for decades on the invisible battlefront alone!

In an instant, Jin Qianxi’s smile lit up Meng Chao’s brain and made him understand everything.

“It turns out that the reborn me has not changed nothing.

“Although I was unable to stop the monster mainframe from infiltrating Dragon City and cultivating human civilization into Monster Civilization 2.0, I was able to stop the monster mainframe from infiltrating Dragon City.

“However, my series of efforts forced the monster’s main brain to detonate its plan several years in advance.

“Right now, it’s not too far away from devouring senior Jin Qianxi’s last remnant soul.

“In my previous life, it should still take several years before it can completely digest and absorb senior Jin Qianxi’s soul.

“In this life, it hasn’t completed the entire process of digestion and absorption.

“In the deepest part of its spiritual core, Senior Jin Qianxi’s last free will still exists!

“At the same time, because of my rebirth, I created Queen Bee Lu Siya, one of the top experts among the new generation of superhumans in Dragon City. She has also become the target of the main brain of the monster.

“But it has really made a mistake in choosing the puppet.

“Yes, Sister Ya may be ambitious and have a strong desire for power and control. She doesn’t care much about the life and death of ordinary people.

“However, it is precisely because of her extremely strong ambition and desire for power that she will never be willing to become the main brain of the monster or the puppet of any demons and monsters.

“In the most perfect plan of the main brain of the monster, it should continue to hibernate. It should spend a few years to slowly wear down Senior Jin Qianxi’s remnant soul. Then, it should simmer it down slowly and subtly, so that sister ya will unknowingly become its puppet. It will even think that everything is out of its own heart.

“However, at this time, I saw through its plan and forced it to reveal its true face in advance. I even launched a mental attack and sucked Sister Ya’s and my consciousness into its spiritual world.

“Of course, our spirit energy is unable to contend with this old monster that has been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years.

“However, the so-called monster mastermind cannot be completely compared with the mother during the ancient war. It swallowed the remnant soul of the female human warrior, Jin Qianxi and grew to this point.

“Although the last slash of my soul burning did not completely destroy the monster mastermind’s spirit core, I still managed to awaken Senior Jin Qianxi’s final free will.

“However, I successfully awakened Senior Jin Qianxi’s final free will!”

Countless thoughts danced like golden snakes and exploded in the depths of Meng Chao’s consciousness.

He stared at “Jin Qianxi” at the center of the golden flames with mixed feelings.

He discovered that this senior who had been dealing with the monster mastermind for decades was also looking at him with gratified and encouraging eyes.

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