Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 897 - Shocking Facts!

Chapter 897: Shocking Facts!

Looking at the giant made of billions of human bones, Meng Chao and Lu Siya gritted their teeth. Their hands and feet felt cold.

The phosphorescent fire around the giant skeleton extended toward the two of them along vines that looked like nerves.

“Of course, I’ve carefully selected the two of you as the most perfect chosen ones.”

“The rest of the chosen ones are too old,” it said casually. “If not that, after decades of desperate battles and the fact that I stimulated their cells to divide and grow crazily, their bodies and even their souls have suffered irreparable damage.

“They are already at the end of their lives, and it’s time for them to be eliminated.

“However, who in the so-called ‘golden generation’ is more talented and has more potential than the two of you? who has more glorious battle records, influential influence that will shake the entire city, complicated connections, and astronomical resources?

“Therefore, although it’s easy to do, I really don’t want to extinguish the fire of your souls, just like extinguishing two candles in a storm.

“Right now, there are only two paths in front of you.

“Either you insist on doing whatever you want, resist stubbornly, and die in the end, without any meaning.

“Maybe I can keep a piece of your remnant soul so that you can watch Dragon City… Monster Civilization 2.0, under the leadership of the other ‘chosen ones’, rush into the unpredictable future like a burning chariot. Victory or defeat, Glory or destruction, you can not change anything.

“Either you merge with me and become the leader of these chosen ones. Although you will lose some things, at least you still have some hope of changing the future. There is a chance to mold Dragon City-Monster Civilization 2.0 into what you want it to be.

“This is not a difficult choice.

“Facing death without fear may not be the greatest courage, but it may also be the greatest irresponsibility.

“After recognizing the cruelty of the world, you can still summon your courage and survive as long as you can. Only then can you turn hope into the future, right?”

The skeleton giant’s voice suddenly became deep and hoarse.

The sound that came out of its chest and exploded in Meng Chao’s and Lu Siya’s minds was like furious thunder.

But now, its voice had a bit of a seductive female added to it. Together with the dim phosphorescence, it surged into the depths of their souls.

Meng Chao was gradually captured and hypnotized by the voice.

His hands and feet were limp, and he couldn’t exert any strength.

The thousands of bones around him seemed to have become mollusks. Inch by inch, they climbed, covered, wrapped, and devoured his body.

He seemed to have sunk into the most delicate quicksand, sinking deep into the bones.

From the crevices of the bones and the dark eye sockets of each skeleton, countless red tentacles that looked like blood-patterned mycelium crawled out. They were like the nerve bundles of the skeleton giant, drilling into his brain.

Meng Chao heard fragmented murmurs coming from the depths of his brain.

He did not know if it was the ancient era’s call or…

If it was his own true thoughts.

“Perhaps the monster mastermind is right.

“Only by transforming the human civilization into Monster Civilization 2.0 will there be hope to save Dragon City.

“The gods of the Other World are too powerful. Without the help of the monster mastermind, it’s impossible for us to conquer the Other World, let alone figure out the mystery of transmigration and figure out… where we came from and what important mission we are shouldering.

“There’s no meaning in dying here. There’s no meaning at all.

“I have to live. Only by living will there be hope, and only then will I be able to change the future, and only then will I be able to make greater contributions to Dragon City.

“Everyone will die. Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of Dragon City people will be burned to ashes by the flames of destruction—this is what I saw with my own eyes during the apocalypse!

“What’s wrong with sacrificing tens of millions of people in Dragon City in order to save the lives of hundreds of millions of people in Dragon City? They were going to die anyway!”

The chaotic thoughts were injected into Meng Chao’s soul through the blood-red nerves of the skeleton giant like sticky venom.

Right now, Meng Chao had been swallowed by thousands of skeletons, and only half of his face was left exposed.

Strands of crystal clear blood appeared on his eyes. Soon, his eyes were about to turn into two scarlet diamonds without any emotion.

Through his scarlet eyes, Meng Chao saw that Lu Siya was also completely wrapped up by the thorny vines, forming a huge green cocoon.

The green cocoon was dragged to the center of the skeleton giant’s brows by the vines.

The skeleton giant’s forehead split open, turning into a huge vertical bloody mouth.

The green cocoon trembled slightly. This was Lu Siya’s final struggle.

However, as the seductive poison continued to be injected, the trembling became weaker and weaker.

“This is the last…”

Meng Chao closed his eyes.

He allowed the squirming skeleton to completely drown him.

Just as the last two pieces of bones were about to cover his eyes…


Along with the sparks of his thoughts, a dazzling lightning tore through Meng Chao’s mind, causing him to shiver deeply.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and his two pupils contracted into two nuclear nuclei that were about to fuse!

“No, that’s not right. I was wrong. Everyone was wrong. The entire Dragon City was terribly wrong!”

Just as his spiritual defense line was about to completely collapse, Meng Chao’s consciousness suddenly jumped out of the blind spot of his thoughts and discovered an extremely terrifying fact.

No matter in his previous life or this life, Dragon City had never won the Monster War.

If the monster mastermind wasn’t lying, the Monster War was a conspiracy designed by it to erode Dragon City from the very beginning. Its purpose was to infiltrate and not to destroy, then this matter wouldn’t have changed because of my rebirth!

In other words, the Dragon City civilization in my previous life paid an extremely tragic price and sacrificed countless heroes, including Battle God Lei Zongchao. They thought that they had achieved a difficult and tragic victory, but in reality, all of this was in the monster mastermind’s plan. It was the ultimate victor of the Monster War!

“The human beings seized the victory before their eyes.

“But it seized the future of Dragon City!

“That’s right. After Dragon City won the Monster War in my previous life, it didn’t even have a moment to catch its breath. It was immediately involved in a larger and ten times more brutal colonization war—the war between worlds!

“Everyone was slaughtering, conquering, plundering, devouring, and destroying like crazy!

“The natives of the Other World who were shivering called us ‘alien catastrophes’. Our cold-hearted allies called us ‘War Dogs.’ Our enemies who were even stronger than us called us a bunch of ‘Mad Dogs.’

“Whether it was extraordinary disasters, ‘War Dogs’, or ‘Mad Dogs’, they all meant the same thing. At that time, Dragon City had completely turned into a war machine that was operating at the maximum speed and whose brakes had completely failed. It was advancing crazily on the road that was crushing everything. It could not stop until it crashed into an iron plate and brought about its own destruction!

“At that time, the ordinary citizens of Dragon City were not qualified to enjoy even the slightest bit of war dividends, except for the suffering brought about by the war. All the spoils of war were divided up by the nine super companies, and with the dividends they plundered at the beginning of the colonization war, they further expanded into gigantic monsters. No power could stop the nine-headed monster from continuing to expand until it exploded like a balloon that had exceeded its limit.

“At that time, Dragon City was neither fair nor just. There was no room for kindness and mercy. Natural selection was the natural selection. The winner was king. It became the main theme of Dragon City once again. The strong bullied the weak everywhere. The strong preyed on the weak everywhere. The entire society became an infinitely small pyramid. Power was everything!

“As for ordinary people like me, who came from a poor family and had nothing, the only hope of obtaining power was to join the private armed forces of the nine mega corporations. Assassin organizations such as the Ghost Tribe would become dirty chess pieces stained with blood!

“Come to think of it, is this really what the human civilization should look like?

“Should the human civilization destroy the Other World and destroy itself after it destroys earth?


“This is not the human civilization. This is Monster Civilization 2.0!”

At this thought, Meng Chao suddenly realized that after his rebirth, he had seemingly done so many things that caused a 180-degree change in the outcome of the Monster War.

However, he still could not stop the wheel of history from rolling forward along the path designed by the monster mastermind and rushing toward hell!

“Therefore, this is not ‘sacrificing tens of millions of people to save billions of people’ at all!

“It is ‘even if tens of millions of people are sacrificed, they will not be able to save billions of people. The Dragon City civilization is still doomed and doomed!’

“It is even ‘precisely because the Dragon City civilization was deeply infiltrated by the monster mastermind and chose the bloody path of sacrificing tens of millions of people, which led to the tragic death of billions of people and the destruction of the entire civilization’!

“No, this is definitely not the path I chose. The future of Dragon City should not be like this!

“There is still a chance. Since I have already realized this, there must be a chance. The Monster War has just ended and the war between worlds has not begun yet. As long as I can escape from this damned place and escape the mind control of the monster mastermind, there will definitely be a chance to reverse the future and crush the apocalypse!”

Meng Chao’s confusion was swept away.

The soul fire that had been incredibly dim just a moment ago seemed to have been injected with a brand new fuel, and it suddenly exploded to the extreme.

His limbs, which were originally as heavy and numb as cement, were tightly bitten by the shattered bones.

Suddenly, his fingertip touched a very hard thing.

As he tightly held this thing in his palm, a lava-like heat current flowed from his arm to his body. Finally, in the center of his mind, a world-shaking roar was emitted, and a dazzling golden light was released.

Under the illumination of the golden light, the bone fragments that covered his body were hissing as they disintegrated, dispersed, and evaporated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Was this… the Golden Tooth Blood Soul Saber?

Meng Chao stared blankly at the saber that was connected to his bloodline and resonated with his soul.

Soon, the corners of his mouth curled up into an extremely confident smile.

That’s right, the Golden Tooth Blood Soul Saber in reality was still placed in the safe in the dormitory.

But this was the spirit world, an illusion created by brainwaves.

Yes, an indestructible will, a place that could be directly converted into divine weapons and combat power!

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