Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 832 - Indigestion

Chapter 832: Indigestion

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“The Hidden Mist Domain’s situation is special. We absolutely cannot treat it as an ordinary wilderness area. All the resources contained here, from the crystal ore vein to the ancient science and technology, equally belong to every Dragon City citizen. The benefits of developing the Hidden Mist Domain should also be shared by all the citizens.”

Thinking of that, Meng Chao said without hesitation, “It’s not that the mega corporations can’t develop the Hidden Mist Domain. However, a large part of the profits will definitely be handed over to the Survival Committee and added to Dragon City’s finances. It will be used for the city’s infrastructure, education and training of the citizens, renovation of old residential areas, and support of small, as well as medium-sized enterprises, and so on.

“Also, the ancient information that we have excavated from Ruins No. 2—the various biochemical technologies, the Ancients’ spirit technology, and their marvelous arts and techniques—should also be made public to all the citizens and not be monopolized by a few people.

“Therefore, I absolutely do not agree with the implementation of the Land Enclosure Decree in the Hidden Mist Domain!”

“Meng Chao, your opinion is also the opinion of the Red Dragon Army.”


Shao Zhengyang’s eyes were brimming with admiration and trust again. He nodded and said, “In fact, if the Land Enclosure Decree is really implemented in the Hidden Mist Domain, the Red Dragon Army will not be at a disadvantage at all. After all, we have the numerical advantage. In the process of advancing into the Hidden Mist Domain, we have already seized a large number of strategic locations.

“However, the Red Dragon Army is the armed force of all the citizens of Dragon City. We are made up of thousands of ordinary citizens of Dragon City, and we will always fight for them.

“Even if the Red Dragon Army wants to develop the Hidden Mist Domain, as you said, we will share all the rights, including the crystal resources and the ancient technology, with all the citizens.

“However, the insistence of the mega corporations is not without reason.

“After all, the Land Enclosure Decree did not stop when we attacked the Hidden Mist Domain.

“The nine mega corporations did try their best in the final battle.

“Including the nine founders, the nine mega corporations sent more than ten deities in total. All of them were heavily wounded in the final battle. The price was indeed a terrible one. It was only natural that they demanded a high reward.

“Speaking of which, everyone has their own reasons. No one made a mistake based on principles. If we want to blame someone, we can only blame the enemy for being too fragile. They did not even put up much effective resistance in their own headquarters. As a result, we won too easily. Instead, we ended up with a Problem!”

As Shao Zhengyang spoke, he could not help but laugh.

“Meng Chao, do you know that I still feel dizzy even now? It feels like a dream.”

After many conversations, the number one expert of the Red Dragon Army had really treated Meng Chao as an old friend who shared the same ideals as Lei Zongchao. The corners of his eyes twitched as he recalled the bloody memories, “The Monster War lasted for dozens of years. My entire prime period was spent in the roars of the monsters. Many times, when I woke up from a nightmare, I saw the claws and teeth of the monsters and the internal organs of my companions flying in front of my eyes, as if I had fallen into another nightmare.

“I’m not afraid that you will laugh at me. For a long time, I thought that Dragon City could not win the Monster War and that its destruction was only a matter of time. What the Red Dragon Army had done was nothing more than to win a grand ending for the civilization of mankind.

“I didn’t expect that in the past two to three years, we had completely turned the tide of the war.

“Since the great victory of the northern front, Dragon City seemed to have won the favor of fate. The Red Dragon Army had also been riding the wind and breaking the waves. The war was getting smoother and smoother, and the resources were increasing. The combat ability of the officers and soldiers at the basic level had improved by leaps and bounds. More and more powerful experts had emerged in the middle and high levels. Everything was so wonderful that it was like a miracle!

“After the battle at the outskirts of Dragon City ended, the monster civilization did not carry out effective resistance in most of the war zones. Originally, we had calculated that the monster mastermind had contracted its forces and was prepared to carry out the most tenacious and bloody resistance near the headquarters.

“The Red Dragon Army has already prepared all the ammunition that they have accumulated over the years. They have sacrificed two to three Deity Realm experts, three Heaven Realm experts, and even an army of a million.

“Who would have thought that the monster civilization did not struggle at all other than creating some trouble for us with the illusion!

“Neither the Red Dragon Army nor the nine mega corporations, including all the superhuman individuals and ordinary citizens, would have thought that the victory that they had dreamed of would fall from the sky in such a way.

“Many people were blinded by the victory. More and more people were blinded by the astronomical spoils of war and became… impetuous and unrecognizable.

“This is probably called ‘the trouble of happiness!’”

Meng Chao understood Shao Zhengyang’s meaning.

In fact, Dragon City’s current problem was the same as Superstar Resource’s problem.

It was just that the expansion speed was too fast. It was a little indigestion after eating too many resources in one go.

If the monster civilization’s trophies and the ancient ruins’ super technology could be perfectly digested, the Dragon City civilization would definitely achieve an explosive breakthrough and climb to a new level in time.

However, if they only knew how to devour without restraint and did not think about how to digest the resources that were being devoured, allowing nutrients to flow into their limbs, bones, and internal organs in a sufficient and uniform manner, it was possible that they would be stuffed to death.

Speaking of which, Meng Chao also felt that the current monster civilization had lost too easily, especially when compared with the one from his previous life. Both sides had almost lost their last drop of blood.

Their victory this time was a little “easy,” or even “falling from the sky.”

If Meng Chao felt that he was “not satisfied,” then he was too heartless.

However, in the replay of the final battle, Meng Chao did feel that the monster mastermind, the mother, had not gone all out.

One should to know that in the past six months, Monster Mountain Range had been scattered with many remnants of the beast horde. These scattered soldiers had almost all been surrounded, annihilated, and captured by the humans.

If the mother could summon them back to the Hidden Mist Domain in time, it would definitely turn this place into the most terrifying slaughterhouse.

Also, there was a type of bacteria in the Hidden Mist Domain that had extremely strong cell division and regeneration abilities. It was known as the Green Tide by Meng Chao and the other exploration team members.

The ultra-high voltage transmission towers that were covered by the Green Tide turned into towering giants that forcefully dragged the most powerful armored airships from the sky to the ground.

It was such a useful biological weapon. Why did the mother not replicate it on a large scale and form the “Green Tide Legion”?

If it was because there were not many UHV transmission towers, and it was impossible to get enough steel structures to serve as the skeleton of the green giants, the Green Tide would have been much stronger.

In that case, there must be a lot of reinforced concrete between the ruins of Peach Blossom Town that could be filled into the Green Tide, right?

Moreover, a large number of ‘Apocalyptic Beast Evolvers’ had not completed the modulation due to insufficient resources, so they had to rush into the battle in a very tender form.

However, Meng Chao felt that it had been more than half a year since the battle at the periphery of Dragon City. With the mother’s wisdom, it should not have failed to see that the monster civilization was defeated like a collapsing mountain. It was only a matter of time before humans invaded its lair.

If it really wanted to create a batch of Apocalyptic Beast with ultimate evolved bodies to defend its last lair, should it not gather the remaining resources and use them?

It could stop the refinement of a batch of Apocalyptic Beasts with evolved bodies and supply all the crystals, spiritual gas, and nutrients to the mature bodies that had the best chance of success. It could even be used to feed the evolved bodies of the apocalyptic beasts that had stopped the refinement, they could also be fed to the mature bodies.

Such a sacrifice could at least produce three to five, or even seven to eight evolved Apocalyptic Beast, that could be put up a fight, right?

It was much better than the current situation where dozens of Apocalyptic Beasts were refined in one go, but they were still in the embryonic and infant stages. None of them could fight.

Such a simple principle had been known to the mother’s body since the ancient war tens of millions of years ago.

At that time, the mother had ordered the monsters to kill and devour each other, using the method of raising insanity to cultivate the strongest “king of the monsters.”

How could it have lived for tens of millions of years, but it was gradually returning?

In short, the failure of the monster civilization was inevitable.

However, as long as the mother possessed intelligence on the same level as Meng Chao, it could deal ten or even a hundred times more damage to humans.

Why was the monster civilization so merciful when it was about to die?

Could it be that the mother realized that no matter how hard it struggled, it would not be able to escape the fate of destruction and was tired, so it simply gave up?

How is that possible? It must be known that even when facing its creator, the Ancients who had mastered the space-based orbital strike technology, the mother would still try its best to fight until the last breath of destruction.

“Against the Earthlings who were hundreds of times weaker than the Ancients, the mother had to take a risk no matter what, right?

“is it possible that the mother has been asleep for thousands of years, and its brain cells and nerve cells have been losing their activity, causing its intelligence to gradually dry up, and in the end, it has been reduced to a level worse than me?

“Or perhaps, because I am a reincarnator who has returned from the end of the world, carrying the great fortune of the ‘chosen one’, I am constantly emitting a domineering aura that is like a flood.

“Ordinary superhumans and even Deity Realm experts might not be able to see this domineering aura, but the mother is keenly aware of my unfathomable realm and unparalleled means. It feels that the more it resists, the more miserable it will die in my hands. Why don’t we end the battle as soon as possible and give itself a quick death?”

Meng Chao was baffled.

There was another thing that was very strange.

The human beings had dug up the lair of the monsters and taken out the giant brain and the micro brain inside the mother. They were scanning the giant brain and the micro brain layer by layer at the molecular level and figured out all the secrets of the monster civilization.

Why was the mission progress of the Mystery of Supernatural Entities still stuck at 99% ?

‘D*mn it. The civilization of monsters is dead. How do I solve the last 1% of the puzzle?’

Although Meng Chao was rich now, he was not greedy for the contribution points that would be rewarded for completing the mission.

However, he was a little obsessive. Every time he saw the “99%” above his vision, he felt that countless ants were crawling on his cerebral cortex. He could not stand it anymore.

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