Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 813 - An Incredible Attack

Chapter 813: An Incredible Attack

When this phenomenon repeated itself a hundred times in a regular manner, Meng Chao finally realized that the Ancients were using a mysterious weapon to deal with the beast horde.

He originally thought that it was something like a cell disintegration cannon.

Through the ultra-high frequency vibration, it triggered the resonance of all the cells in the carbon-based life form.

Then, with the resonance that was constantly magnified, the complete life form was reduced to divided cells.

However, whether it was the compound eye of the ancient insect or Meng Chao’s own super vision, they could all see objects on a bacterial level.

Even if they were instantly broken down into cells, it was impossible that there were no signs at all. Not even the slightest trace could be observed.

Meng Chao observed the disappearance of hundreds of insect-type monsters.

However, he could not find the reason for their disappearance.

After considering the ancient civilization’s characteristics and pondering for a long time, he finally came to a realization.

The insect-type monsters were not disintegrated into cells or even basic elements that were even smaller than cells.

Instead, they were “transmigrated” away.

Other than biochemical technology and spirit technology, the technology that the ancient civilization was most proud of was transmigration.

It was possible to transmigrate an entire city and all intelligent life forms living in it to the other side of the sea of stars and precisely land on the surface of a habitable planet, perfectly integrating into the local geology and ecosystem.

It was possible for intelligent life forms to transmigrate from point to point on the surface of the planet without any obstacles.

Before reading the “micro brain’s memory,” Meng Chao had only thought that transmigration was a technology that had been developed to the extreme in the field of transportation.

Now, he realized that apart from transportation, this technology could be further used to kill!

It should be known that Project 101 had been treading on thin ice when conducting the experiment of short-distance transmigration on the planet’s surface. They had to revise and confirm all the working parameters repeatedly so that hundreds or thousands of parameters… were all accurate to dozens of decimal places.

If a certain parameter was one-hundredth off, it was highly possible to teleport a person to a place hundreds of kilometers away from the destination.

That was literally the meaning of “a slight difference can lead to a thousand miles of error.”

Since there was no other portal hundreds of kilometers away from the destination, it allowed the transporter to safely and steadily “land.”

The transmigrator who appeared out of nowhere would often turn into a bloody mist, or be embedded in the mountain, or be transmigrated out of the atmosphere and frozen into a block of ice, or be transmigrated to the deep sea and squeezed into a meat pie as thin as a cicada’s wing, and so on.

In such a case, the transmigrator who was the luckiest would only be left with a “complete corpse” with broken bones and broken internal organs.

Both Meng Chao and all the researchers of Project 101 were deeply impressed by the teleporters who had sacrificed themselves.

All their efforts day and night were to prevent such a tragedy from happening again.

For this reason, countless researchers had their hair turned white. When they were busy with their work, they had unwittingly ignited the overly exuberant spiritual flame, burned countless brain cells, and died of spirt energy deviation.

However, Meng Chao suddenly thought of something. What if the phenomenon was not “avoided” but “allowed” to happen?

Destruction was always easier than construction.

Casually transporting an object to the depths of the ocean, the interior of the Earth’s crust, and the cosmic vacuum filled with radiation… Of course, it was a hundred times easier than accurately transporting a carbon-based intelligent life form to a certain point thousands of kilometers away, be it the height, distance, or coordinates. There was not even a millimeter of difference.


“This isn’t a cell disintegration cannon but a transmigration cannon!”

Meng Chao instantly understood. “The Ancients were already able to weaponize transmigration technology and create these terrifying weapons, directly transmigrating the monsters away!

“It doesn’t matter where they are teleported to—the Other World is similar to Earth, with 70% of the surface area being an ocean, and boiling magma as well as hard rocks below the surface. Even if they were to be thrown out of the atmosphere, it would only be a few thousand kilometers. With the ancient civilization’s technology, it would be effortless!

“As long as it falls into the deep sea, the rock layer, and the atmosphere, no matter how powerful the monster is, it will definitely die!”

The following scene appeared in Meng Chao’s mind:

A ferocious monster that was baring its fangs and brandishing its claws was originally waving its blade limbs as it ran madly toward the ancient city.

At the next second, its vision turned black, and it was suddenly transmigrated into an underground crevice that was less than five millimeters in diameter.

No matter how hard its shell was, no matter how strong its flesh was, no matter how sharp its fangs and limbs were, they were instantly crushed into meat paste that filled the entire crevice.

Even the depths of its cells were filled with the basic elements that made up rocks.

It turned it into a deformed and twisted statue that had its flesh and blood mixed with rocks.

Meng Chao could not help but shiver.

This was the worst way to die.

It was a hundred times scarier than a thousand cuts, spontaneous combustion of the brain, and cell decomposition.

He realized that he had thought wrong at the nest second.

The Ancients did not transmigrate the monsters to the deep sea hundreds of kilometers away, the Earth’s crust below, or the atmosphere above.

They only transmigrated the monsters to the beast horde hundreds of meters, dozens of meters, or even a few meters away.

To the Ancients, transmigrating an object a few meters away was a piece of cake. It was effortless.

However, in the surging beast horde, all the monsters were shoulder to shoulder. Their curved fangs, sharp claws, and sharp limbs were often stuck together.

There was no extra space between the monsters to accommodate another monster that had mysteriously transmigrated over.

When two or even three or four monsters were forced into the same space, a tragedy happened.

Their cells, bones, nerves, and internal organs were all forcefully merged together.

Many monsters exploded into a bloody mist.

Many monsters turned into ‘joined-up babies’ and died the next second due to the compression and rupture of their organs.

Some of the “beast cores” of the high-level monsters, which were the spiritual energy crystals inside their bodies or the high-level crystals and concentrated spiritual liquids that were directly swallowed by them, had violent collisions, compression, and reactions.

They exploded instantly and turned into enormous balls of light, dragging all the monsters within a hundred meters into hell!

If the monsters were teleported to the depths of the ocean or the Earth’s crust, only one of them would die. It was possible that more spiritual energy would be consumed.

However, teleporting the monsters to the inside of the Beast Tide would trigger a chain reaction. Several or even dozens of monsters would be eliminated in one go. Because the teleportation distance was very close, the spiritual energy consumed was insignificant.

This was the art of slaughtering of the ‘ancient’.

It was concise, precise, and elegant. There was a sense of meticulousness and calmness.

Faced with the mysterious and inconceivable way of slaughtering of the ‘ancients’, even Meng Chao, who was a ‘spectator’, felt a deep shudder in the depths of his soul.

This feeling was different from the shudder he felt when he faced the apocalyptic beasts.

The latter was merely fear. It was an instinctive fear that came from the genetic level.

The former, apart from fear, also had deep respect, and had the urge to worship the archaic civilization.

Any army that suffered such a mysterious attack should have been defeated or even defeated.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t the army that was attacking.

Instead, it was the Beast Tide.

The soldiers would fear and retreat. They would be able to recognize the insurmountable technological gap between themselves and their enemies, from despair to collapse.

The monsters would not.

The lower-level insect-type monsters would find it hard to understand what kind of mysterious and terrifying attack the archaic civilization had launched. As a result, they would not have the reverence and fear that Meng Chao had.

They did not even understand the meaning of life and death. They were not considered as carbon-based intelligent life in the true sense. They were merely an extension of the will of the ‘mother’and a chess piece of the ‘micro-brain’.

There were simply too many monsters.

No matter how the glittering ‘crystal hedgehogs’in the periphery of the immemorial city glittered and shot spiritual flames and mystic rays, they created bubbles in the Beast Tide and wiped out tens of thousands of monsters in a marvelous way.

In terms of the torrential beast tide that surrounded them from all directions, the losses were only a drop in the bucket.

Many monsters froze, burned, shattered, annihilated, and were transported into the bodies of other monsters, causing a series of large explosions. Dazzling fireballs rolled, expanded, and floated, spitting out mushroom clouds that bared their fangs and brandished their claws.

However, more monsters filled the empty bubbles one after another, extinguishing the flames, flattening the mushroom clouds, and tearing apart the frozen corpses of their own kind without hesitation. They devoured the shattered flesh and blood, not wasting a single bit of energy.

After that, their momentum did not decrease as they continued to advance.

In the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred kilometers were devoured by the surging beast tide.

They were already close to the high wall formed by the Crystal Shield.

One could even see that the seemingly pure and transparent interior of the crystal shield was filled with dense spiritual patterns that were like three-dimensional circuit diagrams. Rays of spiritual light were circulating rapidly within it, and in the form of octagonal glowing runes, they surfaced on the surface of the shield, they were vaguely forming spiritual magnetic fields that were filled with killing intent outside of the entire city.

The ‘ancients’seemed to have realized that their city had ushered in its final moment.

The ‘Crystal Hedgehogs’were spinning faster and faster. All the spikes had turned into colorful halos that emitted ear-piercing shrieks like gyroscopes.

The colorful rays were shooting at a higher and higher frequency. Countless Rays merged together, and they were like giant scythes of the grim reaper that were sweeping and reaping in the Beast Tide.

At a distance of nearly a hundred kilometers, an attack from the ancients could at most create a bubble with a diameter of a hundred meters in the Beast Tide.

Now, a harvest from the Grim Reaper’s scythe could easily create a death zone that was nearly a thousand meters wide and three to five hundred meters deep.

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