Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 807 - : The Final Curse

Chapter 807: The Final Curse

In the depths of the super brain that was hundreds of meters in diameter, even if Deity Realm powerhouses knew that everything in front of them was an illusion, it would be difficult for them to resist the brain waves of the monster mastermind. They would turn into nerve impulses and bombard the depths of their brain.

One had to know that this was a world where consciousness reacted strongly to matter.

The high-frequency and high-intensity stimulation of nerve currents was very likely to hijack the human brain and send the wrong commands to the various organs of the body, causing physical damage to the flesh and blood.

Shao Zhengyang told Meng Chao a battle example from a long time ago.

At that time, he had not yet become a general. Instead, he had led a commando team to carry out combat missions on the front line.

Near their base, there was an extraordinary person who had gone mad and degenerated into a lost person, committing numerous crimes.

This person had extraordinary means. He escaped the joint pursuit of Dragon City secret police and bounty hunters and escaped into the depths of the forest. He could only ask the garrison to encircle and suppress him together.

Shao Zhengyang and this lost person met on a narrow path in the depths of the forest. The two sides fought for three hundred rounds. Shao Zhengyang took advantage of the fact that the other party was covered in wounds and his mind was exposed. He planted an illusion in the depths of the other party’s brain, causing the other party to see the arrival of lightning in a trance, thousands of lightning danced like silver snakes, surrounding and swallowing the lost man.

In the end, the lost man’s body really showed signs of high-voltage electric current burning. He was charred by the electric current and green smoke was rising from his forehead. He could only surrender.

After that, he was sent to the hospital for a comprehensive check-up. Due to the high-speed friction of the lost man’s cells, the injury was similar to spontaneous combustion. It was as if he had retreated from the real electric shock injury!

Meanwhile, Shao Zhengyang was not a pure illusionist or a mind controller.

However, the monster mastermind was a peerless expert in this field.

“I know very well that what I saw was just an illusion. The so-called ‘super-giant Tyrannosaurus rex’ and the iron foot that covered the sky and covered the earth and was surrounded by spirit flames were all nonexistent.”

Shao Zhengyang said, “However, I know even better that if I was trampled by the enormous iron foot in the illusionary realm, my central nervous system would automatically send the wrong command to all the cells in my body, causing every cell in my body to surge to its limit and release the most powerful strength to resist the attack that did not exist.

“If that’s the case, my body will explode with a shocking force from the inside out.

“Without external forces to balance it out, I’ll be like a deep-sea fish that was suddenly fished out from the depths of thousands of meters. I’ll expand to the limit at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, with a ‘Pa’ sound, I’ll explode alive!

“The situation of the other Deity Realm experts is the same as mine.

“Although we know that everything we saw was fake.

“However, the other party hijacked our cerebral cortex and nerve center through the interference of brain waves and implanted the command into the depths of our brain regions.

“If we sit still and wait for death, it’s really possible that we might go mad and die from spontaneous combustion.

“Therefore, like all Deity Realm powerhouses, I could only struggle in the illusory world and barely parry.

“After the game was over, we found out that more than half of the attacks that we randomly unleashed were directed at our teammates.

“There’s nothing we can do. The space here is too small, and we have too many people. The monster mastermind even hijacked our visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile systems. It skillfully guided us to fight left and right and kill each other. It added some physical effects to the Illusion Killing Array.

“This was the most soul-stirring and extremely tragic battle that we have ever experienced in our lives.

“After this battle, almost all the Deity Realm experts, including me, suffered irreversible serious injuries.

“I’m afraid that our combat strength will never recover to its peak state!”


Meng Chao was greatly shocked.

After thinking about it carefully, it made sense.

In his previous life, the Dragon City civilization lost two-digit Deity Realm experts, including Battle God Lei Zongchao, to win the monster war with great difficulty.

Although the monster mastermind was severely weakened by the “rebirth effect”, it only had 20-30% of its strength left in his previous life and couldn’t take away even one Deity Realm expert.

However, it was more than enough to cause irreversible damage to more than a dozen Deity Realm experts. Otherwise, it would be a waste of its identity as the “b*stard of the newbie village”!


“Why hasn’t anyone mentioned it?”

Meng Chao muttered, “The publicity of the major media outlets has always been about us winning without bloodshed, especially the Deity Realm experts. Not even a hair has been shed

“That’s just publicity. The Deity Realm experts are not only the pillars of the Dragon City civilization, but also the guardians of their own interest groups. If the outside world finds out how serious our injuries are, we might not even be able to protect our Deity Realm. It will cause immeasurable consequences to our respective interest groups.”

Shao Zhengyang paused for a moment. His gaze was deep and meaningful as he spoke, “Especially now, all the major forces and interest groups are like hungry hyenas surrounding the legacy of the monster civilization. They are wary of each other and are silently confronting each other. Everyone wants to eat a few more mouthfuls of delicious fresh meat, but no one is willing to be the first to pounce on them and become the target of public criticism. The situation is so delicate. Who is willing to easily expose their weakness?”

Meng Chao thought quickly and instantly understood Shao Zhengyang’s deep meaning.

In the end, the Otherworld was a place where the strong preyed on the weak, and the winner was king.

Any interest group, regardless of their ostensible size, industry, profit model, and scientific research ability, would compete in the end with the absolute strength of the controller.

Take Superstar Resource Recovery Company for example. The tricks they had played in the capital market in the past two years were quite coquettish.

After absorbing “spirit creation creatures,” the construction of the talent echelon and the reserve of biochemical technology were among the best in the industry.

Including Meng Yishan’s identity as a veteran of the Red Dragon Army and Qin Hu’s identity as a senior hunter, they had opened up many connections.

However, in the end, the fact that Superstar Resource Recovery Company could develop so quickly was inseparable from Meng Chao’s identity as the youngest Heaven Realm expert in Dragon City.

If it weren’t for Meng Chao’s fighting strength, he would have been able to maintain the trend of rapid progress for several years, allowing all the major forces to see the endless potential hidden in the depths of his bloodline, and were willing to invest an astronomical amount of money on him.

It was probably the limit for Superstar Resource Recovery Company to be the leader of the middle and low-end reaping field.

The logic of the nine mega corporations was the same.

No matter what their main business was, no matter how much they could do in the capital market, the foundation behind them was always the nine strongest Deity Realm experts in Dragon City, below Battle God Lei Zongchao.

The strong rise of the Red Dragon Army in the past twenty years was also in line with the rapid progress of a large group of military experts like Thunder God Shao Zhengyang. Through the resonance of brainwaves, they gathered the will of thousands of soldiers, the powerful “battle souls” and other group attack methods that were born were inseparable.

Whether it was the nine mega corporations, the six universities, the four research institutes, or even the Red Dragon Army.

The serious injury and death of any Deity Realm expert would trigger a huge earthquake in the interest group, and even a major reshuffle of the entire industry and the capital field.

At present, the major forces in Dragon City were faced with the problem of how to divide the big cake of “monster civilization heritage.”

At such a delicate moment, the severity of any Deity Realm expert’s injuries, the possibility of recovery, whether there were any sequelae, and whether they would go mad… these kinds of questions were directly related to the forces he led and how much cake he could get.

No wonder the Deity Realm experts were so secretive about their injuries.

“All the Deity Realm experts who participated in this battle were seriously injured, but no one was willing to reveal the exact extent of their injuries to anyone.”

Shao Zhengyang smiled bitterly. “Even I can only infer the injuries of others based on my own injuries.

“On the surface, of course, we have to pretend that we are unscathed. We even have to pretend that we have succeeded in the battle. Only then can we have more control over the distribution of the spoils of war and the subsequent development of our respective forces.

“Just you wait and see. This is far from over!

“Before long, friction will break out between the major forces in Dragon City. The experts from all sides will rack their brains to test each other and counter-test each other. They will try every means to find out the other side’s background. They will even shed all pretenses and fight each other on the legacy of the monster Civilization.

“Yes. In the face of the threat of survival and the common enemy, one second ago, we were good brothers who shared life and death together. But in the next second, when the common enemy fell and the threat of survival was removed, we would immediately be brothers, settle the score openly, and turn our backs on each other. This is human nature!”

Lei Zongchao sighed and said as if he was used to it, “So, the legacy of the monster civilization is not only a hot potato, but also full of poisonous needles in the potato?”?

“Such a monster mastermind is too terrifying. Even if we die, we won’t be able to have peace.”

“That’s right. With the monster mastermind’s powerful spirit power, if it didn’t let go of a few Deity Realm experts, it should have been able to take away a few ‘buried people’. However, it distributed its power evenly, so that all the Deity Realm experts who besieged it were only seriously injured and didn’t die.”

Shao Zhengyang’s smile became more and more bitter. “At first, we thought that we were lucky and thought that the goddess of luck was on the side of Dragon City civilization so that all of them could survive.

“However, if we think about it carefully, the result of all the Deity Realm experts being irreparably injured with varying degrees of severity is not as straightforward as the death of a few Deity Realm experts!

“Perhaps, the monster mastermind realized that it had no hope of winning and deliberately used this method to send… a final curse to Dragon City, right?”

Meng Chao nodded silently in his heart.

“Uncle Shao, as you said, the monster mastermind was so powerful that all the Deity Realm experts were trapped in an illusion, unable to extricate themselves. They even attacked each other and suffered serious injuries. Then, how did you defeat it?” he could not help but ask, feeling puzzled.

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