Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 796 - End and Rise

Chapter 796: End and Rise

Just as he was feeling uneasy, dozens of spirit flames, which were several hundred meters high, suddenly gushed out of the crater.

The seven-colored spirit flames intertwined and gathered together. Then, they spread out in the shape of a fairy scattering flowers. In the blink of an eye, they covered the entire crater.

Countless light balls that contained powerful shock waves and destructive power rose from the edge of the crater and expanded rapidly. Finally, they fused together and turned into a huge light ball.

Meng Chao and Lu Siya, who were thousands of meters away, were blown out even farther by the surging airwaves.

Even a railway gun that was fixed to the ground could not withstand the devastating impact and was blown to the ground.

“This is…”

Meng Chao widened his eyes.

Every drop of blood that contained powerful spirit energy seemed to be infected and summoned. It was about to seep out of his pores and condense into complicated spirit tattoos on the surface of his skin, which even solidified into an indestructible armor.

“This is the unprecedented power that the Deity Realm experts have triggered by stacking their vitality magnetic fields together and resonating their brainwaves!”

“Unbelievable!” Lu Siya was appalled. “For the battle today, my grandfather and the other Deity Realm experts have unleashed such an unparalleled combination attack!”

The spirit flames and the shock waves raged for half a minute.

The blood-stained dust waited for ten minutes before it gradually dispersed.

Meng Chao activated his “super vision” to the maximum. His spirit energy was bursting out of his eyeballs. Finally, he saw the unbelievable scene inside the sinkhole.

In his previous life, the super giant spider known as the Hundred-blade Witch had gotten its dozens of blade limbs broken and its shell shattered into pieces.

Its magnetic levitation and anti-gravity organs were completely destroyed, causing it to be pinned to the ground by its own weight. Due to its enormous size, it lacked enough oxygen to sustain itself, causing it to convulse and suffocate.

The enormous Ghost-eyed Golden Winged Flame Beetle, known as the Nightmare Emissary in his previous life, was nailed to the rock wall by the Hundred Blade Witch with seven or eight broken blade limbs.

Its body cavity was so shriveled that only a layer of skin was left. The contents and tissues that emitted dim light, as they contained powerful spirit energy, flowed to the bottom of the sinkhole through the wounds. They were still burning with raging purple flames.

The super-giant ape, which had two heads, had both of its heads cut off. Its wounds that were several meters in diameter were as smooth as mirrors. If it were not for the blood that was spurting out hundreds of meters away, it would have looked like an exquisite piece of art.

It was really hard to imagine what kind of weapon and unique skill could produce such an effect.

The rest of the Apocalyptic Beasts that had not matured also stood stiffly under the sinkhole. It was as if an abandoned building’s interior had been blown up, leaving only the shell that was barely supporting it.

They raised their arms, claws, and blade limbs high, as though they were begging and surrendering.

Above their heads, more than twenty Deity Realm experts stood on the burning mushroom cloud. Spirit flames surrounded their bodies, and electric arcs shot out in all directions. They looked as majestic as real gods and demons!


The gigantic ape that had lost two heads finally collapsed to the ground.

The earth-shattering noise announced the end of the monster era and the rise of the human era.

The entire world froze for a full minute before it exploded like an ice cube being thrown into a pot of oil.

Everyone cheered, all the war flags waved wildly, and all the guns roared, including the armored airships and railway guns. All the war machines’ sirens whistled the loudest.

Every voice gathered and turned into one word that resounded through the sky, “Victory!”

The Deity Realm experts of the Dragon City civilization had defeated the monster civilization last “ultimate weapon.”

It meant that the final victory was like a ripe fruit that could fall into a human’s open mouth at any time.

The cheers of victory made Meng Chao’s heart, which had contracted to its limit, finally relax.

He had done it.

Dragon City had done it.

The human civilization had done it.

The butterfly effect of rebirth not only brought forward the decisive battle by several years. It also kept the Apocalyptic Beasts, the ultimate evolved body that had almost destroyed Dragon City in his previous life, in a half-finished infant or even embryonic state.

On top of that, it allowed the Red Dragon Army to obtain a hundred times more resources now than in his previous life. They could carry out round-the-clock indiscriminate bombing. Before the Deity Realm warriors appeared on the scene, they had already blown up the immature Apocalyptic Beasts until they were badly battered and covered in wounds.

With the support of astronomical cultivation resources, the Deity Realm experts were able to maintain their strongest combat power. They even figured out a joint attack method that was as powerful as a strategic nuclear weapon. Only then were they able to strike the final blow with the least cost. In exchange, they obtained the greatest result.

In this life, the Monster War’s outcome was even more perfect than Meng Chao had imagined.

Dragon City’s civilization, which was about to expand beyond a newbie village, would bring an earth-shaking storm to the entire Other World in the complete form of an Extraordinary Disaster.

“Meng Chao, look!”

Lu Siya shouted excitedly beside him.

Meng Chao looked in the direction she was pointing at and narrowed his eyes because of the bright sunlight.

Through the golden rays, he saw that the Deity Realm experts’ spirit flames had pierced a transparent hole in the smoke-filled sky.

Meanwhile, the sky outside the hole was as pure as crystal. The blazing sun, which was originally as bright as blood, had turned into a dazzling and enormous golden diamond.

The sunlight poured into the world through the hole like a flood.

All the armored airships, railway guns, superhumans, ordinary soldiers in power armor, runic machines, and drones… were covered in a layer of shining golden armor.

At that moment, whether they were superhumans or ordinary people, the transmigrators from Earth seemed to possess the power to change the Other World, or even the entire galaxy.

Since the Apocalyptic Beasts that had yet to mature were killed by the Deity Realm warriors, there was no longer any power that could stop the advance of Dragon City’s iron cavalrymen.

Meng Chao, Lu Siya, Long Feijun, and the other explorers had all successfully completed their mission and retreated to the Hidden Mist Domain’s edge to recuperate in the temporary battlefield hospital.

Meng Chao and Long Feijun tried their best to protest, though. They said that they had only suffered some superficial injuries at most, which did not prevent them from participating in the next phase of the battle.

However, considering that they had once fallen into the nightmare of the cunning superbeast, the Tree of Wisdom, it was highly possible that there were still some hidden injuries deep within their brains.

In addition, they had both achieved outstanding military merits and made a great show of themselves. In the words of the higher-ups, they had to leave some military merits for their brothers and sisters.

They could only obey orders and soak themselves comfortably in the super gene medicine that was refined from the Apocalyptic Beasts’ blood plasma and bone marrow. While they cultivated, they watched the soaring progress of Dragon City’s iron cavalry.

The battles in the next few days could be described as “unstoppable.”

Nevertheless, Dragon City’s iron cavalrymen did not encounter any large-scale resistance led by the Apocalyptic Beasts anymore.

The troubles brought by the monsters had been even worse than the troubles brought by the swamps, miasma, and the jungle itself.

Before the heavy construction machinery that weighed hundreds of tons or even thousands of tons, the roaring engines, and the crushing treads, all those troubles could be pushed away.

Cutting down the forest, draining the accumulated water, solidifying the mud, leveling the ground, laying crystal cables, building battle fortresses, and setting up wireless signal transmitting towers… During the decades-long Monster Wars, humans had already figured out a way to deal with the harsh environment. They had an effective method.

Basically, as long as the battle fortresses that contained hundreds of automatic fire points and more than a dozen minefields were completed, and the wireless signal transmitting towers could command thousands of thought tanks and drones, this area… would be completely under the control of the humans from Earth…

Unless the monsters mobilized a force that was a hundred times more powerful than the humans, it would be extremely difficult to shake the humans’ ruling power.

Through the battle photos taken from the armored airships’ high altitude, there were more and more visible silvery-white spots representing the human battle fortresses and forward bases. They could be clearly seen inside and outside the Hidden Mist Domain within a radius of nearly 100 miles.

From dozens of places on the first day to hundreds of places on the second day, and to thousands of places a week later, they were densely packed. They converged into a silver ocean, swallowing the black and green colors that belonged to the primitive jungle.

The monsters’ living space was gradually divided into broken islands by the silver blades.

On the islands, the lonely monsters were either shot into a hornet’s nest by the bullets while they resisted stubbornly…

Or they could only surrender obediently and be shackled by spirit magnetic shackles, as well as be implanted with a control chip, waiting to be tamed into biochemical pet beasts.

They had also made great progress in conquering the sinkhole.

The corpses of more than a dozen underdeveloped Apocalyptic Beasts had long been harvested and refined by well-trained teams to extract the most essential components.

The superhumans, who had swallowed the Apocalyptic Beasts’ essential components, felt like they had been injected with a heart-strengthening drug that was hundred times more concentrated. They were spitting fire from their seven orifices and howling.

Guided by the Deity Realm experts, they quickly found passage through tunnels that the Apocalyptic Beasts had drilled out of the ground. The passage that allowed monsters, which were nearly a hundred meters tall, to enter and exit freely had originally been impossible to hide.

The fierce battle that happened in the monster civilization’s ultimate lair was naturally a top-secret among all top-secrets.

Even Meng Chao, the youngest blood medal winner in Dragon City, Long Feijun, a well-known figure in the Red Dragon Army, and someone like Lu Siya, who was well-informed, managed to hear some partially-true rumors.

It was said that the Deity Realm experts had discovered a large-scale ancient ruins beneath the sinkhole. There were dozens of levels, as well as countless forks, crevices, and secret chambers. It was as intricate as a maze, and its scale was definitely not inferior to the center of Dragon City, the ancient ruins under the Supernatural Tower that led the Earthlings on the path of psionic cultivation and runic technology.

Unfortunately, the sinkhole had most likely been caused by the bombardment of space-based weapons in the synchronous orbit above the atmosphere.

More than 90% of its ancient ruins had also collapsed due to the bombardment of meteorites.

Countless mysteries from the ancient era had been turned into dust and buried in layers of rocks.

Of course, from another perspective, only 10% of the ruins had created such a terrifying enemy as the monster civilization.

If this ancient ruins was as intact as the one at the center of Dragon City, Dragon City’s civilization would have been destroyed by the monster civilization long ago.

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