Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 777 - New People!

Chapter 777: “New People!”

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At the center of the Tree of Wisdom, the face of a young girl who had dyed the Green Tide a faint golden color suddenly raised her eyebrows that were as sharp as swords. She looked angry like Buddha’s warrior attendant.

“Looking at the leader’s subordinate carrying a razor as thin as a cicada’s wings and walking toward the helpless little girl with a sinister smile, I suddenly felt an endless fury.”

The Tree of Wisdom said, “In the past, I’ve also tasted anger through the neural network—whether it was the weak being robbed of all their resources, or the weak uniting to overthrow the rule of the strong, burning the strong to death in rubber tires, or even the monster having the food in its mouth be snatched away or having it slip away, they would all be angry.

“But this time’s anger is different.

“This time, it’s not only the anger at the people and things in front of me, not only the anger at the hideous smile and the razor, but also the anger at something… invisible, untouchable, but more grand and solid.

“It shouldn’t be like this—I heard a voice in the depths of my heart saying.

“The human world shouldn’t be like this, civilization shouldn’t be like this, and the world shouldn’t be like this!

“It seemed to be Jin Qianxi’s voice.

“I was horrified to discover that from the sound of the angry voice, I had further lost control of the neural network.

“Jin Qianxi’s brain tissue and remnant body quickly withered, but she was burning the last bit of her life force. She did her best to release the golden light that originated from the depths of her soul, cleansing, infecting, and transforming my neural network, my tentacles, and my soul.

“I told her to stop doing that—if she continued to burn her brain crazily, stimulate her soul, and release the last bit of her life force, her physical body would perish, and her independent self-consciousness would be completely destroyed. She would die completely.

“Yet, she told me that she couldn’t stop. She couldn’t watch an innocent little girl being tortured to death without doing anything, and she couldn’t stop herself from changing the world and pursuing the path of light, just like how a towering tree can’t stop its branches from growing toward the sun.

“Even if she died, as long as she could imprint even the slightest bit of her belief in the light onto my neural network and facilitate my transformation, she felt that it was all worth it.

“Even if it was just once, she begged me to try just once, to save rather than kill, to create rather than destroy, to change rather than watch, to transcend the instinct of the strong preying on the weak, to find the true meaning of ‘civilization’, just this once!

“I was convinced by her.

“Before I fished her out of the Red Dragon River, I was already tired of killing, just like I was tired of expansion a long time ago.

“If that’s the case, why don’t you try something new?”

A small jungle camp appeared in the translucent light.

The innocent and helpless little girl, Gu Ling, was tied to a deformed and twisted tree. A few fierce-looking men were nearby, licking the blood on their razors while they grinned hideously.

Suddenly, the jungle was filled with howls.

Countless snakes, insects, rats, ants, jackals, wolves, tigers, and leopards rushed out like a tide.

The vines and branches that were originally motionless also came to life under the surging Green Tide. They wrapped tightly around the fierce-looking men, drilled into their seven orifices, and tore their internal organs into pieces.

The terrified expressions on their faces did not even have time to freeze. All their flesh and blood were eaten up by the monsters, not even their bones were left.

“I saved this little girl named Gu Ling. Naturally, she was frightened by the unbelievable scene in front of her. She could only struggle and scream desperately.”

The Tree of Wisdom said, “In order to comfort and explain, I could only connect her to my neural network so that she could share her senses and emotions with me, Jin Qianxi, and all the monsters and etherealized plants in the jungle.

“I made her understand that monsters are not all muddle-headed beasts. Even beasts can sense the fragrance of flowers, the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the spring breeze, the pleasure of flying at top speed, and the joy of playing with their cubs.

“I made her understand that humans can have many ways to live, and the way to live in Peach Blossom Town is the worst kind.

“I made her understand that humans and monsters are not natural enemies. We can work together to build a beautiful city of light, and our enemies should be those who prevent this city of light from descending into the real world.

“Under the irrigation of a large number of senses, emotions, memories, and thoughts, the little girl finally understood everything.

“When she realized that she had been saved, she let out a laugh that indicated that she had survived a disaster.

“This is not the first time I’ve heard a human laugh.

“But this is the first time someone has revealed the purest smile because of my actions. This is the laughter that I personally created!

“At that moment, an unprecedented experience surfaced in the depths of my soul.

“How should I put it? It was like the first time I stretched out my slender nerves and wrapped them around a small plant. I shared the joy of breaking out of the ground with it. I also sensed the first ray of warm sunlight and touched its tender buds.

“It was also like the first time I turned into a bug and broke out of the cocoon. I turned into a butterfly and danced gracefully.

“And the deepest, most complicated, and sincere emotions of human beings were a hundred times stronger than those of any animal or plant. The Joy and satisfaction that they brought to me were naturally a hundred times stronger.

“I even feel that even if I do touch the unattainable stars one day, the joy and satisfaction will not be any stronger than hearing the little girl’s laughter at this moment.

“Jin Qianxi did not lie to me.

“Although it is still a long journey with no end in sight to build the city of light that she dreams of.

“But at the very least, it seemed possible to save Peach Blossom Town first and try to turn it into a ‘city of light.’

“Therefore, I woke up the beast tide that had retreated to the depths of the jungle and contacted the remnants of the rebel army that were also hiding in the jungle through Gu Ling. Through the neural network, I let them understand everything.

“We set a trap in the jungle to show our weakness to the enemy and annihilated the army of the leader of a large group of light troops who had advanced rashly.

“When the allied army of the beast tide and the rebels appeared outside Peach Blossom Town, no force could stop us.

“The leader still wanted to resist, but his subordinates saw that the situation was bad and betrayed him one by one. If we hadn’t stopped them in time, they would have cut off the head of the leader who was on the verge of death.

“Jin Qianxi only worships the light. She, who had tasted the darkness of the human world in the Blood Union, is definitely not a softhearted person.

“Faced with the leader, who is full of evil and unpredictable, who is a ‘fierce rat disguised as a army ant’, we naturally have no intention of letting him go.

“However, we all want to figure out one thing about the leader. How did he fall so fast in the past and turn from a ‘army ant’ into a ‘fierce rat’ in an instant?

“Was he not afraid that the civilization of Earth would rediscover Peach Blossom Town and judge and punish his evil rule in Peach Blossom Town if he transmigrated back to Earth one day, or that the foreign land and the earth were connected in some mysterious way?

“It should be known that Peach Blossom Town at that time still had a shallow understanding of the foreign land, and it did not even know the world around it. No one knew what the world would look like after the mist dispersed. How did our leader dare to violate the bottom line of morality, law, and humanity so crazily and turn into a demon that was even more despicable than a monster? was he really confident that he could hide the truth from the world and not be afraid that the civilization of Earth would settle the score later?

“The leader who was on the verge of death no longer struggled or hid anything. However, the answer he gave was earth-shattering!”

The Green Tide slowly squirmed and suddenly changed into a face.

It was clearly a human face.

But it was even more twisted than the most ferocious monster.

“Earth is destroyed! Thermonuclear war! The long nuclear winter! Everyone died! Only we escaped, only we!”

The hideous and grotesque face roared, “Do you understand? No one will come to save us, and no one will judge us! We can only rely on our own strength to survive, and in order to survive, all the morals, laws, and motherf*cking humanity that were formed on Earth are meaningless!

“From the moment we escaped from Earth, we are no longer Earthlings, or even humans, but… new people! The morals, laws, and humanity of this ‘new people’ can only be defined by the victors among us!

“So, stop looking at me with disdain from Earth, you can judge me like Earthlings, announce my crimes, and scold me for breaking through all the moral bottom lines of Earthlings, but, hehe, if you want to survive in this d*mn new world, you will become like me, you can only become like me—a new person, hehehehe, hehehehe, hahahaha!”

The hideous and grotesque face burst into laughter.

Then, it was drowned by the Green Tide and sank into the Tree of Wisdom’s depths.

However, Meng Chao was still affected by its demonic laughter. No matter how hard he tried to warn himself in his mind not to think about the ‘destruction of the earth’, he just could not do it.

“You seem to be struggling with the authenticity of this matter. Do you suspect that I am trying to use the ‘destruction of the earth’ to attack your beliefs, shake your will, and erode your spiritual defense?”

The Tree of Wisdom observed his expression and said casually, “Your suspicion is not without reason, but believe it or not, I will only tell you what I saw, heard, and sensed.

“Jin Qianxi and I not only heard the leader’s maniacal laughter before he died, but we also read some information from his brain and found a few top-secret files that he hid in the deepest part of the vault in the basement, confirming that an all-out nuclear war had indeed broken out on earth.

“Although Peach Blossom Town is only one of the satellite towns of Dragon City, as early as the Earth era, as a cutting-edge technology research and development base, a well-equipped observation station was built here. Only then could the consequences be observed and deduced in the instant before the arrival of the destruction, and escaped from Earth in time at the last second.”

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