Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 770 - Army Ants and Fierce Rats

Chapter 770: Army Ants and Fierce Rats

Accompanied by the Tree of Wisdom, the story was told.

In the semi-transparent light and shadow, scenes of Peach Blossom Town that had just crossed over appeared. Humans were fighting against each other. It was a tragic scene, but it was also filled with intrigue and intrigue. It was a sad and lamentable scene.

Whether it was the fight against the flood, the fog, and the monsters, or the fight between humans for resources, it did not matter. The battle that surpassed all human nature was a hundred times crueler than the one in Dragon City’s main city area.

Of course… because the main city had a large population, rich resources, and a complete range of industries, and it was located in the center of the basin surrounded by Monster Mountain Range.

It was far away from the mountains and jungles like the Hidden Mist Domain, where monsters ran rampant. Comparatively, it was much easier to survive.

Peach Blossom Town was only a satellite city that was responsible for taking over the entire great Dragon City region. It was impossible for certain industries and technology systems to store too many resources and have all-encompassing machinery and technology reserves like the main city, there were even very few troops and armories.

Yet, they had directly transmigrated to the Hidden Mist Domain, the monster’s headquarters.

They were also faced with the conflict between the Red Dragon River and the Raging Tiger River, which resulted in an incomparably intense flood.

It could be said that it was the true beginning of hell.

With the choice of survival or destruction, the sublime and despicable natures of humanity were squeezed to the limit, releasing the most beautiful and ugly light.

Therefore, Peach Blossom Town was the epitome of Dragon City—a shorter, more extreme, and more intense epitome.

“In the memory fragments of Peach Blossom Town’s people, I saw that those humans, who sacrificed themselves like army ants, were all dead. They used their lives to fight for Peach Blossom Town’s slim chance of survival. However, the Peach Blossom Town that survived fell into the hands of those selfish, unscrupulous guys who were as fierce as rats.”

The Tree of Wisdom continued, “I read a sentence in the brain of a bespectacled human who seemed to be a teacher. ‘Debasement is the password of the base, and nobility the epitaph of the noble.’ It seemed to be a good description of what was happening during the early days of Peach Blossom Town.

“In short, those fierce mice-like humans won.

“It’s also a very normal thing.

“There has never been a distinction between good and evil in nature. When a group of marching ants meet a group of ferocious rats, the sacrifice of the former’s ‘noble, great, and glorious spirit’ don’t allow them to win automatically.

“However, after the selfish and cunning human beings, who looked like ferocious rats, seized the control of Peach Blossom Town, what they did baffled me, as I was ignorant at that time.

“They had control of most of the resources in the town—canned food, batteries, drinking water, processed food, and medicines that were brought from Earth.

“However, they still racked their brains to figure out how to plunder the remaining resources from the residents of the town. It seemed that they had to control 100% of the resources in order to feel at ease.

“When the ‘ferocious rats’ realized that all the resources were in their hands, they did not hesitate for even a second and immediately started fighting each other.

“It was as if there was only one human in the entire town who could control 100% of the resources and become the supreme ruler.

“Something like that had never happened in a true group of ferocious rats.

“Of course, ferocious rats would kill each other for food, for their nest, and for the right to reproduce, but such killing was often limited.

“No matter how strong a ferocious rat was, as long as it had accumulated food in its nest for more than half a year and there were more than ten female rats that could inherit its genes, it would be satisfied.

“However, the experts in Peach Blossom Town took so much canned food that they couldn’t finish them for more than twenty years, and it was the same for the medicines. Yet, they still started a war for more resources. Why?

“Also, their methods of killing competitors and those who resisted were particularly cruel. It was common for them to torture others for three days and three nights. Some of the humans who were carefully picked apart by them for ten days to half a month turned into rotten skeletons, but they remained alive. Even I was frightened to the point of having nightmares when I saw them!

“Torturing the enemy is something that monsters rarely do.

“To monsters, hunting is hunting. It is to obtain energy and extend their survival time so that their genes can spread. It is that simple.

“No matter how ferocious a monster looks, it only takes a second to kill its prey. Basically, its prey doesn’t feel much pain.

“Yes, there are indeed some feline monsters that play the ‘catch and release’ trick on their prey. However, that is to hone their hunting skills, not just to sense the pain of their prey.

“There are also some insect-type monsters that will, after paralyzing their prey, implant their eggs in the body of their prey. They’ll gradually melt and suck the flesh of their prey until their prey turns into an empty shell, and then a large number of larvae will burst out of their bodies. Such a death can be considered cruel, but that is also for the sake of passing on their genes, and not because they harbored great malice toward their prey.

“Only humans don’t do it to hone their hunting skills or for the sake of reproduction. It’s as if they don’t need any purpose at all. It’s as if they obtain indescribable pleasure from torturing their own kind and releasing extreme pain.

“The strange thing is that humans are quite good to monsters.

“Of course, humans kill monsters as well, but the purpose of killing them is to obtain food, raw materials, and eliminate threats. These goals are within my understanding.

“Even if the monsters are cut into pieces and studied, it is still for the purpose of scientific research. I also understand and accept that.

“Despite that, humans rarely torture monsters out of ‘hatred’ and ‘pleasure.’

“It is as if your ‘hatred’ and ‘pleasure’ can only be satisfied by your own kind.”

Meng Chao was silent.

No matter how much water and lies were contained in the Tree of Wisdom’s flowery words, he could not refute its points.

“I think that these guys who are like fierce rats are very foolish.”

The Tree of Wisdom continued to speak calmly. “They took most of the resources, but they also created too much hatred. It should be known that they had just transmigrated not long ago and had just begun to absorb spirit energy. They stumbled on the path of cultivation, and there was still a gap between their individual combat ability. Quantity was still very important.

“Yet, they did not take the weaklings, who silently endured like ants and weeds, seriously. They thought that the weaklings who had nothing had completely surrendered, and they took aim at the experts who had a lot of resources just like them. They were constantly fighting among themselves, and before they knew it, they were growing weaker.

“Little did they know that, for the weaklings, ‘nothing’ was a kind of strength in itself.

“Finally, after an extremely brutal battle between the strong, the weak who were led by a leader who was upright, resolute, kind, selfless, and full of dedication, united and rose up to defeat, as well as kill, all the strong.

“They wrapped the strong who used to have cans that they couldn’t finish for decades, medicines that they couldn’t finish, and the entire skyscraper in tires. They slowly ignited the tires, letting the flames burn slowly and weakly.

“Those experts were licked by the flames, and their bodies were covered in black blisters. Rather than saying that they were burned to death, it was more appropriate to say that they were slowly roasted to death.

“Amidst the experts’ mournful wails, the upright, resolute, kind, selfless, and dedicated leader solemnly announced that they had seized back the resources that were once stolen by the experts. From that day onward, they should use the resources to upgrade and expand Peach Blossom Town. They should be army ants, not fierce rats. They should unite as one, and not be selfish. Everyone should do their best and contribute their full strength, so that Peach Blossom Town could survive in the foggy, dangerous foreign land.

“The weaklings of the past became the masters of Peach Blossom Town, and their cheers reverberated through the forests where monsters ran rampant.

“The scene enlightened me.

“It turns out that humans are a race that can seamlessly switch between ‘army ants’ and ‘fierce rats’. They can freely choose the most optimal survival strategy according to their living environment. They are indeed worthy of being a high-level race that has touched the stars before!

“However, what happened next shocked me greatly.

“In the beginning, the leader with ‘integrity, determination, kindness, selflessness, and dedication’ did indeed fulfill his promise. He distributed all of the resources for survival fairly and openly. He took the lead in exploring the mist, fighting the monsters, and fighting the flooding floods. On several occasions, he almost lost his life under the claws and teeth of the monsters, not to mention the torrential floods.

“Such a leader with such a sacrificial spirit and leadership ability was really something that I had never seen before in any monster race.

“However, just as I was praising him and even considering whether or not I should reveal my true form and explain the situation of the world around him, inviting him to join my neural network and using his ability and personality to make Peach Blossom Town, as well as the jungle, more advanced, prosperous, and beautiful, he somehow underwent a transformation.

“Perhaps the harshness of the jungle was beyond his imagination, making him fall into despair regarding Peach Blossom Town’s future.

“Perhaps the beasts were too powerful, causing him to discover the dark side of his soul in the middle of life and death.

“Of course, the most likely possibility was that he gradually discovered the secret of spirit energy in the endless fierce battles and discovered that this was a world with extraordinary strength that could be cultivated. Perhaps he thought that he could even become a god.

“Possessing spirit energy and being able to cultivate meant that the gap between carbon-based intelligent beings could be widened to an extreme.

“It meant that he didn’t need the support and help of his own kind. As long as he monopolized all the cultivation resources, he had the chance to become stronger and stronger, becoming an existence more tyrannical than any human or monster.

“It meant that he would have a chance to gain a hundred times the strength and a hundred times the lifespan. Even if Peach Blossom Town was destroyed, he would be able to continue living in this harsh world despite being as a strong god or a supernatural entity. Perhaps, he would live even better.

“After realizing this, our leader, who was ‘upright, resolute, kind, selfless, and full of dedication,’ fell almost instantly.”

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