Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 732 - Before the General Attack

Chapter 732: Before the General Attack

“What are the Red Dragon Army and Abnormal Beast Research Department going to do next?”

In the end, it was Meng Chao who broke the silence.

“It’s not just the Red Dragon Army and the Abnormal Beast Research Department, but all the forces and experts in Dragon City.”

Long Feijun was calm but determined, “The Monster War has dragged on for too long. The decades-long battle has consumed too much of our energy and resources, especially now. Millions of mechanized troops and superhumans are near the edge of the Hidden Mist Domain, and the Deity Realm warriors are waiting behind. The resources consumed every second are astronomical.

“If we don’t destroy the monster civilization completely, Dragon City’s economic system will collapse first.

“Hence, no matter how terrifying the unknown forces lurking in the Hidden Mist Domain are, our general attack will begin in seven days!”

Meng Chao nodded.

It was indeed incredibly expensive to maintain the war state of a million mechanized armies and high-level superhumans.

Putting aside the army for the time being, let’s talk about Deity Realm powerhouses.

Their combat strength was comparable to the aircraft carrier formation from the Earth era. The resources that they consumed every day were as terrifying as the fuel and maintenance costs for an aircraft carrier formation too.

As for the aircraft carriers themselves, going on a daily cruise and going to war at full strength were two different things.

For example, if the Deity Realm powerhouses cultivated their paths, carried out low-intensity maintenance training, and sat in the office to guide the amount of resources consumed, it would be recorded as one unit.

Training crazily day and night to maintain their peak condition, and preparing to break into the monster civilization’s ultimate lair would require at least seven to eight units of resources.

Even if there were sufficient resources, it was impossible for a Deity Realm powerhouse to maintain his or her peak condition for a long time.

It was just like how no one could run a marathon as fast as they run in a 100-meter race.

When an arrow was on the bowstring, it had to be fired. When a saber was unsheathed, it had to taste blood. It was either the enemy’s or their own.

“The Survival Committee will issue the highest mobilization order in twenty-four hours. It will announce the start of the ‘Fall Offensive’ to the whole city and mobilize all personnel and resources. If everything goes as planned, the Fall Offensive will be the last battle between us and the monsters. No matter how tragic the price is, the Dragon City cavalry will definitely raze the monster’s lair to the ground.”

Long Feijun solemnly said, “However, the Other World is, after all, a planet whose size is not inferior to that of Earth. Monster Mountain Range is just an insignificant corner. We have to prepare for a larger scale of colonization after we defeat the monsters.

“If we can explore the map of the Hidden Mist Domain 1% more clearly and provide more precise guidance for the railguns and armored airships during the carpet bombing, our killing efficiency will increase exponentially. Then, we will be able to save more precious resources. We won’t be bombarding the map in vain, but we will be able to train more superhumans.

“Similarly, if we can figure out the reason for the disappearances of the man-eating pomfret team, Lu Siya, and the other three exploration teams before we launch a general attack, we can minimize the casualties and preserve Dragon City’s vitality.

“It is also very important to find out whether the satellite town exists, whether the survivors inside are still alive, and what they might look like if they are still alive.

“Although we can only carpet bomb the sinkhole as a last resort and blow the satellite towns and the monster lairs into ashes, it will be absolutely impossible for the monster civilization to use our compatriots as human shields to resist stubbornly.

“But doing so will inevitably cast a shadow on our civilization and put a poisonous thorn in the hearts of everyone who knows about it.

“Therefore, we must find conclusive evidence to prove that we have no other choice but to sacrifice ourselves.

“Based on the aforementioned factors, the Survival Committee has decided to send ten exploration teams to the Hidden Mist Domain before the general attack. On the basis of the previous exploration teams, we will continue to scout and survey the area before we open an attack path from the edge of the Hidden Mist Domain to the crater.

“Of course, it will be best if we can find the missing investigators such as Lu Siya and the survivors of the satellite towns!”

Meng Chao was slightly dazed. “Ten exploration teams?”

“That’s right. Ten exploration teams. If it weren’t for the fact that more experts had to be deployed to the general attack team, we would have sent more.”

“Yes,” Long Feijun said. “The Abnormal Beast Research Department’s Team Nine is one of the best teams in Dragon City to fight the exotic beasts. Yet, even they have gone missing mysteriously. If we send three more teams in, I’m afraid that the outcome will be the same.

“Therefore, I will personally lead ten exploration teams to carry out saturation reconnaissance.

“As long as one of the ten teams can draw more maps, see the enemy’s true face, and provide support for the attack of steel torrents and the superhumans, it will be a victory!”

Meng Chao nodded slowly.

He agreed with Long Feijun.

If they could chart 10% more of the map, as well as record the distribution of underground veins and composition of mineral deposits…

It would be possible to save 30% to 50% of ammunition and casualties for a large force.

That way, it would be worth it even if all ten exploration teams were wiped out.

That sounded a little harsh.

However, it was because of such “cruelty” that the people of Dragon City had been able to survive in the dangerous Other World for half a century.

And they would always survive…

“It just so happens that the instantaneous transmigration technology of the Red Dragon Army’s Project 101 has matured. Although the last round of technical tests hasn’t been carried out yet, time is of the essence. We can only put it on the battlefield and test it in the moment.”

Long Feijun continued, “The Red Dragon Army has decided to send an elite armored airship to carry all the equipment needed for the three transmigration gates to the depths of the Hidden Fog Domain. By setting up a transmigration base there, the experts and resources at the rear can directly transmigrate to the frontlines.”

Hearing that, Meng Chao said without hesitation, “If that’s the case, Colonel Long, I would like to join your exploration team. First, we will build a transmigration base in the depths of the Hidden Mist Domain. Then, we will search for Lu Siya and more of our compatriots!”

The people of Battle God Palace usually addressed each other as “Senior Brothers”.

At that moment, Meng Chao had addressed Long Feijun using his military rank in the Red Dragon Army.

Apart from volunteering, he had also implied that he was going to issue a military order.

With his dual background in the Red Dragon Army and the Abnormal Beast Research Department, as well as being Project 101’s test subject, no one was more suitable than Meng Chao to escort the transmigration gate to the Hidden Mist Domain.

Moreover, Lu Siya’s life and death were unknown. The monster mastermind had yet to appear, and the mystery of the supernatural entity had yet to be solved. How could he watch Long Feijun and the others take risks while he hid behind and enjoyed the fruits of their labor?

If that was the case, he would not have the face to wear the blood medal, which had been condensed from the blood of martyrs!

Meng Chao then looked at Battle God Lei Zongchao, who was curled up in a corner like an old meditating monk, and his heart suddenly stirred.

The current Lei Zongchao might have seemed like a mascot…

However, in Meng Chao’s memory fragments of his previous life, Lei Zongchao had died in the last battle of the Monster War.

In other words, it was Lei Zongchao who had sacrificed his life and perished together with the monster mastermind. That had led to their final victory in the Monster War.

Therefore, if the battle to forcefully attack the Hidden Mist Domain did not go smoothly and the losses got too severe, Lei Zongchao would very likely burn the last of his blood, knowing his personality. That would cause his already shaky and fragmented vitality magnetic field to surge to its limit. Entering deep into the Hidden Mist Domain would produce the last and most dazzling spark.

It was something that Meng Chao was not willing to see.

He did not plan on persuading Lei Zongchao to not leave the Supernatural Tower or asking whether could he enter deep into the Hidden Mist Domain.

It was impossible for a person like Lei Zongchao to be convinced.

Meng Chao himself was impossible to convince as well. Even if a heavenly king knelt down to beg him, it would be impossible.

Even if he told Lei Zongchao the truth and Lei Zongchao believed him…

The former Battle God would never fear death. Instead, he would follow his destiny and die willingly in exchange for the final victory.

Therefore, Meng Chao could only do his best to push the final battle toward a great victory.

He would let Lei Zongchao watch the battle in peace and not raise a finger.

Besides Meng Chao, all the young military officers and ace investigators present were the executors of this exploration mission.

In the four research institutes, Dragon City University, the alliance of five universities, and the nine mega corporations, more experts were forming exploration teams. They were preparing to infiltrate the Hidden Mist Domain from all directions at the same time.

Of course, the mission was a narrow escape.

Nevertheless, for the people of Dragon City, a narrow escape was nothing out of the ordinary.

Therefore, there was nothing sentimental or emotional about it.

Everyone immediately began to discuss the technical details.

“When do we set off?” Meng Chao asked Long Feijun.

“In twelve hours at the latest.”

Long Feijun said, “During the first six hours, everyone can choose their own gene medicine, crystal ammunition, as well as weapons and equipment in the Supernatural Tower. As long as the carrying capacity is bearable, they can take whatever they want. All the expenses will be borne by the highest authority. There is only one thing. I hope that everyone can be in the best condition and live a little longer in the Hidden Mist Domain.

“For the next six hours, study the detailed map and terrain data of the Hidden Mist Domain, familiarize yourself with the standard equipment, and board the armored airship.

“If everything goes well, we hope to reduce the departure time to less than ten hours. The sooner we enter the Hidden Mist Domain, the higher the chances of finding Lu Siya and the others.”


Meng Chao suddenly stood up, looked at his tactical watch, and promptly said, “I’ll go and prepare now!”

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