Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 727 - Hidden Mist Domain

Chapter 727: Hidden Mist Domain

Long Feijun’s words aroused waves of discussion.

But even those who had just learned about it were not too surprised.

Hidden Mist Domain and Mist Mountain were indeed the most unfavorable places for the human civilization to launch an attack, and the most favorable places for the monster civilization to flourish.

Meng Chao recalled the intelligence of his previous life.

At that time, he was only an ordinary citizen and did not know how the last battle of the Monster War was fought.

But he vaguely remembered that it should have been carried out in the southwest direction of Dragon City.

Because after the tragic victory, an extremely large-scale martyr’s cemetery was built in the southwest of Dragon City.

Even the Battle God, Lei Zongchao of his previous life was buried in this cemetery.

Even so, Meng Chao still asked, “What evidence do you have?”

“The monster tide is the evidence.”

Long Feijun said, “The Super Beast Tide is equivalent to an army of millions of people. It’s impossible for them not to leave traces during the whole process of gathering, organizing, and moving.

“As long as we trace the source, it’s not hard to find that several super beast tides came from the Hidden Mist Domain, at least in the southwest direction.

“Moreover, during the fierce battles in the past half a year, many times, we severely injured the apocalyptic beast, but it was lucky enough to escape. It also fled to the southwest direction into the Hidden Mist Domain.

“Not long after, when it reappeared, it was blasted out by a deity-level powerhouse and a train cannon. The wounds that were fatal were all healed back to normal. Its healing speed was far faster than the rate of regeneration of the monster’s cells in the wild.

“This makes one have to suspect that the Hidden Mist Domain at the foot of Mist Mountain contains some kind of mysterious power that can heal or even modulate the apocalyptic beast.”

Meng Chao nodded.

Although it was not direct evidence, it was enough to prove the problem by corroborating with the memories of his previous life.

“Originally, our focus was on the Eastern Front. We wanted to break through the basin that had troubled us for more than half a century from the relatively smooth mountain area in the east. However, after grasping this crucial piece of information, Dragon City’s main strategic direction had to be changed 180 degrees. No matter how hard the bone of the Hidden Mist Domain was, we had to gnaw it down!”

Long Feijun looked around and said with killing intent, “Yes, after half a year of fierce battle, both the army and the superhumans are exhausted to the limit. However, we are in a difficult situation, but the monsters are more difficult than us. If we don’t take advantage of the enemy’s weakest moment and destroy the monster civilization in one fell swoop, who knows what will happen?”

Meng Chao agreed with this very much.

In the past six months, the monster civilization had been beaten up by the Dragon City civilization like a three-legged drowning dog.

But a hundred-legged insect would never die.

Even if the shrimp soldiers and crab generals were all killed by the humans, as long as the ‘Demon God’and the ‘main brain’hidden behind the demon God were not uprooted and turned into ashes, the monster civilization could make a comeback at any time.

How could they allow others to sleep on the side of their bed?

With the hidden danger of the monster civilization lurking behind the Dragon City civilization, the humans could never mobilize 100% of their strength to participate in the war for hegemony in the Otherworld.

Therefore, no matter how tragic the sacrifices were, they had to conquer the Hidden Mist Domain and destroy the ultimate nest of the monster civilization under Mist Mountain!

Speaking of which, humans were currently completely ignorant of the situation in the Hidden Mist Domain.

They did not know the astronomical geography, nor did they know the deployment of the troops in the place where the monster civilization originated. They did not know how many apocalyptic beasts there were, or if there were any other traps or traps.

If they were to rashly send heavy troops to this unfamiliar mountain region that was filled with swamps, forests, lakes, caves, floods, mudslides, lightning storms… even if they managed to win with great difficulty, they would probably pay a price that the dragon city civilization could not bear.

Therefore, Long Feijun introduced that whether it was the Red Dragon Army, the transcendental tower, or the nine Super Enterprises, they all agreed that unless it was absolutely necessary, they could not use a forceful attack tactic.

It was best to directly lay a large number of railway tracks on the periphery of the Hidden Mist Domain.

Then, they would gather all the train cannons and heavy cannons and bombard the entire Hidden Mist Domain with high saturation, carpet bombing, and non-stop bombing. They would have to bombard the entire Hidden Mist Domain.

Perhaps it was because the resources in the first half of the century were too scarce, and the human race had paid too heavy a price in the battle against the white blades of the monsters.

As a result, all the people of Dragon city had suffered from the “Heavy firepower deficiency syndrome”, and their worship of the giant cannons and ships had reached the level of superstition.

In recent years, the people of Dragon City had become wealthier, and the war resources on hand had become more and more generous. Driven by a certain kind of vengeful mentality, they crazily forged all kinds of cannons.

From light rocket launchers carried on the shoulder of a single soldier.

To honeycomb rocket launchers carried on the power armor.

And then to the self-propelled cannon of the cancer type, which was installed with mechanical arms and biochemical brains, embedded with crystals and engraved runes.

And even to the enormous steel behemoth, the train cannon.

The people of dragon city blindly believed that “Nothing can’t be solved by a railway gun loaded with crystal explosives. If there is, then let’s have another f*cking hundred guns.”.

The ‘worship of giant guns’ was brought to the extreme. Even the peerless experts were unwilling to fight with the monsters with bayonets. The Ultimate Style, Overkill Style, Beast Soul Style, and Gun Fighting Style were all resting at the same time. Under the guidance of the drones and the reconnaissance airships.., the heavy cannons bombarded the monsters for three to five rounds, burning them into ashes. Then, the human experts slowly went up to clean up the battlefield.

This was what was called “civilization”!

However, if they wanted to carry out a carpet bombing of the Hidden Mist Domain, they would face several difficult problems to overcome.

Firstly, the Hidden Mist Domain was surrounded by mountains and rivers. There were swamps and ghost lakes everywhere, so it was difficult to find a place to deploy the heavy cannons on a large scale.

Secondly, the Hidden Mist Domain was too large and the terrain was too complicated. God knew which mountain and which cave the ultimate nest of the monster civilization was hidden under.

The war experience of the Earth era had shown that even if the world’s number one industrial power used all its ammunition, it would still be very difficult to make the enemy hiding in the depths of the mountain tunnels yield just by bombarding them indiscriminately.

The bloody and cruel infantry trench warfare was always the inevitable main theme.

Even if all the crystals collected by the Dragon City civilization were cast into shells and shot into the depths of the Hidden Mist Domain with train cannons, it would still be impossible to completely turn the Hidden Mist Domain into scorched earth.

Not to mention that the life force of the fungi and plants from another world was extremely tenacious. Even if they turned into scorched earth today, as long as there was heavy rain, new spiritualized plants would break out of the ground again.

Moreover, because the Hidden Mist Domain contained a large number of crystal ore veins, and there was even spiritual energy spewing out from the cracks in the Earth’s crust like natural gas, it was constantly affected by extreme weather at that time.

Thunderbolts, torrential rains, hurricanes, floods… all of them were a serious hindrance to the movement and attack of the mechanized troops.

In particular, the armored airships and drone troops, which humans were proud of, could ignore the fragmented terrain of the monster mountain range and directly place the strong into the combat area.

Because of the interference of Thunderbolts, hurricanes, and torrential rains, it was very difficult to place them deep into the Hidden Mist Domain.

Right now, the spiritual scientists and meteorologists of human beings had a preliminary understanding of the relationship between crystals and climate.

They knew that crystals such as ‘Thunderstones’, which contained violent spiritual energy, would generate extremely strong positive charges underground and attract the negative charges in the clouds, turning into endless, terrifying, super-large-scale lightning.

In that case, as long as the earth-drilling bombs embedded with special crystals were fired at the place where the ‘thunderstones’were stored and attracted the positive charges of the ‘thunderstones’, the climate in a small area would be temporarily controlled, there would be a window period where the weather was calm after a few days of rain to ensure that the mechanized troops of human beings could complete the battle plan.

The premise was that, first, the humans had to determine the specific distribution of the local crystal ore veins so that they could know where to hit the earth-drilling bombs.

Second, the humans had to accurately analyze the specific composition of the crystal ore veins before they could create corresponding weather weapons. Otherwise, as long as the composition of the crystals embedded in the earth-drilling bombs was slightly wrong, not only would they not be able to calm down the Thunderbolts and storms, but they would also be able to cause the earth-drilling bombs to explode, on the contrary, they would be able to intensify the eruption of extreme weather, which would be terrible.

Therefore, although the railway and roads leading to the Hidden Mist Domain had been laid…

A large number of train cannons and heavy cannons had also been deployed to the front line.

Armored airships loaded with incendiary bombs and earth-drilling bombs were also ready to launch.

However, if they wanted to launch a general attack, they still needed an elite reconnaissance team to carry out a comprehensive survey and accurate analysis of the terrain and the distribution of the mineral deposits in the Hidden Mist Domain.

It would be best if they could find the specific coordinates of the birthplace of the monster civilization.

As well as the direction of the crystal ore vein with the richest reserves in the Hidden Mist Domain.

It would also provide real-time guidance for the steel torrent outside the mist to bombard and attack.

In the beginning, this glorious and arduous task fell to a death squad.

The death squad was the team of superhumans who had gone mad and made a huge mistake. After being sentenced to death, they were exiled to the depths of the mist to carry out the most dangerous mission and use their lives to atone for their sins.

This death squad went missing after going deep into the Hidden Mist Domain for twelve hours, as expected.

Considering that during the Lair battle, a large number of former death squad members had been captured by the monster civilization and transformed into puppets of the monster civilization.

The loyalty of these death penalty criminals with extraordinary powers was a problem. Asking them to spy on the ultimate nest of the monster civilization was like asking a meat bun to beat a dog. There was no return.

After the failure of the first reconnaissance operation, the Red Dragon Army made a prompt decision and sent out an elite reconnaissance unit known as the man-eating pomfret.

The man-eating pomfret was the most dangerous monster in the Jungle River.

Although it was only the size of a palm, it was in groups, agile and fierce. It also contained all kinds of highly toxic, discharge, and acid-spewing mutated characteristics. Even if the monster was hundreds of times larger than them, if it fell into the river where the man-eating pomfret rested.., will be gnawed into a skeleton in a matter of minutes.

The scouts, known as the man-eating pomfret, are naturally amphibious specialists in the jungle environment.

The team’s 15-year track record also shows that the jungle, considered a no-go zone by ordinary superhumans, is as familiar to these scouts as their own toilet.

However, like the death squad before them, they mysteriously disappeared less than a day after venturing deep into the misty zone.

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