Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 712 - Heaven and Earth

Chapter 712: Heaven and Earth

On quite a number of skyscrapers that had been completed, a large number of display screens were embedded in the glass walls.

Using a new type of transistor and stereoscopic projection technology, the display scale could break through the limitations of planar space. It could transmit the battle that happened outside the city to the citizens in real-time.

The anti-gravity maglev car passed through the massive 3D projections as though it was shuttling through a real battlefield.

Forget Meng Chao, who had been in seclusion in the Supernatural Tower for half a year, even Bai Jiacao, who had the opportunity to see such a magnificent scene every day, stuck her head out of the car window. She was completely focused, unable to take her eyes off the car.

Their father, Meng Yishan, opened all the car windows, including the skylight, allowing the images and sounds to flow into the car like a sparkling river.

Meng Chao saw that in a gigantic 3D projection, humans, who had already established their absolute advantage in the air. They were driving dozens of armored airships filled with incendiary bombs while slowly flying past Monster Mountain Range that was covered in dense forests.

More than ten thousand tons of incendiary bombs were dropped into the rugged primitive jungle on the mountain path. The raging flames weaved a crimson carpet that covered the sky and earth. Countless snakes, insects, rats, ants, carnivorous flowers, bone-rotting grass, and highly toxic vines, which were highly likely to cause fatal harm to humans, were all burned clean.

The remains of the burned monsters and etherealized plants, after soaking and washing in the rain, merged with the humus that had been deposited for tens of millions of years and became the most fertile soil.

At this time next year, this mountain range, which had once blocked human civilization for more than half a century would devour several Red Dragon Army expeditionary forces. It would be regarded as a daunting path by the superhumans and become the natural granary, as well as pasture, of human beings. No matter how ferocious the monsters were, no matter how strange the etherealized plants were, in front of the will of human beings, they would have to bow their heads and submit. They would have to allow human beings to tame and modulate them.

In another super-large three-dimensional projection, there was a boundless grassland.

It was more than two meters tall, and its branches and leaves were tough. Sharp thorns grew on the edges, containing a slight neurotoxin. It was a weed that could sense the temperature of humans and automatically launch attacks. It was once a nightmare for humans and the best hunting partner of cold-blooded monsters.

At this moment, there was a large black mass of drones, like a swarm of bees gathering into a dark cloud, rushing towards the grassland.

They had no temperature, and the rotation of their propellers was also silent. They even used some kind of optical camouflage technology. It was very difficult for weeds and cold-blooded monsters’ underdeveloped visual organs to detect them.

Therefore, the battle turned into a one-sided massacre.

Bolts of lightning and thunder were released from the “black cloud”. Large patches of weeds fell like harvested wheat, revealing the snakes, insects, rats, and ants hiding inside. They could only flee in a sorry state. However, under the precise calculation and control of the drone cluster.., they were gradually driven to a place where they were captured by the single-molecule, high-strength, super alloy trap launched by the humans from above.

Occasionally, there were some monsters that wanted to counterattack.

They bared their teeth and sprayed acid into the sky, corroding the drone until it was riddled with holes. Sparks even appeared as it fell to the ground.

However, human drone sea tactics never depended on the strength and combat ability of an individual.

With the unimpeded network and ample supplies of ammunition and materials, the arsenal, which was located at the edge of the grassland and adopted the technology of three-dimensional printing and automatic assembly line, was producing more armed drones.

Every second, there were drones that had just finished assembly and still had the heat of three-dimensional jet printing on their propellers. The six-legged spider-type thinking tank, which was also operated remotely and carried more than ten mechanical arms, was loaded with weapons and ammunition, connected to the tactical data link of the drone sea, the UAVs soared up and rushed into the depths of the grassland.

As long as the mechanic who controlled all of this sat comfortably on the edge of the grassland and hovered in the air in an armored airship, he would be able to overlook the overall situation and complete the battle as easily as playing a video game.

In the third super-large three-dimensional projection, there was a huge all-metal base.

The base, which was more than a hundred meters in both length and width, was equipped with a lot of automatic defense facilities and production lines, as well as exploration, mining, and smelting equipment. It could be said that, although a sparrow was small, it had all the five internal organs. As long as it was deployed to an area with abundant spirit energy, in an area rich in crystals and metal veins, all the colonization procedures, such as collection, refining, construction, manufacturing, fighting, and recovery, could be completed.

At most, only a few superhumans or soldiers in power armor would be needed to be stationed inside the base.

The biggest difference between the base Meng Chao saw and the traditional forward base was that it was built on a huge and sturdy chassis, under which there were more than a hundred broad tracks.

Driven by dozens of super-powerful crystal engines, all the tracks were rotating together. It was truly like an all-metal mountain that could move freely.

On the way to the base, there was a fierce battle between humans and monsters that had happened a few months ago.

Most of the monster remains had been completely harvested. There were still some bones that were not worth harvesting and were half-buried in the soil.

After being crushed by the rumbling tracks, these bones, along with the last glory of the monsters, were all turned into dust and disappeared.

Behind the forward base, railway tracks and paved roads appeared as if they were magic.

More train cannons, wheeled war chariots, and engineering vehicles followed closely behind. They had arrived at an unprecedented place, creating a brand new era that belonged to human beings and Earth’s civilization!

With magnificent and exciting scenes, the crystal radio inside the car kept broadcasting.

“…According to the latest battle report, the seventh summer offensive of the Red Dragon Army has come to a perfect end. In the fierce battles over the past few months, all the officers and soldiers have risked their lives and worked together to destroy more than seventy Hell Beast nests, nearly a thousand Nightmarish Beast nests, more than ten thousand of various types of superbeasts, and more than a million monsters. They have advanced more than a hundred kilometers in the east and south of Monster Mountain Range respectively, opening up a new living space of 8,800 square kilometers. It is enough to build a ‘new Dragon City’ in the current Dragon City’s periphery!”

“…This is great news. The elite team of the Hunter Association led by three Deity Realm experts finally captured a live Crystalline Nine-Headed Dragon cub after a month of non-stop tracking and hunting!

“This is the first time Dragon City captured a live Apocalyptic Beast cub. It will be of great help to us in studying the mystery of the evolution of the Apocalyptic Beast, trying to tame and raise the Apocalyptic Beast manually, and even performing gene duplication on the Apocalyptic Beast!”

“…Breaking News. Sky Pillar Corporation’s ‘Victory No. 9’ forward base has completed the production of all the modules, and it has begun to assemble in the depths of Monster Mountain Range, west of Dragon City. Once it is put into operation, it will become the largest forward base in Dragon City. Whether it is the efficiency of resource collection or the overall firepower, it will be more than 1.5% higher than the current record maintained by Universal Corporation’s ‘Endeavour No. 7’.

“What’s more worth mentioning is that, in addition to the traditional functions of ‘collecting, refining, building, manufacturing, fighting, and recycling’, which can collect the resources in the surroundings and build drones, thinking tanks, and mining robots on its own, ‘Victory 9’ can also build all the functional modules needed for a forward base. In other words, as long as enough resources are detected nearby, ‘Victory 9’ will be able to replicate itself continuously. This is a forward base that can produce a forward base!

“The official spokesperson of the Sky Pillar Corporation said that the birth of ‘Victory 9’ marks a new era of colonization for Dragon City. The self-replicating and self-expanding forward base will greatly save precious manpower and reduce unnecessary sacrifices. In the near future, Monster Mountain Range and the more vast and boundless foreign lands will certainly be filled with war flags from Earth and become a paradise for mankind!”

These huge 3D projections and news broadcasts once again aroused the discussion of the whole family.

“A few years ago, before Ah Chao took the college entrance examination, who would have thought that our lives would actually undergo such an… earth-shattering change?”

Meng Yishan said, “Let’s not talk about the national affairs such as how many victories Dragon City’s army and superhumans have won in Monster Mountain Range. Let’s talk about our family. Who would have thought that a family like ours could drive a small car flying around in the air?”

“Yes, Dad. I remember that at that time, my brother said that he would buy you a car, but you kept waving your hand and saying that you didn’t want it. Anyway, Dragon City is only a small place, and the citizens all practice martial arts. Wherever they want to go, they can just run and jump.”

Bai Jiacao held back her laughter and said, “Why are you addicted to driving now? Why do you grab the steering wheel everywhere and throw away the hard and simple style?”

“Isn’t this…”

Meng Yishan’s old face turned red and he tried to explain himself, “Who would have thought that Dragon City would expand so fast? In just a few years, the area of the city has increased several times, and the area of control has expanded more than ten times. In our line of work, we often have to follow the footsteps of the military and hunting teams to the frontline far away from the city to sign agreements and harvest monsters. With these two pairs of old arms and legs, we really can’t catch up with them!”

“That’s true.”

Bai Suxin defended her husband, “A few days ago, I went to the new city in the north. I heard that it used to be a swamp called ‘Broken Star Lake’. Your Brother fought in the war there two years ago. As a result, all kinds of skyscrapers and modern factories have been built. The spacious road can accommodate more than ten cars. I heard that crystal tubes are installed under the road, which can react with the living magnetic field of the passers-by and stimulate the cells of the human body. People can walk more easily, save more energy, and be in a much happier mood. It is a real ‘wisdom city’, ‘spirit city’, and ‘crystal city’. It is much better than our old city!

“Dragon City is developing so fast. If we don’t drive, we won’t be able to finish it in a year or so!”

“Where are we now?”

Meng Chao said with a smile, “You and Dad should really drive around our new dragon city. If we don’t drive now, it won’t be long before Dragon City is so big that you can’t drive around it!”

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