Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 621 - Not Innocent

Chapter 621: Not Innocent

“I don’t want things to be as we guessed either.” Meng Chao sighed. “No matter what, Saber Jin Wanhao is a powerful fighter who has been famous for decades. Even if he’s definitely not a kind man because he has been causing trouble in Dragon City’s gray industries, and all the things he does often treads the borders of the law, during the darkest and most chaotic era in Dragon City, he killed countless monsters and protected plenty of lair citizens so that the people who were tormented by pain and fear could enjoy a period of happiness.

“I do believe that he deserves the title of a heroic man.

“I really don’t want to see this heroic man who has ruled over the lair for a long time to reveal himself as a demonic man who treads past the limits of humanity in the dark!

“So, A’Ji, if you know the truth, you should tell us now. If you hesitate for too long, you might not have the chance anymore.”

A’Ji hung upside down as he thought about it. A profound light shone in his eyes.

The ancient and annoyed expression appeared on his young face again.

“Honestly, Meng Chao, I don’t have any ill will toward you. Think about it, have I ever harmed since we met?”

Even A’Ji’s voice changed. It was calm and firm.

“You didn’t.” Meng Chao shook his head. “That’s the main reason behind why I still haven’t crushed all your bones.”

“Then I have to thank you for showing mercy to me, huh?” A’Ji asked. “It doesn’t matter whether you believe me or not. If you were here alone, I’d be willing to share all my secrets with you, including the other inheritances of Saber Jin Wanhao. I’d be willing to share all of them. Did you actually think that the mighty Underground Ground would only have one treasure trove after ruling over the lair for decades? Even a cunning rabbit would know to have three dens!”

Meng Chao’s pupils shrank.

Lu Siya’s breathing became heavy as well.

But A’Ji changed his tone and gestured at Lu Siya with his chin. “But she’s here. Queen Bee Lu Siya is someone I will never trust.”

Meng Chao was slightly stunned. He turned his head and looked at Lu Siya, then at A’Ji. “That’s strange. Do you know Big Sis Ya and have a grudge against her?”

“I’ve never met her, and there’s no grudge between us,” A’Ji said.

Meng Chao grew even more puzzled. “Then, why were you willing to help me unveil the Vortex’s scheme and would now tell me all your secrets, but not Big Sis Ya?

“You should know that we were only able to win against the Vortex by fighting together. If any one of us was missing, the other two would have definitely died. All of us saved each other’s lives.

“If this is a plan to sow discord among us and make us become divided, don’t you think it’s a really clumsy plan?”

“I was careless and lost everything. Now that things have already progressed to this point, I no longer have the mood to do something as boring as sowing discord. Besides, you’re so close that you can soak in a medical cabin together. I wouldn’t be able to sow discord with just a few words,” A’Ji said.

“I don’t like her, and I don’t trust her. There’s only one reason for that, and that’s because she’s someone from the nine great cultivation families. She’s not even a member of the branch family or a normal member. She’s an outstanding third generation member directly related to the main family, who might take over Sky Pillar Corporation and the entire Lu family in the future!”

“Got it. Just like Red Brows Su Lun, you have a grudge against the nine great mega corporations?” When Lu Siya heard this, she climbed out of the medical cabin and went to stand beside Meng Chao.

“Circumstances change with time, so there’s no need for me to be conflicted by any grudges,” A’Ji said in a really mature tone. “But if my secrets are discovered by the nine great mega corporations, you’ll steal everything from me and lock me up in secret. You’ll even cut me up to conduct research on me, and I’ll live a life worse than death for the rest of time.

“Compared to being captured by you and going through cruel experiments without being able to escape the control of the nine great mega corporations, I’d rather choose to die right now!”

“Is it?” Lu Siya cocked her eyebrow and put on a mysterious and charming smile. “Let’s not talk about whether you’re really that important and that you’d have to be… locked up in secret and cut into pieces to be researched. I’m curious. Why must you lump me together with the nine great mega corporations?

“I’m me. I’m Queen Bee Lu Siya. I don’t represent Sky Pillar Corporation or the Lu family, much less the nine great mega corporations. In other words, my interests might not be completely aligned with Sky Pillar Corporation, the Lu family, or the nine great mega corporations at all times.

“So, what sort of major secret do you have? Why don’t you tell me? If I feel like this secret will bring me benefits that are greater than what it will give Sky Pillar Corporation, the Lu family, and the nine great mega corporations, perhaps Meng Chao and I will help you keep the secret.”

Lu Siya winked at A’Ji.

A’Ji pondered over this. “Everyone knows that you’re an outstanding member of the third generation among the nine great cultivation families. Your father is also in charge of the most important mining company under Sky Pillar Corporation. Your grandfather is the owner of the Lu family, and he values you highly. Over the past few months, he spent an astronomical amount of resources to personally teach you. How can you say that your interests don’t align with those of your family and the corporation?”

“Heh.” Lu Siya gave an unamused smile. “The most outstanding member of the third generation among the nine great cultivation families? It’s just an empty name used to flatter me. Aside from putting me under the risk of being rebuked and the subject of envy, there’s no meaning to it.

“My father is indeed in control of Sky Pillar Minerals, but there is a major difference between being in control of something and completely occupying something.

“My grandfather does value me, but valuing me and pampering me are two different things. He might value me highly today, but he might show his favor to his other grandchildren tomorrow, and on the day after tomorrow, he might send me to the harshest frontlines to ‘train’ for the grandchild he loves more.

“Besides, even if everything went smoothly, when would I ever be able to take control of the Lu family and Sky Pillar Corporation?

“As life sciences become more advanced and the environment around Dragon City becomes better, the nine great mega corporations will develop lands rich with resources to set up high-grade nursing homes. Powerful and rich people placed at the top ten of the rich ranking in Dragon City, like my grandfather, will enjoy medical treatment and resources that will preserve their life far better than this lab of Saber Jin Wanhao. My grandfather was also never injured as badly as Saber Jin Wanhao when he was young, so he won’t have any problem living up to more than one hundred years old.

“As for the people in my father’s generation, they took in all sorts of gene medicine and high-calorie nutritional fluids from a young age and received professional and perfected spirit energy cultivation training. My father and my uncles will not have any problem living up to at least 150 years old.

“Once these people all die and I become the matriarch of the Lu family and the owner of Sky Pillar Corporation, I’m going to be a super old granny who is more than one hundred years old, won’t I? And that’s just one of the nine great mega corporations I’m talking about. I haven’t even counted in the other eight corporations!

“Do you actually think that I would patiently wait for eighty years to climb up that supreme throne after I become an old granny?”

A’Ji could sense Lu Siya’s ambition. Not that she bothered to hide it.

In a daze, he gained the misconception that if he ignored her face and figure, she was like another version of Phantom Bear Xiong Wei. In fact… she was even like his past self.

“A’Ji, the choice is in your hands,” Meng Chao said. “You will either tell us all your secrets, and if you didn’t cross the limits of humanity in this matter and didn’t… um… break too many of Dragon City’s laws, then we might be able to find common interests and welcome an ending where everyone is happy.

“But if you don’t talk, we will have to investigate everything on our own, and once we figure out every single detail, your arms are going to be useless. Forget about Celestial Tyrant’s Star Shattering Slash, by then, you won’t even be able to pick up nail clippers on your own!”

A’Ji gnashed his teeth together and swept his gaze back and forth between Meng Chao and Lu Siya.

Meng Chao’s final sentence finally made him come to a decision.

“Fine. I’ll talk.” He stared at Meng Chao. “I just hope you won’t regret hearing it.”

“I never regret any of my decisions.” Meng Chao used his toes to nudge the horrible pictures over and said coldly, “But you must explain what these are clearly. Did Saber Jin Wanhao really sacrifice so many innocent people to conduct evil experiments?”

“Experiments? He did indeed conduct some experiments. Before these guys died, they also went through cruel torture, and they didn’t… die pleasant deaths,” A’Ji said falteringly. “But they’re definitely not innocent people.”

Meng Chao and Lu Siya looked at each other. “What do you mean?”

A’Ji pointed at the first picture. It was of a corpse that was dissected by strange machines. “This person is Unlucky Star Huang Xin. He’s the mastermind behind the robbery of Development Bank twelve years ago. At that time, he and his accomplices not only stole a few ten million crystal coins, they also killed seventeen bound bank employees. It was completely unnecessary for them to do that.

“Unlucky Star Huang Xin’s highest ranking was 95 on the Supernatural Tower’s bounty list.

“But this guy is really cunning and brutal. When he noticed that he’s being chased relentlessly by the secret police and bounty hunters, he killed all his accomplices and fled with all the stolen money. He disappeared without a trace.

“Once his accomplices died, the trail went cold. The secret police and bounty hunters couldn’t do anything about him. He escaped from judgment for ten years until he ended up in Saber Jin Wanhao’s hands.

“Do you think that Jin Wanhao crossed the limits of humanity by using him as a research subject?”

Meng Chao and Lu Siya were both stunned.

The fierce fights between humans and monsters caused thousands of deaths. The deaths of seventeen people normally would not be something that Lu Siya and Meng Chao would remember.

The problem was, Unlucky Star Huang Xin had killed the bound bank employees one by one as if he was executing them.

When superhumans descended into spirit energy deviation, they usually committed crimes of passion.

This calm and brutal method was enough to make him leave his name on the bounty list.

They did not expect that this wanted criminal who had the blood of dozens of innocent souls’ lives in his hands and had escaped from the law would have died in Saber Jin Wanhao’s hands without anyone hearing of it.

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