Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 615 - Not A Single Drop Left!

Chapter 615: Not A Single Drop Left!

The gears in Meng Chao’s head turned to perform the last deduction.

Based on past experience, every time he activated and upgraded a skill, an information flow would explode in his head, causing his muscle fibers and nerve endings to go through drastic changes.

During the process, he would feel extreme pain and as if he could no longer control his body properly. This would last for seconds at first but could go for even minutes.

It was the period when he was at his weakest.

Hence, in the past, Meng Chao only dared to activate and upgrade a skill when he was in a cultivation room or an absolutely safe place.

The Vortex would never give him dozens of seconds to get stronger.

However, when Meng Chao looked over to the Vortex, he found that the creature was still struggling in a corner.

It had been struck head-on by A’Ji’s Celestial Tyrant’s Star Shattering Slash. At the cost of draining his own life, the boy had dealt an unstoppable blow. Its damage could not be easily negated.

When the Vortex had finally extinguished the golden spirit flames at its wounds, Lu Siya and Meng Chao crashed into it, and its wounds acted up again. The golden flames lit up once more and tore its body apart.

It hissed and squirmed around, but it did not have the energy to rage.

‘I have to risk it!’

Meng Chao gritted his teeth and decided to stake everything.

Right then, he could only take a gamble on whether he would recover faster than the Vortex.

He no longer hesitated and poured a few hundred thousand contribution points into Battle God Lei Zongchao’s famous technique.

‘Divine Nine Dragon Seals, upgrade!’

In an instant, a few hundred thousand dazzling golden sparks exploded in the depths of his mind.

The golden waves crashed into every crevice of his brain.

Each shattered spark released an endless wave of information that instantly occupied Meng Chao’s soul and body.

Hell’s Blood had been wreaking havoc once it surged into his body a moment ago, but now, it was fully absorbed, as if it ran into a powerful water pump.


The searing pain caused Meng Chao to release an inhuman shout.

And as an astronomical amount of contribution points, spirit energy, and brain cells exploded at the same time, countless information regarding Divine Nine Dragon Seals branded itself into his cells in an incredibly rich, detailed, and vivid manner.

Agricultural University’s martial arts course taught the Basic Theories of Divine Nine Dragon Seals.

Battle God Lei Zongchao had personally written the Theories of Divine Nine Dragon Seals.

Plenty of powerful fighters had written theses and research reports regarding Divine Nine Dragon Seals before.

The life science forums in the deep web and all sorts of self-proclaimed elites who had not received proper education from the related fields had also released all sorts of strange theories about Divine Nine Dragon Seals.

There were also Battle God Lei Zongchao’s cultivation and fighting videos.

Lei Zongchao was the most selfless superhuman in Dragon City. He never hid any secrets when it came to cultivation.

In fact, he took the initiative to wear all sorts of cameras and physiological parameter monitor chips to cultivate and fight so that all humans could gather large quantities of data and perfect as well as enrich Earthlings’ spirit energy martial arts system.

So, Meng Chao had already read and watched a lot of information related to Divine Nine Dragon Seals.

But in the past, since this technique was just too difficult to understand, even if he forced himself to circulate his spirit energy and stimulate his brain cells so that he could memorize the entire meditation method, incantation, and even the theses, he still had a hard time understanding Battle God Lei Zongchao’s sublime words.

It was just like how a student, no matter how smart they were and how capable of memorizing all the materials and exercises related to calculus, would never be able to understand the profound secrets behind calculus.

Meng Chao suffered from the same thing. Even if he admired Lei Zongchao’s cultivation and fighting videos for a few hours without blinking, he could not understand the functions behind the small actions the Battle God did in passing. He also could not understand what sort of exciting scientific reason was contained behind the slight fluttering of his nostril hair when he exercised his breathing.

It was the same posture, same angle, same arm strength, and same torque. The Battle God did not mobilize a lot of spirit energy, either, so how could he easily deliver force that was hundreds of times stronger than that of a normal superhuman?

This was something that once puzzled Meng Chao for a long time.

But now, as a few hundred thousand contribution points and the rampaging spirit energy contained in Hell’s Blood were completely drained as if he was spending money on luxury goods, his brain suddenly started buzzing.

It was as if he was being cheered on by Battle God Lei Zongchao and became enlightened.

There were dozens of books on incantations and meditation methods, theses, and monographs related to Divine Nine Dragon Seals, but right then, the footnotes, formulae, and diagrams that didn’t seem to have any connection with each other suddenly appeared to be connected to each other via all sorts of hidden links.

And based on what he remembered, the seemingly average cultivation and fighting videos of Lei Zongchao suddenly became clear and amazing. He found plenty of astonishing details that countless superhumans would not be able to find even if they observed Lei Zongchao’s videos under a microscope.

Meng Chao did not dare say that he had learned Divine Nine Dragon Seals.

But at the very least, he was enlightened now. He understood the profound secrets of Divine Nine Dragon Seals and realized just what Battle God Lei Zongchao had been doing!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Information continued exploding in his mind.

A brand new, absolutely fascinating, and incredibly brilliant world of martial arts slowly opened before Meng Chao’s eyes.

[Spent 8,931 contribution points. Skillfulness of Divine Nine Dragon Seals increased by 1%.]

[Spent 9,111 contribution points. Skillfulness of Divine Nine Dragon Seals increased by 1%.]

[Spent 30,334 contribution points. Activated the breathing technique of Divine Nine Dragon Seals. Skillfulness of Divine Nine Dragon Seals increased by 7%.]

The clear sound of coins hitting one another rose in Meng Chao’s ears.

Every sound was as clear as a bell chime. It represented him gaining further understanding of Battle God Lei Zongchao’s martial arts theory.

After spending almost all of his contribution points, he absorbed all the Hell’s Blood that had seeped in through his wounds. Not a single drop was left.

But he felt as if he had not had enough yet. In fact, a great desire for more rose in him.

‘Not enough. It’s not enough!’

The billions of cells in Meng Chao’s body protested simultaneously.

They scoffed at the fact that Meng Chao was absorbing the Hell’s Blood through his wounds, because it was too slow. So he decided to just turn around and bury his face in the fluorescent blue medicine to gulp it down.

“M-Meng Chao, what are you doing?!”

Lu Siya had finally managed to recover a little from the pain of her spine being almost broken only to see Meng Chao acting like a greedy monster and eating the super gene medicine in a frenzy.

Even though Lu Siya did not know just what the Hell’s Blood was, based on the evaporating spirit energy and the thick fragrance, she knew that it was a super gene medicine that contained countless Hell Beasts’ blood and was incredibly domineering.

And based on the proper education she received, she knew that such a domineering thing should not be devoured in such a simple and crude fashion during such a dangerous moment.

If anyone did that, not only would they be unable to become stronger, they would even enter spirit energy deviation and suffer from a rebound.

“Enough, no, I mean, stop! Stop licking, you’re going to die!” Lu Siya screamed.

“I know, I have no choice! I have to risk it!”

Meng Chao was in pain, but also in pleasure. His eyelids, mouth, fingers, and toes twitched.

The information torrent gathered into a storm in his brain, as if Battle God Lei Zongchao had personally rammed Divine Nine Dragon Seals into his brain, and Meng Chao felt as if his brain was about to be blasted out through his navel.

But no matter how painful it was, Meng Chao did not slow down in drinking Hell’s Blood.

In an instant, he devoured one-third of the leftover Hell’s Blood.

“If I don’t drink it all, that creature is only going to benefit from this!” Meng Chao hissed. “Even if I enter spirit energy deviation and explode, I won’t let the Vortex have even a drop of this super gene medicine!”

“Big Sis Ya! Ah, forget it. A’Ji, don’t hold back now. Come and drink this together with me. Anyway, this has been left by Saber Jin Wanhao, and he is dead now! If you don’t drink it, it’ll be wasted!”

Meng Chao was still slow in drinking up all the Hell’s Blood. He would not be able to drink all of the blue medicine from the three Hell’s Blood before the Vortex finished recovering.

He originally wanted Lu Siya to come over and help him, but he was worried that this super gene medicine of unknown origin would be too violent and hurt her.

A’Ji, though, was a monster-level superhuman and connected to Saber Jin Wanhao. He was the perfect candidate to come over and drink Hell’s Blood.

“To heck with you and your ‘it’ll be wasted if I don’t drink it’ talk. It’s mine, so why would I let you drink it?” A’Ji wanted to cry.

He wanted to go forward and kick Meng Chao away, but unfortunately, executing Celestial Tyrant’s Star Shattering Slash had used up all of his spirit energy. All the blood vessels, nerves, and spirit meridians in his right arm had been destroyed by the out-of-control spirit energy magnetic field.

Right then, even though he had been accumulating power in his left arm for three minutes, he still could not accumulate even one-tenth of the power necessary for a second Celestial Tyrant’s Star Shattering Slash.

And the Vortex had already extinguished the golden flames again. Its wounds were now healing once more, and it had noticed Meng Chao devouring the medicine greedily. It also registered the fact that one-third of Hell’s Blood was gone.

The Vortex reacted exactly like A’Ji. It released a screech from the bottom of its heart.

Before even putting its split head back together, it swung its claws and created two tornados that charged at Meng Chao.

This was the final moment.

Both sides had used up all their attacks and spent all their spirit energy.

The one who could suck all the Hell’s Blood would be the final victor.

The price of victory was their lives and the lives of countless humans and monsters.

Meng Chao was surrounded by a spirit energy storm and information torrent. He could not control his body.

Lu Siya had also spent all her spirit energy. She could not even summon a stone spike the size of a finger.

She gritted her teeth and grabbed the Bloody Soul that had slipped from Meng Chao’s grip and fallen on the floor. She turned three times and swung it at the Vortex.

The core of Bloody Soul was the Red Radiance Jade crystal marrow.

Just like Meng Chao, Lu Siya was also baptized by the Red Radiance Jade tsunami.

Hence, she could resonate with Bloody Soul as well.

Unfortunately, this resonance was only enough for her to make Bloody Soul sink three inches into the Vortex’s shoulder. Then, it got stuck and did not go any further.

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