Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 610 - Imminent Danger

Chapter 610: Imminent Danger

A’Ji turned his body. The Broken Claw Dragon’s tail missed his head, but it bit his seemingly thin shoulder.

The Vortex cackled and used the thread of black adhesive liquid at the end of the tail to command it.

The teeth on the tail trembled madly trying to rip off A’Ji’s arm.

But A’Ji let out a fierce shout, and his crystalline skin was instantly covered in a layer of bright, metallic light. It became as tough as steel.

The mouth of the Broken Claw Dragon’s tail bounced back. Not only did it not rip off A’Ji’s flesh, the rebound caused it to lose dozens of teeth.

The Vortex howled. The black adhesive liquid that was remotely controlling the severed tail surged out to turn into thousands of black needles that went to stab A’Ji. It wanted to control the silver-eyed boy from within!

A’Ji’s pores released hot spirit flames. They burned the black adhesive liquid until it sizzled and retreated.

The severed tail slammed on the floor with a thud like a dying leech.

Spirit flames gushed out from under A’Ji’s feet like rocket propellers.

He raised his foot to stomp the severed tail.

At the last moment, it jumped away swiftly and pathetically swam back to the Broken Claw Dragon’s main body.

A’Ji missed, but his strength was so great that the entire underground lab swayed.

The floor was made of super alloy, but now, a footprint with clear toes appeared on it. It was 30cm deep.

No one gained an advantage in the second encounter.

And through the two rounds of warmup, both sides had already absorbed most of the vials of Hell’s Blood they injected into their bodies.

And with the additional power provided by it, they showed an even more monstrous and terrifying form.


The Broken Claw Dragon’s mouth opened until it was 180 degrees wide. A spike-covered tongue made completely of black adhesive liquid shot out from its throat. It symbolized the Vortex’s will, and the creature howled at A’Ji in a show of strength.


A’Ji might have been unable to open his mouth up to his ears, but his enraged shout was not any weaker than the Vortex’s.

And as he shouted at the top of his lungs, his seemingly frail body let out bone-chilling pops.

The silver-eyed boy’s body swelled up rapidly, as if more than one hundred huge crystal bombs had exploded in his cells, and his muscles bulged up distinctly. It was as if they were semi-transparent steel that had just been retrieved from a furnace and releasing steam that was hundreds of degrees Celsius hot.

In just a short few seconds, while A’Ji’s head remained in the form of a boy, his body became that of a monster.

When the Vortex controlled the Broken Claw Dragon’s body to charge at him again, A’Ji swung his warhammer-like fist. With just one punch, he crushed the Broken Claw Dragon’s skull. It caved in, and its brain gushed out from its orifices.

Unfortunately, after the black adhesive liquid stuck itself to the Broken Claw Dragon, the physiological structure of vertebrates no longer applied to it.

Streams of black adhesive liquid gushed out of the shattered skull and bound A’Ji’s arm, which was even thicker than an elephant’s foot. The Vortex pounced on him and got itself tightly entangled with A’Ji. Both creatures—no, monsters, fell on the floor.

The burning spirit flames on A’Ji burned the black adhesive liquid until it sizzled. The Broken Claw Dragon was badly burned, and the Vortex screeched nonstop.

But the Broken Claw Dragon’s claws could destroy even hair when it fell on it. It also had two mouths, one on its head and the other on its tail. They left behind deep, intersecting wounds on A’Ji’s steel-like body.

A’Ji’s physiological age was still no more than ten.

Even if he could force onto himself the physical strength of someone at the peak of Heaven Realm with the help from the mysterious strength in him and Hell’s Blood, it was not stable, and he had to pay a terrible price for it.

To the Vortex, A’Ji was like a flamethrower.

To A’Ji, the Vortex was a meat grinder that had super alloy blades and was operating at high speed.

They were not just fighting fiercely like mortal enemies at this point.

Right then, they wanted every single cell in their bodies to grow mouths and fangs to bite the other.

They were fighting in close quarters and injuring themselves and the enemy at the same time, which used up a lot of strength. They also quickly gained more and more injuries.

In just half a minute, these two monstrous super life forms became piles of cut up flesh full of bloody wounds.

They could no longer control their own vitality life forces.

Without their magnetic fields restraining their spirit energy, it charged out like a flood breaking out of a dam and rushed into the area around them.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The refrigerated tanks with supreme grade monster materials and high-purity crystals shattered from the rampaging spirit energy.

Wisps of spirit energy of all colors gushed out and stained the small materials storage in a chaotic picture.

Even the Hell’s Blood that had fallen down shattered when the two monsters tumbled all over the floor in a mess of limbs.


The refrigerated tanks with valuable ingredients continued shattering. The mithril and cooling spray inside them flowed out. The ingredients inside swiftly turned bad, and their quality plummeted, but A’Ji did not care.

It was only when Hell’s Blood 4, 5, and 6 were crushed and the blue medicine flowed all over the floor before swiftly evaporating into balls of blue fog that fled in all directions that A’Ji’s heart bled.

He quickly created a powerful gust of wind and blew away the last, undamaged gene medicine to a corner. It was Hell’s Blood 7, and it was the strongest among the seven Hell’s Blood. The spirit energy contained inside it was practically half of the other six combined.

Then, he turned his head around and glared at the Vortex. His glare was so strong that he could penetrate a stone strata that was hundreds of meters deep!

The Vortex also noticed the blue medicine that flowed all over the floor.

It had just injected Hell’s Blood 3, and the indescribable pleasure was still stimulating each of its nerve endings.

Without hesitation, it extended the tongue formed of black adhesive liquid.

The tongue grew longer, and it looked just like a black viper. Dozens of tentacles split up from the tip. They tried to suck the remains of the medicine from the floor and made lots of slurping sounds.

“You friggin’ ruined my plan!” A’Ji screamed at the top of his lungs.

His astonishing aura exploded once more like a volcano.

Rage gushed out of his pores like visible flames. They gathered into a sharp, unstoppable saber.

He looked like a demon who had just crawled out of hell and had countless sabers.

Before the Vortex could lick Hell’s Blood, A’Ji’s fist sent it flying.

A spirit energy saber thrust out of his fist and stabbed dozens of holes from the Broken Claw Dragon’s chin to its skull.

Before the Broken Claw Dragon could land on the floor, A’Ji blasted it at full strength.

Every time A’Ji delivered a punch, it turned into dozens of spirit energy sabers that stabbed deep into the Broken Claw Dragon’s body.

Despite being alone, he was like a heavy saber formation made of hundreds of elite saber users.

Even if the Vortex had the amazing ability to use the black adhesive liquid to reattach the Broken Claw Dragon’s torn body parts repeatedly, it could not win against A’Ji’s swift slashes.

In just one short minute, A’Ji ripped apart the Broken Claw Dragon dozens of times.

Even though it could heal each time, due to the shattering of its joints and destroyed organs, every time it recovered, it became slightly more deformed.

After healing dozens of times, the body the Vortex controlled became incredibly misshapen.

It was the ugliest monster in all of Monster Mountain Range.

It looked like it was squashed by a heavy construction machine weighing hundreds of tons before it was thrown into acid, where it got disfigured.

Even the Vortex would suffer nightmares for three days and three nights if it saw how it looked right then.

“Wheeze… Wheeze… Wheeze…”

A’Ji stared at his “creation”, and his eyelids twitched.

It had cost him a hefty price to pummel the Vortex until it looked like a pile of mangled flesh.

At that moment, not only did he have hundreds of fine hidden injuries on the muscles, tendons, and bones in his arms, but the newly made organs were now at the verge of collapsing once more.

His face was pale, and he gasped for breath. Every time he breathed, he felt as if there was magma flowing through his trachea and lungs.

But he gritted his teeth and endured the inhuman pain. He did his best to clench his fists and gather spirit energy sabers to try and deliver the final blow to the Vortex.

However, when his spirit flame engulfed fist was encased with the unstoppable, destructive power of a railway gun and he threw it into the black adhesive liquid core at the Broken Claw Dragon’s stomach, the black adhesive liquid turned into a mouth and bit his fist!

“H-How is this possible?” A’Ji’s eyes went wide.

He noticed that the Vortex’s strength had increased by dozens of times, and there were no signs of it being severely damaged.

He looked behind the Broken Claw Dragon’s tail and noticed black adhesive liquid stretching out from the end of the tail. It reached the Hell’s Blood pooling on the floor.

‘I fell into its trap!’

A’Ji felt as if an explosion had gone off in his head.

It was only at that moment that he realized that the Vortex extending its tongue to lick Hell’s Blood and looking so incredibly weak that it was no better than a lamb waiting for slaughter were just acts to make him lower his guard.

The Vortex had the strange ability to change its shape however it wanted, so it could make an organ similar to a tongue on any part of its body to sneakily suck Hell’s Blood!

In an instant, their positions changed.

A’Ji was at the last of his strength. The Vortex toppled him over, then grabbed his arm and spun him around eight times before throwing him at a wall.

With a loud bang, the super alloy embedded into the wall caved in, and a clear human shape could be seen on it.

A’Ji’s skin cracked inch by inch. He was covered in blood as he slumped on the floor.


The Vortex cackled and extended a claw that was even longer and sharper than before to cut A’Ji’s neck artery.

The spirit energy in A’Ji’s body was rampaging and clumping up. For a moment, he could not defend himself at all. All he could do was watch the shadow of death descend on him.

However, when the claw was about to tear apart his neck artery and break his cervical vertebrae and spine, the Broken Claw Dragon’s entire front limb suddenly flew away under the illumination of a bright, bloody flame.

Then, Meng Chao’s surprised shout rose from behind the Broken Claw Dragon. “What in the world is this?!”

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