Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 604 - The Vortex’s Discovery

Chapter 604: The Vortex’s Discovery

At a spot 287 meters under Golden Tooth’s headquarters was an underground lab sealed entirely shut by super alloy that was several meters thick. It completely blocked off all tremors and noise from the outside world.

When the lair on the surface sank into a chaotic battle full of explosions and fire, this place remained dark and quiet. The air was so thick that it was nearly suffocating, and it was like a grave that had been sealed for a thousand years.

At that moment, the quiet in the grave was broken by a strange dripping sound.

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.

The sound came from the ventilation vent.

The underground lab had two different air circulation systems.

One system was similar to the ones used in orbital space stations. It could perfectly recycle oxygen and carbon dioxide within the room, so there was no need for contact with the outside world.

The other system was connected to a ventilation pipe that led to the outside world, but there were more than seven layers of monitoring systems and defense systems installed in it. The diameter of the pipe itself was no more than 10 cm to ensure that no human could smoothly sneak in through the ventilation pipe as well.

But unfortunately, right now, the one who appeared in the lab through the vent was not a human.

Instead, it was a nearly transparent and incredibly thick adhesive liquid.

The liquid was like glue and slowly dripped in through the fine network in the ventilation pipe. It fell on the floor in the lab.

Its speed as it dripped down was incredibly slow, as if there was no motion whatsoever.

This was the only way it could get past the motion monitoring alarm in the pipe.

After persistently dripping for half an hour, a puddle of adhesive liquid that was more than half a meter in terms of diameter appeared under the vent. It was like a super large slug.

At this moment, something unbelievable happened.

The semi-transparent liquid squirmed slowly, and a brain popped out from within the liquid. As if it had a will of its own, it started looking around and sniffed tentatively before crawling deep into the lab.

If Meng Chao were here, he would definitely blurt out, “Vortex!”

When Red Brows Su Lun and the former Reaper Squad members’ scheme had attracted Meng Chao, Lu Siya, Xiong Wei, Song Jinbo, Ye Xiaoyue, and everyone else’s attention, the Vortex had snuck into the secret lab under Golden Tooth’s headquarters and made its way into the grave Saber Jin Wanhao meticulously prepared for himself!

At that moment, all the members of Golden Tooth were hurrying about in the lair to calm down the chaos in the lair and to retain Golden Tooth’s position.

They suffered a major lack of manpower, so much so that they wanted to rip themselves in two so that they could be in two places at once. So, there were no elites placed outside the underground lab.

But even if there were someone outside, due to Saber Jin Wanhao’s careful arrangements, the walls that were several meters thick would prevent them from hearing anything.

The Vortex might not have any eyes, but its semi-transparent body was filled with shining crystal powder, and it could gather as well as enlarge the light signals from the world so that it could see everything around it.

And since it could change its fluid body at will, it could read as well as store all the information it got into contact with in its information cells.

The Vortex first “saw” rows of large petri dishes.

They were all more than 1m long and more than 3m tall. Within these petri dishes made of strengthened glass was nutritional fluid that gave off a mysterious glow. All sorts of monster brains, limbs, and organs were suspended quietly inside them.

Due to the stimulation of drugs, the deformed monster organs could make veteran hunters’ mental strength indexes collapse instantly, so they would suffer from nightmares for three days and three nights.

The Vortex slowly went to a petri dish and stuck to it to carefully examine the object inside.

The organ inside was more than half a meter long. It seemed like the heart of some large monster. Suddenly, it started beating violently and hit the glass, which filled the quiet secret lab with loud noise.

It was actually alive!

As if to resonate with it, the moment the large heart started beating, all the monster organs in the other petri dishes started twitching violently as well.

In an instant, the noise rose and did not seem to want to fade away anytime soon. They played a song that could only be heard in hell.

The Vortex was shocked. It screeched and quickly flowed down from the petri dish.

The adhesive liquid on it stuck out and immediately hardened into spikes. It turned itself into a transparent hedgehog that was in a defensive position.

After a long time, the lab showed no other abnormal activity, and the monster organs slowly calmed down again after the bioelectricity that caused them to twitch violently faded away.

The Vortex relaxed and stopped using its spiked form. Instead, it returned to its semi-liquid state and continued squirming forward.

Behind the organ cultivation room was a second room. There were a lot of papers with research data and pictures in it.

Tentacles stretched out of the Vortex’s body, and it carefully scanned the terrifying and bloody pictures. The Vortex let out excited purrs, as if it had discovered the greatest secret of the owner of the lab.

The third room should be the room where the experiments were carried out.

It was a fully automatic control room. There were five folded mechanical arms on the ceiling and each of the four corners.

The Vortex slowly flowed between the mechanical arms and found scalpels, electric saws, large syringes, bone grinders, drills, and all sorts strange-looking and bone-chilling experiment tools that looked like torture equipment.

At the center of the control arm was a surgery bed that looked like the magnified version of a chair you would find in a dentist’s room.

At the sides of the surgery bed were more than ten sturdy straps. They were all made of Hell Beasts’ fascia. Even if they were burned by flames that were more than one thousand degrees hot or cut with a knife or axe, they would not break.

The Vortex slowly flowed past the large surgery bed.

It accidentally activated some sort of mechanism, and with a whoosh, a row of sharp steel needles suddenly popped out of the line at the center of the surgery bed. Cracking sounds rose, and blue electricity as well as dazzling sparks rose from them.

The Vortex quickly moved away.

Then, it elongated its head and carefully drew above the steel needles to observe them.

The steel needles were hollow. They seemed to be connected to the medicine pouches and injectors behind them.

The Vortex pondered this silently.

An image popped up in its head.

It saw a savage, wild superbeast being controlled by the mechanical arms and being tossed on the large surgery bed.

The straps by the side immediately popped up automatically and bound it tightly.

It struggled and let out roars at the top of its lungs.

But a row of steel needles shot out from within the surgery bed and stabbed into its body. At the same time they passed high-voltage electricity, they injected the superbeast with large amounts of drugs.

This made it instantly turn pliant, allowing Saber Jin Wanhao to do whatever he wanted with it.

The Vortex screeched again, as if it was saying, “Saber Jin Wanhao is a truly ruthless person!”

The next room was filled with loads of monster materials and high-purity crystals.

The monster materials had been carefully processed and were no longer hideous and drenched in blood. Instead, they let out the unique fragrance and shine of a treasure. Just taking in a deep breath was enough to fill a person with energy, and all their cells to become restless.

And each of the high-purity crystals stored there were rare jewels that cost cities. Some of them were like Red Radiance Jade crystal marrows and were supreme grade goods that were rarely found. The Underground Emperor had to have used all his energy to gather these priceless treasures.

Even though the Vortex did not have eyes and a mouth, it could not help but put on a face that made it seem like its eyes were glowing and it was gulping.

This was truly a treasure trove with everything.

It could compare to the personal storehouse of the owners of the nine great mega corporations.

If it had a way to get all these supreme-grade monster materials and crystals outside…

The Vortex soon squashed this tempting thought.

It did not come here for the supreme-grade cultivation resources.

At least, not entirely.

There was something else that was even more important than the supreme-grade cultivation resources.

The Vortex continued squirming deeper into the lab.

A thick stench of blood came from the area ahead.

The Vortex sensed hunger and killing intent. It quickly spread itself out until it was a layer as thin as paper and looked almost invisible. It laid itself flat on the floor evenly.

What appeared before it were cages.

They were separated from the area outside by more than ten rows of bars connected to electricity.

However, the metal bars inside were all destroyed by a crazed monster.

Only the metal bars of the outermost layer were still in perfect shape. Each bar was thicker than a human thigh and covered in dense runic symbols.

No… They were not in perfect shape. Based on the dents and the outward indentations formed by something crashing against them, the metal bars had been attacked madly by the monster locked inside.

There were more than ten metal bars, but they only kept one monster detained.

At first glance, it looked like the amalgamation of an armadillo and hedgehog that was magnified dozens of times.

Its body was covered in scales that looked like heavy armor. All of them stood up and shone with a cold glare.

It also had a pair of terrifying claws, as if it was born with six sharp scimitars.

Its thick and long tail was also covered in sharp scales. The end of its tail had swollen up to form an osteoma that was like a morningstar. The osteoma split into six pieces and looked like a mouth filled with teeth.

This was a Hell Beast known as Broken Claw Dragon.

If Hell Beasts were to be divided into categories, then Broken Claw Dragon would definitely be categorized as a Monster from the 18th Level of Hell.

It had a savage personality and was cunning. It had impenetrable skin and could release all sorts of venom and miasma, so it had all sorts of offensive methods.

Besides Apocalyptic Beasts, it was one of the few beasts that humans did not want to run into in the wild under any circumstances.

Of course, most of the monsters would rather run into humans in the wild instead of a Broken Claw Dragon as well.

However, this Broken Claw Dragon locked in the secret lab under Golden Tooth’s headquarters was heavily wounded and dying.

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