Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 599 - Fusion of Flowing Blood

Chapter 599: Fusion of Flowing Blood

Su Lun laughed again.

It was as if he finally seized the loophole in Meng Chao’s words. An excited light shone in his eyes.

“Wait. Who said that I wanted to destroy Dragon City?” Su Lun smiled. “I admit that to take revenge against Heaven Pharmaceuticals, I’ve indeed worked together with the monster civilization. You can say that I’m working together with the enemies and have become the monster civilization’s puppet, and I won’t deny it.

“Similarly, I won’t deny that my hands are dyed with the blood of innocents. The entire lair is burning because of my hatred, and I can’t be pardoned for my crimes. Even if I’m really cut to pieces by the lair citizens, it would only be what I deserve.

“But I never wanted to destroy all of Dragon City. It’s the opposite, I’m saving it!”

Meng Chao was stunned for a long time.

He widened his eyes and observed Su Lun carefully for a long time, but he saw no signs of insanity.

“Save Dragon City? How are you going to save it?” Meng Chao simply could not understand Su Lun’s logic. “By turning all the citizens into monster poop?”

“Meng Chao, I thought that you’re different from the other ordinary people and can think outside the box. I didn’t expect that you’d be the same as them,” Su Lun said. “Did you think that once the monster civilization wins the Monster War, the monsters will eat all the humans?”

“Isn’t that the case?” Meng Chao asked.

“Of course not. What’s so tasty about humans? Our size and cutability is far lower than that of large monsters like Demonic Halberd Pigs and Iron-armored Rhinoceroses. When it comes to taste, a lot of the snakes, worms, fish, and prawns taste much better than us, too. Compared to plant-type monsters, there aren’t too many of us, either. Our reproduction rate and life cycle is relatively normal as well.

“Keeping us as livestock and eating us after making us reproduce in large numbers is just too troublesome and not worth it,” Su Lun said. “But it’s different now. After half a century of war and communication, monsters have slowly awakened to intelligence. Some of the superbeasts whose brain volume is much greater than that of humans have created a real civilization, and they are even beginning to think like humans.

“You’ve seen the Vortex’s true form and talked to it, right? Do you think that it’s thought processes are different from ours? No, they’re completely the same!

“Compared to the monsters who only knew how to bare their teeth and are unreasonable, don’t you think that the abnormal beasts who are enlightened are more like humans? Like us?”

“You’re wrong,” Meng Chao said coldly. “It’s not that abnormal beasts can think like humans, but that they can imitate human thought processes in front of humans. These two things are completely different.”

Based on what Meng Chao remembered of his previous life, there were indeed plenty of intelligent beings in the Other World who possessed thought processes that were similar to those of humans.

But this did not mean that the two people could live harmoniously.

Even if there were races in the Other World that were really similar to Earthlings, they usually had basic logic that humans could not understand, tolerate, and accept because of their own logic and morals.

If they treated each other as comrades just because they spoke the same language, they would suffer a major loss.

Su Lun’s eyes sparkled, and he quickly said, “That’s not important. In any case, the monster civilization is already here. The abnormal beasts are completely different from traditional monsters. We can communicate with each other and understand one another. This creates room for negotiations and surrendering.

“Think about it. If you were a smart abnormal beast and the leader of the monster civilization who saw Dragon City, you’d notice that it’s full of treasures formed by the wisdom of human civilization. We hold secrets of agriculture, various industries, technology, and societal history that we accumulated over more than one hundred thousand years of development. If the monsters absorb all these, the newly born monster civilization will instantly obtain more than ten thousand years of knowledge.

“Would you choose to eat all humans and reduce this brilliant city to a barbaric forest again, then make yourself regress and live just like you did before you finally gained wisdom? Isn’t that too much of a waste of talent?”

“I see, I understand now.” Meng Chao pondered what he had just heard. “You think that by surrendering to the monster civilization, Dragon City will be able to survive?”

“We wouldn’t be surrendering, but fusing with them,” Su Lun said. “Human civilization and the monster civilization must fuse together completely. That’s the only way for us all to survive in this brutal world!”

Meng Chao cocked his eyebrows.

“Didn’t you notice? Meng Chao, we’re in grave danger. Dragon City is already standing on a cliff!”

Even though his legs were broken and he wore shackles that weighed hundreds of kilograms, Su Lun regained his past spirit. He even had a wicked charm about him at that moment.

While he gasped for breath, he spoke in a hoarse voice to entice Meng Chao. “Don’t go thinking that you’re so great after you won the northern offense and dealt a blow to the monster civilization. The Other World is huge. Based on our analysis of the Other World’s gravity and ozone layer, this is a planet that is about the same as Earth in terms of size. Monster Mountain Range is just part of one continent on this large planet!

“Would such a planet only have monsters as a sole threat?

“Apocalyptic Beasts have peerless power, but they’re restricted to this puny Monster Mountain Range. They would rather fight against Earth transmigrators for half a century than step out of this place and move to the expanse beyond Monster Mountain Range. Why is that? Could it be that there are more terrifying existences compared to Apocalyptic Beasts beyond Monster Mountain Range?

“Over the past half a century, the fog caused by the dimensional vortex protected humans like an iron wall, so many people gained the misconception that monsters are our only threat, and that as long as we get rid of the monsters, we can act as kings and queens and completely rule over this planet we call the Other World.

“But now, more knowledgeable people are slowly realizing the truth. Things aren’t that simple. The soul-stirring Monster War might just be two amateurs poking at each other in the vastness of the Other World. Once the fog dissipates, existences that are more terrifying than monsters will show up, which will result in monsters and humans dying without a grave!”

Meng Chao listened to him quietly and did not retort.

While Su Lun spoke in the tone of an alarmist and seemed to be deceitful, what he was saying was not wrong.

No one else knew the terrors of the Other World better than Meng Chao.

Events in his previous life had also progressed exactly as Su Lun predicted.

Humans won against monsters, but once they stepped out of Monster Mountain Range, they encountered all sorts of existences more terrifying than monsters. In the end, they ran out of resources and lost the strength to turn the tides.

“There’s only one way for us to survive. We must hurry and fuse with the monster civilization before the terrifying races of the Other World find us after the fog dissipates. We’ll cover each other’s flaws and help each other. That’s the only way for us to slaughter our way through the Other World when we encounter competition that is one hundred times more brutal than in Monster Mountain Range,” Su Lun said.

“We need monsters, and monsters need us. Based on the speed and level of the monster civilization’s evolution, their leader should possess a sufficient amount of wisdom. It would come to this conclusion as well.”

“Fuse together?” Meng Chao chuckled. “After we bled so much and sacrificed so many of our comrades?”

“If we’re to fuse with each other, someone has to bleed.” Su Lun spat out a mouthful of bloody spit. “The history of human civilization for over a few hundred thousand years on Earth is full of never ending bloodshed and killing. Humans today are all descendants of butchers, executioners, and murderers. The blood of slaughterers flows in us, but that didn’t stop us from creating a brilliant civilization, did it?”

“Makes sense. You convinced me.” Meng Chao nodded slowly. “But there’s a small problem. If we are to fuse together after killing each other for a while, why shouldn’t we be the ones to swing our weapons at the monsters who dare to fight against us so that the smart abnormal beasts come to grovel at our feet while trembling, then submit to us and become our subjects?

“After we won the northern offense, we’re the ones who have the initiative in our hands. If someone is going to surrender, it should be the monster civilization. I trust that humans are merciful, kind, and united. Once we disassemble the monster civilization and squeeze out all their value, we won’t kill all of them.

“Why must it be humans surrendering to the monsters? Isn’t that something unnecessary? We also have to sacrifice so many lives for that. Those people are our comrades, you know?”

Su Lun opened his mouth, but found that he had nothing to say.

He thought that Meng Chao would underestimate the threat of the Other World and reject the idea of human civilization blending together with the monster civilization. Then, he would repeat the ideology of using their steel army to sweep through the Other World.

If that were the case, he would naturally use some dazzling words to confuse Meng Chao, which might help him survive.

He did not expect that Meng Chao would go straight to the root of his ideology and hit him where it hurt.

“So, selfishness is selfishness, shamelessness is shamelessness, evil is evil. Why did you need to use reasons like revenge and saving Dragon City to make yourself sound like some noble person?”

Meng Chao scoffed. “I know people like you too well. You say that you want to become an outstanding person and take revenge. The first half of your declaration is true, but the second half is false. When you say that you want to take revenge, you’re just looking for an excuse to climb up to the seat by doing anything it takes. You’re just deluding yourself.

“As long as you have revenge as your reason, even if you sell your soul to monsters or demons, kill a lot of innocent people, destroy families and homes, you will still feel that your actions are justified. You won’t feel any guilt, because you ‘didn’t have any other choice’!”

Su Lun’s face swelled up like a red balloon.

“No. That’s not it. I’m not doing it for myself! It’s for our civilization!” he argued at the top of his lungs. “Compared to the human civilization who transmigrated here from Earth, the monster civilization is more suited for surviving and developing in the Other World. No matter what, monsters are the locals of the planet. Their forms are perfect for the planet!”

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