Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 420 - The Monster Eye Reappears!

Chapter 420: The Monster Eye Reappears!

Lu Siya saw something unbelievable.

Meng Chao had clearly been enveloped completely by the mastermind’s tentacles and was like a huge red cocoon that kept squirming.

She had even begun to wonder whether he had been completely swallowed by the mastermind and digested.

But the mastermind was trembling.

It twitched as if it had swallowed something far beyond its limits and was now in pain because of digestion problems.

Soon after, wisps of faint gold spirit flames crawled out from between the gaps among the tentacles.

One, two, five, ten, more than one hundred golden rays shone through. They were like golden blades that cut the mastermind’s tentacles to pieces. Before they even landed on the ground, they turned into coal and sizzling scraps.

When Meng Chao appeared from among the tentacles, his appearance was no longer the same.

The nano-fighting suit he wore had been torn to shreds long ago by the abnormal beast’s tentacles.

Now, even the pieces of fabric left were burnt to ashes by the spirit flames that surged out of his 36,000 pores. His skin shone with a metallic gleam, and hundreds of profound and complicated spirit tattoos crawled over his skin.

As his blood boiled, the spirit tattoos rose from his body. In a 3D crystalline form, they surrounded him, connected with each other, mingled together, surged, and resonated to form a complicated and glorious vitality magnetic field.

The magnetic field spun rapidly to give great power and injected that power into Meng Chao’s right arm, which made it into a golden demon subduing pole. Then, Meng Chao thrust his arm into the Demonic Abyss Eye’s eyeball together with the Golden Scythe’s mandible.

His entire arm sank into the eyeball until only his shoulder was left.

With a deafening roar, Meng Chao’s arm and his vitality magnetic field started vibrating rapidly.

He was like an egg beater, while the Demonic Abyss Eye’s eyeball and brain were the pitiful eggs.

The egg beater worked at a rapid pace.

Murky blood and sticky bodily fluids gushed out of the wound with Meng Chao’s arm in it.

Once the Demonic Abyss Eye lost most of its tentacles, its round body lost most of its ability to launch physical attacks. It could do nothing else but scream while completely suppressed by Meeng Chao’s demon-like presence.

“Seriously?” Lu Siya was completely dumbfounded. She could sense the apocalyptic presence around Meng Chao and felt chills go down her spine even though it was not cold. “H-H-H-He… actually went through another breakthrough in battle and reached Heaven Realm?”

Compared to those in Earth Realm, the superhumans in Heaven Realm had two special traits.

First, they awakened to maglev and could walk in the air.

The other was that the area of fluctuations of their vitality magnetic fields increased by a large degree, and through the attraction force and repelling force in the magnetic field, they could interfere with the objects around them to a certain degree. This was how they could control items remotely.

Aside from that, they would awaken to a unique ability in each level of Heaven Realm.

When anyone reached Heaven Realm, they would be at Spirit Wielding Realm.

In this realm, not only would the superhumans’ neural information transfer speed increase to another degree, they could also sense the number of cells in their bodies increase, which would make their senses sharper.

They could also spread their vitality magnetic fields at will or gather them on the objects around them. Then, through resonating with the magnetic fields, they could interfere with the molecular structures and atomic electron shells of elements to change or strengthen the properties of items.

For example, Lu Siya’s ability to turn stones into gravel was one of the specific ways to use spirit energy resonance.

Fighting-class superhumans usually did not have to master such ingenious elemental transformation.

Instead, they used spirit energy to strengthen their weapons and armor.

Even a mass-produced cold weapon with a large number of cracks, which had gone over the limits of its metal fatigue, would be a sharp weapon for a moment in the hands of a Heaven Realm superhuman, when he or she released unstoppable spirit flames into it.

The bullets that came from a Heaven Realm sharpshooter could have faint spirit flames attached to them. Then, even the bullet from a pistol could achieve the results of a napalm bomb, stun grenade, or armor-piercing shell. Hence, using a pistol to blow a Hell Beast’s brains apart was not something unbelievable.

This was what Meng Chao had done.

The spirit energy resonance he created strengthened the mandible and his arm, so he was able to turn his arm and the mandible into something like a steel pole at more than one thousand degrees Celsius and drive them into the Demonic Abyss Eye’s mangled eyeball.

Even though the mandible shattered the next instant, the fragments created a fragmentation bomb.

With Meng Chao’s spirit flames pushing them forward, they created a destructive storm that blew open the Demonic Abyss Eye’s brains.

The Demonic Abyss Eye no longer showed any physical resistance.

It deeply regretted not running away the second it saw Meng Chao.

That might have been the only way for it to protect its life.

At that moment, in the face of gruelling pain, it saw Meng Chao’s gaze, and it found that it was much more brilliant than its own eye. It lost all hope that it could survive through sheer luck.

The only thing left was hatred. It wanted to drag Meng Chao into hell with it!



The Demonic Abyss Eye released a final screech.

Countless deformed brain cells that were different from a human’s shrivelled up. The monster sacrificed all of its brain tissues in exchange for an extremely terrifying mental storm!

Lu Siya saw the mastermind start burning.

It was just like the natural phenomenon of a brain burning after it worked over its maximum capacity and got too hot.

The speed at which it burned was ten times faster than when Meng Chao’s spirit flames burned it.

In the blink of an eye, its body shriveled into charcoal that was no more than one meter in diameter, but its mental power was a bewitching black flame that crawled into Meng Chao’s eyes.

He saw a black tsunami that filled the world charging at him.

He had just reached Heaven Realm, so his soul was still in a muddled and really unstable state.

He had to say, the Demonic Abyss Eye had caught the best chance.

If it were a superhuman who was not Meng Chao, they would not have been able to escape the fate of burning together with the Demonic Abyss Eye.

But when the black wave hit Meng Chao, it did not just strike the soul of his current life, but also destroyed the final defense line keeping the apocalypse returnee back.


Meng Chao heard the sound of a dam breaking in the depths of his mind.


The memories from his previous life were incredibly clear.

The brutal, cold, and dark memories charged out of his brain in the form of a red tsunami as ten thousand suns exploded.

The black tsunami fought against the red tsunami!

Even if the Demonic Abyss Eye had one of the strongest brains among the abnormal beasts, it could not predict just how terrifying the power lurking in the depths of Meng Chao’s brain was.

Earlier, when it tried to tempt Meng Chao, the nightmarish scenes it saw were just 1% of the real nightmare.

When the red tsunami began howling, the black tide was unable to stop it in the slightest.

The Demonic Abyss Eye burned its brain to launch its final mind attack, but Meng Chao counterattacked with just one bite!

In an instant, the black tsunami was shattered to pieces.

The Demonic Abyss Eye’s soul disappeared into smoke while it screeched in pain and indignation.

Its scattered fragments fell all over Meng Chao’s head.

He blinked and saw brand new and strange images popping up in his mind.

The first image he saw was of himself.

But the Meng Chao he saw was not the typical reflection he would see in a mirror. He had patches of red and green on him, as if he was looking at himself through a thermal imager. There was also a lot of complicated data, which was even more advanced than what the highest grade thermal imagers could provide.

Meng Chao’s mind raced. He instantly understood that he was reading some of the Demonic Abyss Eye’s memories.

A mind attack went both ways.

When the Demonic Abyss Eye tried to invade his mind through the ports in his brain and implant information in him, the ports in its mind were also opened to Meng Chao. If a human with a mental strength stronger than it went against the flow of its attack and charged into its mind, it could see some of the information hidden in its mind.

And when an intelligent abnormal beast was about to die, it should be the same as a human who was about to die. It would see the most crucial memories from its life, just like how humans would see their most important memories flash before their eyes, and Meng Chao coincidentally saw them.

This was also considered a form of mental backlash, right?

‘So, when I risk my life, I look that brutal?’

Meng Chao saw his own attack from a moment ago from the Demonic Abyss Eye’s view, and he could even sense the Demonic Abyss Eye’s fear.

It was only then that he realized that in the eyes of monsters, humans were the brutal and ugly monsters.

Then, the image shattered and turned into hundreds of small images. They were top-down views from different angles of Dragon City.

There were scenes of the fierce fighting in Noble Descent Hotel and the first person view of the battlefield in the south. By the looks of it, all of this were records from different pests.

This verified Meng Chao’s previous guess.

The Demonic Abyss Eye had to continuously send its brain waves to control the large insect army to launch its precise attacks.

At the same time, it had to control thousands of monsters and spend time making sure it had a firm hold over Gao Ye.

It was no wonder why the Demonic Abyss Eye was so badly drained.

If it had been accumulating power and was at the peak of its condition when their minds clashed against each other, Meng Chao could not tell just who would have ended up as the victor!

The scenes flashed before him one by one. In the next image, the Demonic Abyss Eye seemed to be going through modifications in a red incubation trough that looked like a bloody lake.

Meng Chao could vaguely remember that he had once had a dream about the Bloody Moon Wolf King. In that dream, the wolf king also received similar modifications.

So, they were all chosen subjects?

Meng Chao tried his best to see what was outside the bloody lake.

Unfortunately, his vision was obscured by deep red. All he could see were a few figures. They looked like humans, but there were slight differences.

In the next image, he saw a valley deep in the fog. The Demonic Abyss Eye levitated in the air. There were dozens of Demonic Air Ripping Eyes around it, and their tentacles were connected together. Meng Chao did not know whether they were holding a grand ceremony, fighting, or reproducing.

However, when he compared their sizes, the Demonic Abyss Eye at that moment seemed to be no different from a normal Demonic Air Ripping Eye. It also had the ability to levitate and fly.

In other words, it was not born as a Supernatural Entity. It was like the White Spirit and Gao Ye. It was also created from a normal monster.

The subsequent images were mottled and unclear.

It seemed like as the Demonic Abyss Eye went further into the past, it began to resemble an unenlightened beast.

But just when Meng Chao believed that the Demonic Abyss Eye had finished recalling all of its memories, suddenly, the images became clear again.

He saw a white shadowless lamp.

And “he” seemed to be lying on a surgical table.

“His” limbs were bound tightly by sturdy but malleable chains.

A few people in white robes looked down at “him”.

Since those people had goggles and filtration masks, “he” could not see their faces clearly. The only thing “he” could be sure of was that they were humans.

“He” tried to turn his head as much as possible to get more information.

But “his” field of vision was fixed. It seemed like “his” head was fixed to the surgical table.

There were no emblems or words on the people’s surgical uniforms, goggles, and filtration masks. “He” could not tell who they were, and “he” did not know when the strange operation had happened.

Then, a person in a white robe picked up a silver surgical knife. It was crystalline, had spirit flames around it, and looked like it was created from crystals.

“Meng Chao” then saw two criss-crossing eyes sharing a single pupil at the end of the surgical eye. It was a strange picture that looked like an “X”!

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