Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 376 - Gao Ye Reappears

Chapter 376: Gao Ye Reappears

Normal citizens like his father and mother were not the only ones who were leaning more toward the ideals of the Home Party. Meng Chao also knew that a lot of business owners and politicians in the Survival Committee were leaning toward the Home Party as well.

Based on what Zhao Feixuan told him, these politicians were proactively advocating for a special budget from the Survival Committee to perform a full upgrade of the defense system in all the old residential areas.

Blessed Heavenly Garden was Zhao Feixuan’s prototype project.

If they managed to pass the budget, around one thousand old residential areas would have their defense systems renewed. The budget for it would be astronomical, but so would the profit. Zhao Feixuan’s new company, which he built himself after he left Standard Firepower, might rise to the top in one go.

Of course, the more resources were poured into the city defense, the fewer resources would be given to the advance in the wild.

The Colonization Party and Home Party would definitely argue fiercely in the Survival Committee over the special budget, because the amount of money involved was just astronomical.

Meng Chao had yet to decide which side to bet on.

Based on his previous life’s experience, the Colonization Party’s fierce strategy was just like a raving dog, and it would only lead to Dragon City self-destructing.

But the Home Party had not managed to make their proposition come true in his previous life, either.

Besides, Meng Chao knew just how terrifying the Other World was. He did not believe that just because they did not offend the enemy, the enemy would choose not to attack them.

For the moment, the godlike beings in the Other World had not yet discovered Dragon City’s existence.

When the space-time fog disappeared, the terrifying existences that shall not be named would cast their bloodthirsty gazes on Dragon City, and no matter how kind, friendly, and peace-loving the Dragon Citizens appeared to be and how much they showed that they would not bother anyone else, they would still treat Dragon Citizens like ants and weeds and destroy them.

On a tactical level, Meng Chao was unwilling to cut the throats of Other World children who had no grudges against him.

But on a strategic level, for the sake of Dragon City and Earth’s safety, he could not agree with the Home Party’s cowardly strategy.

After all, as long as humanity was strong enough, they could turn Dragon City into troublemakers for the many races of the Other World by attacking them first, then interfering or even controlling their conflicts. This was absolutely necessary for them.

Yet there were still sinister and cunning abnormal beasts lurking in Blue Home!

Meng Chao told himself that if he really wanted to work with the Home Party, he first had to get rid of the malignant tumor hidden in Blue Home and think of a way to change some of the thoughts among Blue Home members.

Of course, it would be for the best if nothing happened to Project 101. If they really did manage to clear the tunnel between the Other World and Earth, everything would be great.

With this thought in mind, Meng Chao was quite supportive of Blue Home’s expansion. He even used his resources from Agricultural University, Yan Organization, Superstar, the Broken Star Club, and other areas to help them.

He also used the chance to get in touch with the elites of various industries in Dragon City.

With memories from his previous life, he managed to help these elites gain enlightenment and benefitted by teaching them future martial arts, skills, and thought processes. This allowed him to gain a lot of contribution points and become friends with the elites.

Meng Chao believed that one of these days, when he “predicted” the future through some unbelievable method, these friends would be able to serve their purpose.

But he still paid the most attention to Zhao Feixuan.

He believed that Zhao Feixuan was the abnormal beasts’ next target for bewitchment after Lin Chuan and Gao Ye.

The abnormal beasts had to be planning a major event that would shock the world. It couldn’t be far away.

The logic behind it was simple: humanity had too smooth of a time with the offense outside Dragon City.

Even though their military force was scattered and it took much longer to provide them with supplies, they were getting closer to the satellite cities that they had lost contact with.

The armored airships from the Red Dragon City spent day and night scouting Dragon City’s perimeter at low altitude.

Even though they suffered rather devastating losses in terms of armored airships due to the interference of the fog, wind force, and flying-type monsters, they managed to map out a lot of the terrain that was covered in fog during the war.

They could now provide firing data for the artillery troops and had discovered villages and towns that had been separated from the main city area for nearly sixty years. The villages and towns were all scattered deep within Monster Mountain Range.

The monsters were gradually forming their own civilization.

There were advantages and disadvantages to this.

The disadvantage was that the monsters could not possibly use the caves in the mountains to ensure the survival of their civilization.

If a monster civilization existed, it meant that they had to have their own city.

As long as they found an abnormal beast city and gathered their firepower together or even used a major murder weapon like Huge Dragon’s Might Cannon to completely destroy it, the Monster War would come to an end a few years before what happened in Meng Chao’s previous life.

With this sort of situation around, Meng Chao did not believe that the abnormal beasts would be able to keep calm and continue with their strategy of damaging Dragon City bit by bit. After all, it did not do much, especially after Meng Chao had given a reminder to the abnormal beast research department, and the department as well as other related departments set up necessary defenses. The poking of holes in Dragon City no longer had great effect.

The abnormal beasts did not have time to fight for a long time with humans.

After Meng Chao linked all his previous life’s memories together, he knew that Blue Home was definitely a major target that the abnormal beasts were set on conquering based on how it had disappeared without a trace and how Zhao Feixuan had ended up as a lost person in his previous life.

After becoming friends with Zhao Feixuan, Meng Chao gained a preemptive understanding of his circle of friends.

Zhao Feixuan was the same as Gao Ye. Both of them had the characteristics of technical nerds.

However, since he was a committee member of Blue Home and opened his own community defense company, he knew quite a lot of people.

Meng Chao made a long list of suspects, and after a careful period of observation and analysis, he came up with a few key suspects and asked Ye Xiaoxing to investigate them in depth.

Aside from this, Zhao Feixuan’s wife, Ms. Xiao Fanghua was starting to show. Apparently, she was pregnant with twins, and she was becoming heavier.

Even a workaholic and fervent supporter of the Home Party Zhao Feixuan would often set aside his company and duties in Blue Home to go home and take care of his wife. They looked so sweet together that Meng Chao felt jealous.

He was different from Weeping Reaper Lin Chuan, who wandered around the wild alone and often cried when he fought. He was also different from Gao Ye, who was disabled and did not have a normal home life. Zhao Feixuan’s life could be said to be smooth and happy.

When Meng Chao saw how protective he was of his wife and was going to serve his children from head to foot, he felt that if Ms. Xiao cleared her throat, Zhao Feixuan would definitely not end up as a lost person.

Hence, if Meng Chao were an abnormal beast, he would use the most cruel method to kill Ms. Xiao and her children.

He would also push the direct or indirect reason on the nine great cultivation families and the Colonization Party.

When Zhao Feixuan saw his wife and his unborn children’s wretched deaths, his mind would be on the verge of collapse. All Meng Chao as an abnormal beast would need to do then would be to approach him, and with just a few words, he would become a lost person.

Meng Chao had asked Zhao Feixuan multiple times to be careful of his wife’s safety, though he did it while beating around the bush.

In secret, he even asked Ye Xiaoxing whether he could mobilize a squad of guards from the abnormal beast research department to protect Ms. Xiao.

But the abnormal beasts have been trying much harder to infiltrate Dragon City, so the abnormal beast research department’s elites had to protect the important facilities that affected the people’s livelihoods. Many of them had been unable to return home for a few months, so it only made sense that this sort of request was not granted.

While Zhao Feixuan stayed with his wife whenever he had the time, the Survival Committee was arguing fiercely over the special budget for the upgrade of the defense systems in old residential areas. As the direct beneficiary and proactive advocator for this budget, Zhao Feixuan had to actively contact those whose interests were related to this. Clearly, he could not protect his wife 24/7.

And it was difficult to fend against evil all the time.

Hence, Meng Chao could not do much.

After all, there were a lot of superhumans who were like Zhao Feixuan in Blue Home. All of them had the potential to be corrupted.

Zhao Feixuan would not be the only lost person in the future Dragon City either.

Meng Chao could not possibly suggest to the abnormal beast research department that they should protect the families of all the Blue Home members, right?

Besides, aside from the special mission of investigating Blue Home, he had a lot of university work to do. There was also the subsequent upgrades of the Ultimate Style, the cooperation with Ning Shewo, Yan Hengbo, Luo Wu, and other powerful people, the events and gatherings in the Broken Star Club, practicing the cultivation plan customized for him by the anonymous donor, and dealing with the troublesome matters that came after Superstar bought over Spirit Creations Creatures’ core assets.

If the memories from his previous life had not given him experience far greater than what a normal university student possessed, he would scream and faint upon seeing his packed schedule.

Even so, even if he had contribution points nourishing his brain, Meng Chao still felt his brain cells dying while screaming every other second.

Besides, soon after New Year, something that required his participation popped up.

Gao Ye showed up again.

Ever since he had turned into an Ultimate Sandworm, he regularly sent Meng Chao his experiment logs.

However, since the beginning of the second half of the year, his situation had taken a turn for the worse, and the logs he sent Meng Chao were beginning to be incoherent.

It was as if the part that made Gao Ye human was gradually swallowed up by the monster. His mind was continuously sinking into a murky swamp, and his communications with Meng Chao was the last straw he held onto to keep himself sane.

In November, he sent his final email to Meng Chao.

There were only five words in it.

[I was wrong. Kill me.]

Unfortunately, he did not do as he promised in the beginning and tell Meng Chao where he was hidden.

Meng Chao wondered whether his shattered soul was already unable to relay such complicated information to him or whether it was because he was controlled by another power and could not tell his real situation.

In any case, starting from January, the important facilities in Dragon City were attacked repeatedly from underground.

The first attack was at Power Generator No.3, which was in the power plant in the south of the city. One night, the power generator bizarrely sank more than ten meters underground, which triggered chain explosions, and the entire voltage grid was crippled.

The investigations later on revealed that some large creature had tunneled beneath the power plant in the south of the city, and a terrifying, empty cave was formed.

Dragon City had set up tight defenses over the power plants, so they investigated the surface and the underground regularly. Hence, the cave beneath was definitely formed within a short day.

The enemy’s ability to devour earth and rocks left a deep impression on the people, and it sent chills down their spines.

Next was a financial district located next to Red Dragon River. A skyscraper with more than fifty levels started tilting visibly on a day when fog came to Dragon City.

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