Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1932 - 1932 The Omniscient One

1932 The Omniscient One

Of course, there were some who objected.

After all, not everyone could understand Meng Chao’s foresight and unique vision.

In the face of a formidable enemy, instead of investing all their resources into military technology and the war itself, they developed rocket technology that seemed too advanced and had a very low success rate. Many people questioned the rationality and success rate of this route.

Many from the nine great families who had vested interests and the Turan civilization’s bloodthirsty warriors could not understand Meng Chao’s foresight. They even thought that his strategy was weak.

During his first few reincarnations, Meng Chao had decided to patiently convince all the people who opposed him. He did his best to gather all of the Chaos faction’s resources, wisdom, and courage in a peaceful manner.

He even disclosed everything, including his deduction and prediction abilities of “infinite reincarnation.” This allowed him to arrange the most perfect plans for everyone in the Chaos faction.

Yet, the results were not satisfactory.

People either did not believe him or treated his prophecies of infinite reincarnation as a ridiculous scam.

They were probably not entirely convinced, and it aroused an extremely strong fear.

Meng Chao realized that regardless of whether they had power or not, most people were not willing to be manipulated by others.

Even if it led to a good or even perfect outcome, intelligent creatures would not become chess pieces that followed someone else’s every order due to their own innate curiosity and rebellious attitude. They would refuse to become one of the several billion perfectly functioning parts in the body of a great civilization.

Even though Meng Chao had clearly shown them an incredibly terrifying future and used irrefutable evidence to prove that destruction was inevitable, no one was willing to believe it or accept it.

They even treated a prophet like him as though he was a harbinger of the apocalypse. They deceived themselves and believed that as long as they eliminated this harbinger, they could stop the arrival of the apocalypse.

Of course, Meng Chao would not be so easily broken by ignorant people.

After hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of reincarnations, he had learned to put his emotions aside. For the perfect ending, he would kill anyone who stood in the way of the right path, even if they were the people closest to him, such as Lu Siya, Bai Jiacao, his parents, and even his children.

Anyway, this was just a possibility.

Even if he wiped out all the people he intended to save in this future, everyone would just be reborn without any painful memories in the next future.

Was that not the case?

With that said, while Meng Chao could ignore the issue of relationships, he could not ignore the issue of efficiency.

To be honest, it was too inefficient to win everyone’s understanding and support, as well as use any means to convince or eliminate all his opponents. He would easily waste three to five years, or even longer.

At the beginning of every new future, a three- to five-year window was extremely precious.

If he missed this period of time, it would be very difficult for him to suppress the opposition within the Chaos faction. He would also have to devote more resources to the long war with the Holy Light faction. This would completely cut off his dream of traveling beyond the Other World’s atmosphere within thirty to fifty years.

Hence, Meng Chao changed his strategy after failing dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of times.

There was no need to tell people the truth.

The amount of information regarding the truth of this world was too vast, too complicated, and too profound. It was not something that the humans, orcs, ogres, and skeleton soldiers, who were even more ignorant than humans, could understand.

People did not have to understand the truth to build a better tomorrow.

They only needed the most devout faith and complete obedience.

Therefore, in the next part of his deduction, Meng Chao split his big goal of launching a rocket into billions of segments and stages.

It also gave most of his links and targets a coat of strategic importance.

He did not even tell his most loyal subordinates all his thoughts.

He only used irrefutable facts to show them that he was stronger than the gods and demons.

Meng Chao led to believe that following him, trusting him, and being infinitely loyal to him was their only path and fate.

Of course, if one wanted to plan the perfect path of destiny for everyone in the entire civilization on their own and combine everyone’s paths to form a great civilization that could rocket out of the planet, the work and computational ability required were too much.

To be more specific, many people were entangled with each other in their fates. The direction of their development and their personalities were in sharp contrast. They were either one or the other, and there was no overlap sometimes.

It did not matter that Meng Chao had gone through countless reincarnations and was familiar with the distribution nodes, reserves, and components of every crystal mine in the Other World. The strategic resources that he could dig up were still a drop in the bucket before the almost endless demand.

Fortunately, Meng Chao’s time was almost limitless.

In a rather famous thought experiment on Earth, if a monkey was given an indestructible typing machine with infinite time and allowed to randomly type as it pleased, it was possible that it would type out the complete works of William Shakespeare by chance.

However, Meng Chao was no monkey.

After countless reincarnations, he gradually adapted to this kind of existence and way of thinking.

It was no longer like the first few reincarnations. After waking up, he became muddle-headed and forgot a large amount of precious information.

Now, he could increase the speed of time passing during each reincarnation and obtain more possibilities of deduction.

He could also remember every ripple in the future after he woke up and input the new data into the next reincarnation for analysis and comparison.

He knew every street and alley in Dragon City, every manhole cover that was spewing heat, and every bloody crack on every dilapidated wall.

He also understood more and more Dragon City citizens, their backgrounds, potentials, likes and dislikes, and the most subtle desires that they themselves might not even realize.

As Meng Chao obtained more and more information, he was able to gather more and more information.

He planned people’s destiny, and the way he planned for people was becoming more and more brilliant.

He no longer needed to simply and roughly ask a trusted subordinate to carry out a certain task like in the past.

Inadvertently, through a casual chat or even a newspaper on the dining table, a little bit of irrelevant information could completely change the fate of one person and more people through the butterfly effect that was constantly expanding.

He didn’t need to directly take action against the most vehement opponents like in the past.

The brightness of a traffic light, an anonymous tip-off letter, an acute outbreak of a small infectious disease, even a sudden drizzle, a road with poor drainage that was too slippery, and a tired driver… Any insignificant factor could completely destroy anyone.

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