Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1924 - 1924 Taking a Further Step

1924 Taking a Further Step

Lu Siya told Meng Chao that the so-called contradiction between a “parliament’s republic” and a “monarchy,” was just a facade.

What was truly worth paying attention to was the great shift in the contradictions between the Dragon City civilization and even the many civilizations in the entire Other World.

In the past thirty years of war, there was only one main contradiction for the many Chaos races with a total population of more than a billion: How to completely defeat the Holy Light faction and win the right to live and rule?

It was precisely this main contradiction that led to the alliance of many Chaos races. Even the Abyssfolk far away were willing to be led by Earthlings whom they did not know.

In fact, every Chaos race had different appearances, different customs, and different historical traditions for choosing a supreme leader. They were not the same race or nation at all.

Even the name “Chaos race” was a slanderous term from the Holy Light Temple and not the ancient names of their respective races.

The Holy Light Temple was about to collapse, and the threat to the survival of many Chaos races for nearly ten thousand years was about to cease to exist. Today, the Earthlings still hoped that they could sit on the throne of the alliance leader by relying on the verbal battle under the parliament system. This was wishful thinking and extremely childish thinking.

“The current Survival Committee is mainly controlled by the Dragon City people. The Turan orcs also have a large number of seats in the council because they are close to the water tower.”

Lu Siya said, “Considering that the allied forces of Dragon City and the Turan are the main force against the Holy Light Army, and the intensity of the battle on the southern front is far greater than that on the northern front, such a distribution of representative seats can still be accepted by the Chaos tribes in the north.

“However, once victory is declared, these main contradictions will vanish, and new contradictions will surface in the development and construction. The Chaos races in the north will certainly ask for more seats of parliament, so much so that the north and the south will be balanced. Do you think that the parliament members who are in power right now can accept that?

“On top of that, the conflict between the superhumans and ordinary people in Dragon City has never been resolved. It has only been covered up by the threat of war and war dividends.

“The problem is that the threat of war and the bonus of war are both not sustainable. They will be exhausted one day. By then, don’t you think that the ordinary people will keep their seats in the Survival Committee forever and use them to protect their rights and interests?

“As we all know, the higher the level of civilization, the lower the fertility rate.

“The number of Earthlings who transmigrated to the Other World was originally small. Their fertility rate was also inferior to those muddle-headed Other World natives who would sleep after eating and give birth to a large nest of babies while they were asleep.

“As for a parliament, no matter how carefully you design the election and the operation structure, it will ultimately be based on a huge number of electors.

“Let me ask you, if the people of Earth are destined to be the minority in the Other World for a long time, how can we guarantee that we will have a majority in the parliament? How can the parliament hear our voices and defend our interests?

“If the Earthlings can’t even occupy a majority of the seats in the new United Parliament and turn it into a tool for us to rule the Other World, may I ask, why did so much of our blood flow in the past thirty years of war? Why did so many heroes and children of Dragon City die in the process?

“In summary, the parliament will never bring hope to the Dragon City civilization. On the contrary, it will be a slow poison that will destroy our country!”

Lu Siya’s words calmed Meng Chao’s anger.

He still felt that Lu Siya was trying to explain for the sake of her own ambitions.

However, the questions she threw out hit the bullseye.

“The northern Chaos tribes will really support me A step further?”

Meng Chao recalled a future deduction he made a long time ago.

In that bleak future, although he had never officially proclaimed himself emperor or become the “first citizen,” he had been autocratic and had killed countless people. He had turned the Survival Committee into his own desk and was a tyrant in name and reality.

The fate of this tyrant being betrayed by his friends and family still left him with a lingering fear after several futures.

“Just as you said, the northern tribes of Chaos barely united with us because we were fighting against a common enemy. In the past, I rarely had any contact with the big shots of the northern tribes of Chaos to build mutual trust or even friendship. Why would they support me for no reason so that I can become the supreme dominator of the entire Other World?”

Meng Chao threw out his doubts.

He did not mention the opposition within Dragon City or whether the Turan orcs were willing to support him in becoming emperor.

It was obvious that both parties had a stake in the current rules of the game. They would never support any changes to the current situation.

Lu Siya smiled.

“That’s right. Compared to your magnificence on the southern battlefield, your reputation and deterrence on the northern battlefield are much smaller. The northern barbarians, who are born brawny and simple-minded, do not have any special recognition or trust in you. There is no reason for them to support you just so that you can climb over them.

“However, just because they don’t support you doesn’t mean they don’t support Xinghe!”

Meng Chao froze.

After a long time, he felt both gratified and sour.

“Not bad. You gave birth to a good son for me.” Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and said.

He felt that he had fallen into Lu Siya’s trap.

He had long known that Lu Siya would always be a woman who was more rational than emotional.

Twenty percent of the reason for her union with him was because of feelings, thirty percent was for power, and the other fifty percent was to collect the powerful genes of both parties that stood at the peak of the evolution to create a perfect being that surpassed limits.

There was no doubt that she had succeeded, at least in stages.

Their youngest son, Meng Xinghe, was a true perfect being. He had created countless miracles, but his potential had yet to be fully unleashed.

“Everything Xinghe has done on the northern battlefield has been splendid enough. The tribes of Chaos in the north were happy to elect him as the spokesperson for their common interests to compete with their allies in the south.”

“I don’t think we need to worry about the loyalty of the northern tribes of Chaos to Xinghe for the time being,” Lu Siya said. “The harsh environment and scarce resources in the northern wilderness have always been a place where the survival of the fittest is carried out to the extreme. There, there is no distinction between races but only the strong and the weak. Everyone can only stay around the strongest and obey the strongest in order to survive.

“Besides, you know Xinghe. He’s a good kid who’s full of energy and good at socializing. Perhaps it’s because he has a lot of monster genes embedded in his body, but he doesn’t discriminate against any race. No matter where he goes, he’s able to get along with the local girls very quickly. He can even make the local chiefs, headmen, and shamans, who have a lot of soldiers and are deeply rooted in the local area, his sworn brothers and fathers-in-law.

“Believe me, as long as you are willing to appoint Xinghe as your first successor, all the tribes of Chaos in the north will be willing to support you and your advancement.”

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