Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1910 - 1910 B*stards Who Burn Bridges After Crossing the River!

1910 B*stards Who Burn Bridges After Crossing the River!

Meng Chao coughed so hard that every artificial organ in his body trembled intensely. It was as if they were about to break apart or even explode.

Not only were his internal organs burning, but they were also spewing out from the depths of his throat.

It even felt like he was about to cough his soul out of his body.

Just then, hurried footsteps came from outside.

It seemed that someone very close to him had heard his violent cough and rushed in without asking for permission.

“Teacher, are you alright?”

A sincere and deep voice rang out behind Meng Chao.

Meng Chao took a deep breath and endured the dizziness from his violent coughing. He used the back of his hand to wipe away the blood and saliva that he had just coughed out.

He turned around and saw the person who had arrived. He was slightly startled at first, but he soon felt mixed emotions.

It was Gu Shaoyu.

He had been adopted, carefully trained, treated as a right-hand man or even a successor, but he had betrayed Meng Chao at a critical moment.

However, the Gu Shaoyu before him was different from the previous successor and traitor.

Since Meng Chao himself had experienced earth-shattering changes in different futures, his friends, family, and closest disciples, as well as subordinates, were naturally different as well.

This version of Gu Shaoyu was just like Meng Chao. His entire body was covered in scars, and most of his limbs and organs had been replaced by runic components. He was clearly a middle-aged man in the prime of his life, but his temples were already covered in gray strands. Aside from scars, there were also layers of wrinkles on his face, and he emanated a depressed but fierce aura.

Reading the memory fragments that had just surfaced in his mind, Meng Chao discovered that this Gu Shaoyu was more loyal to him.

At the very least, he never hid the fact that he was from the Gu family, one of the nine aristocratic cultivation families.

In this future, the butterfly effect from some of his decisions left the nine aristocratic families far stronger than in the previous future.

Like the other eight families, the Gu family quickly got rid of the haze brought about by the chaos of the New Blood Alliance and prospered again with various talents.

Gu Shaoyu was just the member of a branch family. Before Meng Chao killed members of his family, he was not valued and not given a chance to stand out. On the contrary, he had a strong personality and refused to kneel before anyone. He was bullied and ostracized by his family, so he kept a distance from them and stood firmly by Meng Chao’s side.

When Gu Shaoyu noticed how badly Meng Chao was coughing, he quickly went forward and handed him a gene serum with familiarity. He also brought Meng Chao a hot towel.

“Teacher, are you still thinking about helping the Windhunter Defense Line?”

While Meng Chao wiped his face, Gu Shaoyu said from the bottom of his heart, “Listen to me, you can’t go. The nine great families clearly want you dead!”

Meng Chao froze.

“Those sanctimonious and selfish fellows have always been like that!”

Gu Shaoyu words opened the floodgates, and he could not stop. “Every time the war is in our favor, these bastards from the nine big giants jump out. They compete for power and profit, create trouble, and openly or secretly try to suppress you, Superstar Company, and the Azure Alliance. They’ve always tried to stumble us, set traps for us, play dirty tricks, and weaken our power. They’ve impeached you three times and dragged you down from your supreme position!

“But every time the war situation is unfavorable to them, they’ll think of you while you’re idle at home. Their faces will instantly change, crying and shouting that only you can save Dragon City and save our civilization!

” Humph, but every time you really come out and do everything you can to turn the situation around, those bastards who don’t remember to fight will play the same trick again. They will completely forget who their savior is, who is the indispensable pillar of the Dragon City civilization, what ‘power can’t be too concentrated in one person’s hand’, what ‘absolute power will only lead to absolute corruption’, what ‘we have to defeat the tyrant of the Holy Light faction…’ They also have to guard against the emergence of tyrants within the Dragon City civilization. Although they said it in a flowery manner, in their bones, they only burn bridges after crossing the river, and they’re ungrateful!

“It’s the same this time!

“Teacher, in the past three years, you know how fierce our battles were! In order to make up for the strategic mistakes of the nine major clans, you spent thirty years of hard work and established the three legions of Superstar Company, the Broken Star Club, and Battle God. Palace You fought with enemies three times your number on all fronts. How many brothers have you lost?

“You yourself have also become the captain of the fire brigade. You are exhausted on all fronts, fighting against the various experts of the Holy Light faction.

” In the end, the three legions fought until their names were almost canceled. You also had so many new wounds on your body that you almost fell from the Deity Realm. Only then did you manage to stabilize your position and launch a strategic counterattack with the help of the Windhunter Defense Line.

“As a result, the dawn of victory had just appeared, and the bunch of incompetent and rotten fellows from the nine great families jumped out to pick the peaches!

“When these b*stards faced the Holy Light faction, they were all as stupid as pigs and as timid as mice. When they heard the sound of the magic array operating, they ran faster than rabbits.

“However, when faced with our own people in the Chaos faction, especially when they are facing you, Teacher, their brains are working faster and faster, and their attacks are fiercer and fiercer. Sun Tzu’s Art of War and the Thirty-six Stratagems are all f*cking familiar, and they are all applied to our own people!

“Fine. If those b*stards can really launch a strategic counterattack after seizing the highest command and recapture the strategic high ground between the Windhunter Defense Line and the Aragon Defense Line that they have buried with their own hands, it will be fine.

“However, these greedy guys forgot all the painful lessons that they had learned in the previous battles. They underestimated the cunning and tenacity of the Holy Light faction again. They were ambushed at the Aragon Defense Line again and were defeated. The last mobile troop of the Chaos faction was buried, and our hope of a strategic counterattack was completely cut off!

“At this point, when their Deity Realm warriors are powerless, these b*stards think of you again. They treat you as a life-saver, want to push you to the front line, squeeze the last drop of blood out of you, grind your bones into powder and burn them up as fuel and fertilizer, and even want to use you as a scapegoat. When the news of failure can no longer be concealed, won’t the whole black pot be put on your head?

“Teacher, everything can only be done once or twice. We’ve already been tricked by these b*stards three times!

“This time, you can’t agree to the nine great families’ request no matter what. You can’t go to the front line and risk your life again!”

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