Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1906 - 1906 The Tyrant's End

1906 The Tyrant’s End

Gu Shaoyu was right about one thing.

No matter how devout the fanatics were, once their prideful beliefs were crushed by the iron wall called “reality,” they would recover their rationality. They would change their ways, lower their status, and solve their problems in more civil, cunning ways.

The thirty years of bitter war had profoundly educated the nobles, priests, clan leaders, knights, mages, and the most devout and loyal believers of the Holy Light faction.

Those extremists used to firmly believe that the Holy Light races, as well as Chaos races were irreconcilable, and that their piety was absolute. However, they were all crushed into paste by Dragon City’s iron torrent.

The ones who could survive Dragon City’s bombardment and climb up step by step to finally seize the highest authority in the Holy Light faction were all extremely sinister, cunning, and cold. Every word they uttered revolved around the “Holy Light,” but they treated the sacred and inviolable faith in their hearts as a fairy tale that only three-year-olds believed. It was only a bargaining chip that they could use anytime because they were such realists.

The new high priest of the Holy Light Temple had just caught his breath. However, he began to face a situation where the enemy was stronger than him. As such, he issued a holy commandment that broke the ten-thousand-year-old tradition. He declared that all intelligent races bathed in the boundless Holy Light could be saved as long as they were pious enough and willing to repent sincerely. In the past ten thousand years, the Holy Light faction used to regard the Chaos races as dirty, evil, deformed, and ugly; they could never be educated and accepted. However, the orcs, barbarians, ogres, the two-headed giants, and even the abyssfolk now had the chance to become believers of the Holy Light.

It was a very simple method of redemption.

For the time being, they just wanted to stop the war with the Holy Light faction and return to their homeland with their spoils of war.

Furthermore, the new Holy Light high priest had generously affirmed that since everything that grew in the Other World was nurtured by Holy Light, they should enjoy eternal peace and tranquility in their homeland.

Therefore, the Holy Light faction would no longer implement the “purification policy” that had been in place for thousands of years. They would acknowledge the habitat of the various Chaos races and no longer pursue the bloody “purification” of the entire continent.

Furthermore, when it came to the issue of dividing each other’s living space, the Holy Light high priest had fully considered actual areas controlled by both sides. A large amount of land that originally belonged to the Holy Light races, especially the elves and dwarfs, as well as all the resources hidden above and below the land, were given to the Chaos faction by the Holy Light high priest with a wave of his hand.

This unprecedented holy commandment caused a huge uproar in the entire Other World that was no less than the street battles in Dragon City.

For a moment, the new Holy Light high priest became a tyrant who had been bewitched by evil power. He lost his mind and fell into madness, just like Meng Chao.

However, it was different from the opposing forces that Meng Chao faced. There was one thing that benefited the Holy Light faction’s supreme leader.

In the past thirty years of cruel war, the Holy Light faction had been at a disadvantage as a whole.

As for the Holy Light humans’ biggest internal competitors, the elves and dwarfs, they had suffered a major blow from the Chaos faction. They were unprecedentedly weak, and they could not stop their former allies from slaughtering them.

Meng Chao initially thought that the Holy Light humans had ruled the Other World for ten thousand years, hence they would be incredibly powerful. It would be impossible for them to fall so easily.

Therefore, he had to cut off their wings first and attacked the heart of the nation.

He did not expect his extremely successful strategy to provide great convenience for the Holy Light humans to sacrifice the interests of their allies.

Just like that, the elves and dwarfs became sacrifices for temporary peace between the Holy Light humans and Chaos races.

After they obtained massive spoils of war, huge pieces of land, and a certain degree of recognition from the Holy Light Temple, the Chaos races returned to their homes in satisfaction.

This also divided the Chaos army into several groups that did not come into contact with each other.

However, because he had fought with Meng Chao and both sides had suffered heavy losses, the strength of the Turan orcs had been greatly weakened.

In the Chaos faction, strength and authority were always equal.

No one was willing to obey the badly injured Doomsday Wolf that had lost an arm or a leg, just like no one was willing to obey Meng Chao, who was also badly battered and covered in injuries.

On the Holy Light faction’s side, the situation became clearer after they got rid of the shackles of unrealistic fanatical beliefs and became more pragmatic and cunning.

The Holy Light high priest had forgiven most in the Chaos faction. The only one he did not forgive was the Dragon City civilization because it was known as the “otherworldly demon.”

To be more precise, it was the leader of the Dragon City civilization who had lost the hearts of the people—Meng Chao himself.

“The Land of the Holy Light was originally a peaceful, holy, pure, and peaceful place. When the otherworldly demons tore through the spatial gaps and invaded this land, they brought about an incomparably terrifying war.

“The otherworldly demons weren’t born to be warmongers. Most of them were coerced by their leader, the bloodthirsty tyrant, Meng Chao, and they became sacrifices for his boundless ambitions.

“As long as I eliminate Meng Chao, the bloodthirsty tyrant and devil of all devils, then sincerely repent and atone for my sins, even the otherworldly demons will have a chance to be saved!”

This theory was like a burning virus that drilled into the areas under Dragon City’s control from all directions.

The remnants of the nine great families that were still lurking within the Dragon City civilization popped up again. They were fanning the flames and fishing in troubled waters.

Meng Chao, who had fallen into madness, faced public opinion and naturally raised his butcher’s knife. He killed until blood flowed like a river, and heads rolled everywhere.

However, things were different now. Not only did his actions fail to scare the Dragon City people who had been tempered by war for a long time, but they also made everyone accept what the Holy Light Temple said to a certain extent. Meng Chao was the only culprit behind this war that should not have happened.

Right now, even Dragon City’s loyal veterans, who had been through hundreds of battles, were thinking about kicking Meng Chao out of his position.

‘As long as Meng Chao steps down, everything will be fine!’

When these thoughts gathered and trickled down, they formed a vast ocean, which condensed into the common will of more than one hundred million Dragon City people. The remnants of the nine great families finally launched a new round of assassination attempts on Meng Chao with the Holy Light Temple’s support.

Even though he had just fought the Doomsday Wolf, Kanus, Meng Chao still dragged his body that was riddled with holes and killed the first wave of assassins.

Unfortunately, when he called on his supporters to quickly “protect their leader,” very few responded in the huge Dragon City.

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