Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1852 - 1852 Personal Problem

1852 Personal Problem

When Lu Siya said that, her eyes were deep, and her expression was calm but cold. There was something inhuman about her that transcended history and the stars.

Meng Chao could not tell whether he was wary of Lu Siya or attracted to her. This gave rise to the most primal of desires, and he wanted to risk it all regardless of the consequences.

He felt like a primitive man who had seen the burning flames of passion for the first time. He knew that he could get burned. Yet, as the flames danced in his eyes and the smell of burnt flesh entered his nostrils, he could not hold back the impulse that arose in his heart.

“You’re becoming more and more like the monster mastermind.”

Meng Chao could only remind himself with those words. “The Lu Siya of the past would never have said something like that. You’re looking at the problem from the monster mastermind’s perspective now.”

“People change. In the past, it would have been impossible for you to calmly consider having s*x with a woman who seems to be the monster mastermind’s incarnation.”

Lu Siya did not deny anything and said, “Come to think of it, people and monsters change. The monster mastermind is no different.

“Now, I’m just putting this out there—let’s say that a trace of the monster mastermind’s will is still lurking in the depths of my brain. When the conditions are right, it will take root and turn me into the tenth Supernatural Entity, the wild banshee, the new monster mastermind, and so on. Do you think that I’ll be exactly the same as the first monster mastermind?

“No, if you have faith in the concept of mind over matter, you should believe that while the monster mastermind’s will is changing my soul, I am also changing its will as a human. I am changing the way the entire monster civilization thinks and operates. I’m also changing the definition of the monster civilization.

“Be optimistic. Even if the monster civilization is reborn, it might not be the human civilization’s enemy. Instead, it might fight side by side with the humans against the apocalypse.”


Meng Chao said, “Do you seriously think that I should place the future of human civilization on optimism?”

“That’s correct.”

Lu Siya shrugged. “I guess you could also choose to remain a pessimist. Think about it from a pessimistic point of view. No matter what, Dragon City will be destroyed by the apocalypse. Does it matter whether I’m the monster mastermind or whether the monster civilization will be reborn from the fire?”

Meng Chao was speechless. He contemplated for a long time before he said, “Alright, I admit that no matter what you are, you’re completely different from the first monster mastermind. If the first monster mastermind had been as reasonable and great at communicating and cooperating as you, perhaps our two civilizations would not have fought a cruel war that lasted for decades.”

“There’s nothing we can do about that. All intelligent life forms and their civilizations are taking steps toward maturity and rationality.

“Besides, if it weren’t for the fact that both civilizations lacked the strength to completely annihilate each other, who would be willing to reason with other civilizations peacefully? Would they give up part of their rights and interests to sincerely collaborate with others?

“Honestly, imagine if the monster civilization that the Earthlings saw when they transmigrated were just a bunch of weak bugs. Even if these bugs were full of kindness, wisdom, and artistic talent, would the Earthlings reason with them? There’s a 99% chance that humans would have crushed these bugs with their army boots and tracks. Our people would have turned their hives and their civilized art pieces into paste, right?

“In a sense, we’re able to discuss the continuation of our genes in such an open and sincere way today because of the war in the past decades. The fight was so close that we all almost perished together!”

“That makes sense. Everything you’ve said today makes a lot of sense. I take it seriously, and I’ll give it proper consideration.”

Meng Chao no longer asked if Lu Siya was the new monster mastermind.

He stared at her beautiful eyes, which shone with an unnatural light, and seriously said, “But this will take time. Please understand that once I choose you, it’ll be equivalent to leading Dragon City’s civilization in a completely different direction. We’ll encounter many new problems and unknown crises.

“I have to predict the problems and disasters that might occur so that I can draw up solutions to minimize the risks.

“Su Mulian has already warned us. At the very least, we should prevent the future from becoming like her nightmare.”

“Indeed. This is a serious matter, and we should go about it carefully.”

Lu Siya nodded. “Is twenty-four hours enough for you to think it through?”

“Only twenty-four hours? Why?” Meng Chao asked.

“Are you in a hurry?”

“I’m not in a hurry. I’ll be fertile for at least another twenty years,” Lu Siya said.

“Your return was unexpected, so I don’t mind waiting for another three to five years.

“But there are people even more anxious than me.

“I only brought this up so suddenly because they sent me a message in the hospital. But it didn’t feel right to mention it at that time.

“We should’ve at least welcomed you home with a candlelight dinner and set the mood before we revealed our true intentions.”

“Wait a minute…”

Meng Chao did not understand. “What do you mean by people who are even more anxious than you? What does us having children have to do with anyone else?”

“Don’t worry.”

Lu Siya sighed. “These people aren’t outsiders but your parents.

Meng Chao felt as if he had just been wandering in the sea of stars with Lu Siya. He had been looking at the light at the end of the universe and thinking about the continuation of two civilizations or the birth of a new one.

However, he was suddenly pulled back to the ground by an invisible rope.

This sudden “force of gravity” left him dumbfounded.

“My parents?”

He was in disbelief. “Why would they ask you about this?”

“The two elders were, of course, overjoyed that you returned safely. However, ever since you appeared in the public eye, you’ve been busy exposing the New Blood Alliance and controlling the chaos in Dragon City. They’re both reasonable people, so of course they’re afraid of disturbing you at such a critical time,” Lu Siya explained.

“Hence, they asked me how you were doing. They wanted to know whether you had gained weight or lost weight, whether you were injured, and so on. They also asked me if you were going to stay this time. In addition, they asked when we were getting married and when we were going to have children. Although they weren’t direct about it, I knew what they meant.

“By the way, they were wondering if you could finish your work tomorrow and come home for dinner. I guess they want to talk about personal matters at the dinner table.

“That’s why I said that you probably have a day to seriously consider the whole thing.”

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