Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1639 - Wrong Script   

Chapter 1639: Wrong Script


“Lu Siya has to be stopped!

“Even if it means exposing my identity!”

Meng Chao did not return to Dragon City to find Lu Siya and tear off the wild banshee’s disguise at first because he was not sure about the relationship between Lu Siya and the new Blood Alliance.

He did not know whether the monster civilization had created other Supernatural Entities or “puppets” besides Lu Siya.

His return was his only trump card.

He could not reveal it unless it was absolutely necessary.

But right now, he had no other choice.

Lu Siya was already standing in the eye of the storm. If her next move was to raise her arms and shout, she would immediately raise a hurricane and destroy Dragon City that had been built and defended to this day after countless sacrifices!

As he expected, the thousands of citizens gathered in front of Universe Corporation’s headquarters spotted Lu Siya. Like a flood superimposed on a hurricane, the intensity of their roars instantly increased by several levels.

“Look, it’s Lu Siya!”

“She must be here to lead us in seeking justice from Universe Corporation!”

“With Lu Siya presiding over justice, the truth will definitely be revealed!”

Thanks to the legend that Meng Chao had left behind and her efforts over the past year, Lu Siya had established a glorious image in the hearts of countless citizens. She was completely different from the Deity Realm warriors of the older generation.

Once could say that she was the second representative of Dragon City’s golden generation after Meng Chao.

So, her appearance today raised her appeal to an unprecedented level.

Seeing that the situation was about to spin out of control, Meng Chao took a deep breath and prepared to jump down from the sky to give Lu Siya a big surprise.

However, before he had time to make a move, Lu Siya had already opened her mouth.

Lu Siya’s first words stunned Meng Chao as though they were lightning.

“Friends, citizens, please calm down and stop moving forward!”

Lu Siya’s face was full of anxiety and worry. Even her voice trembled slightly, revealing the uneasiness in her heart.

She poured her spirit energy into her throat and her lungs. Using her surging spirit magnetic field, she transmitted her will from the waste hauler under her feet to the end of the street. It was still crowded with people almost a thousand meters away, and the thousands of angry citizens could hear everything clearly.

“I understand everyone’s anger, and I feel the same, but no matter what, we shouldn’t be consumed by rage. I believe that The Bright Light’s tragedy is a great conspiracy. However, Universe Corporation is definitely not the real culprit behind this conspiracy. Please be patient. Don’t let the real culprit lead you by the nose and do something that will make you suffer!”

Lu Siya’s voice was hoarse and extremely sincere.

Her words threw a bucket of bone-piercing cold water on the heads of all the people who had been overwhelmed by anger and excitement. Their brain cells began to burn. They thought that she was there to lead them in an attack on Universe Corporation’s headquarters.

While the people were at a loss, Meng Chao sank into deep self-doubt too.

“What-What the hell is going on?!”

“That’s impossible. Did I hear her correctly? Why would Lu Siya stop the crowd from attacking the headquarters of Universe Corporation? It doesn’t make sense at all!”

“You must know that she’s a wild banshee with the power of monsters and even the Egg of Chaos lurking in her body. She’s the most likely candidate for the tenth Supernatural Entity. She represents the remnants of the monster civilization’s power that is lurking in Dragon City!”

“Whether Lu Siya planned the explosion of The Bright Light or not, she should not give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

“From the monster civilization’s perspective, no matter who blew up The Bright Light, since the storm has already reached the entrance of Universe Corporation’s headquarters, all Lu Siya, the wild banshee, needs to do is raise her arm and lead the team to demolish the building. The people of Dragon City will be torn apart, confused, and even killed by each other. That is when it’s possible for the monster civilization to resurrect and make a comeback!

“Why? Why is Lu Siya ignoring the monster civilization and stepping on the brakes while pretending to be ‘sober’ in the human world?”

Through his high-powered military binoculars, Meng Chao could see every subtle expression on Lu Siya’s face.

If a competition was conducted based on acting skills, Lu Siya could definitely be on the judging panel.

She stood atop the waste hauler on tiptoes with her arms open. She was like a young girl fighting alone, trying to resist a surging flood and ferocious beasts.

It had been a few years since she and Meng Chao first met. However, Lu Siya seemed to be aging backward. It was unknown whether it was because of the nourishment of spirit energy or the stimulation of the monster cells, but she looked a few years younger than that strong woman in the professional suit.

Her current face made her appear lonelier and more helpless but headstrong.

Gritting her teeth, her eyes shone with unwavering light, portraying the image of someone who was clear-headed and concerned about the country, capable of enduring humiliation perfectly.

It was so realistic that Meng Chao was beginning to wonder if there was something wrong with his memory and if he had mixed up the different timelines. Perhaps Lu Siya was not a wild banshee at all. What about the great battle that had taken place between them in the bloody pile on Mist Mountain more than a year ago? Had it all been in his imagination?

“I know. It’s not only Universe Corporation, but the other eight mega corporations have also been somewhat disappointing in the past in terms of how they’ve dealt with the remnants of the monster civilization, the underground black market, and the crystal mines.”

Lu Siya continued to speak earnestly. Although her voice was not loud, it contained a natural power that calmed the people down and convinced them. “Nevertheless, I still believe that the nine mega corporations, like the Azure Alliance, are indispensable and important forces that make up the Dragon City civilization.

“Most of the employees and leaders of the nine mega corporations are the most loyal builders and defenders of Dragon City’s civilization, just like you and me.

“The problem lies within the nine mega corporations. A select few are selfish, deceiving their superiors and subordinates, as well as destroying their morals and beliefs.

“The explosion of The Bright Light in the sky above the airport could not have been done by Universe Corporation. Doing such a stupid and evil thing would not benefit the company at all.

“We, the people of Dragon City, just finished a decades-long war and came all the way from mountains of corpses and seas of blood. We were not even afraid of the overwhelming beast horde. How could we be scared by a mere explosion?

“The investigation on the Red Creek Project will never be stopped by this explosion. It will only escalate and be a hundred times harsher.

“It might even provoke the public’s anger in the same way the current situation has triggered all of you. It might attract our wrath to Universe Corporation.

“Let me ask you a question. How could Universe Corporation do such a stupid thing to set itself on fire and seek its own destruction?”

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