Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1487 - Monkey Tricks

Chapter 1487 Monkey Tricks

Ai Lei spoke with a big smile on her face.

However, the little red dots on the tip of her nose showed that she was not as calm as she appeared to be.

Meng Chao had faced the fangs of the Apocalyptic Beasts.

He had also seen the sharp claws of the Horn of Destruction, Violent Blade, and the Doomsday Wolf.

Yet, in the face of Ai Lei’s heckling, he had no answer.

Fortunately, at that moment, the light and shadow of the LCD screen above the counter changed, and a huge countdown appeared.

Crystal loudspeakers up in the ceiling also transmitted the neutral, pleasant, relaxing, and even slightly hypnotic effect of a mezzo-soprano.

Dragon elephant bone-strengthening injections and more than a dozen other genetic agents that contained non-renewable resources would be up for grabs.

Before the Monster Market opened, the midand low-level superhumans, who had been lining up through the night, all perked up.

Just like a predator that smelled the scent of its prey. The muscles all over their body tensed up, and their bones crackled. They rubbed their fists and palms, eager to pounce.

However, the detailed information displayed on the LCD screen shocked everyone at first before it made them furious.

“Five thousand units?”

Even Meng Chao could not believe his eyes. “Such a big Monster Market and so many superhumans queued up overnight. In the end, they only prepared five thousand units of dragon elephant bone-strengthening injection?”

Meng Chao had also advanced from the Earth Realm to the Deity Realm step by step.

He had also wantonly squandered dragon elephant bone-strengthening injections like he was eating a buffet.

He knew well that an Earth Realm expert would need to inject at least one hundred units of the dragon elephant bone-strengthening injection after a high-intensity training session to break through to a higher realm. To promote the growth of bone cells, he needed to repair the damaged bone marrow and periosteum to ensure that nothing would happen during the next training session.

If his training cycle lasted for a month, this Earth Realm expert would need to carry out at least five high-intensity training sessions during that period, injecting five hundred units of dragon elephant bone-strengthening injection. That did not include the sporadic replenishment and treatments after daily training.

He needed five hundred units, not one unit less.

Injecting one unit less would increase the probability of spirit energy deviation by 1%.

Who would dare to take their own life and future as a joke?

If each person was limited to buying five hundred units, today’s stock could only meet the needs of ten superhumans for the next month.

However, there were at least several hundred low-level superhumans gathered there.

There were even more people who had just received the news and arrived late, joining the queue to buy.

Even though Ai Lei had already told Meng Chao about the problem of having more mouths and less meat, there was too little meat!

No wonder Ai Lei compared it to squeezing out toothpaste!

“I’m afraid it’s going to be difficult to get rid of these people this time!” Meng Chao muttered to himself.

Indeed, the scarlet number, “5,000,” behind the words “dragon elephant bone-strengthening injection” on the screen was like five thousand heavy bombs. It caused a huge uproar among the low- to mid-level superhumans.

“Are you kidding me? There are only five thousand units of the dragon elephant bone-strengthening injection?”

“This is a trick!”

“Each person is limited to a hundred units? A hundred units are useless. We’ll use them up after one practice. Don’t tell me can’t practice tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after that?” “Or should we go back today, finish practicing, and then come back to line up late at night?”

“Where is the person in charge? Ask your person in charge to come out. Why did you only prepare five thousand units of dragon elephant bone-strengthening injection, and why are there so few other cultivation resources? Why?!”

The crowd instantly turned into a wave of people.

Everyone’s faces turned red. They were fuming with anger. All of them gritted their teeth as they squeezed toward the counter like an ocean wave.

If the Supernatural Tower’s direct store could satisfy half of the customers’ needs or even satisfy one-third of the customers’ needs, the customers in front who received the supplies first would naturally step forward to maintain order.

Those customers who did not get the cultivation resources would then have to accept their bad luck. Who asked them to be late?

Now, however, according to the purchase rules displayed on the LCD screen, each person could only buy a hundred units, and only the lucky first fifty people could buy the dragon elephant bone-strengthening medicine at a low price.

As for when the next batch of low-priced genuine goods would arrive, the staff at the counter did not know.

Moreover, no matter how meticulous they were, no matter how careful they were, no matter how they did not engage in overly aggressive, ultra-high-intensity training, and no matter how they did not want to break through to a higher realm, they still wanted to maintain their current combat strength.

At most, they would only exhaust 70 to 80% of their energy after three regular training sessions. Despite that, they would still have a problem.

This time, no one cared about the team or rules anymore.

The people at the back kept pushing forward.

The people in the top fifty only lost the right to purchase a limited amount of one hundred units. It was not too much of a pity. They did not have the right to fall out with people who were enraged or even filled with killing intent. Since they had been fooled by others, they became united against a common enemy.

With that, Meng Chao finally understood why the cultivation resources purchasing counter in the Supernatural Tower was like that of a bank. It was installed with tempered glass that was thicker than two fists.

However, even the tempered glass, made with a special process and mixed with crystal powder, capable of withstanding armor-piercing bullets, would not be able to withstand the volcanic fury of several hundred mid- to low-level superhumans.

Ka-cha-cha, ka-cha-cha!

Accompanied by a hair-raising cracking sound, crisscrossing cracks like a giant spider web appeared on the tempered glass.

The staff behind it retreated.

The mezzo-soprano background music from the crystal loudspeakers became softer and softer.

It seemed that they were trying to ease the tension, but it just made things appear more ironic.

“Seven times. I’ve been here seven times!”

Meng Chao saw a muscular man, who was at least two meters tall and majestic like a bearman, standing up. His face was full of scars, and he was wearing a steel eye patch on his left eye. He jumped onto the counter in fury, and through the cracks on the tempered glass, he roared at the counter, “Every time, they say that there’s a shortage. Every time, they say that there’s a shortage. Even if there’s supply, it’s like the pee of an eighty-year-old man. It took you such a long time to produce such a tiny bit!

“Without the dragon elephant bone-strengthening injection, how are we supposed to cultivate? Do we have to go to the hospital to get a cast every time we finish cultivating to treat our bone fractures?”

“You’re alright. You’re just using it for cultivation,” another superhuman with sunken eyes and a gloomy face said while limping

“I’m injured. The Bone Eroding Beast has corroded my bones and interfered with the regeneration of my bone cells. I need to consume medication for life and inject artificial bone marrow cells. Otherwise, forget cultivating, I’ll lose my leg sooner or later.

“Heh, if the supply of dragon elephant bone-strengthening injection continues to run out, I’d be better off going to the hospital to amputate my leg and exchange it for a worn-out prosthetic leg. It’ll be a great experience!”

The experiences of those two customers covered more than 90% of the people lining up, and they immediately resonated with everyone.

The roars of hundreds of low-level and mid-level superhumans turned into a raging storm that almost overturned the Monster Market, which was dozens of stories high.

“We want to cultivate!”

“We want to heal our wounds!”

“We want dragon elephant bone-strengthening injections!”

The tempered glass that was more than two fists thick trembled under the roars of the customers.

Yet, the professionally trained staff of the Supernatural Tower still had a professional smile on their faces.

At first glance, their smiles were heartwarming

Upon closer inspection, their smiles would remain unchanged for a few minutes or even a few hours.

It was as though they were printed out on A4 paper and stapled onto their real faces.

Meng Chao saw a staff member maintain an impeccable attitude as he faced the wrath of hundreds of customers. With a smile on his face, he explained something to the bald man through the glass. From the shape of his mouth, he seemed to be saying that the torrential rain and flood that happened outside Monster Mountain Range last night, as well as the orcs’ invasion of the Red Creek Project, had caused a huge explosion in the crystal warehouse.

It resulted in a temporary shortage of some cultivation resources.

Such force majeure was something that even the Supernatural Tower could not have predicted.

The vast number of consumers were requested to remain calm. The Supernatural Tower was actively contacting the factory to urgently restock their goods.

Once the goods arrived, the consumers in line today would be given priority to purchase the goods and so on.

The bald man had seemingly been deceived too many times, so he did not fall for it.

“The Red Creek Project’s purpose is to mine Red Radiance Jade. There wouldn’t be floods or explosions. It has nothing to do with the dragon elephant bone-strengthening injection!

“All of you talk about priority to purchase every time. Now that everyone has the priority to purchase, it’s no different from having none at all!

“Don’t mention the manufacturers. Isn’t the Supernatural Tower responsible for helping all superhumans to supervise those large pharmaceutical companies so that they can ensure quality and quantity, as well as produce genetic medicine?

“The Supernatural Tower should have our bacs. It should serve us supernaturals who come from humble backgrounds or have any background and can’t find too many connections. It should help us fight for more opportunities and resources. If not, why do we need the Supernatural Tower?”

The bald man smashed the counter and created more chaos.

If one were to compare his shouting to a series of fiery bullets, then the smile of the Supernatural Tower’s staff was like an indestructible iron wall.

No matter what the bald man said, the staff member kept repeating the same words over and over again.

The point was, the genetic potion was not refined by the Supernatural Tower. They could not do a thing if they did not receive the goods. They had to invite most of the consumers there to be understanding and remain calm.

The words, “understanding” and “remain calm” seemed to touch a nerve deep in the bald man’s head, which was about to split.

The bald man’s eyes were wide open, and the veins on his face were bulging, as blood had rushed to his temples. It was as if two horns were about to grow out of his temples and turn him into an angry bull.

With a “chraak” sound, the bald man tore off his outer clothes, revealing the lumpy and uneven muscles that covered his body. They crisscrossed like a fishing net and were also densely packed with scars like a beehive.

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