Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1193 - Distorted Liquid Metal

Chapter 1193: Distorted Liquid Metal

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The chain reaction caused by the stone pillar’s collapse was even more explosive than Meng Chao had imagined.

Not only did the stone pillar itself collide with the ground, but it also caused the earth and mountains to shake, creating a deafening noise.

Plenty of dust and the tiny amount of crystal elements contained within the stone pillar also set off a violent reaction due to the high-speed friction. It was not inferior to the dust explosion, causing clusters of colorful flames to explode in the void.

The flames flashed and disappeared, but they turned into a large amount of irritating thick smoke, like a shockwave visible to the naked eye, wreaking havoc in all directions.

The entire stone forest was instantly enveloped in smoke and dust that could not be seen with the naked eye.

Because the tiny amount of crystal elements instantly released all of their psionic power.

The psionic ripples that rippled in the air escalated into raging waves.

Whether it was the elites of the white bone battalion, the High Priests, the warriors of origins, Meng Chao, or the ice storm, everyone’s perception and totem power had been greatly disrupted, turning into headless flies that had fallen into the hot porridge.

The good thing was that almost all the stone pillars that served as ‘antennas’had been blown up by Meng Chao.

The statue of the Rat God that was erected on it, as well as the high priests who were sitting cross-legged and burning their brains to amplify the brainwave signals, all fell to the ground, sinking into the billowing smoke and dust. It was unknown whether they were alive or dead.

Naturally, whether it was ‘Jackal’kanus or some other mysterious existence, they tried to transmit the nightmare images and kill commands to the depths of the stone forest from a long distance.

Their plans were all blocked.

The nine origins warriors who were receiving the kill commands.

Only about half of them completed the transmission of the commands and became the assassins of ‘Jackal’kanus.

The remaining half were still the ultimate killing weapons that could attack indiscriminately.

They were like mad demons, killing everyone they saw. They would not specifically target the ancient Dream Saintess.

The price was that the entire stone forest had been turned into a mess.

The white bone battalion’s elites, who were already panicking, became even more chaotic.

The dust that was like layers of blankets that covered the top of the stone forest would not disperse unless it was three to five minutes.

This turned the regrouping of the elites of the white bone battalion into an impossible mission.

It also gave the few warriors of origins who had turned into ‘assassins’a chance to take advantage of the situation.

The other problem was that Meng Chao had completely exposed himself.

Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!

Before the stone pillar collapsed completely, the few warriors of origins who had not completed the installation of the killing command cast their eyes at him that were as hot as fire, as cold as frost, as sharp as blades, and as fast as lightning.

When the spiritual energy was sufficient, the origin warriors would automatically target the strongest opponent within their scanning range as their number one target.

Especially when the target was equipped with a set of totem armors with excellent performance and powerful power.

Whether it was the target’s flesh or blood.

Or the target’s totem armors.

For the origin warriors who had lost their rationality and only had their appetites and killing intent left, they were the most delicious ‘food’!

The nine warriors of origins were immediately divided into two groups.

Four of them did not even look at Meng Chao. Like four puppets that had been manipulated by the same string, they marched in unison and jumped back gracefully into the burning crystal powder, they disappeared.

Meng Chao’s heart constricted.

‘normal’warriors of origins should not be so well-trained and orderly.

They were all ‘assassins’. They must be preparing to sneak into the depths of the stone forest to assassinate the ancient Dream Saintess!

Meng Chao wanted to chase and intercept them.

However, the other five ‘normal’origin warriors roared like steam machines or ancient beasts. They split into five groups and pounced on him.

Perhaps they were deeply attracted by the shocking battle flames that he had just released.

Or perhaps they were drooling because of the double armor that was embedded with a spiritual magnetic field on his body.

While the five origins martial artists were still in midair, astonishing changes occurred one after another.

The arms of the origins martial artists who were charging at the front were constantly extending, far exceeding the limits of the growth of their bones. Soon, the flesh and blood on their wrists and palms exploded one after another, spurting out from the hollow bones, it was a liquid metal-like substance stained with blood and gray bone marrow.

The silver liquid metal-like substance shot out three to five meters like a fountain. However, it was restrained by an invisible force field and condensed into a giant sickle with a blade more than five meters long and gorgeous patterns all over its body.

Waving the two giant sickles, the warrior of origins, at first glance, looked like a mantis in human form with a metal shell around its body. Even the part that should have been the eye socket was deeply sunken. Then.., silver threads that looked like the tentacles of insects spurted out, as if they had replaced the functions of the eyeballs. They hissed and shook crazily as they scanned and locked onto Meng Chao in a way that surpassed vision.

The second warrior of origins, who was right behind Meng Chao, spasmed for a moment before two pairs of enormous wings grew out of his back. They were not the usual wings of the Thunder Warriors, who had the blood of falcons flowing in their veins, they were not the fleshy membranes of bats and flying rats, but the wings of insects, which were similar to dragonflies.

Of course, the basic materials used to make the wings were not flesh or chitin, but metal, or liquid metal, which was as thin as a Cicada’s wing and had gorgeous patterns.

When the thickness of the metal wings was infinitely reduced, its length and width could be infinitely increased. Soon, two wings that were growing crazily covered the ground within a radius of dozens of meters, including the top of Meng Chao’s head, and the space where he could dodge and even breathe.

The other three Genesis warriors couldn’t wait to show different changes.

They became more like ferocious beasts made of metal, a combination of Earth’s technological level and sophisticated weapons that were temporarily incomprehensible.

The characteristics of high-level orcs, or carbon-based intelligent life forms on their bodies became thinner and thinner.

It was as if all their flesh, blood, cells, and genes were used as fuel and burned to ashes.

Only then did the totem armors unleash their full power and increase their combat strength to the limit.

“How could this be?”

Even with ice storm’s battle-hardened mentality, he subconsciously cried out in surprise when faced with the sudden attack and mutation of the five Genesis warriors.

Meng Chao vaguely knew the answer.

These five totem armors that had lost control all wanted to seize his body at all costs.

He wanted to seize his six-star spirit armor, which was more suitable than most orc powerhouses to equip totem armors and help them “Evolve”to a higher level of body.

Of course, he would not let them succeed.

The two chain blades had clearly extended nearly a hundred meters.

But under the subtle manipulation of Meng Chao’s ten fingers, they returned to their master faster than the five origins warriors.

The blades, which were covered in tiny amounts of crystal powder, ignited a flame ten times brighter than before.

In essence, it was not a chemical reaction. Instead, it was a raging flame generated by pure spiritual energy, which seriously interfered with the sensory and scanning systems of the five origins warriors.

Even if they did not rely on their eyeballs or compound eyes to ‘see’, they still felt that their ‘eyes’ were blank and that their target had escaped from the range of their lock.

Of course, as the liquid-like metal material changed as if it was boiling, they quickly got rid of the interference.

But at that moment, Meng Chao’s two chain blades had already carved two trenches between each other.

They had also melted the soil and gravel in the trenches into real lava. Then, they used their psionic energy to compress the air, forming a shockwave that squeezed them out from the ground, turning them into a literal wall of fire.

Out of confidence in the totem armor.

The five Genesis warriors chose to break through the wall of fire at the same time.

A large amount of lava adhered to the liquid-like metal material.

The high temperature of thousands of degrees could not destroy the structure and functions of the totem armor.

It only slowed down their attacks slightly.

Facing these almost immortal Genesis warriors, Meng Chao seemed to have returned to the situation a few months ago when he encountered Skull Crusher 249 in the depths of the blood skull temple.

Of course, the main bodies of these Genesis warriors were only elite warriors of the white bone battalion. They were not on the same level as the ace Gladiator 249 who dominated the blood skull arena hundreds of years ago.

However, they were outnumbered. If they were surrounded by five enemies, their combat ability would not only increase by 500% !

Not to mention that Meng Chao was not in the mood to continue fighting. He was also in a hurry to save the Ancient Dream Saintess.

He could only activate the power of the flames contained in the Skull Crushers and melt more soil and rocks into magma. He poured it on the five origin warriors, disrupting their senses and slowing down their movements.

While he was jumping up and down crazily in the collapsed, collapsed, and shattered stone forest, he was desperately trying to find a hole to crawl into.

Unfortunately, no matter where he ran to, the five Origin Warriors were still following him.

Even though the magma flowing around him was getting denser and denser, it could not stop the sharp blades that were baring their fangs and brandishing their claws. They were getting closer and closer to Meng Chao’s glabella, eyes, temples, Adam’s apple, heart, and lower abdomen.


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