Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1166 - Binding Memory and Soul

Chapter 1166: Binding Memory and Soul

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Next was the scene that Meng Chao, Leaf, and all of the Great Horn Army’s soldiers had seen in their dreams.

A young girl with two pupils in each eye was playing a blood-stained bone flute, driving a tide of rat skeletons and rat people to engulf Red-gold City.

In the Ancient Dream Saintess’ dream, there were all kinds of vivid details. They were obviously a hundred times more vivid than the details that she had projected into the dreams of the Great Horn Army’s soldiers.

Meng Chao could see the veins on the temples and arms of thousands of rat warriors.

He could also see the surging heat waves above their heads when they were sprinting at full speed.

He could also see the panicked expressions of the wolves, tigers, and leopards that were stationed in Red-gold city when they were faced with the torrential tide of rat people.

Everything was revealed.

It was like a prophecy that was far ahead.

The rat tide would completely conquer Red-gold City.

New images kept appearing.

In the next golden image, the nobles from the five great clans lowered their arrogant heads under the Rat God’s battle flag, and they acknowledged the existence of the sixth clan, the Great Horn Clan.

Following that, smaller but crystal clear mandrake fruits with a stronger fragrance than before grew from the mandrake flowers, completely solving the food crisis of the glorious era.

In one scene, Meng Chao even saw that the troops from the land of Holy Light were blocked by the Turan Alliance Army led by the Ancient Dream Saintess, with the Great Horn Army as the main force at the edge of Picturesque Orchid Lake.

The most pious, holiest, and therefore noblest humans who claimed to be enveloped by the power of Holy Light had no choice but to bow down to the advanced orcs after they were besieged and ran out of food. They signed the first alliance under the city to admit defeat since the era of the great extermination order three thousand years ago.

All the images were stored in the depths of the Ancient Dream Saintess’ memory database in the form of “prophecies.”

They gave her endless confidence and guided her every move.

“It’s really… too terrifying!”

Meng Chao’s hair stood on end as he watched, and cold sweat flowed down his back.

As his thoughts raced, he completely outlined the conspiracy of the mastermind behind the scenes.

The mastermind had a secret method to tamper with memories.

Furthermore, he used this secret method to implant imaginary information into the Ancient Dream Saintess’ brain through dreams.

That made the Ancient Dream Saintess mistakenly believe that she had encountered the arriving Big-horned Rat God when she was very young.

The Big-horned Rat God had also told her that she was the one-in-a-million “chosen one.” She was entrusted with the sacred mission of leading all the rat people through the final test and creating a brand new future.

Unusual experiences of childhood would always profoundly shape a person’s character, beliefs, and behavior.

If the Ancient Dream Saintess clearly remembered that when everyone, including her parents, died of the plague and the Rat God arrived when she was about to be completely torn apart by the hungry crows in her home that had turned into a grave, she would believe that he saved her. She would also be responsible for saving everyone.

From then on, she would not waver in the slightest about the Big-horned Rat God’s existence and the rescue that was bound to come.

Moreover, Meng Chao suspected that the mastermind did not just plant false information deep into the Ancient Dream Saintess’ memory database.

Instead, he had infiltrated her brain multiple times to update her memory of the “Big-horned Rat God’s arrival.”

The mastermind had implanted every recent occurrence into the memory of the Ancient Dream Saintess’ childhood.

When the Ancient Dream Saintess recalled it, she would think that she had seen the prophecy and received the revelation a long time ago, as the prophecies and revelations continue to be fulfilled.

The Ancient Dream Saintess naturally believed in the things that were about to happen, including breaking through Hundred Blade City and Red-gold City, gaining the recognition of the five great clans, and even commanding the Turan Alliance Army to resist the Holy Light human race and obtain the final victory. She believed it all without a doubt.

The reason why Meng Chao was able to conclude that the “prophecies” were the result of many updates was because the “prophecies” showed Black-corner City being blown up by a series of large methane explosions.

However, the reason why the Great Horn Army’s operation in Black-corner City had been so successful was because Meng Chao had secretly helped them.

If Meng Chao had not reminded the Rat God’s emissaries who had infiltrated Black-corner City how to set up defenses, carry out one-way communication, identify the spies who had infiltrated the organization, and exhaust the enemy’s energy and troops with a series of feints…

The Great Horn Army would not have possibly turned Black-corner City upside down.

In fact, in his previous life, Black-corner City did not suffer such a great destruction as it did in this life without Meng Chao’s help.

In other words, the “great explosion of Black-corner City” that had just occurred was history that had been tampered with by Meng Chao.

How could the Rat God have predicted Meng Chao’s rebirth and the series of unpredictable chain reactions that would follow ten years ago?

There was only one truth. The mastermind was still connecting to the Ancient Dream Saintess’ brain through some method. Every once in a while, he would sneak into her brain and “update” the dream, adding more things that have already happened.

“The Ancient Dream Saintess probably has no idea.

“She only knows that she met the real Big-horned Rat God when she was young.

“Moreover, the ‘prophecies’ that the Big-horned Rat God showed her—no matter how absurd, how unbelievable, how they subverted her worldview—all turned into reality.

“Then, is there any need to doubt the ‘prophecies’ that haven’t turned into reality?

“No wonder the Ancient Dream Saintess led the entire Great Horn Army and blocked them below Hundred Blade City, losing all possibility of flexibility and falling into a dilemma where she ran out of ammunition and food.

“No wonder she still insisted on attacking the city repeatedly without knowing how many weapons and food there were in Hundred Blade City and whether or not they would be destroyed by the defending army.

“No wonder she and the generals of the Great Horn Army were not sensitive at all and did not consider breaking out of the siege when the supply lines around the Great Horn Army and the evacuation routes were gradually cut off by the Wolf Clan’s rangers.

“On the contrary, she was still daydreaming for no reason when the situation between the enemy and us was so obvious. She believed that the final victory would belong to the Great Horn Army…

“Because that was what the Big-horned Rat God had told them.

“The mastermind planted these d*mnable ‘prophecies’ into the Ancient Dream Saintess’ memories first.

“Then, the Ancient Dream Saintess spread the ‘prophecies’ to the Great Horn Army’s senior generals and the White Bone Battalion’s elite warriors with her ability to create and interfere with dreams.

“In the end, everyone in the Great Horn Army is reduced to chess pieces on a bloody chessboard that is destined to be destroyed!” Meng Chao cursed secretly.

He had originally wanted to communicate with the Ancient Dream Saintess through conventional means and try to convince her that the Big-horned Rat God did not exist and that the Great Horn Army, which seemed to be advancing triumphantly, was on the brink of eternal d*mnation. It was an extremely dangerous situation.

After seeing this dream and the prophecies in it, he realized that conventional methods would never convince the Ancient Dream Saintess.

A person’s personality, beliefs, and way of thinking were all determined by past memories.

It could even be said that a person was a collection of past memories.

Whoever could tamper with or even plant memories would be able to control the mind.

Since the Ancient Dream Saintess clearly remembered the series of prophecies that the Big-horned Rat God had told her, and 90% of the prophecies had been fulfilled in reality, one by one, Meng Chao had no opposing evidence.

So, how could he make the Ancient Dream Saintess believe that the remaining 10% of the prophecies would never be fulfilled and would instead become a fatal trap that would devour the entire Great Horn Army?


“Unless, I can think of a way to destroy this false memory!” Meng Chao muttered to himself.

However, that was impossible, because the mastermind had not fabricated a completely nonexistent memory out of thin air.

Instead, he had tampered with the Ancient Dream Saintess’ deepest childhood memories.

At that time, the Ancient Dream Saintess had truly experienced the plague that took her entire village. Her parents and villagers had died one after another in front of her.

The plague had completely changed her fate.

That memory had merged with her soul and become one of the reasons why the Ancient Dream Saintess was who she was.

It was impossible for Meng Chao to wipe out that memory.

On a certain level, it was equivalent to wiping out part of the Saintess’ soul.

“If I can’t wipe it out..

“Can I add something to this fake memory?”


Meng Chao’s heart stirred as he suddenly thought of something.

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