Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1126 - The Awakening of the Saintess

Chapter 1126: The Awakening of the Saintess

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the end, the entire magnificent city was covered by the overwhelming skeleton rats. Beneath the Rat God’s gaze, it turned into a city of bones.

When Meng Chao broke free from the horrifying dream, he realized that he had encountered a new round of “information implantation.”

Beside him, the rat people who had woken up also exclaimed one after another.

Compared with the previous dreams of the Big-horned Rat God’s descent from the sky and the majestic Great Horn Army…

This time, the amount of information implanted in the core of the rat people’s brains through the priests’ spiritual secrets was undoubtedly a hundred times richer.

Not only did the picture become clearer, whether it was the two pupils in the strange girl’s eyes, the wounds created by the thorny whip on her body, or the collision and friction between the skeleton rats’ white bones, those “rustling” sounds were all vivid in Meng Chao’s mind. They were like a flash flood that struck the rat subjects’ brains, leaving a very deep impression on them.

Moreover, the battles in their dream were also full of layers and logic. They were not as muddled as ordinary dreams.

The song that the weird girl played with the bone flute continued to linger in Meng Chao’s ears until he gradually woke up. It seemed very lively in the dream. When he woke up, he recalled it, and it was a little creepy tune that was accompanied by the “cracking” sound of bones rubbing against each other.

The amount of information received by the ordinary rat people was not as rich as Meng Chao’s.

Some people only saw the appearance of skeleton rats in all directions.

Some people’s dreams were completely occupied by the strange girl’s four pupils.

Some people’s vision was compressed to an extremely small size. They only saw the scene of the jackals, wolves, tigers, and leopards fleeing in panic but being caught and devoured by the skeleton rats.

Other people’s consciousness seemed to be attached to the skeleton rats in their dream. From the skeleton rats’ perspective, they saw how they conquered and destroyed the magnificent city.

However, no matter how much they saw, the song that sounded like bones rubbing against each other and the dancing skeletons that caused an earth-shaking storm remained in everyone’s mind.

As the crowd discussed and the priest pointed out the clues, the hidden meaning in the Rat God’s “new revelation” was also explained in detail.

The magnificent city was naturally the center of power in the entire Orchid Lake, the Gold Clan’s main city at the foot of the Holy Mountain, the Red-gold City.

The overwhelming tide of skeletons and rat people was the symbol of the Great Horn Army.

That strange girl who was born with two pupils in each eye was the Great Horn Army’s leader and the Big-horned Rat God’s spokesperson in the human world, the Ancient Dream Saintess.

In the end, when the tide of skeleton rats flooded Red-gold City, the wolves and tigers that fled in a panic naturally symbolized the rulers of the Gold Clan and the supreme rulers of the entire Picturesque Orchid Lake in the past tens of millions of years.

All the symbolic elements were combined to make the horned rats speak to their faithful believers through dreams. “Muster up your courage, Red-gold City is ahead. Led by the Ancient Dream Saintess, the once lowly rat people will conquer this glorious city that will never fall and become the new masters of Picturesque Orchid Lake!”

If someone had told the rat people such an absurd prophecy a month ago…

Even the rat people who loved daydreaming would have probably scoffed at it.

However, after the subversion of Black-corner City, the fall of the Gold Clan’s border town, and the defeat of the Wolf Clan’s battle group…

The rat people’s morale had been raised to the max.

They had unconditional and unlimited trust in the power of the Big-horned Rat God.

Since those dreams that seemed to be extremely absurd in the past had all turned into reality…

Could the prophesied victory in this brand new dream, which was filled with endless glory, still be a problem?

“We’ve already conquered a large area of the southern part of the Gold Clan, and the Great Horn Army’s main forces have also broken through the Wolf Clan’s battle group that came to surround us. Looks like it won’t be long before we attack Red-gold City!

“Since the Wolf Clan’s battle group can be defeated consecutively by us and even the notorious experts like the Nighthawks have been killed by us, how much stronger can the lion men and tigermen be in comparison to the werewolves?

“No matter how strong the enemy is, under the Big-horned Rat God’s protection, we’re still invincible!”

The fanatical rat people were already lost, or rather, from the moment their raging fire and determination to fight fate to the end were ignited, they had stopped possessing the ability to think rationally.

It had been fifty years since a large-scale war had taken place. Not only had the warrior class underestimated the size of the rat people and their will to resist…

They had also caused the rat people to lose the respect they should have for the warrior class, especially the strongest of the clan warriors.

After all, as servants and slave laborers, the warriors whom they could come into contact with were “shrimp soldiers and crab generals” of the various large clans.

Even if these useless soldiers were casually whipping the rat people, it was impossible for them to use their full strength.

It was just like how superhumans were divided into the Earth, Heaven, and Deity Realms. There were a total of three realms and nine stars. There was also a huge difference between one star and nine stars.

There were battle-team clan warriors who had just passed the coming of age ceremony and were awarded a totem armor fragment.

Then they were the clan leaders whose power had nine layers to them and they could change the form of their totem armor multiple times. In a literal sense, they could take on a thousand enemies on their own.

The difference between the strong and the weak did not seem like a comparison of creatures from the same planet.

If one were to say that the former’s attack was like a whistling bullet…

Then, the latter’s attack was like a railway gun with the largest caliber ammo, fully loaded with the maximum amount of ammunition.

The rat subjects had never seen the railway gun roar.

Therefore, the warriors did not have the respect that a true expert should have.

The rat people were all filled with fanatical interest in the unprecedented feat of “taking down Red-gold City.”

Of course, not all the rat subjects were qualified to participate in the greatest battle to take place at Picturesque Orchid Lake in the past ten thousand years.

The appearance of the Ancient Dream Saintess in their dream was undoubtedly a clear signal from the Big-horned Rat God that they had been chosen!

The civilian rats around Meng Chao were overjoyed.

They wished that they could grow wings and fly to the foot of Red-gold City today. As predicted in the dream, they would drown Red-gold City and devour all the wolves, tigers, and leopards.

In the next few days, the same dream appeared again and again.

It left a deep impression on all the rat people of their leader, the Ancient Dream Saintess.

During the day, there was an endless stream of news. In addition to the propaganda from the officers and priests, they understood what a mysterious and powerful existence the Ancient Dream Saintess was.

It was said that before receiving the Rat God’s blessing, the Ancient Dream Saintess had just been the daughter of an ordinary rat person.

Just as everyone had seen in their dream, her figure was thinner than most of the rat people’s. She did not have a shred of divine power, and she did not even have her own home. When she was born, her hometown had suffered a terrible plague. Everyone, including her parents, died, and she was the only one left. She wandered through countless villages and towns, and she visited the territories of the five great clans.

No one knew how she survived. It was around that time that the mandrake fruits, which could be seen everywhere in the wild, saved her life.

However, the good times did not last long. Soon after, she was captured by the wolf warriors and became responsible for herding the Mount Wolves.

They were the mounts of the wolf warriors.

Although the wolf race had the gift of coming and going like the wind, as well as plundering like fire, their sharp claws that were born for killing were not suited for long-distance travel.

Therefore, the Wolf Clan’s ancestors combined the characteristics of the wild wolf and the pack horse to produce a mount that was half horse and half wolf.

The man-made creature greatly improved the ability of the Wolf Clan’s warriors to travel long distances.

Of course, it also required a lot of food and even meat to feed.

Herding a Mount Wolf was an extremely dangerous job.

Due to its violent nature, the Mount Wolf usually did not know the difference between a shepherd and food.

Its owners were also happy to see the Mount Wolf often use the shepherd’s flesh to lubricate its fangs and claws.

That allowed it to maintain a high degree of ferocity. On the battlefield, it could follow its owner’s rhythm, and they could perform a beautiful murderous dance together.

The shepherds were a consumable and usually would not survive three to five months in a Mount Wolf’s pack, so they often needed to be replaced.

At that time, the Ancient Dream Saintess was only a child in her early teens.

Fortunately, even the colts despised the scrawny child. She was not enough to fill the gaps between their teeth, so they looked down on her.

Unfortunately, although she did not become food for the adult Mount Wolves, she became a toy for the colts.

The colts that had just been born, learned how to pounce, tear, and gnaw on her.

They also turned her into a broken blood doll time and time again.

No one knew how she survived during that period…

Just as no one knew how the Ancient Dream Saintess, who was still a baby after all her relatives died from the plague in her hometown, escaped from that hell on Earth.

People could only guess that when the Ancient Dream Saintess was covered in wounds and curled up in a corner with her last breath, she prayed most devoutly to all the gods she had heard of and never heard of.

In the surging sea formed by the blood of hundreds of millions of rat people, the Big-horned Rat God who had been sleeping more than ten thousand years finally woke up slowly and gave its poor child the strongest response.

What happened after that?

Everything else was a miracle.

It was said that the Ancient Dream Saintess disappeared without a trace on a starless night.

The next morning, when her masters came to the bloody pasture of the Mount Wolves, all they saw were broken corpses and bones that had been gnawed clean. Not even half a piece of flesh was left.

Of course, they were all the corpses and bones of wolves.

It was said that the Ancient Dream Saintess wandered around the wilderness and entered many towns and villages, looking for rat people who had suffered the same fate as her. She stared into their eyes and told them that the Horned Rat God had woken up.. Soon, she gathered the first batch of followers who were full of anger and eager for revenge but more eager for dignity and freedom.

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