Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1109 - Another Miracle!

Chapter 1109: Another Miracle!

In an instant, dozens of brain waves more powerful than lightning were released from the depths of his brain.

If Meng Chao’s brain was fully scanned right then, he would find that the peak of his brain wave concussion had increased by dozens of times in comparison to a moment ago.

Dozens of brain waves struck the heads of the aggressive centaur warriors accurately and ferociously like invisible giant axes.

The centaur warriors immediately felt a splitting headache. Their vision blurred, and they started hallucinating.

The sky that was originally covered in dark clouds seemed to burn up instantly. The destructive flames dyed the entire world a deathly white.

Shrill meteors fell from the sky, turning into huge fireballs that could destroy the world. They smashed into the centaurs’ bodies, shattering their bones. Every cell was destroyed.

The situation at the center of the world was as terrifying as the apocalypse, and the Big-Horned Rat God’s ferocious figure slowly emerged from the flames.

The centaur warriors who were caught off guard cried out in surprise.

Their swift and smooth charge was like a whip that suddenly slowed down and scattered.

Even if they were as firm as iron and did not believe in the existence of the Big-horned Rat God at all…

They could not expel the illusion of the apocalypse, the Rat God’s arrival, and the destruction of everything from their brains in a short period of time.

They could not stop their instinctive fear from spreading rapidly from their minds to every nerve ending in their bodies.

That was the power of Meng Chao’s secret spirit attack technique, the Bomb of Fear.

When Meng Chao had just been reborn, Meng Chao’s spirit index had already far surpassed that of an ordinary superhuman because he had experienced the apocalypse and received the Kindling’s blessing. Plus, he was immune to most spirit attacks.

As he and many strange beasts, especially Supernatural Entities who were good at spirit attacks, had countless soul-stirring collisions on a spiritual level, he had learned from these monsters with deformed brains. He had understood how to use the ripples created by each brainwave to invade a target’s brain and implant any information into it.

The Supernatural Entities such as the Demonic Abyss Eye, Tree of Wisdom, and micro brain that originated from billions of years ago in the ancient war era were all his teachers.

The skills that he gained from these “teachers” in those perilous “classes” were enough to make Meng Chao one of the top spirit experts in Dragon City… no, in the entire Other World.

To Meng Chao, invading a centaur warrior’s brain, planting an illusion, and igniting the enemy’s fear while the enemy was caught off guard was just a routine operation.

Of course, it was impossible to completely stop the war machine that had reached its limit just by relying on the fear in its soul.

While Meng Chao released and detonated the Bomb of Fear, Ice Storm, who was also lurking in the grass not far ahead of him on the left, also began her performance.

She knelt on one knee, her gaze focused and her expression cold like a near-perfect ice sculpture.

Her two arms, which were surrounded by a faint blue light, pierced deep into the unusually moist soil that was rich in underground water.

As the runes on her arms continued to appear, her totem power gradually followed the path opened by the runes and flowed from her arms all the way to the ground, causing the ground around her to freeze and turn into an extremely smooth surface of ice.

Using Ice Storm’s arms as the source, the dark blue ice surface was like a living creature, continuously extending under the centaur warriors’ hoofs.

If they had stepped on Ice Storm from the start, the centaur warriors would have had ways to maintain their balance and even run as fast as they could.

However, they had been deeply shocked by Meng Chao’s Bomb of Fear prior to this.

When they were caught off guard, they stepped on the ice surface that should not have existed at all.

Suddenly, they lost their footing.

The centaur warrior at the front, who was also the most affected by Meng Chao’s brainwaves, stopped in his tracks and raised his front hoofs.

His back hoofs plowed two deep gullies on the ice, causing him to tumble over and slide out along the track designed by Ice Storm.

Although the remaining centaur warriors were not in such a sorry state, their momentum was completely interrupted.

After barely finding their balance, their speed dropped to the bottom.

The most important thing for a cavalry to charge into an infantry formation that had more than ten times their number was speed.

If they pushed their speed to the limit, forget ten times, even an infantry that was a hundred times their number could possibly break apart in one go. Following that, they would be like pigs and sheep at their mercy.

However, if both sides lost their speed and fell into a chaotic battle, a heavily armored cavalry might be swallowed up by the rabble as well.

The centaur warriors before them had fallen into a nightmare that the cavalrymen were unwilling to face.

Although they used the final momentum they had to stomp the unlucky escapees, who were curled up in the grass, into meat paste…

It was the same damage that a spent arrow could do.

They were far from tearing apart the fugitives’ base.

Instead, they were trapped deep in the base and surrounded by the fugitives.

The appearance of the Bomb of Fear and frost attack made them realize that the fugitives hiding in the grass were not as simple as weak rats.

Invisible but deadly enemies could turn this cat-and-mouse game into a feast of slaughter at any moment.

Unfortunately, they were not the guests of this feast, but the food on the table!

The leading centaur knight made the right choice.

He tried to change his direction slightly and charge out of the fugitives’ battle formation from the side.

After creating enough space, he decided to save face with a dense rain of arrows.

Perhaps they could also leave, gather enough reinforcements, and return to redeem themselves.

Unfortunately, the fugitives would not let them get what they wanted.

That was because all the fugitives who were still alive had witnessed a new “miracle!”

They had clearly seen, heard, or felt dozens of armored centaur warriors rolling toward them like a raging mountain flood.

The centaur warrior closest to them almost pierced their hearts with the sharp edge of his spear.

No power could have stopped this torrential current.

Yet, an invisible barrier had blocked it.

The centaur warriors, who were supposed to carry out the cruelest slaughter as destroyers, had horrified expressions on their extremely ferocious faces.

They inexplicably stopped moving their iron hoofs that could trample everything.

If that was not the Rat God’s blessing, what else could it be?

“The Rat God has once again protected us!”

“As expected, this is merely a trial arranged by the Rat God. As long as we are firm and brave enough, no power can kill us!”

“They are afraid. The centaur warriors are actually afraid!”

These thoughts were like streams of magma flowing within the fugitives’ brains, igniting their fighting spirit.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm’s ambush had not only caused their pursuers to lose their footing, it had also given the fugitives time to consume the divine medicine.

As agreed, all the surviving fugitives crushed the honey wax that sealed the divine medicine. They raised their necks and drank up the medicinal liquid, which emitted a peculiar fragrance.




Their eyes suddenly opened wide, their skin turned red, and white smoke emanated from the top of their heads like chimneys as they let out bestial howls.

Meng Chao had not guessed wrongly.

The “divine medicine given by the Big-horned Rat God” indeed had the same effects as Dragon City’s Deification Capsule.

The rat people who had taken the divine medicine instantly activated their maximum potential, giving up their health and even their lives in exchange for a temporary increase in their fighting strength.

Crackling sounds of bones exploding could be heard coming from their bodies, and their muscles were expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye. Their skin could not keep up with the growth of their muscles, and their scarlet veins were being torn apart. It made their bodies grow larger, stronger, and more ferocious.

Some of the rat subjects were so exhausted and seriously injured that they could not even stand up.

However, the moment they consumed the divine medicine, they turned into a rumbling machine. Hot steamy blood mist spurted out of their wounds, and they stood up unsteadily amid the blood mist.

Compared with the changes in their bodies of flesh and blood, the changes in their temperament were more intense.

The relatively small rat people had inevitably been a little cowardly and even wretched when they first faced the tall and big Blood Hoof horse warriors.

Now, their eyes were completely bloodshot. All the blood seemed to be rushing to jump out of their eyeballs, like red javelins wanting to penetrate the centaurs’ chests.

“For the Rat God!”

“Witness my courage and my glory!”


The fugitives became killers in an instant.

The rat people jumped up from the bushes one after another and pounced on the centaur warriors who were close to them like crazy demons.

The centaur warriors who had been hunting on the grassland for a day and a night finally paid the price for their arrogance.

In fact, many centaur warriors had totem armor hidden in their bodies.

Even if they were not full-body armor from the beginning to the end…

Even if there were just a few pieces, it could greatly increase their combat strength.

However, when they launched their charge, not many centaur warriors chose to activate their totem armor.

They only wore ordinary leather armor, bone armor, and metal armor.

The reason was very simple.

Totem armor was like a ferocious beast that could not be filled with greed. In order to activate its full strength, its owner was required to continuously sacrifice his own flesh, blood, spirit energy, and strength.

They did not know how long they would have to travel across the grassland.

If they had to activate their totem armor every time they encountered the rat people, their armor would probably suck them into a dried corpse in just a few encounters. If not, they would lose control and become Origin Warriors.


“Mere rat people, what makes them worthy enough for us to summon our totem armor and welcome the most glorious death?”

According to the tradition of Turan warriors, only when facing a real warrior of the same status did they need to activate their totem armor to fight.

To die at the hands of an enemy equipped with totem armor was also a glory that only warriors could enjoy.

How could they allow the dirty and smelly blood of these rats to tarnish their totem armor?

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