Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1091 - Underground Passage

Chapter 1091: Underground Passage

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When their war hammers broke each other’s joints, their swords split each other’s bones, and their teeth were deeply embedded in each other’s flesh and blood…

Whether or not there was a misunderstanding, or a reason for their fight, it was no longer important.

On both sides of the battle, each of their totem armors exploded with a dazzling red light on their interface. With the most gorgeous sound and photoelectric effect, their battle intent was instantly stimulated to the limit. Their bodies were crazily stimulated, they released a large amount of adrenaline, dopamine and enkephalin, causing them to fall into a whirlpool of slaughter, unable to extricate themselves.

Perhaps, to the totem warriors, the battle was the only important thing.

As for the reason for the battle and the target of the battle, it was never important in the first place.

In the chaotic battle, no one even noticed that the ancient weapons, armors and secret medicines that initially attracted two groups of people to gather here had all disappeared without a trace!

Of course, before either side was completely dead or injured, even if the totem warriors whose brains were bubbling like magma noticed this problem, they probably would not have time to think about it.

Taking advantage of the two groups of Blood Hoof warriors fighting, Meng Chao and Ice storm returned to the area where the large rat volunteer army had gathered.

The pressure on the outer area suddenly decreased, allowing the rat people’s volunteer army to finally catch a breath.

Under the command of the Rat God’s emissary, basic order was restored.

The crowd gradually divided into several rows as they pushed and shoved each other. They quickly passed through huge holes or long and narrow crevices and disappeared into the depths of the earth.

The number of rat civilians that remained on the ground was decreasing. Meng Chao’s heart, which was hanging in his throat, was gradually swallowed back into his stomach.

Regardless of whether it was Leaf or the children from Bright Shell Village, they should have escaped Black-corner City safely, right?

Meng Chao was looking forward to it.

“It seems that you really care about the life and death of these ordinary rat people.”

Ice Storm observed his expression and was somewhat puzzled. “It doesn’t seem like you’re a rat person. Why?”

“Because in the near future, they all have great potential to become my high-quality customers!”

Meng Chao smiled faintly and said something that Ice Storm did not understand.

Other than nurturing the consumer market, another more important reason was that Meng Chao hoped that Dragon City in this life would walk a completely different path from his previous life.

The Dragon City civilization in his previous life did not care about the lives of ordinary rat people.

Even the lives of tens of millions of ordinary citizens of Dragon City were not something that many peerless powerhouses would care about.

The result was that ten thousand suns exploded in the sky above Dragon City, and the flames of destruction fell from the sky, bringing about the end of the entire civilization.

Meng Chao did not know where the key to crushing the end of the world was hidden.

Therefore, he could only try to do something completely different from his previous life.

Although the life of an ordinary rat citizen was insignificant.

However, who could guarantee that the key to crushing the end of the world and saving Dragon City was not hidden in the body of a young rat citizen like Leaf?

Of course, no matter how hard he tried, it was still too idealistic to save the millions of rat civilians from Black-corner City.

Even if the rat civilians gathered in the north of the city, it was impossible for all of them to escape through the underground passage.

The Blood Hoof warrior was not a fool.

He would soon react and chase after them again, even all the way to the underground passage.

If they wanted to let the majority of the rat population leave safely…

They would need someone to voluntarily stand behind and stop them.

The Rat God’s emissary had already arranged for such a group of people.

They were all close relatives who had been massacred by the Blood Hoof warriors. Their homes had also been torched. They had an irreconcilable feud with the Blood Hoof warriors, and their bodies had been tortured for a long time. They were not in a condition for long-distance travel.

After confirming the candidates, the messengers of the Rat God kept indoctrinating them. “For the sake of the Rat God and the glory of the sixth clan, even if you sacrifice yourself, you will be reunited with your families on the top of the Holy Mountain.”

The rat people who had lost all hope believed in this idea.

They tore off the blood-stained clothes from the bodies of their fallen comrades.

They tied the shiny spears and battle axes that had been dug out from the depths of the underground to their palms.

Many of them even tied the explosive items that the Rat God’s emissaries had given them, which were emitting extremely unstable spirit ripples, to their waists.

After drinking the mandrake fruit wine that was mixed with the blood of totem beasts, which they had absolutely no right to enjoy as rat people, their spirits gradually became excited, and they ignored the pain in their bodies and the fear of death.

Smiling and being full of longing, they watched the large group of rat people escape the underground passage while they defended their positions, ready to die together with the Blood Hoof warriors who would rush up again at any time.

The sacrifice spirit of these rebel soldiers made Meng Chao deeply respect them.

Although the faces and bodies of many rebel soldiers still had strong beast characteristics.

In his daze, Meng Chao could not tell the difference between them and the Dragon City veterans who were still fighting to the death against the terrifying beasts that were dozens of times stronger than him.

Meng Chao did not have a good impression of the schemers hiding behind the Big-horned Rat God with ulterior motives.

Meng Chao did not think there was anything wrong with these ordinary rat people who believed in the Big-horned Rat God and could not stand their treatment anymore under the blood-stained battle flag. They were rising up to fight for their dignity and freedom.

As an Earthling from the 22nd century who was well-versed in the history of civilization for thousands of years, he had the right to laugh at the stupidity of these rat people.

However, he could not do better than place the Earthlings in the environment of these rat people and let them suffer the fate of being exploited, enslaved, despised, and deceived.

It was because of this that Meng Chao did not want the rat subjects to repeat the mistakes from his previous life.

After shedding gallons of blood, they had fallen into the cycle of being deceived and enslaved, becoming stepping stones for ambitious people.

“I hope that my rebirth will allow the sacrifices of all the martyrs to have their due value.”

With that thought in mind, Meng Chao tightened his tattered clothes and squeezed into the crowd with Ice Storm.

At this moment, the rat people’s rebel army was still very chaotic.

Many of the rat people had been dragged there by the waves from all directions.

They were all confused and had yet to recover from their shock. Forget about identifying each other, they had almost forgotten their own names.

The manpower and time of the Rat God’s emissary were extremely limited.

Obviously, it was impossible to carry out a detailed screening of every rat person here.

Moreover, the Blood Hoof warriors had very distinct characteristics, from their appearance to their body shape to their burning killing intent.

It was unlikely that any Blood Hoof warrior would suddenly think of sneaking into the rat people’s volunteer army and play any undercover tricks.

Therefore, the Rat God’s emissary could only do it all at once and send everyone into the tunnel first.

Just like that, Meng Chao and Ice Storm went deep underground smoothly.

They moved underground with hundreds and thousands of rat people.

To avoid unnecessary chaos and casualties, there was a chain at the front and back of each line.

As long as they supported the chain, they could maintain the most basic order.

On both sides of the underground tunnel, a shining warning lamp would be lit every three to five arms to guide them toward hope.

In addition, this underground passage that had been built thousands of years ago had originally been prepared for the huge Blood Hoof warriors.

Most of the rat people were thinner than the Blood Hoof warriors by several rounds.

This also ensured that there was enough space between them so that they would not step on each other.

Even so, this long journey in the dim underground light environment was still a test of the organization of the whole team and the ability of the commander.

Meng Chao doubted whether the untrained rat slaves could really grit their teeth and walk dozens of miles to reach the safe zone far away from Black-corner City.

If the exit was too close to Black-corner City, it would be meaningless because the Blood Hoofs right outside the city could catch up to them and defeat them at any minute.

At this time, a rumbling explosion came from behind them.

The entire underground passage trembled slightly.

A large amount of fine sand and gravel were shaken off their heads.

It was likely that the Blood Hoof warriors had once again charged into the northern region of the city and had clashed with the troops that had stayed behind to defend.

In fact, the Blood Hoof warriors had already discovered the secret of the underground escape passage and were attacking the entrance of the underground passage with everything they had.

Meng Chao was burning with anxiety.

No matter how much the blocking troops looked at death as if it was their home.

Once the Blood Hoof warriors became serious, they were destined to have no chance at all.

Before long, the Blood Hoof warriors would rush into the underground tunnel like a combination of a meat grinder and a tunneling machine. They would crush all the rat people who were still trapped in the underground tunnel into meat paste.

The rat people would never be able to escape from this extremely long passage in a short period of time.

Obviously, aside from Meng Chao and Ice Storm, many of the rat people were aware of this problem.

Seeing that the group had slightly restored order, they gradually became flustered and scattered.


A deafening explosion suddenly came from a place very close to the tail of the group.

A large number of boulders had collapsed, blocking the rear of the underground passage tightly.

But this did not delay much time.

No matter how large the boulders were, no matter how hard they were, to the Blood Hoof warriors who were wearing totem armor and holding giant rock-breaking hammers, it was only a matter of a few strikes.

“Speed up! Speed up!”

In the depths of the passage, someone shouted.

“Don’t panic, everyone. The Rat God has blessed us all the way here. As long as our faith in the Rat God is firm, we will definitely be able to escape smoothly!”

Another person was so relieved.

That was indeed true.

Everything that happened in Black-corner City today was probably a miracle to everyone except for Meng Chao and Ice Storm!

Inspired by the “miracles,” the rabble that should have been panicking miraculously calmed down again.

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