Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1075 - The Mastermind’s Scheme

Chapter 1075: The Mastermind’s Scheme

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“We… have apparently met a ‘colleague!’”

Meng Chao’s mind was racing. Countless flashbacks from his previous life were connected to the clues he had discovered in this life, which made him instantly come to a realization. “These guys are targeting the temple just like us!

“However, their appetite is much bigger than ours. We only want to rob a mere Blood Skull Temple, but they are planning to sweep out the dozens of temples in Black-corner City.

“That’s right. They have spent an astronomical amount of resources to create such a big commotion. How can the weapons, armor, and secret medicines offered in Blood Skull Temple satisfy their appetite? At the very least, they need to plunder all thirty to fifty temples before they can have a good time!”

The shocking conclusion left Ice Storm stupefied.

After all, the temples held an extremely revered position in the hearts of the Turan people.

Warriors of different clans would rather kill each other on the battlefield than target each other’s temples.

Apart from her and Meng Chao, she really did not know who else would be so daring to take the risk of being cursed by their ancestral spirits and sweep through all the temples in Black-corner City.

“Look, they’ve gone in.”

Meng Chao pointed at the hooded rat elites who had sneaked into Blood Skull Temple and said, “If I’m not wrong, the bulging packages they carry are all tools used to crack the temple’s mechanisms. This is a very professional team. It appears that they have done a lot of temple searching and unlocking in the past.

“Therefore, their original intention of instigating a large-scale riot among the rats is obvious.

“The mastermind behind the director of the Rat God’s arrival probably doesn’t really want to save all the rat people and give them dignity as well as freedom.

“The rat people are just pawns of the mastermind. They are just tools to divert the Blood Hoof warriors’ attention.

“Initially, the Blood Hoof Clan’s elite warriors gathered in the Blood Hoof temple outside the city for practical exercises and a blood oath, so the military force in Black-corner City was extremely empty.

“However, some guards were always left behind by the major clans.

“Moreover, many temples are not located in public areas such as the Blood Skull Arena, but deep in the military nobles’ mansions that had been passed down for thousands of years.

“For example, the ancestral mansions of the Blood Hoof Clan and the Ironhide Clan are impenetrable military fortresses. Their iron walls that are dozens of arms high are an insurmountable obstacle.

“Therefore, ‘plundering dozens of temples in the city while Black-corner City is empty of soldiers’ is an impossible mission.

“As long as there is slight movement in the city, even if the army outside the city cannot return in time, it is almost certain that the hundred or so experts like Casanova Bloodhoof will return to defend Black-corner City at lightning speed and kill all the intruders along with the temple guards.

“Even the craziest temple thieves wouldn’t plan something so reckless.

“Therefore, the chiefs and priests who ruled Black-corner City never dreamed that someone would dare to have plans on the temple.

“However, the Rat God’s arrival shattered most of the unfavorable factors in an instant, turning the impossible mission into a possible miracle!

“First of all, through the professional teams who are good at earthwork and explosions, the ground below Black-corner City was riddled with holes. They found areas where the flammable and explosive gas that has accumulated for decades or even centuries is the densest. They carefully designed the explosion points to ensure that most of the iron walls that guarded the residence were blown to pieces. At the very least, a few holes, some collapses, and a few ‘green passageways’ would be left.

“Then, they incited the rat people and ignited the fire of resistance in their hearts. They dispatched and trained a large number of core members and organized thousands of rats. The moment the explosion occurred, a surging tide of rats swept through the entire Black-corner City.

“I think that, led by the elite rats in hoods, the rat people did not only break into the Blood Skull Arena’s granary and armory, but also all the granaries and armories in Black-corner City.

“Right now, a large number of rat subjects have received enough food and armed themselves with relatively sharp weapons and relatively sturdy and light armor.

“The benefits of doing so are self-evident.

“The guards of the temple who are stuck in Black-corner City all think that this is just a simple ‘rat rebellion.’ The rat people’s targets are only the granaries and armories.

“They can’t defend the temple to the death. They can only watch as the flames of chaos spread everywhere. However, they are definitely going to rescue the armory and the granary, suppress the rat people, and try to restore order.

“In any case, it’s impossible for the rat people with low status to destroy the temple. They didn’t have the guts or even the idea to attack the temple. Both the rat people and Blood Hoof warriors share this mindset!

“The elite rat people who are hiding in the tide are taking advantage of the lives of the rat subjects, who have been incited by ‘miracles.’ They are as crazy as demons and fearless of death, hence they are being used to exhaust the combat ability of the temple guards.

“Once the temple guards are exhausted and numb, and even their sabers are blunt and broken by the rat subjects’ bones, they will be able to easily take the lives of the temple guards!

“What’s better is that even if the Blood Hoof Army stationed outside the city saw the raging flames coming out of Black-corner City and heard the furious roars of the rat people who were unwilling to be enslaved, they will only think that it is a simple rat rebellion. The rat people’s targets are only the granary and the armory. Their goal is only to escape Black-corner City after they are fully armed and stocked with food!

“If that is the case, the Blood Hoof Clan’s warriors will not rush back to their own temples alone at the first moment.

“It’s more likely that they will cooperate with the army and advance slowly from the outside of the city. They will sweep and suppress the area one by one, slowly restoring order in Black-corner City.

“It’s even possible that they will send some troops to patrol and sweep the periphery of Black-corner City in an attempt to intercept the rat people who have escaped the city.

“By the time they realize that their opponents are not just the Rat God’s fanatical believers but even more mysterious and dangerous elements who have robbed dozens of temples, the hooded rat elites would have long fled with a lot of ancient weapons, armor, and secret medicines!”

Meng Chao was talking nonstop.

Through his deduction, he was sorting out and confirming his own judgment.

“In the end, countless rat people will die.”

Meng Chao came to a cold conclusion. “Even if the rat people are fully armed with armor, swords, and mandrake fruits, they still won’t be a match for the furious Blood Hoof warriors. It would be a miracle if two or three out of ten rat people are able to escape the tide.

“The Blood Hoof Clan would not be able to gain any advantage either. After this battle, they will definitely be greatly weakened and be at a loss.

“Only those who hide behind the Big-horned Rat God and exchange the lives of countless rat people for the ancient weapons and totem armors enshrined in the dozens of temples in Black-corner City will be the biggest winner!”

When Ice Storm heard everything, she held her breath and exhaled bone-chilling cold air.

She muttered, “I can’t believe that there would such a crazy plan in this world. There’s actually a madman with such a big appetite!”

As she said that, she cast an incredulous gaze on Meng Chao.

She completely trusted Meng Chao’s judgment.

Hidden behind the Big-horned Rat God was a rare and genius madman.

Well, Meng Chao was able to deduce all of the madman’s plans with just a few clues. So, what did that make him?

Meng Chao felt a little ashamed as he observed Ice Storm.

He asked himself and believed that he did not have the ability to deduce things too meticulously or come up with such a crazy plan.

He only saw the standard answer in advance, and then he would deduce a way to solve the problem based on the standard answer.

In his previous life, the Great Horn Rebellion that swept through the entire Picturesque Orchid Lake did not last long before it was ruthlessly suppressed.

However, the rat rebellion had seriously disrupted the ruling order of the five major clans. As a result, the highest authority had slipped from the hands of the traditional lions and tigers in the Gold Clan to the hands of Kanus, the Jackal.

“Jackal” Kanus had led the Wolf Clan in their rise and became the biggest and final winner of the Great Horn Rebellion.

Through the ‘facts’ in the memory fragments of his previous life and the evidence that he had gathered in front of him, it was not difficult to guess who was the mastermind behind the “Big-horned Rat God’s descent.”

“What should we do then?” Ice Storm asked.

“Should we follow the original plan and leave Black-corner City as soon as possible?”


Meng Chao’s eyes glimmered with a strange light as he mumbled, “If my speculation is correct, we might be able to get a share of the spoils from the chaotic situation.”

Ice Storm had seen such a light before…

When Meng Chao saw the mechanism under Blood Skull Temple and the Skull Crushers in the hands of the Origin Warrior, 249.

“What else do you want?” Ice Storm asked with a frown.

“Nothing. I’m just wondering why our appetites are so small. We only want to get a share of the spoils in Blood Skull Temple, but we have never thought of targeting the Blood Hoof Clan’s temples, the Ironhide Clan, and the major clans in Black-corner City,” Meng Chao asked.

Ice Storm was slightly startled, and she quickly said, “Do you even need to ask? The defenses of these temples are far stricter than that of Blood Skull Temple. It’s very difficult for outsiders to approach them. Moreover, even if there are no temple guards, the mechanisms inside the temples are not so easy to crack. We don’t have the time or ability to break into so many temples at once!”

“That’s right. It’s already good enough for the two of us to deal with Blood Skull Temple.”

Meng Chao smiled and said, “But what if someone has already helped us transport all the ancient weapons, totem armors, and priceless secret medicines that are enshrined in the temples of Black-corner City to the surface?”

Ice Storm widened her eyes. “You want to attack these ‘temple thieves?’”

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