Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1073 - The Masters of the Rat People

Chapter 1073: The Masters of the Rat People

Both of them were masters of stealth assassination.

They had also received the support of their brand new totem armors.

Like two faint shadows, they blended into the smoke and dust that filled the ground. They arrived at the armory and granary in the southeastern corner of the Blood Skull Arena silently.

In the nearby ruins, they found a vantage point and climbed up close to the wall.

Meng Chao wiped the dirt and mud off his hands and spread them evenly on his totem armor’s helmet, reducing the reflection of the flames.

He stuck half of his head out, squinted, and looked into the distance.

He found that the walls of the armory and the granary, including the high wall of the Blood Skull Arena that was close to them, had all collapsed in the explosion.

One huge hole after another formed a “green passage” that faced the street.

Countless rat people wearing ragged clothes and hungry faces smelled the mandrake fruit’s unique fragrance. Stimulated by their appetites, they gathered into a surging tide and rushed toward the armory and granary.

After Meng Chao’s sneak attack earlier, there were only dozens of clan warriors left in the Blood Skull Arena, including the temple guards.

With the exception of the temple guards, most of the warriors were missing arms and legs or had internal injuries that were not conducive to fighting. That was why Casanova left them behind.

They had all gathered around the armory and granary to form a solid defense line.

It was like a dam with thorns all over its body, stopping and tearing the raging waves.

Without professional training, the slave rats, who had been squeezed half their lives dry in the foundry workshop, were like weeds in a hurricane, uprooted and fluttering in the air under the fierce dance of the clan warriors’ great swords.

In the dozens of seconds that Meng Chao had observed, at least a hundred slave rats had fallen under the bombardment of the warriors’ great swords, sabers, and meteor hammers.

However, under the psychological influence of the Big-horned Rat God’s arrival in the big explosion of Black-corner City, the slave rats, who had nowhere to go, were as strong-willed and excited as they were physically weak.

Even though the previous wave of rats had just been cut in half by the clan warriors’ great swords and all of them had died horribly…

The rats behind them were still charging forward fearlessly. They used the iron hammers and the rough iron rods that had just been forged and the bone clubs that had not been polished or strengthened to launch their attacks like moths to the flame.

While they were advancing, they were roaring crazily.

“The Rat God has arrived. Victory will belong to all the rat subjects

“The Rat God is watching us from the sky. Charge! Kill! Even if we die on the battlefield, we will be reborn on the top of the holy mountain under the Rat God’s guidance!”

“Look! That’s the Rat God! That’s the Rat God!”

At this moment, the sky over Black-corner City was filled with thick smoke, flames, and dark clouds that had been licked red by the flames.

The vitality magnetic fields of millions of people were surging crazily, which caused the magnetic fields of the planets in a small area to be in disorder. The flames, smoke, and dark clouds that were floating in midair were rolling like raging waves, changing into all kinds of shapes.

In the eyes of the zealots, it was not strange at all that they thought that they had seen the Rat God or that the Rat God was watching them.

Under the Rat God’s gaze, many of the rat slaves whose minds were blank because of their killing intent had never thought of snatching enough weapons and mandrake fruits to successfully escape Black-corner City.

Perhaps, they would be able to rush in front of the hateful clan warriors with the surging tide of rats, cut off even a hair on their bodies, and die at the hands of the clan warriors in the most tragic and heroic manner, they would let the Rat God see their “heroic posture.”

This was the ultimate salvation and meaning of battle for the rat people.

The incomparably fierce battle made the clan warriors guarding the granary and armory somewhat fearful.

Even if the rat people could not break through their defense line for a time, they only stretched their necks and let them kill as much as they wanted.

However, they would also feel numb and tired after breaking hundreds of bones that were as hard as iron.

The big explosion in Black-corner City had, in particular, caught them off guard. Tens of thousands of rat people were shouting the name of the Big-horned Rat God and crazily running to the clan warriors to seek their own death.

This scene was completely beyond their comprehension. For the first time in their lives, the clan warriors felt a slight fear toward the rat people who had the blood of despicable people flowing in them.

Both sides were in a stalemate at the entrance of the granary and armory.

The formation was messy and lacked the ability to attack. Only the rat slave workers with fanatical beliefs could hardly break through the final line of defense formed by the clan warriors.

However, no matter how crazily the clan warriors attacked, they could only slaughter the rat people’s bodies, but they could not destroy their will.

The rat people’s craze grew stronger and stronger. They had no intention of collapsing or retreating.

In a short while, the granary and armory were filled with the horrible corpses of the rat people.

They had been cut down by the sabers and smeared by the dust. On their dark faces, there was a relieved smile on their lips.

“This is not the way to go on.”

Meng Chao frowned when he saw the tragic battle.

He was on the rat people’s side, both emotionally and for their own benefit.

At this rate, even if the rat slaves could take down the Blood Skull Arena’s granary and armory, they would have to pay a heavy price.

As a result, they would not have enough manpower and time to empty the granary and armory.

One should know that the main force of the Blood Skull Battle Group led by Casanova would return to Black-corner City at any time.

If the rat slaves had not retreated with a large number of mandrake fruits and weapons by the time Casanova arrived.

At that time, not a single rat slave would be able to escape Casanova’s fury.

‘I have to help the rat slaves. Otherwise, their casualties will be too heavy. Even if they can flee from Black-corner City, they will not be able to escape from the Blood Hoof warriors’ pursuit.

Meng Chao was about to jump up when Ice Storm suddenly pressed his shoulders down.

‘Wait a minute. I feel that something is wrong. The battle line of the Blood Hoof warriors is wavering. They are going to be defeated.’

Meng Chao was slightly stunned.

Would it be possible for a dignified Blood Hoof warrior, even if he was a third-rate warrior with a broken arm or leg, to lose to a group of scrawny rat slaves?

However, he knew that Ice Storm would not shoot at random.

When it came to the understanding of gladiators and temple guards, Ice Storm, who had been in the Blood Skull Arena for more than two years, was clearly more wise than Meng Chao.

Following the direction she was pointing at, Meng Chao focused his eyes and watched.

Sure enough, he saw a Blood Hoof warrior, who was on the verge of collapse, being attacked by the rat tide.

A moment later, he was actually swallowed by the rat tide!

It turned out that a rat person wearing a hooded cloak was disguised as a corpse. From the pile of bloody corpses, her slowly wriggled like a worm and moved behind the Blood Hoof warrior, holding his breath and lying in wait.

It was not until the Blood Hoof warrior stepped over him that he stabbed the Blood Hoof warrior’s legs from bottom to top at lightning speed. He ended up penetrating the Blood Hoof warrior’s entire cavity!

The Blood Hoof warrior’s fall caused a fatal breach in the entire line of defense.

It was as if a dam had begun to collapse, and it had gone out of control.

Meng Chao noticed that more and more rat slave workers wearing hooded cloaks, whose faces could not be seen clearly, leaped out of the rat tide. Under their cloaks, cold rays of light flashed. At the same time, they stabbed the Blood Hoof warrior’s vital points.

Their movements were much faster and fiercer than that of the ordinary rat slave workers.

The weapons they used did not seem to be crude and half-finished products.

However, they were as fearless as the ordinary rat slaves, and they were willing to die together with the Blood Hoof warriors at any time.

The appearance of the “elite rat subjects” broke the deadlock instantly.

In less than three minutes, a huge fountain of blood burst out of the last Blood Hoof warrior’s waist.

Covering his waist, he was swallowed by the surging rat tide before he could even scream.

The rat people marched straight in and took over the granary and armory.

Perhaps even they themselves did not expect their overpowering revolt to go so smoothly this time.

The old master warriors especially, who used to be high and mighty, who had bullied and abused them wantonly, were actually chopped up into minced meat by them.

That unparalleled feeling practically injected a tonic into all the rats.

It made them believe that only the Big-horned Rat God’s arrival could create such a miracle!

For a moment, hundreds and thousands of rat people were dancing and crying on the mountain of weapons and mandrake fruits.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm looked at each other, but at the same time, they saw the confusion in each other’s eyes.

“Those guys wearing hoods and cloaks are not ordinary rat slaves but well-trained warriors.”

Both of them came to a conclusion in unison.

There were strong people among the rat fighters.

Some of the rat people who were gifted with supernatural strength were as big and strong as the clan warriors. They were able to tear apart tigers and leopards.

However, if the civilians who had not received professional training only knew how to fight by instinct, their attacks would definitely be sloppy and ineffective.

Similarly, when enemies, especially those who were far stronger than themselves, swung their sabers at them fiercely, even if they were mentally prepared to face death with ease, their muscles would inevitably tense up, and their breathing would be rapid. They would subconsciously block and dodge.

That was the survival instinct of carbon-based intelligent life forms.

Without years of harsh training, it was difficult to control them.

These rat people wearing hooded cloaks managed to control their instincts.

Moreover, they restrained their ineffective moves to the extreme.

Even when they executed a simple horizontal chop or vertical chop, it would feel like it had been tempered thousands of times.

With their tacit cooperation, usually three to five people would lunge out at the same time and attack a Blood Hoof warrior.

Facing a Blood Hoof warrior, it was more like they took the initiative to step up and die, exposing the Blood Hoof warrior’s fatal flaw so that the others could kill him in one strike.

Such skilled combat techniques made Meng Chao think of the Red Dragon Army. They were well-trained and experienced special forces.

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