Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1055 - First Line of Defense

Chapter 1055: First Line of Defense

Casanova Bloodhoof, or most advanced orcs, would never dream that someone would have designs on a temple.

First of all, every temple, no matter how big or small, as long as it received the blessing of the ancestral spirit, had a defense that far surpassed the clan’s era.

Those who recklessly intruded would often die without knowing how.

Second, although the weapons, secret medicines, and ancient books enshrined in the temple had unparalleled power, they also contained extremely high risks. Even if they took away a weapon, it would be difficult to control it easily.

Third, the advanced orcs naturally had a reverence for their ancestral spirits who were close to gods.

Even the temples of rival clans and competing clans would not be easily destroyed.

Even if the enemy’s entire settlement or tribe was wiped out, the temple wouldn’t be completely destroyed.

Instead, the enemy’s ancestral spirit would be incorporated into the ancestral spirit worship system of their own clan and continue to serve them.

No matter how crazy an advanced orc was, they would not take the risk of dying on the spot, becoming an Origin Warrior, being cursed by the ancestral spirit, or provoking a powerful clan to rob a temple.

Unfortunately, Meng Chao was not an advanced orc.

He and Ice Storm had already circled the Blood Skull temple, making sure there were no more guards and exploring the terrain behind the temple.

Meng Chao gestured to Ice Storm and signaled with his eyes. “Are your injuries okay?”

Ice Storm snorted and disappeared into the thick smoke.

Meng Chao stretched out five fingers and counted silently in his heart, “Five, four, three, two, one!”

When he counted to the last number, he suddenly stood up and took a crouching position to start running. Like a 100-meter sprint, he did not hide his intentions and rushed toward the two guards.

While he was still 100 meters away, the two guards felt a fierce hurricane blowing toward them.

The killing intent that seemed to be tangible completely froze their brains, hearts, and vocal cords, making them unable to even scream.

The two guards tried their best to overcome the fear in their hearts and barely raised their shields and swords toward Meng Chao.

However, Ice Storm had already landed silently behind them.

It also heavily slashed at their necks with the hand knives that were covered in frost.

The cold wave instantly invaded the cervical vertebrae of the two guards.

Along with the spinal cord, it froze their central nerves.

Even the necks of the two guards, who stood up like strong bulls, were thicker than Meng Chao’s thighs.

After a muffled groan, they both fell to the ground. Their skin was purple and their faces were ashen.

After taking care of the two guards in an instant, Ice Storm was expressionless, but she raised her eyebrows at Meng Chao.

Meng Chao grinned and gave her a thumbs up.

The two of them dragged the two frozen guards into the ruined walls and hid them well.

They circled around Blood Skull temple at a close distance and carefully studied the outer wall of the temple to see if there was any flaw that could be exploited.


There were none.

The ground of the Blood Skull temple was like a red skull magnified a hundred times.

The dark eye sockets and the horns that shot up into the sky were all there.

The outer wall was also engraved with dense cuneiform characters that gave off an inviolable majesty.

If one closed their eyes and listened carefully, one could even hear the wild wind blowing through the dark eye sockets, giving off a sharp roar that sounded like the roar of a fierce soul.

Not only did it contain the fierce souls of the Gladiators who had died in the arena over the past thousand years.

It also included the Blood Hoof warriors who had died in the Battle of Glory thousands of years ago.

In fact, the history of the Blood Skull temple was even older than the Blood Skull Arena.

It was the ancient Turan people who first built this temple and worshipped a large amount of the precious resources, technology, and devices of the Turan civilization.

Thousands of years later, the advanced orcs often gathered in front of the temple for the gladiator battles to please their ancestors. Over time, it gradually formed one of the largest arenas in Black-corner City today.

Therefore, the temple itself was a hundred times sturdier than the arena.

It was definitely not something that could be broken by a simple and violent iron fist bombardment.

“Big Buck told me that the outer wall of the Blood Skull temple has received the blessing of the ancestral spirits and can reflect all attacks.”

Meng Chao muttered as he gathered spirit energy in his right arm and punched the outer wall of the temple.




Three loud noises were heard in succession.

When Meng Chao’s fist made contact with the outer wall of the temple, the cuneiform characters embedded in the wall were all emitting dazzling brilliance.

Like hungry piranhas, they absorbed all the energy that was spurting out of Meng Chao’s fingers.

Then, countless glittering cuneiform characters gathered together and formed a fist that was even bigger than Meng Chao’s head, aiming at his chest.

Meng Chao was already prepared and hurriedly crossed his fists.

However, he was still bounced back by the fist, shattering his stance and sending his body flying.

He nimbly turned in the air four or five arms away and landed lightly on the ground. He rubbed his sore and numb arms and secretly clicked his tongue.

Seeing this, Ice Storm pondered for a moment, then stepped forward and gently pressed her arms against the outer wall of the temple.

As the runes on the totem armor flickered, two waves of cold blue waves gushed out from her palms and gradually spread out, freezing the entire wall that was two square arms.

The cold blue frost was suffused with a pale luster, as if it had changed the texture of the wall, turning it into glass that would shatter at the touch.

Ice Storm turned around and was about to tell Meng Chao, “You try again.”

However, Meng Chao’s expression changed, and he anxiously said, “Be careful!”

Ice Storm’s pupils suddenly contracted, and an ice path appeared under her feet. Her body turned into a blue lightning bolt, and in one breath, she slid more than ten arms away.

Almost at the same time, the blue frost on the outer wall of the temple instantly shattered with a bang, turning into countless ice needles that shot toward Ice Storm like a blizzard, clanging and landing at her heels, a short distance away.

The two looked at each other. They were both shocked by the extraordinary power of the ancient Turan people.

“It seems that it’s impossible to break through the wall.”

Meng Chao said, “According to Big Buck, all the temples of Turan were built by the ancestral spirits using supreme divine power and were buried underground. Otherwise, they would have naturally sunk underground after thousands of years.

“In other words, the surroundings of the temples are all made of the same material. It’s impossible to dig three feet into the ground and break through from the bottom of the temples.

“Besides, we don’t have so much time to dig a tunnel out slowly.

“Then we can only go through the main door.”

The two of them walked around the huge skull and opened its mouth.

They took a deep breath at the same time, and worked together to push the thick and heavy door that was carved with cuneiform characters, as if it was made of a whole piece of rock.

The door was not locked.

But it seemed to be sealed by a viscous force.

The two of them gritted their teeth, and pushed for a full half a minute before slowly pushing open a crack.

With the help of the blazing fire, they could vaguely see that there was a long, sloping path inside.

The totem power that was emitted from the depths of the path made the two of them feel as if there were dozens of totem beasts lurking in the darkness.

The two of them activated their masks, covered their noses and mouths, and walked into the depths of the temple without leaving any gaps.

The flames that flowed in through the gaps in the door behind them had already been silently swallowed by the darkness.

However, the wall in front of them automatically lit up balls of dark red flames, reflecting the meandering path.

It was as if they were walking in the intestines of a giant beast.

Meng Chao carefully observed the wall and found that there were huge reliefs carved on the wall.

They were all kinds of ferocious and ferocious totem beasts.

The red flames that extended all the way were the eyes of the totem beasts.

He reached out his finger and lightly touched it, but he did not feel the slightest temperature from the red flames.

However, his spirit meridian faintly reacted and sensed a strange force invading his body through his fingertip.

It seemed that the eyes of these totem beasts were not real flames.

Instead, they were some kind of magnetic field restraint and spirit energy release devices.

Therefore, they could overcome the erosion of tens of millions of years and continuously ignite and extinguish themselves.

“The ancient Turan people’s creation is indeed something.”

Meng Chao retracted his finger and flicked it lightly, forcing out the xenogeneic power that had invaded his body and accurately reflected it back into the red flames.

Ice Storm continued to move forward. Soon, after passing through a small round hall, the path ahead became smooth and spacious.

However, on both sides of the spacious path, there were two rows of statues.

The black statues looked like a mixture of black iron and obsidian.

They both had the luster of metal and the texture of rock.

There were more than a hundred statues in total. Their average height was between three to four arms. With vivid strokes, more than a hundred Blood Hoof warriors that were literally strong and muscular had been carved out. They were extremely valiant.

They were all Minotaurs, wild boar men, elephant men, centaurs, and some hippo warriors as well as rhinoceros warriors.

They were all wearing armor.

The bulging muscles all over their bodies seemed to be bursting the sturdiest armor from the inside out.

In their hands, they were holding axes, hammers, great swords, and sabers. They were crossing each other in the air, forming a shining corridor.

Although they were cold, dead objects.

They were emitting a strong killing intent and fighting will.

Meng Chao activated his extraordinary vision. He could even see smoke coming out of the ‘statues’. The smoke gathered in their eyes as if they were staring at two uninvited guests.

“The weapons in the hands of these statues seem to be real weapons.”

Ice Storm silently walked to the first statue and carefully observed it for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

“They are real weapons.”

Meng Chao said, “These are all ancient warriors of the Blood Hoof Clan. Many of them have made great contributions in the war that created the Blood Hoof Clan. That’s why they are qualified to be worshipped here, and they form the first line of defense in the temple’s protection.”

Ice Storm nodded and asked, “Then, how can we pass through this line of defense?”

“If we have permission to fight the Blood Hoofs, we just need to walk past the swords, spears, and halberds in the hands of hundreds of statues.”

Meng Chao said, “If we don’t, we also need to walk past them.”

Ice Storm was slightly stunned, and she said, “What’s the difference?”

“The difference is that with permission, these statues will just be motionless statues. The swords, spears, and halberds hanging above your head will never fall.”

Meng Chao added, “Without the permission, I don’t know… Anyway, no one has tried it in the past one to two hundred years.”

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