Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1020 - : A Miracle Is About to Happen!

Chapter 1020: A Miracle Is About to Happen!

Half Face was silent for a moment.

It was as if he had given a signal in the fog.

A few of his companions immediately spread out in all directions to check if there were any random people following them or hiding nearby.

Naturally, they could not find Meng Chao, who had perfectly blended into the darkness like a shadow. Plus, he had restrained his breathing, heartbeat, and even body temperature to the limits.

After checking around and making sure that no one was following or eavesdropping, Half Face finally said, “Since they are still alive, they must have received the Rat God’s blessings. In that case, send them to their old place and hide them. Hopefully, the secret medicine that the Rat God has given us can save their lives.”

A few of his companions nodded one after another.

One of them indignantly said, “Black Claw is really too much. In just the past three days, he has already whipped twelve rat subjects to death. Our lives as rat people are probably even lowlier than that of actual rats before him!

“One day, I will tie him to a mandrake tree and let him have a taste of it. His flesh and blood will be torn off by a prickly whip until his bones are completely exposed!”

“Such a day will come.”

Half Face said, “Be patient, my friends. The day you are looking forward to is not far away. Before long, the Big-horned Rat God will perform a miracle in Black-corner City, and the demons who have bullied the rat people will receive the punishment they deserve!”

Hearing that, his companions were all excited.

“Half Face, have you brought good news?”

One of his companions eagerly asked, “How is the situation in the city?”

“Very good. Not only are most of the rat slaves in the casting area ready to welcome the Big-horned Rat God’s arrival at any time, there are also casinos, markets, taverns, mines, markets, and farms for totem beasts. Almost all the rat people in the city are eagerly looking forward to the unbelievable miracle.”

Half Face paused for a moment before he continued. “More than half of the rat soldiers in the arena have even fallen into the Rat God’s arms. If a miracle really happens, they will definitely support us!”

“Is that so?”

One of his companions expressed his doubt. “However, I’ve heard that the lives of the servants are much more comfortable than those of slave workers like us. Moreover, as long as they serve their master and fight for their lives, they might be granted blood by their master and become a member of the Blood Hoof Clan.

“Can they really believe in the Rat God and support our righteous deeds?”

“Not all the servants have the hope of becoming clan warriors.”

Half Face explained to his companions, “Although the civil rat servants in the arena eat much better than us slave workers, their casualty rate is much higher than ours due to the harsh training and battles.

“Let’s not talk about the dead. Even if they are lucky enough to survive the arena, they will likely be swiped by the clan warriors’ sabers or swords and become crippled.

“Such cripples can usually be servants. However, in the glorious era, when the entire Blood Hoof Clan is about to march out, they can only join the ranks of the slave soldiers. They won’t escape the fate of being cannon fodder.

“A hundred servant soldiers experienced dozens of bloody battles, but only one of them survived and became a clan warrior. Yet, that’s already a great fortune.

“For the other ninety-nine servant soldiers, they are doomed to die. Compared with dying for their master and the Blood Hoof Clan, isn’t it much more glorious to die for the rat people’s own clan?”

“Half Face has a point.”

Another slightly older voice said, “The biggest question now is whether or not the Rat God can perform a sufficiently shocking miracle.

“As long as the great Rat God can shake the entire Black-corner City, from the quarry to the arena, from the casino to the tavern, from the black-corner city to the Red-gold City, the millions of rat people in Picturesque Orchid Lake will definitely join us and form the Great Horn Legion that will make the armies of the five clans tremble in fear

“But how long do we have to wait?”

The young and impatient voice that said that he was going to whip the supervisor, Black Claw, into a skeleton said, “When will the miracle arrive? You must know that the game of the brave will not last long. When the game is over, it will mean that the big families have decided on their seats. They will form the Blood Hoof army.

“At that time, most of the rat people will join the army as slave soldiers, slave soldiers, and slave laborers, under the clan warriors’ direct command.

“When that time comes, it will not be so easy to resist anymore

“Don’t be impatient. My friend, the Rat God has his own plans.”

Half Face slightly raised his voice. “Ever since we bear the notoriety of humiliation, we rat people have silently endured for 10,000 years. The suffering of 10,000 years has converged into magma that can burn everything. All the rat people can feel the heat of the magma. Don’t tell me that you can’t even endure the last few days?

“In the past ten years of prosperity, the number of rat people has increased by more than ten times compared to the peak of thousands of years ago. This is the greatest strength that the Rat God has gradually awakened and bestowed upon us.

“Right now, the glorious era that belongs to the rat people has begun. The miracle is quietly brewing on the dark clouds that fill the sky. In a few more days, the thunder that represents judgment will descend on those who insult us, exploit us, bully us, and kill us.

“What you need to do is to continue praying wholeheartedly in the last few days. Make sure that when the miracle does come, you have enough courage to throw angry fists and sharp sabers at the Minotaurs, wild boars, barbarian elephants, and Centaurs.”

“Of course.

“With the Rat God’s blessing, we are not afraid of the Minotaurs and wild boars.

“They have their ancestral spirits, we have our ancestral spirits. The Big-horned Rat God is the most powerful ancestral spirit!”

With Half Face’s encouragement, the rat slaves were all excited.

However, they seemed to be overly excited. Relying on the stinky Thousand-corpse Pit, there were not many warriors from the clan who would appear. Their voices became louder and louder, and they almost waved their fists, they were shouting slogans like, “Long live the Big-horned Rat God, Long live the sixth clan,” and so on.

Meng Chao’s face was full of black lines as he listened from the side.

He could understand the rat people who had suffered a lot and were eager to control their own destinies.

However, they could be so brazen. They needed to realize that they were rebelling. The enemy could have their heads!

Of course, for those who resisted in the clan era, especially those who were driven by fanatical beliefs, they could only gather together. Those who had the courage to rise up, they were expected to be like the members of a secret organization in the modern war environment. The system was strict, and they were well-trained, as well as always full of vigilance and confidentiality. That was too much to ask for.

In any case, Meng Chao remembered that most of the ancient rebels on Earth were similar to the rat people in front of him. They were extremely audacious and did whatever they wanted. Before the government noticed them, they would often make a ruckus and spread it to the whole world.

In a word, they were courting death.

“No wonder the rat rebellion in my previous life was destroyed by ‘Jackal’ Kanus!”

Meng Chao mumbled to himself, “It was a well-informed organization with a plan full of loopholes.”

When the Dragon City civilization and the Turan civilization had contacted each other in his previous life, the latter was already in the hands of “Jackal” Kanus.

For a Ghost Assassin like Meng Chao who was in charge of the operation, there were only a few lines of information about the rat rebellion.

He did not know the Rat God’s true face or whether the “miracle” that was about to shake the entire Black-corner City had arrived.

But the probability was probably not there?

At least, it did not achieve the expected effect of the resistance.

He did not receive the response of all the rat people in the entire map.

Otherwise, the rat rebellion would not have been so easily suppressed by Kanus’ Wolf Legion.

Meng Chao felt that he should give the rebels a small push.

He would remind them not to be so high-profile and not to overturn an old world. It was not that easy.

It was not only because of the simple sense of justice that helped the weak.

It was also because Meng Chao suddenly thought that if the rat population’s rebellion could last longer than in his previous life, it might change the direction of the war in the Other World.

If the scale of the rat rebellion could be several times larger than in his previous life, and it could last for more than a year and a half, did it mean that the Turan civilization would not be able to easily complete the integration of their internal forces and start a war against the entire Holy Light faction.

Meng Chao pondered, when the Holy Light faction received the news that the Turan civilization was in a civil war and could not take care of itself, would they shift their strategic focus from the eastern front to the western front, from the advanced orcs to the Ancient Tomb Marquis and the abyssfolk?

“On the surface, the internal strife might significantly weaken the overall strength of the Turan civilization.

“However, it might win a precious buffer period for the Turan civilization and the Dragon City civilization hiding behind the Turan civilization, and make the western front the main battlefield of the war between worlds. Meanwhile, the seemingly peaceful eastern front was full of opportunities to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the situation.

“As for the possibility of the Holy Light faction taking advantage of the internal strife of the Turan civilization to strike first and invade on a large scale..

“It shouldn’t exist, right?

“Because all the mandrake trees have bloomed and not even half of their fruits have grown. Other than a large group of furious and hungry advanced orcs, the entire Picturesque Orchid Lake doesn’t have many resources that can be used efficiently with the technology of the Middle Ages.

“Fighting and trading are the same thing. There must be profits to be made, unless it is like the war between worlds in my previous life, where both sides fought with real fire and ended up in a war of national extermination. Then a large number of elite advanced orcs, together with the steel torrent of the dragon city civilization, were completely annihilated in the land of Holy Light, leaving the rear defensive line extremely empty.

“Otherwise, no one can bear to plunge into the Picturesque Orchid Lake and into the bloody mouths of countless advanced orcs, right?”

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