Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1011 - Two Choices

Chapter 1011: Two Choices

“From Ghoul Dog to Turan King, how inspiring!”

In the depths of Meng Chao’s brain, there was a large amount of information about Jackal Kanus.

There was nothing he could do. As the man who had started the war between worlds in his previous life, whether he was regarded as a hero who had risen to challenge the old order, or the main culprit who had wreaked havoc on the entire world and ultimately led to the destruction of the Turan civilization and Dragon City civilization…

His sense of existence was too strong.

The Holy Light faction in his previous life called him the “Wilderness Wolf”, which meant that he brought disaster and destruction.

Wherever he passed by, whether it was originally a glorious city, lush forests, or the subterranean world with exquisite structure and intricate maze-like structure, they would all turn into ruins and devastation, it’s like a desert that’s been abandoned for thousands of years.

As for the chaos faction..

Well, the naturally rebellious, chaotic and liberal faction of chaos doesn’t have the habit of bragging about the leaders of its allies.

Moreover, “Wolf of the wasteland, Wolf of disaster, Wolf of the Netherworld, Wolf of the end”and other such nicknames that the Holy Light Camp had painstakingly come up with to defame “Jackal”kanus sounded, in the chaos camp, rather awe-inspiring.

It was as if the people of Dragon City did not mind the holy light camp calling them “Otherworld catastrophes.”.

They did not feel ashamed at all. Instead, they felt proud of themselves.

Speaking of which, whether it was the Holy Light Camp or the chaos camp in his previous life, they had to admit that “Jackal”Kanus was a very evil genius.

Although he was a madman who had provoked a war between worlds.

However, in his crazy brain, when he was not so crazy, he could shine with a radiance that no other champion in the chaos faction could shine with for tens of millions of years.

To be more precise, before “Jackal”kanus ascended to the throne of war chief, the Otherworld continent did not have the concept of the “Chaos faction”.

There was only the “Chaos Race”.

Even the chaos race was a concept that was constructed by the Holy Light faction.

It was used to describe the unruly and unruly races who lived around the continent of another world. They refused to listen to the teachings of the Holy Light, and they were even more unwilling to sacrifice their flesh and soul to the Holy Light.

For example, the orcs, ogres, Blood Elves, undead race, Abyss Demons, and so on. Later, there was also the “Alien catastrophe”from Earth, the people of Dragon City.

These chaotic races did not have the self-awareness to gather under the same battle flag and start a war against the Holy Light Camp.

Until the appearance of “Jackal”kanus.

The rise of this “Corpse-eating dog”or “Wilderness Wolf”was a mixed blessing for the Dragon City civilization in the previous life.

On the positive side, because this “Corpse-eating dog”did not “Seize”the throne of King Turan, but used some unknown means to “Steal”the highest power of Turan ZE.

And in the past tens of millions of years, the werewolves had never led the entire Tulan civilization.

Therefore, the foundation of his rule was not stable.

When faced with the deep-rooted military nobles among the lion-men, Tigermen, Tauren, and even wild boar-men, he had to rely on the help of external forces to be able to balance the veteran nobles such as the bloody hoof family.

This was why, in his previous life, Dragon City fought so fiercely at the end of the Monster War and stepped out of the monster mountain range in a greatly weakened state. Even a blind man could see the weakness of Dragon City, but it was still the first time.., received the warmest welcome from “Jackal”kanus.

Each Other’s dragon city civilization, has not been covered in wounds of blood lapping clean.

The so-called “Iron Torrent”, but also by the dying of the monster civilization counterattacks, rushed to pieces, there is no later “Alien natural disaster”awe-inspiring.

It is reasonable to say that the high orcs, who are rebellious and worship the strong, are hard to look at.

But for “Jackal”kanus, the people of Dragon City might be more reliable than the veteran nobles such as the Lion Man, Tigerman, Tauren, and wild boar man. After all, the people of Dragon City could not compete with him for the throne of “Chief of war, King of Tulan”!

Therefore, “Jackal”kanus opened his arms and warmly and sincerely welcomed the arrival of his friends on Earth.

He was talking and laughing with the top management of the nine Big Enterprises.

And from the werewolf legends of the Earth era, he found evidence of the long-standing friendship between them.

He also very straightforwardly opened the vast market of Tulanze, ordering his dozen or so werewolf battle groups to all change into automatic rifles and rocket launchers from Dragon City.

Overnight, he became very friendly with the people from Earth.

During their honeymoon period, “Jackal”kanus generously provided dragon city with a large amount of resources, helping Dragon City to tide over the economic crisis and lack of resources after the tragic victory.

Apart from the earthlings, “Jackal”kanus also extended an olive branch to the various chaos races.

One had to know that the race distribution in the other world, including humans, dwarves, and elves belonging to the Holy Light faction, was located in the fertile land with abundant resources in the center of the continent.

The chaos faction was scattered in the barren mountains and rivers and vast deserts around the continent.

The lack of resources was one aspect.

More importantly, the geographical difficulties and obstacles were unattainable. It was destined that it would be difficult for the chaos races to join forces naturally.

In the history of the Otherworld Wars over the past tens of millions of years, it was not that the chaos races had never produced heroic figures with great talents and great strategies.

However, when these heroes raised their sabers towards the fertile land at the center of the Otherworld, the Holy Light faction would always be able to rely on the advantage of fighting on the inside, making it very convenient for them to obtain the help of their allies.

Meanwhile, due to the personality, geography, and social form of the chaos race, they had never thought that they would be able to find allies in other worlds that spanned across the entire continent.

Take the Tulan civilization as an example.

When the proud lion-men, Savage Tigermen, conceited Tauren, and irritable boar-men launched a ‘War of Honor’against the land of Holy Light, they never thought that they could invite the undead in the vast desert, those skeleton soldiers who were ‘scrawny and vulnerable’launched attacks at the same time as them, pincer attacks from the north and the south.

‘Jackal’kanus, on the other hand, was different.

He was able to calmly accept the disgraceful nickname of ‘corpse-eating dog’. He did not care about using any means to seize or steal the victory.

Long before he used both soft and hard tactics and established an alliance with the people of Earth to attack and defend.

He had secretly sent envoys to contact the chaos races scattered at the edge of the Otherworld continent.

Through secret military agreements, all the chaos races were bound together to become a ‘chaos faction’that was equal to the Holy Light faction.

Only in this way could they start the ‘Ultimate War’that would engulf the entire foreign land.

Meng Chao believed that no matter how the butterfly effect evolved, ‘Jackal’kanus would still strongly need the dragon city people as his ‘good friend’, and he would not easily betray the alliance agreement.

The problem was that this guy was too dangerous.

To be able to form the first alliance of the chaos races in tens of millions of years, and to pose the most serious threat to the holy light faction in history, this was indeed a meritorious deed.

At the beginning of the war between worlds, when “Jackal”kanus led the Tulan army and broke into the core of the Holy Light faction through an incredible route with lightning-fast combat techniques, all the holy light races were greatly shocked, even the most devout believers began to waver, believing that the end had come. “Jackal”kanus was the messenger from the Netherworld, representing the god of death.

“The gods are dead!”

At that time, there were even people within the holy light camp who let out such heinous screams.

Unfortunately, the gods were not all dead in the end.

“Jackal”kanus was the same as the Dragon City civilization. None of them were able to escape the fate of being exterminated in the end.

In other words, he and the entire chaos camp, who were innately deficient, were unable to create a miracle in the end, even though they had unleashed 120% of their war potential.

They had smashed their heads against the iron wall formed by the old order that had ruled the Otherworld for tens of thousands of years, revealing many fatal flaws within.

At this time, “Jackal”kanus could no longer turn back.

If it was the lion-man, tiger-man, or Tauren who commanded the Tulan Army, the accumulated wealth of the noble families over tens of thousands of years was enough for them to withstand one, two, or even three times, the most disastrous failure.

But kanus, who was a werewolf, could not.

The only reason he was able to ascend the supreme throne was because he had convinced all the high orcs and even the chaos races that he could bring them a great victory that was unprecedented.

One failure meant eternal damnation.

Not only him, but the entire werewolf race could be crushed into pieces.

Faced with the various forces of the Tulan civilization that were ready to stir up trouble, he could only march forward and silence those who doubted him with one victory after another.

He also used the spoils of war to barely maintain the overloaded war machine and fill the stomachs of his so-called ‘allies’that could never be filled.

In the end, he, the Wolf clan, the Tulan civilization, and the entire chaos camp, including the Dragon City civilization, all fell into eternal damnation.

Because of Meng Chao’s hard work, the Dragon City civilization ended the monster war two or three years earlier than in his previous life with a great victory.

Well, actually, there wasn’t a 100% chance of winning.

The remnants of the monster civilization were still lurking in the inner parts of Dragon City, even in the depths of the brain of some of the Dragon City’s powerhouses.

For example, ‘LÜ Siya’.

But according to the analysis from the memories of his previous life, as long as the remnants of the monster civilization were like the people of Dragon City and wanted to survive under the wrath of the gods, they wouldn’t choose to come out and cause trouble at this time.

The current “Jackal”kanus had yet to rise up by suppressing the “Great Horn Rebellion”.

However, Meng Chao was convinced that if he wanted to stir up the fate of destruction, “Jackal”kanus was the best fulcrum.

How to use this fulcrum was a very complicated matter.

Meng Chao had two choices.

Either he found “Jackal”kanus and tightly hugged the thighs of “Corpse-eating dog, Wilderness Wolf, disaster wolf, and Doomsday Wolf”.

He believed that just like in his previous life, “Jackal”kanus desperately needed the help of his friends on Earth, using automatic rifles, rocket launchers, infantry tanks, and even main battle tanks to maintain his unstable rule.

But by doing so, he still couldn’t solve the problem that “Jackal”kanus would start a war in another world, but he couldn’t win or even end the war. He would only drag everyone down with him.

Or, find “Jackal”kanus.

Before he evolved into “King Tulan, Wilderness Wolf, disaster wolf, and Doomsday Wolf”.

Kill him.

Although he did not have this guy who lit the fuse.

A war between worlds was still inevitable. It would erupt under the impetus of the irreconcilable conflicts that had accumulated for thousands of years.

But the eastern front might not necessarily fire the first shot and become a joint meat processing factory that devoured endless flesh and blood.

The Dragon City civilization could also have a longer time to develop in a wretched manner and perfectly digest the legacy of the monster civilization. From being a pawn of the chaos faction to becoming the ruler of the chaos faction, and finally, winning this damn war?

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