Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1005 - Armor, Fusion!

Chapter 1005: Armor, Fusion!

Accompanied by the high-frequency vibration of the vitality magnetic field…

Meng Chao pushed the spirit magnetic field formed by the hundreds of interweaving spirit meridians to its limit.

The spirit energy contained in the hundreds of spirit meridians in his heart was like the convergence of a hundred rivers, surging out of his heart like a flood. Through the breastplate carved with a highly abstract ox head pattern, it wrapped up the brand-new broken pieces of the armor.

The breastplate and the piece of armor shone at the same time.

Gradually, they became translucent. They were like melted glass, but also felt like molten iron.

Then, the breastplate and shoulder pads that belonged to the wild boar warriors a moment ago turned into liquid metal with no fixed shape again and merged into Meng Chao’s breastplate.

Meng Chao let out a satisfied sigh.

It was as if he had just eaten a sumptuous feast.

His breastplate had undergone visible changes.

The pieces became thicker, sturdier, and integrated into one.

The ox head pattern in the middle of the breastplate also became more abstract. It completely broke away from the characteristics of a wild ox and looked more like a black ghost with devil’s horns.

On both sides of the “black Ghost with big horns,” there were six streamlined flow channels.

When running at high speed, they could guide the air in front to the back and put pressure on Meng Chao from the back to help him accelerate to the maximum.

They could also skillfully guide the enemy to attack Meng Chao’s chest directly, sliding past his body and pouring down from the back.

From the appearance, the totem armor that had absorbed the brand-new fragments also became more mysterious and fierce. It was more like a ghost from the end of the world.

In Meng Chao’s vision, a large number of shining cuneiform words appeared.

Although he could not understand the specific content, he could still understand the shining arrows behind the series of numbers.

“Does this mean that after absorbing the new shards of armor, the performance of my breastplate will be greatly improved?” Meng Chao muttered to himself.

It was true. It was becoming more and more like the equipment in a video game being upgraded.

Speaking of which, the advanced orcs who wanted to collapse their civilization and degenerate to the age of the clan had mastered the basic operation of such a powerful individual weapon system. An operating system that was extremely “visual, idiot-proof, what you see is what you get, no training needed, you get it in a second” was quite suitable.

If one wanted to become a totem warrior, like the mechanics in Dragon City, they would have to master a large amount of mechanical principles and general knowledge of engineering dynamics, and even learn the ability of precise maintenance and programming…

It was likely that the “totem power” had long been lost or even annihilated, just like the other black technologies created by the Turan ancestors.

“In order to let the constantly degenerating advanced orcs still have some fighting power, their ancestors really worried themselves to death.”

For some reason, such a fighting and leveling mode reminded Meng Chao of some parents who would dig a hole in the middle of pancakes and hang them around the neck of their silly son before they went on a long journey.

It was a real pity for such parents in the world.

It was a pity that the Turan civilization in his previous life had still been destroyed along with the Dragon City civilization.

It was just like how the silly son starved to death after chewing off a circle of pancake around his neck.

Just as he had perfectly absorbed the new fragments and made the totem battle armor even more powerful…

The “system assistant,” which was the few ferocious souls that had transformed into the previous owners of the totem battle armor, once again came out, cheering for Meng Chao.

They were chattering non-stop, as if they were saying, “Well done, keep up the good work and strive to devour more fragments to upgrade the totem armor to its strongest state.”

“Of course I will upgrade it to its strongest state…”

Meng Chao muttered in his heart, “However, can you turn off this system assistant? These fierce souls are really… too ugly.”

Meng Chao could barely accept that the artificial intelligence hidden in the totem armor had taken the initiative to activate the cool sound and light effects for its thief.

There was a saying that when fighting with the special effects maxed out, even a normal jab could draw out the feeling of a sure-kill. It was indeed… pretty cool.

It did not matter if he was dealing with these ordinary soldiers in front of him.

However, Meng Chao felt that if he was able to max out the special effects when he was fighting against a strong opponent like the monster mastermind and there were people constantly cheering for him in his mind, then perhaps his combat strength… could really be increased by more than 5% !

The problem was that these people who were cheering for him were really too ugly!

They were all Minotaurs with big waists, fierce looks, and chest hair that was thicker than his hair. They waved their blood-stained battle axes and battle hammers as they roared at the top of their lungs.

Perhaps ordinary clan warriors would like this kind of cheering method.

However, Meng Chao truly could not stand these hideous ghosts—even if they were just illusions, they would still float around in his vision during a battle.

“Even if the totem armor’s operating system has to have a system assistant, can’t we change it to a more attractive set of skin?” Meng Chao ridiculed silently.

Suddenly, a flash appeared in front of his eyes, and the fierce souls all changed from fierce-looking Minotaur warriors to fierce-looking Minotaur warriors with chest muscles that were three to five times more developed.


“So you can really customize the skin of a system assistant?”

“However, the ‘attractiveness’ that I’m talking about doesn’t mean that the Minotaur has to become a female Minotaur warrior.

“Moreover, this change is too perfunctory. Other than having two thick and long braids on their heads and an additional few lumps of chest muscles, what’s the difference between female warriors and the ferocious souls just now? Plus, their chest hair is even longer than that of those fierce souls from earlier!”

The totem armor seemed to have heard Meng Chao’s ridicule.

It changed its appearance once again.

This time, the system assistant projected in Meng Chao’s vision took the appearance of Ice Storm.

The snow leopard warrior in Meng Chao’s mind had changed from being as cold as ice in the real world.

Just like those previous fierce souls, she was now like an excited female gorilla, cheering and jumping for his victory and strength.

“This skin looks much better than that of a stocky female Minotaur warrior.”

Meng Chao thought to himself, “However, it still feels strange. After all, I’m not very familiar with Ice Storm. We’re only working together temporarily to get what we want. Her image keeps appearing in my mind all day long. It feels quite twisted, like I’m a pervert with a very low level of interest.”

The totem armor carried out its master’s request loyally once again.

From Ice Storm, it changed its appearance to that of “Lu Siya.”

Of course, she had green hair and red eyes. The vital parts of her body were wrapped in leaves and moss. Her expression became increasingly seductive, and her figure grew more and more soul-stirring. It was the “will banshee” version of Lu Siya.

As expected of the black technology that condensed the wisdom of the Turan ancestors…

It could satisfy all the needs of its master.

It could even use its master’s memory materials to automatically create an image that would leave the deepest impression on its master. It could stimulate its master’s combat ability and desire to conquer, which would make its master fight and grow stronger!

“Wait a minute, what desire to conquer? There’s no desire to conquer. Sister Ya had more of a desire to conquer me!”

Meng Chao frowned. “Besides, Sister Ya is now under Mother 1’s control. In order to save me, she didn’t hesitate to fall into hell!

“Once I cultivate my totem power to the extreme in Picturesque Orchid Lake, I have to go back and save her!”

Meng Chao wanted the totem armor to turn the system assistant’s skin back into the original Minotaur ferocious soul to prove his innocence.

Then, a thought occurred to him again…

“Sister Ya is now under Mother 1’s control and has become Lu Siya.

“When I return to Dragon City, there will definitely be a battle between me and Lu Siya.

“If I want to save Sister Ya, I have to defeat ‘Lu Siya’ and suppress her brutally.

“From this perspective, I can picture Lu Siya’s evil, weird, and mysterious appearance in my mind all day long. I can get used to it as soon as possible and get tired of her beauty. I can try my best not to be bewitched by the banshee the next time we meet, and I can also warn myself day and night not to forget my original intention and mission. Killing two birds with one stone will be very beneficial.

“Forget it, the system’s appearance isn’t important. As long as I have an upright and pure heart, what’s the difference between ‘Lu Siya’ and the fierce soul of a Minotaur warrior? I can’t be bothered to change it.”.

“What’s important is…”

Meng Chao seemed to be in the cooldown period after the integration of the battle armor. His mind had yet to recover from the impact of the great totem power, and he stood on the ruins in a daze.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a Minotaur warrior with totem battle armor on his legs. He was moving stealthily toward his back.

Molded by his will, when the totem battle armor and fragments from Big Buck were put on, they underwent a complete transformation.

The brand-new style of pursuing lightness, secrecy, and extreme speed was also very different from the Minotaur warrior’s style of being strong, powerful, and fierce.

Therefore, the Minotaur warrior did not treat him as a companion.

He thought that he was a helper that the wild boar warrior had invited to help him.

Seeing Meng Chao’s “dumbstruck” look, he naturally would not let go of the golden opportunity. Using the cover of the smoke and dust, he “sneaked” to three meters behind Meng Chao. Only then did he let out a low roar and suddenly pounced on him, he smashed his Warhammer heavily at the back of Meng Chao’s head.

Unfortunately, the Minotaur warrior seemed to have completely misunderstood the meaning of “sneaked.”

The moment his iron hoofs stepped on the ruins and emitted a “kacha kacha” sound, his intentions were clearly determined by Meng Chao.

Thus, at the same time that the Minotaur warrior pounced forward, Meng Chao’s legs exerted heavy force on the ruins beneath his feet, creating a hole more than half a meter deep in the ruins.

He fell straight down like a weight.

The height of his head was naturally half a meter lower than before.

As a result, the Minotaur warrior’s war hammer, which was mixed with blood, brain matter, and bone dregs, swung over his head.

The Minotaur warrior did not leave behind any contingency plan for the strike that he was determined to achieve.

However, after being struck by the war hammer, the huge inertia caused him to stagger and almost roll under the ruins that were on the verge of collapsing again.

When he finally regained his balance.

He saw Meng Chao’s eyes, which seemed to be burning with black flames, shining through the translucent mask.

What he had tested just now was a series of continuous thrusts like a storm.

Now, Meng Chao wanted to test the power of the ultimate fist!

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